
Oxidative Stabilization Of Butter Oil (Enriched With Iron) By Natural Nanti-Oxidant - 2013

The chief purpose of this study was developed to check the natural antioxidant prospective of sesame oil against oxidation of iron fortified butter oil during storage period by using different concentrations and to investigate oxidative stability. Sesame oil and turmeric powder was used as natural antioxidants and was augmented in butter oil at 3 different levels i.e. 5%, 10% and 15% of sesame oil and 0.10%, 0.15%, 0.20% of turmeric powder in T1, T2 and T3 respectively.
These three treatments were matched with control T0 which did not contain any antioxidant. Butter oil was procured having 0.27% moisture. Then the antioxidants were augmented and mixed thoroughly and stored at 40 0C in an incubation lab up to 90 days. After that all the four treatments were analyzed to check the oxidative stability by using chemical parameters like POV, FFA, TBA, Shaal oven test and rancidity at zero day and after every 1 month of storage period up to 3 months.
The oxidation of iron fortified butter oil reduces their shelf life. These natural antioxidants are effective against oxidation. Due to this reason, a number of legislations of the world are emphasizing on the use of these natural antioxidants. Also at the international level there is emphasis on the use of natural sources of antioxidants to reduce the oxidation problems in food fat.

The Sesame oil was incorporated in the iron (Iron sulfate) fortified butter oil. To check oxidation, peroxide value, TBA value and FFA etc. were used as a tool to determine the oxidative stability. During the storage period, prepared samples were also evaluated to check their sensory attributes. The data collected was analyzed using two way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) techniques.
In Pakistan, a very little work has been done to check the potential of natural sources of anti-oxidants for the oxidative stabilization of fat based dairy products. This study will be highly helpful to explore the potential of natural plant source antioxidants against oxidative stabilization of butter oil. Fortified butter oil can also be further used to develop value added dairy products. In addition, we are able to generate an inventory for the replacement of health hazardous synthetic anti-oxidants by natural sources of plant anti-oxidants. That was a very positive exploitation of indigenous sources which can even be used as a reference in future to control the oxidation of fat based dairy products.

Department of Dairy Technology


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