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Epidemiological Studies On The Prevalence Of Coccidiosis In Commercial Broilers And Its Relationship With Other Diseases

By: Umber Rauf | Dr . Asif Rabbani.
Contributor(s): Dr . Khalid Saeed | Dr. Shakil | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: 1999Subject(s): Department of ParasitologyDDC classification: 0691,T Dissertation note: In this epidemiological study 26.48% birds of 26.82% farms were found affected with coccidiosis. Six species of Eimeria, E. acervulina. E. mitis, E. tenella, E. necatrix, E. praecox and E. mivati were observed. Number of oocysts in litter varied with the age of birds. Concurrent infections were detected in 80.68% cases, which included infectious coryza 21.95%, aflatoxicosis 27.45%, infectious bursal disease 16.94%, chronic respiratory disease 12.54%, Newcastle disease 10.16%, hydropericardium syndrome 9.83%, Escherichia coli 9.15% and Salmonella 8.13% infections. In the month of July and August , incidence of coccidiosis was high. Maximum incidence of disease was observed from 4th to 6th week while no disease incidence was noted during 1st and 8th week. It was also noted that the disease had drastic effects on Newcastle disease antibody titer.
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Veterinary Science 0691,T (Browse shelf) Available 0691,T
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In this epidemiological study 26.48% birds of 26.82% farms were found affected with coccidiosis. Six species of Eimeria, E. acervulina. E. mitis, E. tenella, E. necatrix, E. praecox and E. mivati were observed. Number of oocysts in litter varied with the age of birds. Concurrent infections were detected in 80.68% cases, which included infectious coryza 21.95%, aflatoxicosis 27.45%, infectious bursal disease 16.94%, chronic respiratory disease 12.54%, Newcastle disease 10.16%, hydropericardium syndrome 9.83%, Escherichia coli 9.15% and Salmonella 8.13% infections. In the month of July and August , incidence of coccidiosis was high. Maximum incidence of disease was observed from 4th to 6th week while no disease incidence was noted during 1st and 8th week. It was also noted that the disease had drastic effects on Newcastle disease antibody titer.

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