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Genetic Effect of Stearoyl-Coenzyme a Desaturase (SCD) Gene Polymorphism on Milk Production in Sahiwal Cattle Proulation

By: Salman Randhawa | Dr. Asif Nadeem.
Contributor(s): Ms. Asma | Ms. Maryam Javed.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: 2013Subject(s): Institute of Biochemistry & BiotechnologyDDC classification: 1730,T Dissertation note: The importance of livestock sector in the economy of Pakistan can be elucidated from the fact that it contributed 11.4% to the national GDP during year 2012-13. In term of retail value milk is at the top among all livestock products. Milk is quantitative polygenic trait. The SCD gene is a potential candidate gene for milk production trait, positioned at chromosome 26q21. This gene is significantly associated with milk production. The characterization of bovine SCD gene has helped us to screen the animals at their early age and can be assigned as milk production marker. The aim of the current study was to identify the single nucleotide polymorphism in coding region of SCD gene and to find its association with milk production trait. Fifty blood samples of Sahiwal cattle breeds were collected from livestock farms as RCCSC. DNA was extracted by inorganic method and products were precipitated and sequenced for analysis. Analysis of the sequence is done with help of bioinformatics software FinchTV software and Bioedit Software ( to identify the polymorphism. Total 6coding regions of SCD gene were amplified with specially designed primers. The amplified PCR polymorphic sites were observed in coding region. A Bioinformatics analysis was performed with the help of "SNPator" software to find the relation of identified polymorphism with milk production. Significant effect of polymorphisms in bovine SCD gene and association was found with milk yield in Sahiwal cattle breed. These polymorphisms may serve as powerful genetic source for the development of DNA markers that can be used for the selection of high milk producing animals for different cattle breeds.
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The importance of livestock sector in the economy of Pakistan can be elucidated from the fact that it contributed 11.4% to the national GDP during year 2012-13. In term of retail value milk is at the top among all livestock products. Milk is quantitative polygenic trait. The SCD gene is a potential candidate gene for milk production trait, positioned at chromosome 26q21. This gene is significantly associated with milk production. The characterization of bovine SCD gene has helped us to screen the animals at their early age and can be assigned as milk production marker. The aim of the current study was to identify the single nucleotide polymorphism in coding region of SCD gene and to find its association with milk production trait. Fifty blood samples of Sahiwal cattle breeds were collected from livestock farms as RCCSC. DNA was extracted by inorganic method and products were precipitated and sequenced for analysis. Analysis of the sequence is done with help of bioinformatics software FinchTV software and Bioedit Software ( to identify the polymorphism. Total 6coding regions of SCD gene were amplified with specially designed primers. The amplified PCR polymorphic sites were observed in coding region. A Bioinformatics analysis was performed with the help of "SNPator" software to find the relation of identified polymorphism with milk production. Significant effect of polymorphisms in bovine SCD gene and association was found with milk yield in Sahiwal cattle breed. These polymorphisms may serve as powerful genetic source for the development of DNA markers that can be used for the selection of high milk producing animals for different cattle breeds.

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