Saeed Ahmad Barvi

To Study The Comparative Efficacy Of Cloprostenol And Estradio For The Treatment Of Endometritis In Cross Bred - 1992

This study was conducted to compare the efficacy of cioprostenol and estradiol for the treatment of 1st degree endornetrët:is in cross bred dairy cows.

One hundred and sixty cross bred cows suffering from 1st degree endometrétis were selected amongst the animals brought for A.I. or repeat breeding at different A.I.Centres/Sub-centres in Lahore city. After detailed gynaecological examination animals were randomly divided into four treatment groups. Forty cross bred cows in group 'A' were injected cloprostenol on day 10 of oestrous cycle and cured animals were
inseminated at the end of induced oestrus. Similarly were in group 'B' 40 cross bred cows were injected cloprostenol on day 10 of oestrous cycle and cured animals were inseminated at the end of oestrus that followed the induced one. in group 'C' endometretic bred cows were treated with estradiol intrauterinally for 3
alternate days of oestrous cycle and the cured animals were inseminated on next oestrus, Group 'D' comprised forty cross bred cows. This group served for all other groups as control. All the animals were inseminated without any treatment. After two months all the animals were palpated rectaly for pregnancy diagnosis. Only 144 animals could he traced for pregnancy diagnosis. While others died or were sold and transferred to untraceable places. The percent curative and conception rate observed in cloprostenol treated group 'A' (ind-oestus) were 75, 66.66, respectively. Similarly in group 'B' the percent curative and conception rate in cloprostenol treated (followed lind - oestrus) aimais were 87.50, 76.47. In estradiol treated animals the curative rate was 62.50% while conception rate observed was 60.86%. In control group only 40% animals conceived after insemination. On the basis of curative and conception rates cloprostenol was found better than stilboestrol for the treatment of 1st degree endometrtis. Moreover, in cloprostenol trente(1 group resti tt of inseminat ions in Tind oestrus was found better than induced one. Therefore, cloprostenol treatment is recommended as a drug of first choice for the treatment of 1st degree endometritis in cross bred diary cows.

Department of Theriogenology


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