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1. Prevalence Of G.Ilt. Namatodes In P:Heasants At Lahore Zoo/Jallo Wildlife Park & Its Chemotherapy With Oxfendazole (Oxafax) & Febental [Rintal]

by Makhdoom Najaf, Muftee | Muhammed Sarwer Khan | Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Muhammed | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 1993Dissertation note: This experiment was conducted to find out that efficacy of various anthelmintics in birds (Pheasants) for the treatment of Ascaridia, Heteraki and Trichostrungylus. Thirty six pheasants naturally infected were selected for study. They were divided into 3 groups that in A, B & C. The anthelmintics used were Rintal and Oxafax. They were given to Group A, B respectively. Group C was considered as control to know the increase in the number of eggs per gm. of feces during the experimental period, showing the increase as 2375 and 2908 and 8.34% and 32.66% on third and seventh day of experiment. Fecal samples were obtained from pheasants owing to Punjab Wildlife Department, i.e. Lahore Zoo and Jallo Wildlife Park, Lahore brought to Medicine Lab., College of Veterinary Sciences Lahore of -rye samples were done: a. Before the administration of drugs. b. After 3rd day of treatment. c. After 7th day of treatment by using MC. Master technique. As regards the efficacy of the drugs, the Rintal was found highly effective and reduced 90.58 eggs per grams of feces, Oxafax reduced 82.42%. In addition to effectiveness, Rintal was also the cheapest, anthelinintic out of two. So Rintal was recommended for field use. It was observed thak incidence of infection (Ascaridia, Heterakis) in Lahore Zoo was 25% and incidence of infection in Jallo Wildlife Park was 23% overall incidence was 24%. In Lahore Zoo the prevalence was 60.11% for Ascaridia and for 1-leterakis 38.88% whereas in Jallo Wildlife Park, Lahore it was 65.21% for Ascaridia and for Heterakis 34.78% respectively. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0172,T] (1).

2. Study & Comparative Efficacy Of Oral & Injectable Levamisole Against G.I.T. Nematodes In Cattle And Buffaloes

by Anwar Hayat Hanjra | Muhammed Sarwer Khan | Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Muhammed | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 1991Dissertation note: This project was designed to find out the incidence of gastrointestinal nematodes and to chalk out the comparative efficacy of Levamisole Hcl oral and Levamisole Hcl injectable (Anthelmin powder and injection) in young buffaloes and cattle upto two years of age at Lahore and adjacent areas. The therapeutic trials were conducted on both sexes of buffaloes and cattle having moderate to heavy infection. The efficacy was evaluated on the basis of reduction in EPG (eggs per gram of the faeces) by using MoMaster technique. Out of the total 300 faecal samples collected directly from the rectum of experimental animals, 128 were positive for G.I.T nematodes and incidence was found to be 42.66%. The eggs of different species of nematodes, as Neoscaris vitulorum, Haemonch, Cooperia, Ostertagia, Trichostrongylus etc. were identified from the faecal samples. It was observed that the incidence of G.I.T nematodes was 44.50% and 39.83% in buffaloes and cattle respectively. Out of the 128 positive animals ninety animals were selected for the drug trials and divided into three groups of thirty animal each i.e groups A, B and C. The anthelmin tic efficacy of Levamisol Hcl oral and Levamisol Hcl injectable against G.I.T. nernatodes was observed by administering the drug to group A and B respectively and group C was kept as non-medicated control. The efficacy was determined on basis of reduction in number of ova count discharged in faeces post medication. The percentage efficacy observed on 14th day was 96. 71% and 97. 80% in buffaloes and cattle respectively, for Levamisole Hcl oral. The efficacy was 98.62% and 98.29% in huffa1oe, and cattle respectively for Levamisole Hcl injectable. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0237,T] (1).

3. Comparative Study Of Acaricides (Ivermectin & Asuntol) For The Treatment Of Mange Mites In Sheep

by Allah Diwaya Khan | Muhammed Sarwer Khan | Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Muhammed | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 1991Dissertation note: Ectoparasites are major problem creaters in the smooth rearing of sheep. Ainongs the ectoparasites mange mites are of prime importance as 'they damage skin, hide and wool etc. In the present study Iverinectin and Asuntol were used for the treatment of mange mites. A single subcutaneous injection of Ivermeotin 1% at dose rate of 1 nil/adult gave a cure of 80% adjudged on day 14 post treatment. A single spray of 0.1% solution of Asuntol could eliminate the condition in 65% of the clinical cases. On the same day in the animals which were kept as control (untreated), no spontaneous recovery was noted rather the condition aggravated. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0238,T] (1).

