Rizwan Aslam Rai (2008-VA-578)

Evaluation Of Antiviral Activity Of Opuntia Delliniand Carica Papayaagainst Newcastle Disease Virus - 2016. - 66p.;

This Study was designed to find out the antiviral activity of Opuntia dellini and Carica
papaya against Newcastle disease virus.
In this study three different concentrations(2%,4% and 8%) of aquous extracts of fresh leaves of Opuntia dellini andCarica papaya leaves were evaluated for their antiviral activity by injecting into 10 days old live embryonated broiler chicken eggs, through chorioallantoic sac route. For each drug (Opuntia dellini and Carica papaya), embryonated eggs were treated with three different concentrations to evaluate toxicity and to check the antiviral efficacy. Embryonated eggs were treated with the suspensions of three different concentration of drug with 4HA titer ofNewcastle disease virus(NDV)
In case of Opuntia delliniiall the three concentrations used were non toxic for embryos but antiviral effect was observed only by 4gm and 8gm/100ml concentrations of the respective extracts of respective plant.Carica papaya leaves extract, 2gm, 4gm and 8gm/100ml were failed to check viral replication, but were not lethal for chicken embryos.
Thewhole data contained constant values so only descriptive statistics was applied to evaluate results and for comparison studies.
So it is concluded that Both plants are non toxic for embyonated chick eggs as all embyos were alive in groups C1,C2 and C3, whileOpuntia dellinishowed antiviral effect against NDV at 4 gm and 8 gm/100ml doses as all embryos remained alive in groups, D1,D2, D3.Whereas Carica papaya extract could not show antiviral effect as embryos died in their respective groups D1, D2, and D3. As outcome it investigated that Opuntia dellini can be used in poultry flocks to avoid Newcastle disease.

Pharmacology & Toxicology


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