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Assessment Of Correlation Between Food Choices And Fertility Status In Females

By: Tamkenat Mansoor (2013-VA-923) | Dr. Muhammad Nasir.
Contributor(s): Ms. Amina Chughtai | Mr. Muhammad Bilal.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: 2015Description: 49p.Subject(s): Department of Food Science and Human NutritionDDC classification: 2415-T Dissertation note: The changing lifestyles and eating patterns have resulted in a number of fertility related problems, especially in females. Initially it was thought that only morbidly increased or decreased body weights were the causative factors in cases of infertility and sub fertility but it has been observed that a lot of women with normal body weight are also increasingly finding it difficult to conceive. Similarly obese and underweight women have also been seen to reproduce normally. Thus, in order to have a better understanding of the relationship between food and fertility we need to compare the eating patterns of fertile women with those of infertile ones. Various eating patterns are associated, either negatively or positively, with the fertility status of females. At least 50 fertile and 50 infertile females, attending the OPDs at health centers in Gujrat, during the time of 6 months or until the benchmark of 50 control and 50 cases is not achieved, will be recruited and interviewed through a proposed questionnaire. Other than Food frequency checklist, social, medical and sexual history of the females will also be included in the questionnaire. Filled questionnaires will be analyzed using Minitab. Comparisons will be made between the food choices of fertile and infertile group using t-test and other relevant tests. The results of the proposed study will help to assess the association between the eating patterns and fertility status of females and help the practitioners to educate and better assist their patients to conceive successfully.
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The changing lifestyles and eating patterns have resulted in a number of fertility related problems, especially in females. Initially it was thought that only morbidly increased or decreased body weights were the causative factors in cases of infertility and sub fertility but it has been observed that a lot of women with normal body weight are also increasingly finding it difficult to conceive. Similarly obese and underweight women have also been seen to reproduce normally. Thus, in order to have a better understanding of the relationship between food and fertility we need to compare the eating patterns of fertile women with those of infertile ones. Various eating patterns are associated, either negatively or positively, with the fertility status of females.
At least 50 fertile and 50 infertile females, attending the OPDs at health centers in Gujrat, during the time of 6 months or until the benchmark of 50 control and 50 cases is not achieved, will be recruited and interviewed through a proposed questionnaire. Other than Food frequency checklist, social, medical and sexual history of the females will also be included in the questionnaire.
Filled questionnaires will be analyzed using Minitab. Comparisons will be made between the food choices of fertile and infertile group using t-test and other relevant tests.
The results of the proposed study will help to assess the association between the eating patterns and fertility status of females and help the practitioners to educate and better assist their patients to conceive successfully.

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