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A Comparative Investigation Of The Nutritive Value Of Various Commercially Available Fish Meals In Broiler Feeding

By: Anwar ul Haq, Ch | Not Available.
Contributor(s): Not Available.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: 1970Subject(s): Department of Livestock ProductionDDC classification: 0007,T Dissertation note: Two experimens, one of growth and feed efficiency and the other for determination of metabolizable energy were conducted on broiler chicks. Three fish meals of 55, 45 and 40 grades prepared by M/S. Pak primco Ltd. Karachi were evaluated for their nutritive values. The control ration was supplemented with meat meal at the same level. An 8 week growth trial was conducted and broiler chicks fed on experimental rations A, B, C, and D gained average daily weight of 18.88, 18.07, 17.59 and 18.25 grams respectively. Feed efficiency for rations A, B, C and D was 3.18, 3.27, 3.36 and 3.22 respectively. When weight gain and feed efficiency data was subjected to analysis of variance, no significant difference was observed. In the second experiment of one week duration, metabolizable energy value of experimental rations was determined. Nine week old male chicks of equal weights were maintained in battery cages in groups of two. Three groups were fed on each experimental ration. Method of total collection of excreta was adopted. Uncorrected and corrected metabolizable energy values of rations A, B, C and D per gram were calculated and found to be 3.74, 3.35, 3.20 and 3.37 Calories in the former case and 3.50, 3.12 and 3.12 Calories in the latter case on statistical analysis highly significant differences were seen between rations A--B, A--C and A--D, while non significant differences were observed between B-C, B-D and C-D rations. Chicks fed on rations A, B, C and D metabolized nitrogen at the rate of 28.41, 28.48, 24.89 and 30.39 milligrams per gram of diet. Significant difference at 5 percent level was observed between rations D-C, because of high protein and low mineral contents of ration D than ration C. Following conclusions can be drawn from the present research study:- 1. All three fish meals used, possessed high nutritive value. 2. Sun curing may be a satisfactory process of drying fish meals and does not deteriorate the quality of fish meals for poultry feeding. 3. Fish meal of lowest grade gave comparable results in growth, feed efficiency and metabolizable energy values with meat meal and the latter can be completely replaced without effecting the biological value of rations. 4. Complete replacement of meat meal with fih meal of lower quality will decrease the feed cost by 15-20 percent as the latter is available at approximately half of the price of meat meal. 5. Fish meals used at 7 percent level did not give any fishy odour to the meat of broilers. 6. More research work is required to evaluate various fish meals preferably at lower levels.
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Two experimens, one of growth and feed efficiency and the other for determination of metabolizable energy were conducted on broiler chicks. Three fish meals of 55, 45 and 40 grades prepared by M/S. Pak primco Ltd. Karachi were evaluated for their nutritive values. The control ration was supplemented with meat meal at the same level.
An 8 week growth trial was conducted and broiler chicks fed on experimental rations A, B, C, and D gained average daily weight of 18.88, 18.07, 17.59 and 18.25 grams respectively. Feed efficiency for rations A, B, C and D was 3.18, 3.27, 3.36 and 3.22 respectively. When weight gain and feed efficiency data was subjected to analysis of variance, no significant difference was observed.
In the second experiment of one week duration, metabolizable energy value of experimental rations was determined. Nine week old male chicks of equal weights were maintained in battery cages in groups of two. Three groups were fed on each experimental ration. Method of total collection of excreta was adopted. Uncorrected and corrected metabolizable energy values of rations A, B, C and D per gram were calculated and found to be 3.74, 3.35, 3.20 and 3.37 Calories in the former case and 3.50, 3.12 and 3.12 Calories in the latter case on statistical analysis highly significant differences were seen between rations A--B, A--C and A--D, while non significant differences were observed between B-C, B-D and C-D rations.
Chicks fed on rations A, B, C and D metabolized nitrogen at the rate of 28.41, 28.48, 24.89 and 30.39 milligrams per gram of diet. Significant difference at 5 percent level was observed between rations D-C, because of high protein and low mineral contents of ration D than ration C.
Following conclusions can be drawn from the present research study:-
1. All three fish meals used, possessed high nutritive value.
2. Sun curing may be a satisfactory process of drying fish meals and does not deteriorate the quality of fish meals for poultry feeding.
3. Fish meal of lowest grade gave comparable results in growth, feed efficiency and metabolizable energy values with meat meal and the latter can be completely replaced without effecting the biological value of rations.
4. Complete replacement of meat meal with fih meal of lower quality will decrease the feed cost by 15-20 percent as the latter is available at approximately half of the price of meat meal.
5. Fish meals used at 7 percent level did not give any fishy odour to the meat of broilers.
6. More research work is required to evaluate various fish meals preferably at lower levels.

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