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Use Of Matri As Vegetable Protein Source In Broiler Ration

By: Saleh, M | Dr. Nisar Ahmed.
Contributor(s): Dr. Jaweeed Ahmad Qureshi | Dr. Mohammad.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: 1995Subject(s): Department of Animal NutritionDDC classification: 0418,T Dissertation note: A study was undertaken to find out the appropriate level of matri (Lathyrus sativus linn) as vegetable protein source in broiler ration. Seven experimental rations containing 0, 10, 15 and 20 percent treated and untreated matri were tried on two hundred and ten day old broiler chicks for the period of 50 days. The chicks were randomly divided into seven groups of thirty chicks each. The birds reared on starter ration upto 28 days of age and on finisher ration for rest of the experimental period. The results showed that the starter ration A (control) containing no matri was best in promoting weight gain, feed consumption and feed utilization. The ration B containing 10% matri (autoclaved) gained more weight and consumed more feed and was better in feed efficiency. Finisher ration A (control) containing no matri was the best in promoting weight gain and the ration B containing 10 percent matri (autoclaved) stood second in number as for as weight gain, feed consumption and feed efficiency was concerned. At the end of the experiment dressing percentage and economics of different rations were also calculated Dressing percentage values were statistically non-significant so far as the cost per Kg live weight wasconcerned, ration B was cheaper while ration A was the cheaper while ration A was the cheapest as compared to all other rations. It was concluded that the ration containg 10% matri can safely be used in broiler ration without showing any deleterious effect on growth and feed consumption.
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A study was undertaken to find out the appropriate level of matri (Lathyrus sativus linn) as vegetable protein source in broiler ration. Seven experimental rations containing 0, 10, 15 and 20 percent treated and untreated matri were tried on two hundred and ten day old broiler chicks for the period of 50 days. The chicks were randomly divided into seven groups of thirty chicks each. The birds reared on starter ration upto 28 days of age and on finisher ration for rest of the experimental period. The results showed that the starter ration A (control) containing no matri was best in promoting weight gain, feed consumption and feed utilization. The ration B containing 10% matri (autoclaved) gained more weight and consumed more feed and was better in feed efficiency. Finisher ration A (control) containing no matri was the best in promoting weight gain and the ration B containing 10 percent matri (autoclaved) stood second in number as for as weight gain, feed consumption and feed efficiency was concerned. At the end of the experiment dressing percentage and economics of different rations were also calculated Dressing percentage values were statistically non-significant so far as the cost per Kg live weight wasconcerned, ration B was cheaper while ration A was the cheaper while ration A was the cheapest as compared to all other rations. It was concluded that the ration containg 10% matri can safely be used in broiler ration without showing any deleterious effect on growth and feed consumption.

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