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Prepration Of Cost-Effective Aquafeeds For Labeo Rohita Using Plant Based Feed Ingredients

By: Afifa Bari (2009-VA-422) | Dr. Sumaira Abbas .
Contributor(s): Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Dr. Abdul Razaaq.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: 2016Description: 75p.Subject(s): ZoologyDDC classification: 2699-T Dissertation note: In Asia Carp culture is dominated which is mostly extensive and semi-intensive. Now a days aquatic plants used in animal feed became very popular. Aquatic plants have been used to enhance the growth, reduce stress, induce appetite and play a major role as Immunostimulants that have antimicrobial effects in fin fish and shrimp. However, exact percentage contribution needs to be determined to obtain its benefits as over dose can have harmful effects. These plants are mechanically removed at a high costs and dumped. So, the use of unusual feed resources is a way of significant reduction in the cost of feed. Addition of Aquatic plants upgrade growth, enzyme level, body composition and immunity of Labeorohita (rohu) fingerlings.This study will produce useful information for aqua feed and fish industry concerning possible utilization source of aquatic plants for carp. It will also be helpful to save the increasing cost of aqua feed industry because of cheaper source of energy inproving health of fish thus enhance production. To compare the growth performance and meat quality of Labeorohitaunder different treatments Experiment was designed in glass aquariums and with two replicates in each treatment. The effect of inclusion of aquatic plants in the feed of Labeorohitawas also observed on histology under different treatments in aquariums. Before stocking all aquariums was disinfected with KMnO4. Each aquarium was stocked with 15 Labeorohitafingerlings and their morphometric parameters i.e,body weight and total length was recorded at the time of stocking. The physico-chemical parameters (DO, pH and Temperature) was monitored on daily basis from each treatments. For proximate and histological studies organs of fish was collected at the end of experimental. The feed was formulated for treatment T1, T2, and T3 having 35%, 30% and 25% of plant (Vallisneriaspiralis). The fish samples were captured randomly from each of the treated aquarium and their morpho-metric characteristics viz. total body weight and total length were recorded on weekly basis. And after obtaining the data the fish were released back into their respective aquarium. At the final harvest, the proximate composition of fish meat sample was studied. The findings of the present experiment are summarized as follow. 1-The average body weight of Labeorohitaremained as 91.2, 71.3, 62.2 and 58.2g under the treatments T1, T2, T3 and T4 respectively.Fish attained the maximum average body weight in T1 which was treated with 35% plant.Among the different treatment, maximum body increment in body weight was recorded in T1 as 91.2(g) whereas minimum body weight was recorded in T4 as 58.2 (g).. 2-Labeorohitashowed the minimum value of specific growth rate as 0.422 and 0.463 in T3 and T4. Maximum value of 0.789% of specific growth rate was noted in T1. 3-Among different treatments the maximum condition factor was observed as 2.717% in T1 while minimum was gained as 1.918% in T4. 4-Among different treatmentsLabeorohita showed the highest growth rate with the highest crude protein contents 18.70% under the treatment T1. while17.85%, 17,60% and 17.35% in T2, T3 and T4. 5-The maximum moisture content was observed as 75.22% in T1 and minimum moisture content was observed as 73.20% in T4 6-The maximum value of total fats was observes as 1.29% in T4 and minimum value was observed as 1.13% in T1 treatment 7- Among the abiotic factor water temperature played major role towards fish growth as higher increase in body weight was observed for all the treatments during July and august while minimum increase in body weight was observed in September and October which perhaps due to low water temperature.Maximum water temperature was observed as 24.6 °C in T1 and T3 treatments. While minimum was recorded as 21.3 °C. 8-The physico-chemical characteristics of water remained within the favourable limits for fish culture.and shows non-significant under all treatments.
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In Asia Carp culture is dominated which is mostly extensive and semi-intensive. Now a days aquatic plants used in animal feed became very popular. Aquatic plants have been used to enhance the growth, reduce stress, induce appetite and play a major role as Immunostimulants that have antimicrobial effects in fin fish and shrimp. However, exact percentage contribution needs to be determined to obtain its benefits as over dose can have harmful effects. These plants are mechanically removed at a high costs and dumped. So, the use of unusual feed resources is a way of significant reduction in the cost of feed.
Addition of Aquatic plants upgrade growth, enzyme level, body composition and immunity of Labeorohita (rohu) fingerlings.This study will produce useful information for aqua feed and fish industry concerning possible utilization source of aquatic plants for carp. It will also be helpful to save the increasing cost of aqua feed industry because of cheaper source of energy inproving health of fish thus enhance production.
To compare the growth performance and meat quality of Labeorohitaunder different treatments
Experiment was designed in glass aquariums and with two replicates in each treatment. The effect of inclusion of aquatic plants in the feed of Labeorohitawas also observed on histology under different treatments in aquariums. Before stocking all aquariums was disinfected with KMnO4. Each aquarium was stocked with 15 Labeorohitafingerlings and their morphometric parameters i.e,body weight and total length was recorded at the time of stocking. The physico-chemical parameters (DO, pH and Temperature) was monitored on daily basis from each treatments. For proximate and histological studies organs of fish was collected at the end of experimental. The feed was formulated for treatment T1, T2, and T3 having 35%, 30% and 25% of plant (Vallisneriaspiralis). The fish samples were captured randomly from each of the treated aquarium and their morpho-metric characteristics viz. total body weight and total length were recorded on weekly basis. And after obtaining the data the fish were released back into their respective aquarium. At the final harvest, the proximate composition of fish meat sample was studied.
The findings of the present experiment are summarized as follow.
1-The average body weight of Labeorohitaremained as 91.2, 71.3, 62.2 and 58.2g under the treatments T1, T2, T3 and T4 respectively.Fish attained the maximum average body weight in T1 which was treated with 35% plant.Among the different treatment, maximum body increment in body weight was recorded in T1 as 91.2(g) whereas minimum body weight was recorded in T4 as 58.2 (g)..
2-Labeorohitashowed the minimum value of specific growth rate as 0.422 and 0.463 in T3 and T4. Maximum value of 0.789% of specific growth rate was noted in T1.
3-Among different treatments the maximum condition factor was observed as 2.717% in T1 while minimum was gained as 1.918% in T4.
4-Among different treatmentsLabeorohita showed the highest growth rate with the highest crude protein contents 18.70% under the treatment T1. while17.85%, 17,60% and 17.35% in T2, T3 and T4.
5-The maximum moisture content was observed as 75.22% in T1 and minimum moisture content was observed as 73.20% in T4
6-The maximum value of total fats was observes as 1.29% in T4 and minimum value was observed as 1.13% in T1 treatment

7- Among the abiotic factor water temperature played major role towards fish growth as higher increase in body weight was observed for all the treatments during July and august while minimum increase in body weight was observed in September and October which perhaps due to low water temperature.Maximum water temperature was observed as 24.6 °C in T1 and T3 treatments. While minimum was recorded as 21.3 °C.
8-The physico-chemical characteristics of water remained within the favourable limits for fish culture.and shows non-significant under all treatments.

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