4. Study Of Coccidiosis In Different Age Groups & Estimation Of Haemaglobin, Pcv And Total Proteins In Camels

by Ashfar-ur-Rehman | Muhammed Sarwer khan | Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Mubasher | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 1991Dissertation note: The present study was conducted to find out the prevalence of coccidiosis in different age groups of camels and to estimate haemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume and total serum proteins in positive cases. For this purpose study was carried out on 300 animals of different age groups of camels (calves, young and adult) brought to Lahore abattoir for slaughtering during a period between June to August 1991. The investigation showed that out of 300 animals, 29 (9.66%) were positive for coocidiosis. It was also observed that infection rate was higher in calves (25.86%) than in young (5.62%) and adult camels (6.09%). The study also indicated that the prevalence of coccidiosis remained as in the month of June (8.42%), July (9.60%) end in August (11.25%). The present investigation revealed that an average haemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume and total serum protein were 9.2 ± 0..3g/100 ml, 35..27 ± 0.46% and 8.3 ± 1.0g/100 ml of positive animals respectively.. It was recorded that 19 animals showed decrease in haemoglobin, 6 showed increase in packed cell volume and 9 showed increase in total serum protein. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0246,T] (1).

5. Incidence Of Surra (Trypanasomiasis) & Estimation Of Blood Glucose Protein P.,C.V. Values In Camels Grought To Lahore Abbatoir

by Saleem Ahmad, S | Muhammed Sarwer Khan | Asif Rabbani | Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 1991Dissertation note: Trypanosomiasis in camels caused by T. evansi occurs in both acute and chronic forms. In chronic forms huge production loss occur, i.e lower milk and meat yields. The present study had been designed to find out the incidence of the disease and estimation of blood glucose ,P.C.V. and protein level , it will eventually lead to the control of Trypanosomiasis. For the incidence, blood samples were col- lected from Lahore abattoir and the presence of Trypa- nosome was confirmed by making smear from freshly collected blood samples from the ear vein.For the haematological study blood was collected from jugular vein in the glass tube . The values of protein , PC.V. and blood glucose was estimated by standard method. Out of 500 samples 24 were proved to be positive i.e 4.80 % sample were positive.Whereas in the month of July 1991 it comes 4.16 %,In the month of Aug. 91 estimated as 5.58 % and during Sept. 91 was estimated as 4.30 %. On examining the values of serum protein ,blood glucose and Packed Cell Volume ( P.C.V.) of the positive samples they showed slight increase in protein value ,decrease in glucose value and also reduction of P.C.V. values. Their mean values were calculated as 9.55 g/100 ml,29.07 mg/100 ml and 20.25 % respectively. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0247,T] (1).

6. Chemotherapy Of Fascioliosis With Nitroxynil And Estimation Of Serum Bilirubin & Sgot Levels In Sheep And and Goats

by Ayaz Wazir, Malik | Muhammed Sarwer Khan | Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Muhammed | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 1991Dissertation note: Fascioliasis is one of the major economically important diseases affecting a mass population of sheep and goats in Pakistan. The present study was designed to find out the prevalence of fascioliasis in N.W.F.P., and the serum bilirubin and serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase activities in sheep and goats before and after treatment with Nitroxynil. In this study out of 240 sheep and 360 goats forty sheep (16.667.) and forty goats (11.117.) were found positive for fascioliasis, by applying direct smear and zinc sulphate floatation technique. The eggs per gram of faeces were done by Mc Master eggs counting technique. Serum samples of forty sheep and forty goats positive for fascioliasis and twenty sheep and twenty goats negative for the same were examined for bilirubin and SGOT activities before & after medication with Nitroxynil with a dose rate of 1 ml/20 kg body weight, sub cutaneously. The drug was highly effective in all the infected groups of the animals in eradication of fascioliasis. The efficacy of the drug in the form of the eggs per gram of faeces count was determined and was recorded as 83.907. in sheep and 85.977. in goats. The mean serum bilirubin value of group "C6" was 0.24 mg/dl, which raised to 0.61 mg/dl, in group "A and to 1.19 mg/di in group "Be". Serum Bilirubin levels of group "Co" was 0.25 mg/dl at day zero while it was 0.69 mg/dl in group "Ag" and 1.09 mg/dl in group "Eg" animals on the same day. The mean serum bilirubin values of group "C5 and Cg" remained unchanged after 14 days of treatment, while these values were 0.33 mg/dl and 0.33 mg/di in groups "As & Ag" respectively, after 14-days of medication. Similarly in groups "Ba & 8g" the reduction in serum bilirubin after 14- days post treatment also occured and the mean values were recorded as 0.62 mg/di and 0.52 mg/dl respectively. Pre-medication mean serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase activities in group "C5 and Cg" were 40.14 units/mi and 40.15 units/mi respectively. The level of SOOT in these groups remained unchanged after medication, while serum 60T values were 86.95 units/mi and 80.77 units/mi in group "As and AQ" and were 96.75 units/mi and 106.27 units/mi in group "B5 and Bg" respectively, before treatment. After 14 days of treatment with Nitroxynii the SOOT values of the above groups were significantly reduced, and the values recorded were 70.00 and 54.89 units/mi in "A5 and Ag" and 75.47 and 57.88 units/mi in group "Be, Bg" respectively. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0328,T] (1).

