Bender, David A.

Introduction to Nutrition and Metabolism - 3rd ed. - USA: CRC Press; 2002. - 450 p. ;

The third edition of this leading textbook builds upon the excellent foundation of the previous two editions. It explains and explores the science underlying our current understanding of the interactions between diet and health, and the basis for current dietary goals and recommendations. It also provides a concise and authoritative description of the biochemistry that is essential to an understanding of the functions of nutrients and the importance of diet and nutrition for health and disease. The discussion of metabolic pathways and their regulation is illustrated by clear and simple diagrams, and is linked throughout to nutritional and physiological aspects.

0415257999 (paperback) 9780415257992 (paperback)

Food Science and Human Nutrition
Hunger and Appetite
Metabolic Fuels

612.39 Bender 17588 3rd 2002 H.Nutrition

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