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Effect Of Additional Pructose On The Longevity Of Buffalo & Sahiwal Bull Semen

By: Shafique, M | Not Available.
Contributor(s): Not Available.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: 1970Subject(s): Department of Livestock ProductionDDC classification: 0002,T Dissertation note: The present study was conducted to determine the effect of additional fructose on the longevity of buffalo and Sahiwal bull semen. Two buffalo-bulls and two Sahiwal-bulls of 3 to 9 year of age were selected for the collection of semen. These bulls were stationed at the Artificial Insemination Section of College of Animal Husbandry, Lahore, under identical environmental conditions. A total of 16 samples of semen were collected for the four bulls. BY physical and microscopical examination, samples with four or above mass motility were selected for experiment. Heated homogenized whole-buffalo-milk was used as an extender.Fructose was added in different fractions to the milk (extender) prior to semen extension. Ten percent glycerol alongwith 0.5 mg. of Streptomycin and 500 units of Penicillin per ml. of the extender were also added to each sample. During the study, data were collected in 1:20, 1:30 fructose per 100 ml. of the extender to evaluate the effect of fructose on the longevity of semen. The data were analysed by analysis of variance, and Duncan's Multiple Range Test was also applied to determine the effect of fructose. The Studies revealed that:- 1. The semen samples with additional fructose were significantly of higher quality than that of the samples without fructose. 2. With an increase in the fructose level alongwith extension rate, there was an increase in the longevity of the spermatozoa. 3. Sahiwal bull semen could be preserved over a longer period as compared to that of buffalo bull. 4. On motility basis, 1:40 extension with 2000 mg. of additional fructose per 100 ml. of the extender could safely be used for five and six days in case of buffalo and Sahiwal bull semen respectively. Fructose treated semen is further recommended for field trials with a view to determine actual fertility percentage. 5. The fructose had a significant effect on the longevity of semen both the buffalo and Sahiwal bull semen.
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Thesis Thesis UVAS Library
Thesis Section
Veterinary Science 0002,T (Browse shelf) Available 0002,T
Total holds: 0

The present study was conducted to determine the effect of additional fructose on the longevity of buffalo and Sahiwal bull semen. Two buffalo-bulls and two Sahiwal-bulls of 3 to 9 year of age were selected for the collection of semen. These bulls were stationed at the Artificial Insemination Section of College of Animal Husbandry, Lahore, under identical environmental conditions. A total of 16 samples of semen were collected for the four bulls. BY physical and microscopical examination, samples with four or above mass motility were selected for experiment. Heated homogenized whole-buffalo-milk was used as an extender.Fructose was added in different fractions to the milk (extender) prior to semen extension. Ten percent glycerol alongwith 0.5 mg. of Streptomycin and 500 units of Penicillin per ml. of the extender were also added to each sample.
During the study, data were collected in 1:20, 1:30 fructose per 100 ml. of the extender to evaluate the effect of fructose on the longevity of semen. The data were analysed by analysis of variance, and Duncan's Multiple Range Test was also applied to determine the effect of fructose.
The Studies revealed that:-
1. The semen samples with additional fructose were significantly of higher quality than that of the samples without fructose.
2. With an increase in the fructose level alongwith extension rate, there was an increase in the longevity of the spermatozoa.
3. Sahiwal bull semen could be preserved over a longer period as compared to that of buffalo bull.
4. On motility basis, 1:40 extension with 2000 mg. of additional fructose per 100 ml. of the extender could safely be used for five and six days in case of buffalo and Sahiwal bull semen respectively. Fructose treated semen is further recommended for field trials with a view to determine actual fertility percentage.
5. The fructose had a significant effect on the longevity of semen both the buffalo and Sahiwal bull semen.

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