The Prevalence & Control Of Natural Infestations Of Ectoparasites & Their Effect On Blood Parameters On Indigenous Birds
by Irfan Mueed, M | Dr.Kamran Ashraf | Dr. Muhammad Afzall | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2000Dissertation note: A study was conducted to record the incidence and identification of various species of ectoparasites (ticks, lice, mites), and to find out the efficacy of ivermectin against ectoparasites in indigenous poultry. A total of 2000 indigenous birds were examined, during June to August, 1999 and out of these 1035 were found infested with ectoparasites, showing an overall infestation rate of 51.75%.
The infestation rate of ticks, lice, mites and mixed infestation (ticks and lice) was recorded as 6, 16.5, 2.25 and 27 percent, respectively. The species of ectoparasites identified were: Argas persicus (fowl tick), Menopon gallinae, Menacanthus stramineus, Liveurus caponis, Goniodes gigas (lice) and Cnemidoco1)tes mutans (Scaly Leg Mite).
In order to assess the efficacy of ivermectin (Ivomec) one hundred and fifty naturally infested birds with different species of ectoparasites were selected for treatment trials and divided into three groups i.e. A, Band C, each comprising of 50 birds. The birds of group A and B were the test groups and group C served as control group.
Fifty birds of group A given ivermectin intramuscularly at a dose rate of 200Ji/kg (0.2 mg/kg) body weight and 50 birds were treated with ivermectin orally at the same dose rate of 10 mg/5 gallons of drinking water as for group A. The efficacy of the drug was determined on the basis of negative skin scrapings and absence of other ectoparasites (lice, ticks) from the body of the test group birds as recorded on day zero, 14th and 28 of post-medication of ivermectin. The cure percentage recorded in group A and B on day 28 of the experiment was 94 and, 90 percent in birds treated by intramuscular injection and oral treatment of the drug, resp~ctively.
Haematological examinations were made to compare the blood picture of Infested birds treated with ivermectin and birds infested with ectoparasites and kept as untreated control. For this purpose blood samples from treated and untreated infested birds were examined. Blood parameters studied were: Total erythrocytic count (TEC), Packed cell volume (PCV), haemoglobin (Hb) Crythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), Differential leukocytic count DLC). The results of haemotological examinations showed a significant decrease in erythrocytic count, haejmoglobin, packed cell volume and rise in erythrocyte sedimentation rate and increase in differential leukocytic count of treated birds as compared to infested birds.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0620,T] (1).
A Clinico Coprological Study & Comparative Efficacy Of Systamex, Albendazole, Ivomec Against Nematodes
by Ghulam Hassan | Dr.Khalid Pervez | Dr.Baig | Dr.Kamran Ashraf | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2000Dissertation note: The present project was designed to find out the incidence of nematodes and to chalk out the comparative efficacy of Systamex, Albendazole, Ivomec against naturally occurring gastrointestinal nematodes in camel under field conditions in and around Lesbela District, Balochistan. For this purpose, 60 naturally infected camels were divided into 4 groups (15 camples in each group).
Group-A Systamex (Oxafendazole; ICI-Pakistan) was given at dose rate 1 ml/8 kg body weight.
Group -B Albendazole (Star Labs.) was given at dose rate of 5mg/kg body weight.
Group - C Ivomec (Rhone-Poulenc) injection was given at dose rate 0.2 mg/kg body weight subcutaneously.
EPG in four groups of animals a day before treatment was as under:
Camels in group-A received oxfendazole treatment, mean EPG was 1760. Mean EPG values calculated on days 7, 14, 21 and 28 were 400, 280, 120 and 55, respectively. The percentage efficacy on days 7, 14, 21 and 28 was 77.27%, 84.09%, 93.18% and 98.87% respectively.
Group B was treated with Albendazole, EPG values day 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 were 2130, 630, 317, 190 and 95, respectively. The percent efficacy was 70.42%, 85.11%, 91.08% and 95.54% on day 7, 14, 21 and 28 respectively.
Animals in group C were treated with Ivermectin, mean EPG value on days, 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 were 1950, 432, 285, 120 and 30, respectively. The percent efficacy was 77.85%, 85.38%, 93.85% and 98.46, respectively.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0635,T] (1).
Taxonomy & Chemotherapeutic Control Of Prevalent Helminth Species In Indigenous Poultry
by Abid Farid | Dr.Kamran Ashraf | Dr. Asif Rabbani | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2000Dissertation note: The present study was conducted to identify the helminth infestations, compare the drug efficacy percentage of I vermectin and Albandazole, effect of chemotherapy on haematology in indigenous poultry.
For this purpose, one hundred and sixty (160) positive birds were purchased from market and backyard farms, divided in four groups A, il, C, and D, kept in experimental rooms of College of Veterinary Sciences, Lahore.
Eggs per gram (EPG) of faeces of all the four groups was done at zero day of the experiment which were, 2307, 2000, 2050, 2325, in groups A , B, C, D, respectively. Groups A, Band C, were treated with Ivermectin and Albandazole (using 1% Ivomec Injection and Farbenda 10% solution).
