Prevalence Of Tick Borne Hemoparasites And Identification Of Ticks With Their Treatment In Dogs (Record no. 6350)
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041 ## - LANGUAGE CODE | |
Language code of text/sound track or separate title | eng |
Classification number | 2303-T |
Personal name | Muhammad Shehriyar Khan (2013-VA-438) |
Location of meeting | Dr. Muhammad Ijaz |
245 ## - TITLE STATEMENT | |
Title | Prevalence Of Tick Borne Hemoparasites And Identification Of Ticks With Their Treatment In Dogs |
Year of publication | 2015 |
Number of Pages | 63p.; |
Dissertation note | Dogs are one of the most commonly owned companion pets worldwide. They are kept for various factors such as hunting, guarding, and amusement or for animal assisted therapy. Tick infestation is a common problem in dogs and its transmitted infections usually tick borne hemoparasitic diseases are emerging as a worldwide problem not just for animals but also for humans. Due to this phenomenon, ticks are now recognized as a major cause of various diseases in of urban environments. The current research has been conducted to study the prevalence of tick infestation, associated risk factors and chemotherapeutic trials of topical acaricides were used in order to study comparative efficacy, were conducted in dogs. Furthermore, prevalence of tick borne hemoparasitic diseases was also observed by performing microscopic blood smear examination in dogs of Lahore district. A total of 300 dogs (n= 200 positive for tick infestation; n= 100 negative for tick infestation) having tick infestation were included in the present study. Dogs of different sex, age and breed were selected for tick collection. The ticks were collected with the help of forceps from the target sites of each dog, while adopting all necessary measures to avoid damage to the mouth parts of the ticks and skin of the host. The collected ticks were preserved in plastic containers containing 70% ethanol, which was separate for each specimen. Ticks were identified under stereoscope by observing morphological characteristics of each tick, according to the key. Blood sample for tick borne hemoparasitic diseases was drawn from cephalic vein of each dog using disposable syringe and was poured into EDTA vacutainer. Thin blood smear slide was then prepared from the blood of the animal, dried in air and was stained using Geimsa’s staining method. The hemoparasites observed in the blood of the dogs were then characterized and Summary 51 identified by their morphological characteristics. For chemotherapy, a total of 30 tick infested dogs of different breeds viz. Rottweiler, German shepherd and Labrador was used in therapeutic trials. Each breed of dog was divided into 2 subgroups which were then treated with topical ivermectin and fipronil 1500μg/kg b.w and 15mg/kg b.w respectively. Efficacy of the drugs was then measured on the basis of disappearance of clinical signs and reversal of tick infestation at day 2, 4 and 6 of post-medication. Data regarding the prevalence of tick borne hemoparasitic diseases and tick infestation was analyzed by using Non-parametric, Chi-square test whereas data on therapeutic trials was analyzed by Z-test, using statistical package for social science (SPSS). P < 0.05 was considered significant. The results obtained showed us that the study area is at a risk of tick infestation and tick borne hemoparasitic diseases. In dogs, Rhipicephalus sanguineus (brown dog tick) species was observed and identified as a major tick infesting dogs of the study area during the course of study. Various determinants including tick density and its genus, host age, sex, predilection site host breed and season significantly affected the tick infestation in the study area. The prevalence for tick infestation was found highest in Pastoral dogs as compared to other breed types found in dogs. Among breeds German shepherd showed highest prevalence for tick infestation. Adolescence age group among dogs was more prone to tick infestation. The number of males affected by ticks was highest as compared to females in dog population. Among the dog population, majority of the animals infested by ticks were categorized under mild infestation. The most favorable predilection site for tick infestation in dogs was ear pinnae, followed by head and then neck. Monsoon was the most favorable season for tick infestation in dogs. September was found to be highest favorable month for tick infestation in dogs. Summary 52 In tick borne hemoparasitic diseases, babesiosis was the highest prevalent disease in dogs (63.33%), followed by trypanosomiasis (0.66%) and mixed infection (0.33%). Age group among dogs showed non-significant factor affecting prevalence for TBHD’s. The number of affected dogs for babesiosis was greater in adolescence age group as compared to other age groups. On the other hand, trypanosomiasis and mixed infection adult age group was found highly susceptible. Males of canine group were slightly more susceptible than females in case of babesiosis. Similarly for trypanosoniasis and mixed infection males were more prone than females. For babesiosis, monsoon was the most favorable season in dogs. Whereas for trypanosomiasis and mixed infection, post monsoon was found to be favorable season in dogs. In breed type of dogs, prevalence for babesiosis was found highest in Pastoral dogs. In dogs the prevalence for babesiosis was found highest in German shepherd breed, whereas for trypanosomiasis and mixed infection Cross breed was the most susceptible breed. For trypanosomiasis and mixed infection Cross breed was the most susceptible breed type. The prevalence for babesiosis was found highest in the month of September. For trypanosomiasis and mixed infection, the month of October was found to be highest susceptible month for dogs. Chemotherapeutic trial of topical acaricides against tick infestation in dogs revealed that Fipronil was more efficacious drug as compared to Ivermectin. Such type of epidemiological data of tick infestation, TBHDs and its chemotherapeutic trial will help to control tick infestation and tick borne hemoparasitic diseases to save the life of companion animal. |
Topical Term | Department of Clinical Medicine & Surgery |
Personal name | Dr. Muhammad Avais |
Personal name | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan |
Koha item type | Thesis |
Damaged status | Collection code | Permanent Location | Current Location | Shelving location | Date acquired | Full call number | Accession Number | Koha item type |
Veterinary Science | UVAS Library | UVAS Library | Thesis Section | 2015-10-19 | 2303-T | 2303-T | Thesis |