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Genetic Association Study Of Apolipoprotein A-V (Apoa5) And Sortilin (Sort1) Genes With Risk Of Coronary Artery Disease

By: Irfan Basharat (2012-VA-802) | Dr. Akhtar Ali.
Contributor(s): Dr. Wasim Shehzad | Dr. Muhammad Tayyab.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: 2015Description: 52p.Subject(s): Department of Molecular Biology and BiotechnologyDDC classification: 2326-T Dissertation note: In developed countries cardiovascular disorders are prominent cause of death. One third deaths in the world are due to cardiovascular disorders. Among cardiovascular disorders coronary artery disease responsible for one in five deaths in USA. Its main reason is the lipids values particularly cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. An estimation made by WHO indicated that 9 million people die per year due to hypercholesterolemia. 100 blood samples were collected from patients of coronary artery disease and from normal patients with no myocardial history. Allele specific primers for SORT1 gene and APOA5 genes were designed using Primer 3 software web facility. Genomic DNA will be amplified by PCR then genotyping will be carried out and DNA will also be sequenced. Hardy-Weinberg principle and Fisher Exact test were used to assess the allele frequency and significant variations from results When patient of MI and normal group were genotyped and sequenced we find out that there are 34 AA homozygous, 1 GG homozygous and 12 heterozygous persons in case of APOA5. The SORT1 person shows 24 GG homozygous and 3 AA homozygous and 13 heterozygous persons. Our study shows a definite association between APOA5 and SORT1 with respect to MI disease persons. This study shows a significant association of single nucleotide polymorphism in APOA5 and SORT1 genes with coronary artery disease.
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Thesis Thesis UVAS Library
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Veterinary Science 2326-T (Browse shelf) Available 2326-T
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In developed countries cardiovascular disorders are prominent cause of death. One third deaths in the world are due to cardiovascular disorders. Among cardiovascular disorders coronary artery disease responsible for one in five deaths in USA. Its main reason is the lipids values particularly cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. An estimation made by WHO indicated that 9 million people die per year due to hypercholesterolemia.
100 blood samples were collected from patients of coronary artery disease and from normal patients with no myocardial history. Allele specific primers for SORT1 gene and APOA5 genes were designed using Primer 3 software web facility. Genomic DNA will be amplified by PCR then genotyping will be carried out and DNA will also be sequenced.
Hardy-Weinberg principle and Fisher Exact test were used to assess the allele frequency and significant variations from results
When patient of MI and normal group were genotyped and sequenced we find out that there are 34 AA homozygous, 1 GG homozygous and 12 heterozygous persons in case of APOA5. The SORT1 person shows 24 GG homozygous and 3 AA homozygous and 13 heterozygous persons.
Our study shows a definite association between APOA5 and SORT1 with respect to MI disease persons. This study shows a significant association of single nucleotide polymorphism in APOA5 and SORT1 genes with coronary artery disease.

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