7. The Efficacy Of Ivomec Injection, A Broad Spectrum Anthelmintic, Against Gastro-Intestinal Nematodes & Lung Work In Sheep

by Karamat Ullah | Muhammed sarwer Khan | Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Mubasher | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 1991Dissertation note: A study was conducted to find outs the efficacy of a newly introduced, ((in Pakistan ) broad-spectrum anthelminitic injection i.e. ivomec (ivermactin H.S.D. Agvet) against the naturally infected sheep in District Guiranwala, Which were very heavily infected with G.I.T. nemtodes and lung worms. The animals were emaciated, in Diarrhoe-al condition, rough wool coat and with cough. (confirmed by feacel egg and larval count examinations). In total 90 sheep were rendemly selected for this study. They were divided into three equal group each containing 30 animals namely A, B. & C. (Group A positive for G.I.T. nematode infection, group B positive for lung worm infection and group C kept as non-medicated infected control). Group C was further divided into group C1, kept as control against the nematode infected group & Group C2 kept as control against the lung worms infected group. The drug was used according to the manufacturer recommended dosage i.e. 0.2 mg/kg body weight injection by sub-contaneous route. The drug revealed a high efficacy (100%) against the G.I.T. nematodes and lung' worm infection. The egg counting and larval of lung worms counting was performed on the 0, 3rd, 7th and 10 day of the treatment. The E.P.G. and larval count was 0 at 3rd, 7th and 10th day of treatment which indicated that this drug was 100% effective against- G.I.T. nematodes and lung worms. A 0.75 kg weight gain was seen in the treated groups while animals of control groups reduced weight. No side effects of medicine were recorded during the experiment. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0329,T] (1).

8. Efficacy Of Ivermectin (Ivomec) Against Mange Mites And Warbles In Goats

by Saleem Qasur | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr. Muhammad | Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 1994Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0380,T] (1).

9. Bioavailability Of Gentamicin In Male Buffalo Calves

by Hasan Raza, S | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Prof. Dr. Saghir | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 1994Dissertation note: The bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of Gentamicin sulphate were investigated in the same 20-male buffalo calves heal thy after intravenous administration and after intramuscular administration. The blood samples were collected at various time intervals following administration of single dose of 4 mg/kg. The concentrations of Gentamicin in serum samples were determined according to the microbiological assay described by Arret (1971). The plasma concentrations of gentarnicin at different time intervals after injections were plotted on semi-logarithmic graph paper. The bioavailability and pharmacokinetics parameters were calculated according to the method described by Gibaldi (1984). Results were expressed as mean ± SD. The peak concentration of 11.273 ± 0.4976 µg/ml reached in 31.092 ± 1.217 minutes after intramuscular injection. Keeping intravenous as standard the relative bioavailability after injection was 82.5%. The half-life was 97.29 ± 5.259 minutes after I/v injection mean ± SD, volume of distribution was 202.36 ± 8.486 ml/kg/ The volume of distribution at steady stage (Vdss ) was 214.67 ± 20.99 ml/mm. The total body clearance of gentamicin was 1.7382 ± 0.0738 ml/kg. Pharmacokinetics parameters of gentamicin were seemed to be independent of rout of administration at the dosage level applied. The pharmacokinetics evaluation by compartmental method and non-compartmental method was not found significantly different. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0390,T] (1).

