Huizingh, Eelko K R E.

Applied Statistics with SPSS - [London] : SAGE Publications Ltd; 2007. - 368 p. ;

Accessibly written and easy to use, Applied Statistics Using SPSS is an all-in-one self-study guide to SPSS and do-it-yourself guide to statistics. What is unique about Eelko Huizingh’s approach is that this book is based around the needs of undergraduate students embarking on their own research project, and its self-help style is designed to boost the skills and confidence of those that will need to use SPSS in the course of their research project. The book is pedagogically well developed and contains many screen dumps and exercises, glossary terms, and worked examples

1412919304 (hardcover) 9781412919302 (hardcover)

Statistics, applied statistics, spss

519.5 Huizingh 19316 1st 2007 Statistics

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