Kellems, Richard O.

Livestock Feeds and Feeding / 5th ed - 5th ed. - USA: Prentice Hall; 2003. - 654 p. ; - 5th edition. .

For Applied Animal Nutrition, Livestock Feeds and Feeding, and Advanced Livestock Feeding and Management. This valuable resource concentrates on the practical application of nutrition for the production of effective, high-producing commercial livestock. It presents the required nutrients, nutrient utilization, a variety of feedstuffs and diets and their appropriate usage. Readers will also discover how to save money on feed costs and still raise larger, faster-gaining, more productive, healthier animals and increase the return investment on livestock.

0130105821 (hardcover) 9780130105820 (hardcover)

Animal Nutrition
Feeds and Feeding
Animal Feeds

636.084 Kellems 17102 5th 2003 A.Nutrition

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