Muhammad Amir Rasheed (2014-VA-781)

Hemoglobin Replenishment Trend In Pregnant Female In Relation To Dietary Intake - 2015 - 53p.;

Anemia is defined as, low concentration of hemoglobin. IDA is the most prevalent form of anemia especially in developing countries. It becomes more threatening in pregnancy. It is greatly linked with dietary habits choices. It can be substantially improved with proper dietary choices which can be improved by nutrition education. Low dietary intake of iron in pregnancy may be improved by nutritional education. Gravidas females will be divided into two groups; Group A (Controlled group) and Group B (experimental group). Group B will be guided by nutritional education about the IDA, but Group A will not be guided. Clinical tests of patients will be performed three times, with an interval of one month. CBC and serum iron level test will be conducted. The data will be analyzed by t-test using SPSS version 20.0. P values ≤ 0.05 will be considered significant.
This study will help to assess the relationship of Iron deficiency anemia with pregnancy in relation to dietary intake.

Department of Food and Nutrition


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