Uzma Farid Durrani

Role Of Alpha-2-Adrenocepter Agonists As Sedative And Analgesic In Fancy Birds - 2003

This project was designed to study the role of alpha-2-adrenocepter agonists as sedative and analgesic in fancy birds. A study was conducted on budgerigars pigeons and quails which were devided into three groups i.e. group A (budgerigar), group B (pigeon) and group C (quail), each group with fifty birds. Each group was subdivided into five subgroups i.e. X, D, K, X-K and D-K, each subgroup with 10 birds. All birds were physically examined and weighed. In group A, all birds of subgroups X, D, K, X-K, D-K were given xylazine (20mg/kg), detomidine (2.8mg/kg), ketamine (80mg/kg), xylazine+ketamine (1 Omg/kg+4Omg/kg) detomidine+ketamine (1 .4mg/kg+4Omg/kg) respectively via intramuscular route. In group B, all birds of subgroups X, D, K, X-K, D-K were given xylazine (16mg/kg), detomidine (1 .4mg/kg), ketamine (60mg/kg), xylazine+ketamine (8mg/kg+3 0mg/kg), detomidine+ketamine (0.7mg/kg + 30mg/kg) respectively via intramuscular route. In group C, all birds of subgroups X, D, K, X-K, D-K were given xylazine (18mg/kg), detomidine (2.4mg/kg), ketamine (60mg/kg), xylazine+ketamine (9mglkg+30mg/kg), detomidine+ketamine (1 .2mg/kg+3 0mg/kg) respectively via intramuscular route.

Different parameters i.e. time and nature of induction, duration, recovery, temperature, respiration, heart rate, reflexes and degree of analgesia were used for the evaluation of sedation and anaesthesia.

The results of this study indicated that in budgerigars, for non surgical procedures, xylazine (alone) can be used safely. For minor and major surgical procedures of budgerigars xylazine-ketamine combination can be used safely. In pigeons, for non surgical procedures, detomidine (alone) can be used safely; however, in case of unavailability of detomidine second choice is xylazine (alone). For minor and major surgical procedures of pigeons either xylazine-ketamine combination or detomidine-ketamine combination can be used safely. In quails, for non surgical procedures, xylazine (alone) can be used safely while for minor and major surgical procedures of quails, xylazine-ketamine combination can be used safely. Second choice for this purpose is detomidine-ketamine combination. All sedatives and anaesthetics should be used with proper thermoregulatory measures.

Department of Pharmaoclogy & Toxicology


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