Bushra Ejaz

A Study On Occurrence Of Round Worm Infection And Comparative Efficacy Of Herbal And Conventional Drugs Against The Natural intestinal Nematodiosis in Cats - 2010

The study was conducted to check the intestinal nematodes in cats and comparative efficacy of herbal and convention drugs against intestinal nematodiosis. Therapeutic trials were conducting by using three herbal drugs Nigella sativa, Punica granatum,
Citrullus colocynthis and one conventional drug i.e. Mebendazole (Vermox). A total of 400 samples of cats were examined for intestinal nematodiosis of these 77.50 % were found positive for intestinal nematodiosis .The parasites found in order of frequencies were Toxocara cati (93.54%), Toxascaris leonine( 75.80%) and Ancylostoma tubaeforme (48.38 %).
. Over all high prevalence was recorded in cats less than one year of age than above one year. There was no difference in prevalence of parasitism between males and females.
Result of chemotherapeutic trials showed that among herbal drugs Nigella sativa was found to be very effictive 95.94%, followed by Citrullus colocynthis (93.63%) and then Punica granatum (85.90%). Vermox showed 100 % efficacy against intestinal nematodes.

Department of Parasitology


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