After medication EPG was carried out of all four groups (A, D, C, D) at different days of experiment. The results were as, the EPG at 7th day 825, 667, 700, 2750, at 14th day 100, 250, 325, 3000, on
21st day. It was 70, 155, 237, 3500, and at 28th day the EPG. recorded was 45, 120, 185, 3600 respectively.
At end of the experiment, the drug efficacies were recorded, for group A, "it was 98%. In group B,94%, and for group C, it was 90% while group D, was untreated control.
The taxonomy of the slaughtered birds of group D, was done at the end of the experiment. By collecting GIT, and trachea of all the forty birds of the group D. Identifications were made after making permanent mounts of recovered helminths. Four species of nematodes were recovered from indigenous poul try. Ascaridia galli was the most common species of nematodes recovered from small intestine, while Heterikis gallinae and Subulura brumpti were isolated from the caeca of the birds. Syngamus trachea was the only respiratory tract nematode species which was recovered from trachea of the fowls. The incidence of Ascaridia gglli, Heterikis lZallinae, Subulura brumpti, Syngamus trachea were 57.5, 40, 20 and 2.5 percent respectively.
Six species of Cestode parasites were isolated from the small intesliine of Desi fowl, Raillictina tetragona, Raillictinna costcillus, Raillietina echinobothrida, Cotugnia dignopora, Choanotaenia infundibulum, Amoebotaenia sphenoides and the incidence recorded, 5235, 37.5, 20, 27.5, 22.5 and 2.5 percent, respectively
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0638,T] (1).
Taxonomy And Prevalence Of Intestinal Parasites Of Sparrows (Passer Domesticus)
by Anjum Mahmood | Dr.Kamran Ashraf | Dr.Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr.Nisar Ahmad | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2000Dissertation note: The study was undertaken to assess the prevalence and taxonomy of the gastro-intestinal tract helminths in 200 sparrows that were naturally parasitized. In addition, the blood examination was carried out to record the effect of worm infestation on different blood parameters namely Haemoglobin (Hb) estimation, Total leukocyte count (TLC), Packed cell volume (PCV) and Differential leukocyte count (DLC) and these values were compared with the normal values.
Two hundred sparrows purchased from the market were kept in cages in Parasitology Section, College of Veterinary Sciences, Lahore. The birds were slaughtered at due intervals. Blood was collected and gastro-intestinal tract was searched for the collection and identification of the helminthic species.
The results revealed that out of 200 sparrows, 120 had the worm infestation, showing an overall incidence as 60%. The worms collected were subjected to the taxonomical study which was carried out in the laboratory of PaLrasitology Section.
Two species namely Ascaridia galli (36%) and Heterakis gallinarum (24%) were found inhabiting the small intestine and caeca of the infested birds, respectively. No trematodes and cestodal species were recorded from the GIT of these experimental sparrows. Blood examination revealed slight increase in TLC and Heterophils, while basophils and monocytes were not affected. However, Hb levels, PCV and lymphocytes showed decrease resulting into anaemia and retarded growth of the affected birds versus non-infected ones.
The eggs per gram (EPG) ranged between 200-1000 in case of Ascaridia galli and 400-1000 in Heterakis gallinarum infestation in naturally parasitized sparrows. The main EPG count recorded was 516.666 and 660.41 in case of Ascardia galli and Heterakis gallinarum infestation, respectively.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0721,T] (1).
A Study On The Prevalence Taxonomy And Control Of Mange Mites Infestation In Equines And Their Effect On Blood
by Arshad, M | Dr.Kamran Ashraf | Dr.Asim Aslam | Dr.Haji Ahmad Hashmi | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2000Dissertation note: The present research project was designed to find out the prevalence, taxonomy and control of mange mites infestation in equines and to record the effects of mange on different blood parameters of the said animals.
For this purpose, a total of 200 equines suspected for mange mites infestation were examined during June August (1999). Out of these 200 suspected equines, 24 were found positive, indicating an overall prevalence of mange mites as 12%. Out of the positive animals, 20 naturally infested animals were selected for further investigation and divided into two Groups-A & B having 10 animals in each. Ten animals of Group-A were medicated with ivomac injection by (Rhone Poulenc) at a dose rate of 0.2 mg / kg body weight or (1 ml / 50 kg b.wt.) subcutaneously and the 10 infested animals of Group-B served as untreated controls. The efficacy of drug was assessed by examination of skin scrapping and the animals were re-examined at 7th, 14th and 28th day post treatment with ivomac injection. Taxonomy of the identified species was also carried out.
In addition, the effect of mange mite infestation on different blood parameters of equines was also recorded. Haematological parameter showed significant reduction in total erythrocyte count (TEC), haemoglobin (Hb) level and Packed Cell Volume (PCV) while Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) was increased in infected animals. Differential leukocyte count (DLC) showed reduction in the neutrophils and lymphocytes but eosinophils, basophils and monocytes were increased in number in mite infested horses.
From the results of the present study, it was concluded that the skin scrapings examination of the animals showing irritation and pruritis should be carried out on regular basis and those found positive should be given prompt acaricidal treatment. Ivomac injection @ 0.02 pg / kg body weight has proved the most beneficial as a single injection was found to be quite effective to cure the mange mites infestation in these animals. Hence, the farmers, Tonga pony owners and other equine lovers should use Ivomac Injection to treat and control the mange mites infestation in horses, mules and donkeys. This will not only result in the improvement of the health status of these animals but also increase income of the owners.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0733,T] (1).
