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Comparative Efficacy Of Different General Anaesthetics With & Without Surgical Intervention In Dogs

By: Faisal Ibrahim Khan | Dr.Muhammad Arif Khan.
Contributor(s): Dr.Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: 1999Subject(s): Department of Clinical Medicine & SurgeryDDC classification: 0617,T Dissertation note: These days the scope of anaesthesia is consistently increasing due to increase in surgical patients" in veterinaty practice. This change in trend is. due to the awareness of the owners to different surgical problems and their solutions. They do "not hesitate to get their animals treated with modem equipments and highly expensive medicine. To meet this challenge and demand of the owners, veterinary surgeons are taking keen interest to get the advanced knowledge and tatest information of modem equipments and their usage in veterinary practice. In the past surgery was perfonned by making tempormy insensibility by asphyxiation, cerebral concussion by striking wooden bowl placed.over the head with a hammer and regional aneathesia was attained by compression of nerves and blood vessels of the region to he operated upon. But these days different sedative and anaesthetic agents are being used to make the animal desensitize from all extemal stimuli. These drugs are available in volatile, nonvolatile and gaseous forms. The usage of anaesthetic agent entirely depends upon the species, age, weight, temperament of the patient, nature of the operation to be perf01med, cost and availability of the drug. In this project tlu°ee different general anaesthetics were tried in 18 animals of canine species to find out the best selection of anaesthesia with and without surgical interventions. The animals were divided into three major groups of six. animals each. These groups were designed as A, Band C. The major gronps were further divided into sub groups At, A2, Bl, B2, Cl and C2 respectively. Sub group was anaesthetized with pentothal sodium without surgery, sub groups B1 with ketamine and sub groups C1 with halothane gas anaesthesia. In sub groups A2, B2 and C2 surgical operations castration was performed with their respective general anaesthetics. The efficacy of these general anaesthetics was measured on the bases of nature of induction, recumbency period, nature of recovery, temperature, pulse TLC, TEC, PVC, Hb, ALT AST, Serum Creatinine, Serum Urea and Statistical analysis of results. The analysis of results collected during the study clearly indicated that halothane gas anaesthesia was a better selection for anaesthetizing canine patients for minor and major surgeries. It was concluded that halothane gas anaesthesia should he used for all types of major surgical procedures in canine practice.
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These days the scope of anaesthesia is consistently increasing due to increase in surgical patients" in veterinaty practice. This change in trend is. due to the awareness of the owners to different surgical problems and their solutions. They do "not hesitate to get their animals treated with modem equipments and highly expensive medicine. To meet this challenge and demand of the owners, veterinary surgeons are taking keen interest to get the advanced knowledge and tatest information of modem equipments and their usage in veterinary practice.

In the past surgery was perfonned by making tempormy insensibility by asphyxiation, cerebral concussion by striking wooden bowl placed.over the head with a hammer and regional aneathesia was attained by compression of nerves and blood vessels of the region to he operated upon. But these days different sedative and anaesthetic agents are being used to make the animal desensitize from all extemal stimuli. These drugs are available in volatile, nonvolatile and gaseous forms. The usage of anaesthetic agent entirely depends upon the species, age, weight, temperament of the patient, nature of the operation to be perf01med, cost and availability of the drug.

In this project tlu°ee different general anaesthetics were tried in 18 animals of canine species to find out the best selection of anaesthesia with and without surgical interventions. The animals were divided into three major groups of six. animals each. These groups were designed as A, Band C. The major gronps were further divided into sub groups At, A2, Bl, B2, Cl and C2 respectively. Sub group was anaesthetized with pentothal sodium without surgery, sub groups B1 with ketamine and sub groups C1 with halothane gas anaesthesia. In sub groups A2, B2 and C2 surgical operations castration was performed with their respective general anaesthetics. The efficacy of these general anaesthetics was measured on the bases of nature of induction, recumbency period, nature of recovery, temperature, pulse TLC, TEC, PVC, Hb, ALT AST, Serum Creatinine, Serum Urea and Statistical analysis of results.

The analysis of results collected during the study clearly indicated that halothane gas anaesthesia was a better selection for anaesthetizing canine patients for minor and major surgeries.

It was concluded that halothane gas anaesthesia should he used for all types of major surgical procedures in canine practice.

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