Sadia Chaudhry

Prevalence Of Pediculosis In Government Primary School Children Of Lahore - 2011

Pediculosis capitis is endemic parasite affecting many areas of the world. The objectives of my studies was to record prevalence of head lice in school children in Lahore.

A total of 500 primary school children examined for the prevalence of Pediculus capitis, aged 7-11 years and above. The child was declared as infected person if any head lice were detected either in the form of live or dead eggs, or nits.

The following characteristics were recorded for each child such as the sex, age, monthly income, family size, , pet ownership, parents' education, number of siblings, frequency of hair washing and presence or absence of social security of the family were recorded for all children

Pediculosis capitis was recorded in 387 (77%) children. The prevalence of head lice infestation was significantly more in girls (85%) than in boys (52%).

Among school girls, the head lice infestation rates in Low, Middle and High socio-economic groups were 96%, 85% and 71% respectively. Among school boys, the prevalence of head lice rates in Low, Middle and High socio-economic groups were 60%, 50% and 36% respectively.

Children of age 9-10 years and those age 11 years exhibited a significantly low prevalence than those of age 7-8 years.

Some variables were found to be significantly related to head lice infestation such as sex, pet ownership, age, parent's education level and hair length. This study shows that major factor influencing the occurrence of Pediculosis is socio-economic status among school children of both sexes (male and female) in the Lahore.

The results of this study was shows that the prevalence of head lice infestation (pediculosis capitis) is high in Lahore, and is found in all investigated schools regardless of personal hygiene and socio-economic status.

Department of Parasitology


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