Oocyst Production Potential In Experimentally Infected Broiler With Eimeria Tenella
by Khalid Younas, M | Dr.Kamran Ashraf | Dr.Haji Ahmad Hashmi | Dr.Muhammad | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2001Dissertation note: The present study was designed to observe the periodicity of oocyst shedding, the ratio of administered oocysts with the oocysts found in the faeces or intestinal contents of infected birds and effect of artificially induced coccidiosis at different ages on weight gain, FCR, OPG count, mortality and lesion scores. For this purpose 84 day-old chicks were purchased from the market and vaccinated against NDV on day 1 and 21 (Mukteswar strain). The birds were divided into 4 groups i.e. A, B, C and D comprising oC 21 birds each. Group A was kept as non-infected control. Virulent Elmeria en at a dose rate of 50,000 sporulated oocysts/bird was given to group B, C and D on day 15, 25 and 35 of age, respectively.
There was no oocyst excretion in faeces of birds in group A. OPG of faeces in group B was higher than in groups C and 1). rFIe OPO of faeces reached the peak on 6th day post-infection in infected groups, but group D again obtained the peak on 17th day postinfection. The highest caecal oocyst counts were observed in group B than C and 1) groups. It was observed that the recovery of the number of oocysts in purified isolates was 58.74%, 50.05% and 26.87% in B, C and D, respectively as compared to OPG counts. It was also noted that the caecal output of oocyst counts was always lower than the total OPG counts per chick during the period of infection in different groups.
Group A showed the highest weight gain (2155 gms) than the infected groups B (1985 grns), C (1930 gms) and D (1978 grns). Feed conversion ratio in groups A, B, C and D was significantly different showing the values as 1.62, 2.26, 1.89 and 1.82, respectively. Group A being uninfected gave the best FCR followed by the birds in groups D and C. While birds in group B gave the poorest values, it was observed that the weight of faeces per chick was almost equal in groups C (163 gms) and D (166.5 gms), but was significantly lower in B (123.5 gms). However, the highest OPG counts occured in group B and the number of oocysts acquired were the best in this group.
The highest mortality was observed in group B (28%) followed by group D (14%) and group C (10%), while no mortality was recorded in group A.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0734,T] (1).
Prevalence And Treatment Of Faciolosis In Buffaloes Under Farm Conditions
by Sarfraz Ahmed | Dr.H.A.Hashmi | Dr.Kamran Ashraf | Dr.Muhammad | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2002Dissertation note: The present study was designed to investigate the prevalence of fasciolosis in buffaloes under farm conditions, efficacy of recently introduced Homeopathic (Trematox) with Allopathic (Zanil, ICI) drug and economic losses in terms of liver damage and decrease in milk production. For this purpose, 500 faecal samples were examined for the presence of liver fluke. The prevalence was observed 15% in buffaloes under farm conditions located in Okara district. For therapeutic purpose, sixty naturally infected and 20 healthy buffaloes were selected and divided into four equal groups i.e. A, B, C and D containing 20 animals each. Anirnals of group-A (healthy animals) were given no medication. Animals of group-B were infected control group. Animals of group-C were treated with Zanil (Oxyclozanide), while animals of group-D were treated with Trematox (A horneopathetic drug).
The therapeutic efficacy of Zanil and Trematox was compared on the basis of pre- and post-medication egg counts. The animals used for this study were naturally infected buffaloes (confirmed by faecal examination). Sixty positive and 20 negative cases were selected for tlie study. rfhe faecal samples were collected directly from the rectum of the animals.
Eggs per gram of faeces (EPG) and clinical performance were monitored. Faecal samples were examined at zero, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th and 18th day post-treatment. Animals which remained positive on 18th day were given a second dose of the respective drug on the same day and their faecal samples were further examined on 21st and 28th day.In buffaloes treated with Trematox the efflcacy recorded was 20.45% on 3rd day, 29.54% on 5th day, 40.90% on 7th day, 47.72% on 10th day, 50% on 14th day, 54.54% on 18th dày, 56.81% on 21st day and 61.36% on 28th day.
Buffaloes treated with Zanil showed better results than Trernatox. Decrease in the faecal egg counts was 39.13% on 3rd day, 56.52% on 5th clay, 69.56% on 7th day, 78.26% on 10th day, 82% on14th day, 86.95% on 18th day, 93.47% on 21st day and 95.65% on
28th day as compared to that of zero day.
The economic losses due to liver damage recorded were 21.6 million (Rs.) annually in 600 animals. Wheras economic loss in terms of decrease in milk production in infected animals was recorded as Rs.10,800 annually per animals
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0810,T] (1).
