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Serorrevalence Of Toxoplasmosis In Captive Birds

By: Sadia ibrahim | Prf.Dr. Azhar Maqbool.
Contributor(s): Dr. Aftab | Dr. Muhmmad latif | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: 2010Subject(s): Department of ParasitologyDDC classification: 1160,T Dissertation note: Toxoplasmosis is caused by Toxoplasma gondii, an intracellular parasite which infects humans as well as wide variety of mammals and birds. Toxoplasmosis is found throughout the world and tends to be more prevalent in tropical climates. It is considered as one of the major public health disease. Risk of infection from turkeys, pigeons, ducks and quails to man is scarce, as they are intermediate hosts and are frequently infected by eating feed contaminated by cat faeces containing oocysts of T.gondii. The high seroprevalence in them could be related to large populations of homeless cats in the city and may suggests the significant role of urban pigeons in the epidemiology of toxoplasmosis. A total of 200 serum samples were analyzed for anti-toxoplasma antibodies, of these 50 samples from ducks, 50 sampls from turkeys, 50 samples from pigeons and 50 samples from quails were collected at random. Under aseptic measures, 1-2 ml blood were withdrawn by venipuncture. All the serum samples wiere analyzed for specific IgG anti toxoplasma antibodies using Latex Agglutination Test (LAT). Positive reaction were visualized by naked eyes or magnifying hand lense.Commercially available Toxoplasma latex kit was used to determine the serum antibody. Results were interpretated. Data obtained was analyzed statistically by calculating the per cent sero-positivity of Toxoplasma gondii in ducks, turkeys, pigeons and quails. In the present study the overall seroprevalence of T.gondii infection in pigeons, ducks, turkeys and quails is 8%, 12%, 16% and 4% respectively by using Latex Agglutination Test. In pigeons seroprevalence of T.gondii was 8% out of 50 pigeons examined one gave an antibody titer of 1:256, one was positive at 1:128, whereas two at 1:16 secreening dilution. In ducks seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii is 12% out of 50 ducks examined one gave an antibody titer of 1:256, two was positive at 1:128, whereas three at 1:16 secreening dilution. In turkeys seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii is 16% out of 50 turkeys examined three gave an antibody titer of 1:256, two was positive at 1:128, whereas three at 1:16 secreening dilution. In quails seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii is 12% out of 50 quails examined zero gave an antibody titer of 1:256, one was positive at 1:128, whereas one at 1:16 secreening dilution.
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Toxoplasmosis is caused by Toxoplasma gondii, an intracellular parasite which infects humans as well as wide variety of mammals and birds. Toxoplasmosis is found throughout the world and tends to be more prevalent in tropical climates. It is considered as one of the major public health disease. Risk of infection from turkeys, pigeons, ducks and quails to man is scarce, as they are intermediate hosts and are frequently infected by eating feed contaminated by cat faeces containing oocysts of T.gondii. The high seroprevalence in them could be related to large populations of homeless cats in the city and may suggests the significant role of urban pigeons in the epidemiology of toxoplasmosis.
A total of 200 serum samples were analyzed for anti-toxoplasma antibodies, of these 50 samples from ducks, 50 sampls from turkeys, 50 samples from pigeons and 50 samples from quails were collected at random. Under aseptic measures, 1-2 ml blood were withdrawn by venipuncture. All the serum samples wiere analyzed for specific IgG anti toxoplasma antibodies using Latex Agglutination Test (LAT). Positive reaction were visualized by naked eyes or magnifying hand lense.Commercially available Toxoplasma latex kit was used to determine the serum antibody. Results were interpretated. Data obtained was analyzed statistically by calculating the per cent sero-positivity of Toxoplasma gondii in ducks, turkeys, pigeons and quails.
In the present study the overall seroprevalence of T.gondii infection in pigeons, ducks, turkeys and quails is 8%, 12%, 16% and 4% respectively by using Latex Agglutination Test. In pigeons seroprevalence of T.gondii was 8% out of 50 pigeons examined one gave an antibody titer of 1:256, one was positive at 1:128, whereas two at 1:16 secreening dilution. In ducks seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii is 12% out of 50 ducks examined one gave an antibody titer of 1:256, two was positive at 1:128, whereas three at 1:16 secreening dilution. In turkeys seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii is 16% out of 50 turkeys examined three gave an antibody titer of 1:256, two was positive at 1:128, whereas three at 1:16 secreening dilution. In quails seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii is 12% out of 50 quails examined zero gave an antibody titer of 1:256, one was positive at 1:128, whereas one at 1:16 secreening dilution.

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