Riaz, M

Studies On The Effect Of N.Fac-1000 As Stress Reducer Under High Population Density In Broilers - 1998

The effect of N.Fac-1000 was studied on weight gain, feed consumed, feed conversion, dressing percentage and bone meat ratio on broiler with regards to stocking density under the prevailing Pakistani climatic condition.

Three hundred and sixty one day old broiler chicks were obtained from a commercial hatchery and were fed on commercial broiler starter ration upto 28 days, and finisher upto 42 days - libitum. The chicks were divided into 6 groups as A, B and C supplemented with N.Fac-1000 (treatment groups) and D, E and F without supplementation (control group) and reared at 1.0 Sq.ft, 0.75 Sq.ft and 0.50 Sq.ft respectively.

During the course of study, the birds were weighed weekly and their weekly feed consumption was also recorded. The FCR was also calculated. At the end of experiment 3 birds from each replicate were slaughtered and dressed to determine the dressing percentage and bone meat ratio. The economics of the project was also calculated.

The results indicated that the weight gain in groups fed on ration containing N.Fac-1000 were significantly better as compared to those fed on ration without N.Fac-1000 supplementation. Similarly difference space densities also showed effect on the effect the weight gain of the birds. It was also observed that a maximum gain in body weight was observed at 6th week in the chicks fed on ration supplemented with N.Fac-1000.

The feed consumption in groups fed on ration supplemented with N.Fac-1000 showed significantly better results as compared to those fed on ration without N.Fac-1000 supplementation. There was also a significant difference among different groups of birds regarding feed consumption provided 1.00, 0.75 and 0.50 Sq.ft of space. It was also observed that feed consumption increase with the increase of age of birds.

The FCR in groups fed on ration supplemented with N.Fac1000 showed better results as compared to those fed on ration without N.Fac-1000 supplementation. There was also significant difference among different groups of birds regarding FCR. Significant difference in F.C.R. was also observed regarding increase of age from 0-6 weeks.

A significant difference could not be observed amongst the bird so far as dressing percentage and bone meat ratio on concerned.

While calculating the economics it was observed that the groups supplemented with N.Fac-1000 showed better performance compared with the control group.

It was concluded from this study that stress due to reduced floor spacing can be minimized with the addition of a stress reduce i.e. N.Fac-1000 in the ration of the birds.

The overall picture of the results as depicted from the mean and ANOVA tables indicated that the birds fed on ration supplemented with N.Fac-1000 showed significantly better performance. They gained significantly better weight, consumed less feed, had better FCR, dressing percentage find bone meat ratio than the control group. The order ofmerit was also as A, B and C.

Department of Livestock Production


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