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Effect Of Storage, Pre-Heating & Turning During Holding Period On The Hatchability Of The Eggs Of Broiler

By: Muhammad Jamshed | Dr. Athar Mahmud.
Contributor(s): Dr. Kamran | Dr. Nisar Ahmed Mian.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: 2004Subject(s): Department of Livestock ProductionDDC classification: 0952,T Dissertation note: This project was planned to study the effect of storage, pre heating & turning during holding period on the hatchability of the eggs of broiler breeder of 32 weeks. For this purpose 240 feritle eggs (52-5 gm weight) of 32 weeks old breeding flock were purchased form a reputable hatchery. After collection the eggs were cleaned and stored at specific temperature (16 C) and humidity (75%). Eggs were equally divided into four groups i.e. A, B,C, and D having 60 eggs each. The eggs of group A were neither turned nor preheated before setting in the incubator. The eggs of group B were preheated for 6-7 hours until the temperature reached 85 F before setting in incubator but were not turned. The eggs of group C were not pre heated but were turned for 6-8 times in each day during storage period before setting in the incubator. The eggs of group D were pre heated before setting in incubator and turned simultaneously during holding period (storage period). After these specific treatments the eggs were placed in the incubator for 21 days. After the incubation the hatchability percentage of all the groups were noted and the chicks were brooded for 8 days. At the end of second week of age the FCR, weight gains total feed consumed and common causes of mortality were calculated. The data was subjected to statistical analyses (2 x 2 Factorial, Steel and Torrie 1980). Statistical analyses of the data revealed that no differences were obsedved amongst the groups in case of pre heating but in case of turning there was a significant diference (P<0.05) among those groups for hatchability percentages. Although the hatchability percentage for the group D was highest than those of groups A, B, and C. The groups were significantly different in case of weight gain in first week of age. The group D showed significant difference (P<0.05) from the group A. In case of FCR in first and second week of age there was no significant difference (P<0.05) among the all groups i.e. A,B,C and D. The weight gain in second week of age did not significantly showed a difference (P<0.05) among the groups A,B,C and D. The early mortality percentage was highert in group A and lowest in group D. This shows that the turning has a major effect to reduce the sticky chick number. The over all results showed that as we give the turning to the fertile eggs the day old chick weight, weight gain in first week of age and number of sticky chicks were reduced and healing did not contribute to the day old chick weight, weight gain and FCR but reduced the early mortality losses.
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Thesis Thesis UVAS Library
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Veterinary Science 0952,T (Browse shelf) Available 0952,T
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This project was planned to study the effect of storage, pre heating & turning during holding period on the hatchability of the eggs of broiler breeder of 32 weeks. For this purpose 240 feritle eggs (52-5 gm weight) of 32 weeks old breeding flock were purchased form a reputable hatchery. After collection the eggs were cleaned and stored at specific temperature (16 C) and humidity (75%). Eggs were equally divided into four groups i.e. A, B,C, and D having 60 eggs each. The eggs of group A were neither turned nor preheated before setting in the incubator. The eggs of group B were preheated for 6-7 hours until the temperature reached 85 F before setting in incubator but were not turned. The eggs of group C were not pre heated but were turned for 6-8 times in each day during storage period before setting in the incubator. The eggs of group D were pre heated before setting in incubator and turned simultaneously during holding period (storage period). After these specific treatments the eggs were placed in the incubator for 21 days. After the incubation the hatchability percentage of all the groups were noted and the chicks were brooded for 8 days. At the end of second week of age the FCR, weight gains total feed consumed and common causes of mortality were calculated. The data was subjected to statistical analyses (2 x 2 Factorial, Steel and Torrie 1980). Statistical analyses of the data revealed that no differences were obsedved amongst the groups in case of pre heating but in case of turning there was a significant diference (P<0.05) among those groups for hatchability percentages. Although the hatchability percentage for the group D was highest than those of groups A, B, and C. The groups were significantly different in case of weight gain in first week of age. The group D showed significant difference (P<0.05) from the group A. In case of FCR in first and second week of age there was no significant difference (P<0.05) among the all groups i.e. A,B,C and D. The weight gain in second week of age did not significantly showed a difference (P<0.05) among the groups A,B,C and D. The early mortality percentage was highert in group A and lowest in group D. This shows that the turning has a major effect to reduce the sticky chick number. The over all results showed that as we give the turning to the fertile eggs the day old chick weight, weight gain in first week of age and number of sticky chicks were reduced and healing did not contribute to the day old chick weight, weight gain and FCR but reduced the early mortality losses.

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