Rabia Umer

Dna Typing And Quantification Of Lip Cosmetic Samples For Forensic Casework Analysis - 2011

Biological evidences have most significant place in forensic analysis. These biological evidences may consist of blood, hair, tissue, nails and saliva. While lip cosmetics can also become important non-biological source in certain cases. Considering this fact, present study was designed to get DNA from different sources of lipstick and its impressions. DNA as biological evidence had been collected from lips after using lipstick, used lipstick, eaten-apple, bite-mark from arm, facemask and tissue with lipstick impressions, cigarette butt, pen, kiss and glass from female donors. Buccal swabs were also taken as reference.
DNA extraction from these lipstick stained samples was done by organic method while quantification was performed through RT-PCR by using Quantifiler assay. All amplifications were performed using (IdentifilerTM Kit having 16 STRs) GeneAmp PCR System 9700 thermal cycler for 28 cycles and the amplified product was analyzed with ABI Prism 3100 Genetic Analyzer and GeneMapper® ID analysis software v3.2. All profiles were successfully matched with their reference DNA.
Present study may help to develop a tool for extraction and quantification of DNA from trace evidence like lipstick obtained from crime scenes in forensic analysis. This study was done on preliminary basis in Pakistan and successful results were obtained for forensic analysis. Furthermore, this research may be extended by increasing number of samples, gender discrimination and detection of SNP in samples generating partial profile.

Institute of Biochemistry & Biotechnology


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