Sarfraz Ahmed

Prevalence And Treatment Of Faciolosis In Buffaloes Under Farm Conditions - 2002

The present study was designed to investigate the prevalence of fasciolosis in buffaloes under farm conditions, efficacy of recently introduced Homeopathic (Trematox) with Allopathic (Zanil, ICI) drug and economic losses in terms of liver damage and decrease in milk production. For this purpose, 500 faecal samples were examined for the presence of liver fluke. The prevalence was observed 15% in buffaloes under farm conditions located in Okara district. For therapeutic purpose, sixty naturally infected and 20 healthy buffaloes were selected and divided into four equal groups i.e. A, B, C and D containing 20 animals each. Anirnals of group-A (healthy animals) were given no medication. Animals of group-B were infected control group. Animals of group-C were treated with Zanil (Oxyclozanide), while animals of group-D were treated with Trematox (A horneopathetic drug).

The therapeutic efficacy of Zanil and Trematox was compared on the basis of pre- and post-medication egg counts. The animals used for this study were naturally infected buffaloes (confirmed by faecal examination). Sixty positive and 20 negative cases were selected for tlie study. rfhe faecal samples were collected directly from the rectum of the animals.

Eggs per gram of faeces (EPG) and clinical performance were monitored. Faecal samples were examined at zero, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th and 18th day post-treatment. Animals which remained positive on 18th day were given a second dose of the respective drug on the same day and their faecal samples were further examined on 21st and 28th day.In buffaloes treated with Trematox the efflcacy recorded was 20.45% on 3rd day, 29.54% on 5th day, 40.90% on 7th day, 47.72% on 10th day, 50% on 14th day, 54.54% on 18th dày, 56.81% on 21st day and 61.36% on 28th day.

Buffaloes treated with Zanil showed better results than Trernatox. Decrease in the faecal egg counts was 39.13% on 3rd day, 56.52% on 5th clay, 69.56% on 7th day, 78.26% on 10th day, 82% on14th day, 86.95% on 18th day, 93.47% on 21st day and 95.65% on
28th day as compared to that of zero day.

The economic losses due to liver damage recorded were 21.6 million (Rs.) annually in 600 animals. Wheras economic loss in terms of decrease in milk production in infected animals was recorded as Rs.10,800 annually per animals

Department of Parasitology


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