A Comparision Of Biological And Medicinal Contro Of Coccidiosis In Broilers Under Field Condition
by Mirza Waqar Baig | Dr.Kamran Ashraf | Dr.Muhammad | Prof. Dr.Haji Ahmad Hashmi | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2003Dissertation note: The present study was designed to estimate the efficacy of different locally prepared anticoccidial vaccines against E. tenella infections i.e. irradiated non-sporulated vaccine and irradiated sporulated E. tenella vaccine, herbal anticoccidial (Coxigon) and cemical anlicoccidial (Suipha Diverdine). For estimation of the efficacy of the said anticoccidials, OPG counts, weight gain, FCR and mortality records were compared amongst the control and test groups.
A total of 150 day-old broilers were equally divided into six different groups on day 3 namely; A, B, C, D, E and F. Each group comprised of 25 chicks. ND vaccine was administered on day 1 and 21 of age to the chicks of all groups. rIhe test groups were infected through contamination of the bedding of the chicks by spraying sporulated oocysts between day 12 and 17 of the experinient. Group A acted as non-infected control, .13 as infected control, C was infected but vaccinated with irradiated non-sporulated E. tenella vaccine on day 3 and 10 @ 1000 oocysls per bird. Group D was infected and treated with Coxigon (herbal medicine), E was infected but treated with Coxidal (Sulpha diverdine). Similarly group F' was infected and vaccinated with irradiated but sporulated oocyst on day 3 and 10 @ 1000 oocysts per bird. To access the comparative efficucies of different groups mean OPG, mean weight gains and mean FCR of control and test groups were compared. The OPG counts were conducted on each 4th day from day 18th to 42. The results indicated that the first observation of OPG counts (day-18) showed heavy infection in all control (infected) and test groups. In group 13, 264523 oocysts were observed on day 18 which gradually reduced to 15773 on day 42. Group C (vaccinated with non sporulated, irradiated oocysts) showed 14214 OPG counts, which sharply declined on each observation and showed 89.00 QPG and day 38 followed by '0, by the end of the experiment, showing significaht difference from the control (1? <0.05). Group D (Coxigon) and groap E (Coxidar) showed gradual decline like infected control group and
735 OPG counts were observed in group E even on day 42. In group F the first observation showed 150428 OPG counts, which abruptly declined to 119 on day 38 followed by '0' on day 42. So group C and F' showed comparable and the best results as compared to groups D and E.
Weight gains were almost equal in all the test and control groups by day 14. The difference appeared on third observation (on day 21) between infected control and other groups. At the end of the experiment members of groups A, C, D, E and F gained 31%, 14%, 11.83%, 10.92% and 12% greater weights than group B. rphe FOR in ranked order was calculated in groups A, F, C, D, E and B, showing the cfCicacy of irradiated - sporulated vaccine. Mortalities occurred in groups B, C, D, E and F as 5, 2, 1, 4 and 1, respectively.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0823,T] (1).
A Study On Amoebic Dysentery In Dogs And Their Owners
by Sallah Umair | Prf.Dr. Azhar Maqbool | Dr | Dr.Kamran Ashraf | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2007Dissertation note: Amoebic dysentery (amoebiasis) is an infection of the intestine (gut) caused by a unicellular organism called Entamoeba histolytica, which, among other things, can cause colic, intestinal ulcers and abscess on vital organs of body. Amoebae are parasites that are found in contaminated food or drink. They enter the body through the mouth when the contaminated food or drink is swallowed. The amoebae are then able to move through the digestive system and take up residence in the intestine and cause an infection. They can also move to other organs of body like liver, lungs etc by extra luminal penetration. They make cysts in the intestine as well as on the effected body organs. These cysts are passed along with feces. In the course of research, a total 100 fecal and 100 blood samples of dogs and their owners were collected from two hospitals i.e. Pet Centre and Lahore Animal Hospital for detection of Entamoeba histolytica. These causative organism was examined in the feces by direct fecal method as well as by flotation method while in case of extra luminal invasion their antibody level were checked by the latex agglutination test both in dogs as well as in their owners.
In the present study the overall prevalence of Entamoeba histolytica in dogs and their owners was 13% and 10% respectively by using Latex agglutination method for serum samples and direct and flotation method for fecal samples. Due to its high prevalence of amoebiasis in humans and pets it is the need of hour that general awareness comping towards zoonotic diseases for public must be provided to cope with amoebiasis and other zoonotic diseases.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0989,T] (1).
Genotyping Of Echinococcus Granulosus And Its Comparative Prevalance In Camels And Human Beings
by Azam Ali | Prf.Dr. Azhar Maqbool | Dr.Kamran Ashraf | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2008Dissertation note: Hydaiidosis is caused by metacestode of the dog worm Echinococcus granulosus. It is a serious problem br both Public health and livestock economy. Echinococcus granaiiosu.s has number of genetically distinct strains which are known to differ morphologically and epidemiologically. Out of 100 camels examined only 25 Samples of hydatid cysts were collected from different organs i.e. livers, kidneys, lungs and hearts from Lahore abattoirs. Fertility and viability of the cysts was observed microscopically. Genotyp ing of Echinococcus granulosus was performed through Polymerase Chain Reaction Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). Seroprevalence of hydatidosis in 25 butchers working in abattoir was also determined by the use of Latex agglutination test (LAT) kit for detection ob hydatidosis.
