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Comp;Arative Efficacy Of Ivermectin, Levamisole And Levamisole Plus Cobalt Against Gastro Intestinal Nematodes Of Sheep Under Field Conditions In District Kohat

By: Zahir Shah | Dr.Iftikhar Gul Ahmad.
Contributor(s): Dr.Haji Ahmad | Dr.Muhammad Ashraf | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: 1999Subject(s): Department of Clinical Medicine & SurgeryDDC classification: 0616,T Dissertation note: The present project was designed to evaluate the anthelmintic efficacy and effect of treatment on weight gain of sheep. Fighty sheep of local breed aged 8-10 months positive for gastro-intestinal nematodes were selected from surrounding areas of district 1(ohat (N.W.F.P) and were divided into 4 groups (20 animals in each group). Group A, B and C were given Ivermectin (0.2mg/kg body s/c), Levarnisole 7.5 mg/kg body orally) and Levamisole plus Cobalt (7.5 mg/kg body weight orally) respectively and group U remained as untreated control group. Egg per gram (EPG) of faeces were recorded on "0" day before treatment and on 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th days after treatment.. The efficacy of these drugs were evaluated on the basis of reduction of eggs per gram (EPG) of faeces after medication. These drugs showed a progressive decrease in the faecal egg counts. The percent efFicacy of Tvermectin, Levamisole and Levamisole plus Cobalt on 7th, day after medication was 100%, 98.65% and 98.73% respectively and on 14th, 21st and 28th days, the efficacy of all drugs was 100%. rIIIere was no significant difference (P<0.01) in effectiveness of the drugs. However, there was highly significant difference (P<0.01 between treated and control groups. The Weights of animals were recorded on "0" day before medication and on 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th days after medication. The average weight gain in group A, B and C was 1.8kg, 2.10kg and 3.21kg respectively and the percentage of increase in live weight was 6.57% in group A, 7.63% in group B and 12% in group C. Whereas members of control group reduced their weight by 1.68kg. There was highly significant difference (P<0.01) among the treatments as well as the control group.
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The present project was designed to evaluate the anthelmintic efficacy and effect of treatment on weight gain of sheep. Fighty sheep of local breed aged 8-10 months positive for gastro-intestinal nematodes were selected from surrounding areas of district 1(ohat (N.W.F.P) and were divided into 4 groups (20 animals in each group). Group A, B and C were given Ivermectin (0.2mg/kg body s/c), Levarnisole 7.5 mg/kg body orally) and Levamisole plus Cobalt (7.5 mg/kg body weight orally) respectively and group U remained as untreated control group.

Egg per gram (EPG) of faeces were recorded on "0" day before treatment and on 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th days after treatment.. The efficacy of these drugs were evaluated on the basis of reduction of eggs per gram (EPG) of faeces after medication. These drugs showed a progressive decrease in the faecal egg counts. The percent efFicacy of Tvermectin, Levamisole and Levamisole plus Cobalt on 7th, day after medication was 100%, 98.65% and 98.73% respectively and on 14th, 21st and 28th days, the efficacy of all drugs was 100%. rIIIere was no significant difference (P<0.01) in effectiveness of the drugs.

However, there was highly significant difference (P<0.01 between treated and control groups.

The Weights of animals were recorded on "0" day before medication and on 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th days after medication. The average weight gain in group A, B and C was 1.8kg, 2.10kg and 3.21kg respectively and the percentage of increase in live weight was 6.57% in group A, 7.63% in group B and 12% in group C. Whereas members of control group reduced their weight by 1.68kg. There was highly significant difference (P<0.01) among the treatments as well as the control group.

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