Thomas P. Colville

Clinical Anatomy & Physiology for Veterinary Technicians - 1st ed. - [S.l.] : Elsevier Mosby; 2002. - 452 p. ;

Veterinary technicians must have a solid grasp of the underlying science in their field, and anatomy and physiology is a key component of the veterinary technology curriculum. CLINICAL ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY FOR THE VETERINARY TECHNICIAN is the first comprehensive work designed to cover clinically relevant A&P content. Written by veterinary technician educators at a level appropriate for students, it covers dogs, cats, horses, and cattle, integrated throughout each chapter. A separate chapter at the end of the book is devoted to birds.

0323008194 (paperback) 9780323008198 (paperback)

Clinical Anatomy
Veterinary physiology
Veterinary anatomy

636.0891 Thomas 23195 1st 2002 Anatomy

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