Considerable information is available about genetic variants of E. granulosus around the world. Ten genotypes of E. granulosus have been described, which exhibit a diversity of morphology, development, and host range, as contrmed by various studies. In the Mediterranean area, the CI or common sheep strain, G2, Camel strain G6, and the equine strain G4 have been found in Spain, Italy, Lebanon, and Syria
To date, molecular studies using mainly DNA sequences have identitied G-6 strain of E. granulosus. This categorization follows very closely the patterns of strain variation emerging from biological and epiderniological traits.
In this study we perform serum analysis of butchers to detect antibodies against Echinococcus so that the prevalence of Echinococcus can be checked; the data available indicated that 14% of butcher's population is infected with Echinococcus. In order to confirm the strain of Echinococcus in camels the PCR-RFLP analysis were performed. The data obtained was analysed and it was concluded that the G6 strain of Echinococciis is prevalent in camels in Pakistan. The results demonstrated that PCRRFLP analysis of samples of patients suspected for Echinococcus is a promising diagnostic method and also confirms the type of Echinococcus prevalent in that area and also enables an early direct detection of parasite DNA. This will help to curtail this drastic malady at an early stage and will help to devise the strategy to minimize the losses due to this disease.
It is hoped that the findings of the present study will be helpful for further planning about the control of the disease and correlating the prevalence in camels and butchers from the zoonotic point of view.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1010,T] (1).
Prevalence Of Soil Borne Helmithiasis Of Zoonotic Importance In Dogs
by Muhammad Tayyab Farooqi | Prf.Dr. Azhar Maqbool | Dr.Irshad | Dr.Kamran Ashraf | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2008Dissertation note: To record the prevalence of soil borne helminthiasis of zoonotic importance in dogs' one hundred faecal samples were obtained from pet dogs, fifty from pups of age less than six months and fifty from adult dogs. Four hundred soil samples along with grass were also be collected from different dog kennels, parks and playgrounds, backyards and streets of Lahore city, where soil and grass is contaminated with the faeces of stray dogs. After collection, the faecal samples were preserved in polythene bags and kept in refrigerator or preserved in 10 % formalin to avoid any other contamination of the samples. Then the samples were brought to the Diagnostic Laboratory, Department of Parasitology University of Veterinary & Animals Sciences, Lahore. Microscopic examination was performed by using different parasitological techniques like Direct Smear Method, Floatation Method and Sedimentation Method for the detection of the parasite ova. Grass Samples were examined through Sedimentation-Flotation Method. The results were analyzed by using chi2 test to check the significance difference of the ova in soil samples of different areas. the result showed that out of 400 soil and grass samples 33 were positive for Ancylostoma caninum, 37 were positive for Toxocara canis, 29 were positive for Dipylidium caninum and 19 were positive for Echinococcus granulosis and out of 100 faecal samples taken from pups and adult dogs, 10 were positive for Ancylo stoma caninum, 13 were positive for Toxocara canis, 8 were positive for Diplyidium caninum and 6 were positive for Echinococcus granulosis. The results suggested that better deworming stragies shold be adopted so that the health of the dogs can be improved and this will also reduce the reisk of zoonotic infectin in humans, entry of the stray dogs in public areas should be restricted to avoid the risk of zoonotic diseases.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1019,T] (1).
Detection And Taxonomy Of Dust Mites In The City Of Lahore With Special Reference To Allergic Manifestation
by Muhammad Tanveer Khan | Dr.Kamran Ashraf | Dr.Irshad | Mr.Awais Anees | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2009Dissertation note: The most important allergy causing mites found worldwide in houses are the house dust mite's i.e. D. farinae & D. pteronyssinus and most houses contain multiple species. The geographical distributions of mite species are vary between houses within a geographical region and among different areas. Therefore it is need to know the exact prevalence of species in a particular area when diagnostic testing is performing and prescribing immunotherapy. Among environmental factors, temperature and humidity play a key role for the survival as well as prevalence of house dust mites. The most favorite place for the better survival of house dust mites is houses belong to the humid geographical areas.
In this study, 1280 dust samples from carpet, bedroom mattress, sofa and floor of total 64 houses from posh area and old city area from May to August, 2007, were collected and two examination procedures were selected (Acarex Strips Test and Direct Microscopic Examination). 320 dust samples (160 posh area and 160 old city area) were detected with Acarex Strips Test and remaining dust samples were examined by using the direct microscopy.
In the present study, the overall occurrence of house dust mites in dust samples of carpet, bedroom mattress, sofa and floor was recorded as 22.5% (9), 22.5% (9), 20% (8) and 10% (4) respectively from posh area by using the Acarex strips test from May to August, 2007, at Lahore. Similarly from old city area, the overall occurrence of dust mites from house dust samples of carpet, bedroom mattress, sofa and floor was reported as 27.5% (11), 30% (12), 22.5% (9) and 15% (6) respectively.
Direct microscopy was performed for remaining 960 (240 carpet, 240 bedroom mattress, 240 sofa and 240 floor) dust samples to examine the occurrence and taxonomy of house dust mites. Among 26.3% (63) positive dust samples of carpet 63.5% (40) were found positive for D. farinae and 36.5% (23) for D. pteronyssinus. Total 28.8% (69) bedroom mattress dust samples were found positive for house dust mites but 74.9% (51) and 26%
(18) dust samples were containing D. farinae and D. pteronyssinus species respectively.
