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A Comparative Study Of Helminth And Haemoparasites Of Domestic And Wild Pigeons

By: Asma Hussain | Dr. Mubashir Saeed Mian.
Contributor(s): Dr. Asif Rabbani | Dr. Muhammad | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: 1995Subject(s): Department of ParasitologyDDC classification: 0410,T Dissertation note: There is an increasing interest in pigeons and other game and ornamental birds. These birds are generally kept either free roaming or confined in outdoor pens and hence are vulnerable to various parasitic infectious, which greatly effects the productivity of these birds. The meat production of the pigeons can be improved by controlling disease problems particularly helrninths and blood protozoan infections, so that in near future they may contribute towards narrowing down the animal protein supply gap by substituting poultry meat with squabs. The present work was planned for the comparative study of helminths and heemoparasites of domestic and wild pigeons. For this purpose 300 each of guts and blood smears were studied. The overall incidence of gastrointestinal helminths and blood protozoans was 77.33% and 31.99% respectively, while 36% of birds had mixed infection. The incidence of gastro-intestinal helminths and blood protozoa in wild pigeons was 89.33 and 20.66 percent respectively and in domestic pigeons it was 65.33% and 11.33% respectively. Whereas mixed infections were 22% and 14% respectively. The following species of helmitiths and blood protozoa were recorded and identified. 1. Raillietina tetragona 2. Raillietiiia cesticillus 3. Choanolaenia infundibulum 4. Ascaridia colurnbae and 5. Cap illaria obgnata The two species of blood protozoa recovered were: 1. Aegypanella pullorum and 2. Haeiçotuscumbae Among the helrninths recorded, cestodes were found predominating as compared with nernatodes in both wild and domestic pigeons. Raillietina cesticillus was the most common cestode species in both Wild and domestic pigeons i.e. 51 and 33 percent respectively while Asci colurnbae predominated the nernatode species i.e. 18 and 15 percent respectively. The Incidence was higher in wild pigeons. Aegyptianella pullorum was more common blood protozoan i.e. 22 and 11 percent respectively in wild and domestic pigeons. The incidence of Haemoproteus clumbae was 9 and 11 percent respectively.
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There is an increasing interest in pigeons and other game and ornamental birds. These birds are generally kept either free roaming or confined in outdoor pens and hence are vulnerable to various parasitic infectious, which greatly effects the productivity of these birds.

The meat production of the pigeons can be improved by controlling disease problems particularly helrninths and blood protozoan infections, so that in near future they may contribute towards narrowing down the animal protein supply gap by substituting poultry meat with squabs.

The present work was planned for the comparative study of helminths and heemoparasites of domestic and wild pigeons. For this purpose 300 each of guts and blood smears were studied. The overall incidence of gastrointestinal helminths and blood protozoans was 77.33% and 31.99% respectively, while 36% of birds had mixed infection. The incidence of gastro-intestinal helminths and blood protozoa in wild pigeons was 89.33 and 20.66 percent respectively and in domestic pigeons it was 65.33% and 11.33% respectively. Whereas mixed infections were 22% and 14% respectively.
The following species of helmitiths and blood protozoa were recorded and identified.

1. Raillietina tetragona
2. Raillietiiia cesticillus
3. Choanolaenia infundibulum
4. Ascaridia colurnbae and
5. Cap illaria obgnata

The two species of blood protozoa recovered were:
1. Aegypanella pullorum and
2. Haeiçotuscumbae

Among the helrninths recorded, cestodes were found predominating as compared with nernatodes in both wild and domestic pigeons. Raillietina cesticillus was the most common cestode species in both Wild and domestic pigeons i.e. 51 and 33 percent respectively while Asci colurnbae predominated the nernatode species i.e. 18 and 15 percent respectively. The Incidence was higher in wild pigeons.

Aegyptianella pullorum was more common blood protozoan i.e. 22 and 11 percent respectively in wild and domestic pigeons. The incidence of Haemoproteus clumbae was 9 and 11 percent respectively.

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