Shahzada Khurram Syed

Comparative Efficacy Of Various Antiviral Agents Against Newcastle Disease Virus - 2010

In this project, 120 embryonated broiler chicken eggs of 9th days were obtained from Hi-tech laboratories Pvt Ltd and were placed in WTO quality control laboratory. Eggs were candled for separation of live embryos. For each drug to be tested, embryonated eggs were divided in 8 groups and marked them with lead pencil.
Eggs were disinfected with 70% ethanol. The New castle disease was virus obtained from Department of Microbiology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore. Virus was identified by haemagglutination inhibition test. To prepare inoculums, stored virus was admixed at room temperature with antibiotics. Each embryonated eggs were inoculated with 0.1 ml of inoculum with the lml of BD syringes.
Eggs were incubated for 72 hours with frequent candling after every 24 hours. After, 72 hours of post inoculation, all live and dead embryos in eggs were kept in refrigerator at 4°C to 8°C. After, 72 hours antiviral groups were checked for the replication of ND virus by means of spot haemagglutination test. Drug's toxicity was checked for the viability of embryo by candling.
Three different concentrations of plant extracts of garlic, glycyrriza and ribavirin in normal saline were evaluated for' their antiviral activity and toxicity in embryonated eggs. Three concentrations for glycyrrhiza 1 5mg/iOOml, 30mg/i OOml and 60mg/i OOml were used. l5mg/lOOmi was neither toxic nor against virus. 6Omg/lOOmi was toxic and killed the embryos. Only 3Omg/lOOmi was antiviral as well as non-toxic.

Three different of concentrations of garlic were lgm/lOOmi, 5gm/lOOmi and 10gm/lOOm!. lgm/lOOmi was not having antiviral activity and it did not stop virus replication. 5gm/lOOmi and lOgm/lOOmi stopped virus replication and also non-toxic.

Three different concentrations 5ig/m1, lOtg/ml, 2Oig/ml of ribavirin were used. The first concentration was not having toxicity and antiviral activity. Second concentration was antiviral as well as non-toxic. Third concentration was toxic and killed the embryos.

This project was designed to investigate the efficacy of ribavirin and plant extracts (garlic and glycyrrhiza) against new castle disease virus and to reduce the cost of antiviral medicines and to explore flora of Pakistan.

Department of Pharmaoclogy & Toxicology


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