Among 17% (41) positive dust samples of sofa, 61% (25) were containing 13. farinae and
39% (16) D. pteronyssinus. Out of 11.7% (28) positive dust samples of floor for house dust mites, 68% (19) were examined positive for D. farinae and 32% (9) for D. pteronyssinus.
The high occurrence of house dust mites were seen during May, June, July, and August 2007. During May, 2007, there was not so highly occurrence of house dust mites observed as compare to other three months (June, July and August, 2007). From late June rainy season (monsoon) was started and high moisture remains in the environment to late August. These environmental conditions have direct impact on the population of house dust mites.
From previous study, it was suggested that two species (D. farinae and D. pteronyssinus) occur in the area of Lahore, Pakistan. The highly prevalent specie in the house dust samples of carpet, bedroom mattress, sofa and floor was reported D. farinae as compare to D. pteronyssinus.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1045,T] (1).
Detection And Taxonomy Of Zoonotic Soil-Borne Helminths Of Cats And Dogs In Lahore
by Farhan Basit | Dr.Kamran Ashraf | Prof.Dr.Azhar Maqbool | Prof.Dr.Muham | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2009Dissertation note: To find out the prevelance of parasitic eggs/larvae of zoonotic importance, 160 faecal samples, 80 soil samples and 80 herbage samples from each of the selected park during four months i.e. from 1St June to 30th September 2007 were collected and examined. The public parks included; 1) Nasir Park, 2) Iqbal Park. Thus in total 640 samples were examined for prevelance of parasitic eggs/larvae of zoonotic importance including faeces, soil and herbage. At the same time 160 faecal samples of pet dogs and cats were collected from the Pet Centre of University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore and were examined for the presence of zoonotic parasites. These samples were processed and examined according to the techniques i.e. direct smear method, flotation and Baerman techniques. Five samples of each material were collected every week. The effect of meteorological data was also studied. Overall infection of the parks showed that 118 (37%) out of 320 faecal samples, 44 (27.5%) out of 160 soil samples and 81(51%) out of 160 herbage samples were found positive for parasitic eggs/larvae whereas 243 (38%) out of total 640 samples were found positive for parasitic contamination. One hundred and eighteen (37%) out of 320 faecal samples were found positive in which 72 (61%) were positive for A ncylostoma caninum, 23 (19%) for Toxocara canis, 15 (13%) for Diplidium caninum and 8 (7%) were found positive for others. Out of 160 soil samples 44 (27.5%) were found positive for parasitic infection. Amongst these 31 (70%) were positive for Ancylostoma caninum, 9 (20%) were positive for Toxocara canis and 4 (10%) were positive for other nematodes. Eighty one (51%) out of 160 samples was positive for parasitic infection. Amongst these 48 (59%) were positive for Ancylostoma caninum, 21 (26%) for Toxocara canis and 12 (15%) for others were found positive. The total 243 (38%) out of 640 were found positive for parasitic contamination. Amongst those 53 (22%) were positive for Toxocara canis, 151(62%) for Ancylostoma caninum, 15 (6%) for Diplidium caninum and 24 (10%) for others including Tinia saginata, Strongyloids etc. To find out the prevalence of zoonotic parasites in pet dogs and cats 160 faecal, 80 for dogs and cats each, samples were collected form the pet centre of University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore. Among dogs 25 (31%) out of 80 faecal samples were positive for parasitic eggs/larvae and while in cats 23 (29) out of 80 samples were positive for parasitic eggs/larvae. Overall 48(30%) out of 160 faecal samples were found positive for parasitic infection.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1046,T] (1).
Seroprevalence Of Toxoplasma Gondii Infection In Camels In And Around Bahalwalpur
by Umer Naveed Ch | Dr.Kamran Ashraf | Dr.Azhar Maqbool | Prof.Dr.M.Sarwa | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2008Dissertation note: Toxoplasma gondii is an intracellular parasite, which infects humans and animals by ingestion of tissue cyst, raw or undercooked meat or oocysts from soil, vegetables, fruits, water, soil and food contaminated by cat faeces or by transmission through the placenta, milk and blood transfusion. Although toxoplasmosis found throughout the world. Seropositivity levels vary widely among different regions of the globe and according to sociocultural habits, geographic factors; climate and transmission routes and typically rise with age.
In present study, the overall prevalence of T gondil infection in camels at Bahwawlpur recorded as 10% by using Toxoplasma Latex Agglutination kit (LAT). 2 camels were found seropositive at 1:16 dilution showing residual or non specific immunity, 5 camels were found seropositive at 1:128 showing acquired or evolving immunity, whereas 3 camels were positive at antibody titer of 1:256 giving an evidence of present infection.
It was also noted that seropositivity of T gondii in camels was higher in age group from 6- 10 years, infection was higher in female camels having abortion history than male.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1049,T] (1).
Prevalence And Chemotherapy Of Argas Persicus In Rural Poultry At Lahore District
by Nazish Munawar | Prf.Dr. Azhar Maqbool | Dr.Aftab | Dr.Kamran Ashraf | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2010Dissertation note: External parasites like ticks causes great economic losses in poultry in term of low productivity, anemia, and secondary bacterial infection. Keeping in view economical importance of this problem the project was designed to record the prevalence of Argas persicus in poultry and to treat the birds with different drugs. For this purpose indigenous poultry at Lahore was visited for the collection. Overall prevalence of tick infestation and
identification of ticks was on the basis of their taxonomic characteristics. During the study period 5207 ticks were collected from five hundred birds. Three species of Argas were identified, 3316 were belonging to Argas Persicus (65.02%), 935 Argas reflexus (17.95%), (18.32%), 957 were Argas vespertilionis. Antigen was prepared from the mouth parts of ticks. Five hundred blood samples were taken from birds found positive. Sera were centerifuged and subjected to AGID test. Overall 19.4% prevalence of Argas persicus was recorded. Age -wise 8.19% and 25.8% prevalence was observed in chicks and adults respectively. The highest prevalence during spring was (26.8%) due to high humidity reason. One hundred layers were selected for therapeutic trials. These were randomly divided into 5 groups i.e., A, B, C, D and E. Birds in group A, B, C, D was treated with Cypermethrin, Ivermectin, Permethrin, and Dormectin respectively. Where as birds in group E was served as untreated control. Efficacy of drugs was calculated on the basis of reduction of ticks on the body of poultry. The efficacy of drug trial was noted in poultry subunits for a period of 15 days. The maximum control was achieved by Cypermethrin (90.7%), Ivermectin (90.35%), Dormectin (89.3%) and Permethrin (88.9%).
The data were analyzed statistically by using NPar test, kruskal-Wallis test and Median test (Steel and Torrie 1989).
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1084,T] (1).
The Comparative Efficacy Of Various Feed Additives On The Resistance Of Broiler To Experimenmtally Induced Cecal Coccidiosis
by Atta Subhani | Dr.Kamran Ashraf | Dr.Muhammad Lateef | Prof.Dr.Muham | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2009Dissertation note: Coccidiosis is the major parasitic disease of poultry and is caused by the apicomplexan parasites Eimeria. Drugs and live vaccines are the two main control measures of the disease; however, due to increasing concerns with prophylactic drug use and the high cost of vaccines, alternative control methods are needed. Recent evidence that various dietary and live microbial supplements can influence host immunity against enteric diseases prompted me to investigate the role of prebiotic, probiotic on coccidiosis in broiler chickens. Neem fruit (azadirachta indica) and diclazuril is also used in the experimental trial due to their anticoccidial activity. For this purpose a total of 300 day old chicks free from coccidial infection were randomly divided into six groups (A, B, C, D, E and F) each comprising 50 birds. The dietary treatments for groups A-F were basal diet only, basal diet + Diclazuril 0.5%, basal diet + lactobacillus based probiotic, basal diet + Mannan-oligosacchrides (MOS), basal diet + neem fruit (Azadirachta indica) and basal diet only, respectively. The birds in groups A-E were challenged oesophageally with 10000 viable sporulated E. tenella oocysts, while the birds in group F were remained unchallenged and serve as negative control. The oocyst per gram (OPG), clinical signs/severity of diarrhea, lesion score, body weight gain, feed consumption, FCR, mortality rates, hemoglobin estimation, total leukocyte count and differential leukocyte count were the parameters considered. The efficacy of various treatments was estimated on the basis of reduction in OPG, clinical signs/severity of diarrhea and lesion score. The effect of coccidiosis on hemoglobin, total leukocyte count and differential leukocyte count were also recorded. The data thus obtained were subjected to statistical analysis using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Technique. The difference among the treatment means were tested by Duncans's Multiple Range (DMR) Test.
The results of the experiment revealed that oocyst per gram (OPG), clinical signs/severity of diarrhea, lesion score, mortality rates, feed consumption, hemoglobin estimation, total leukocyte count and differential leukocyte count of group D and C were significantly lower than group A, B and E (p<O.O5) respectively except group F (-ye control), but feed consumption of group C and D is significantly lower than group F (p<O.05). Body weight gain, and FCR of group C and D were significantly higher than group F, followed by E, B and A (p<O.O5) respectively.
From the results of above experiment it is concluded that both prebiotic and probiotic not only facilitate as an anticoccidial but also helpful in body weight gain. These consequently result as an alternative drug free approach to antibiotics for the control of coccidiosis because of drug resistance as well as growth promoter and ultimately reduce the economic losses due to coccidiosis.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1095,T] (1).
Genotyping Of Hydatid Cyst And Itd Prevalence In Cattle,Buffalo And Human Beings
by Muhammad Nauman Zahid | Prf.Dr. Azhar Maqbool | Dr.Aftab | Dr.kamran Ashraf | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Nature of contents: ; Literary form: Publisher: 2008Dissertation note: ACystic echinococcosis (CE) is the larval cystic stage (called echinococcal cysts) of a small taeniid-type tapeworm (Echinococcus granulosus) that may cause illness in intermediate hosts, generally herbivorous animals and people who are infected accidentally. Echinococcus granulosus has number of genetically distinct strains which are known to differ morphologically and epiderniologically. Out of 150 cattle and 150 buffalo examined only 42 Samples of hydatid cysts were collected from different organs i.e. livers, kidneys, lungs and hearts from Lahore abbatoir. From 42 positive samples, 25 cysts were found in cattle and 17 cysts were tound in buffalo. Prevalence of hydatidosis in cattle was recoreded as 16.66% and 11.33% in buffalo. Fertility and viability of the cysts was observed microscopically. Out of 25 cysts of cattle. nine were fertile and out of 17 cysts of buffalo, only five were fertile.
Seroprevalence of hydatidosis in 150 butchers working in abattoir was also determined by the use of Latex agglutination test (LAT) kit for detection of hydatidosis.
The prevalence of Echinococcus is 24% which was derived from serum analysis of butchers.
DNA from hydatid cyst was extracted. Polymerase Chain Reaction was run on extracted DNA samples. Amplicon was run on 1% agarose for confirmation of size and specificity of product. Size of PCR product was approximately l300bp.
Genotyping of Echinococcus granulosus was performed through Polymerase Chain Reaction- Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). The PCR-RFLP analysis of CO I gene of Echinococus was performed to confirm the strain of Echinococcus in cattle .The data obtained was analysed and it was concluded that the G5 strain of echinococus is prevalent in Cattle in Punjab area.
It is hoped that the findings of the present study will be helpful for further planning about the control of the disease and correlating the prevalence in cattles,buffalos and butchers from the zoonotic point of view.
According to the results, the PCR-RFLP analysis of samples of patients suspected for Echinococejis is a promising diagnostic method and also confirms the type of Echinococcits prevalent in that area and also enables an early direct detection of parasite DNA. This effort is a step to minimize the losses produced by this disease.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1097,T] (1).
Cytochrome B Gene Amplification A Novel Approach For Diagnosis Of Theileriosis In Cattle Under Field
by Muhammad Faiz rasool | Prof. Dr.Kamran ashraf | Dr.Nisar ahmed | prof. Dr. Tahir yaqub.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2014Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1893,T] (1).
Therapeutic Study Of Trichomoniasis In Pigeons
by Muhammad Umar Farooq (2002-VA-78) | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr.Syed Saleem Ahmad | Prof. Dr.Kamran Ashraf.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2016Dissertation note: Trichomoniasis in birds is caused by the flagellated protozoan Trichomonas spp. In pigeons, it causes a condition known as ''canker''. The causative agent is Trichomonas gallinae.
The trichomoniasis is a one of the major protozoal diseases of pigeons and other members of the columbiformes family like doves etc. Common signs include diarrhea, anorexia, ruffled feathers and listlessness. A severe weight loss is one of the characteristic sign accompanied by appearance of cheesy mass in the buccal cavity.
On microscopic examination flagellated protozoan confirm the diagnosis. The transmission is either from parents to the offsprings while feeding or from the drinkers and feeders in colony keeping systems. Sometimes raptors and other birds of prey feeding on pigeons may get infection, after eating the infected prey. Trichomoniasis can occur at any time of the year, in the young squabs so a serious problem to the squab industry.
The prevalence of trichomoniasis can range upto 80% however in the present study it was found to be 19% in total.
In the present study included analysis of Trichomonas gallinae prevalence in pigeons. To evaluate this 125 pigeons were collected from various lofts and pet shops in district Lahore and were examined macroscopically for gross signs and microscopically for parasite prevalence. Prevalence was found to be highest in summer season , and in female pigeons. However certain breeds were found to be relatively more susceptible, than others.
The metronidazole was 100% effective in naturally infected pigeons with Trichomonas gallinae when it is given orally in a dose of 100 mg / pigeon for seven days (Abd El-Motelib and Galal, 1993 and Aydin et al, 2000), and 1gm / liter for five successive days (Shihata, 1978)
For comparing various therapeutic agents 4 groups of 10 birds each were used, first three groups A,B & C included naturally infected birds were treated with medicine while 4th group D included 10 birds remained untreated. In the end the efficacy of the two therapeutic drugs Metronidazole, Secindazole and one herbal agent Garlic was evaluated.
The data of the therapeutic part of the study was analyzed by ANOVA, the treatment groups were divided into 4 groups in which the pigeon were randomly placed.
Pretreatment (0 day) the buccal mucosa were analyzed and Post-treatment twice analysis were performed at 4 days and at 7 days data was analyzed using ANOVA.
Group A was Given Metronidazole at the dose rate of 100mg / day for seven days and showed the 100% recovery among the pigeons at day 4.
Group B was given Secindazole at a dose rate of 50mg single dose at day 01 only and showed 60% of the recovery at 4th day and 100% of bird recovery at 7th day.
Group C was given garlic extract approximately 200 mg / day for seven days and showed 50% of the recovery at 4th day and 70% of bird recovery at 7th day.
Group D was control thought out the study period.
Among all therapeutic groups the group A was the most significant p> 0.05(0.00a) than group B, C & D. group B is significant p< 0.05(0.16b) than group C & D, Group c is significant P<0.05(0.15b) than group D.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2663-T] (1).