10. Effect Of Experimentally Induced Coccidiosis On Some Blood Parameters And Its Treatment With Three New Anticoccidial Drugs In Broilers

by Arshad Latif Arshad | Dr. Muhammed Sarwer Khan | Dr. Haji Ahmed | Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 1995Dissertation note: One hundred and fifty day 01(1 broiler chicks were obtained from a local hatchery. They were reared upto day 26. All the birds were given feed having no coccicliostat. At the age of 26 clays the birds were divided into five groups A, B, C, D and E. The D and B were control groups. The test groups were infected with 75000 sporulated oocysts On 26th day of age, group D was infected and non medicated while group E was kept non infected and non medicated. The group A, B and C were treated with clopidol, monensin and salinomycin respectively after the appearance of clinical symptoms. The total oocyst counts in all groups on zero day of infection were nil and on 1st, 5th and 9th day of medication, groups A, B, C, D showed 25800, 20400, 23800, 197500 oocysts counts respectively, while group B examined nil being control non infected group. The mortalities observed in groups A, B, C, D and E were 6, 2, 3, 8 and nil while percent mortality was 20%, 6.66%, 10%, 26.66% and 0.00%. In treated groups, monensin showed least mortality. The feed intake and feed conversion of groups A, B and C were almost equal. While group D (infected and non medicated) was relatively poor. As far as group E (non infected and non medicated) is concerned it showed better results. In haematological studies the average values of haemoglobin levels, erythrocytic count and total serum protein were lower post infection as compared to the respective control group E (non infected and non medicated). The total leukocytic count was increased in all groups as compared to group E (non infected and non medicated). The differential leukocytic count, the lymphocyte decreased, heterophils and monocytes increased. The eosinophils and basophils showed variation in their number. The study showed efficacy of Monensin, Salinomycin and Clopidol in descending order respectively. Monensin was to be drug of choice against coccidiosis. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0428,T] (1).

11. Effect Of Fascioliasis On The Blood Picture And Comparative Efficacy Of Different Fasciolicidal Drugs In Sheep

by Shazia Maqbool | Dr. Khalid Pervaiz | Dr. Mubasher | Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 1995Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0471,T] (1).

12. A Comparative Study Of Different Anaesthetic Combinations In Equine

by Sajid Ijaz | Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan | Dr. Mubasher | Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 1995Dissertation note: These days the scope of anaesthesia is consistently increasing due to increase in surgical patients in veterinary practice. This change in trend is due to the awareness of the owners to different surgical problems and their solutions. They do not hesitate to get their animals treated with modern equipments and highly expensive medicine. To meet this challenge and demand of the owners, veterinary surgeons are taking keen interest to get the advanced knowledge and latest information of modern equipments and their usage in veterinary practice. In the past surgery was performed by making temporary insensibility by asphyxiation, cerebral concussion by striking wooden bowl placed over the head with a hammer and a regional anaesthesia was attained by compression of nerves and blood vessels of the region to he operated upon. But these days different sedative and anaesthetic agents are being used to make the animal desensitize from all external stimuli. These drugs are available in volatile, nonvolatile and gaseous forms. The usage of anaesthetic agent entirely depends upon the species, age, weight, temperament of the patient, nature of the operation to he performed, cost and availability of the drug. In this project three different combinations were tried in thirty animals of equine species to find out the best selection for major surgical interventions. The animals were divided into three groups often animal each. These groups were designated as Group A, B and C. Group A was anaesthetized with XylazineiPentothal sodium, Group B with Acepromazine/Pentothal sodium and Group C with Diazepam/Pentothal sodium. The efficacy of these combinations was measured on the basis of nature of induction, recumbency period, nature of recovery, different body reflexes, recording temperature, pulse, respiration, and statistical analysis of results. The analysis of the results collected during this study clearly indicated that a combination of cliazepam with pentothal sodium was a better selection for anaesthetizing equine patients. This study aslo proved that combination comprising of xylazine and pentothal sodium could he used for minor surgical interventions as it produced light surgical anaesthesia. It was concluded that a combination consisting of diazepam and pentothal sodium should be used for all types of major surgical procedures in equine practice. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0476,T] (1).

13. A Serological And Coprological Study Of Paramphistomiasis In Buffalo

by Jameel Ahmad | Dr. Khalid Pervaiz | Dr. Haji Ahmed | Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 1997Dissertation note: Two hundred faecal samples, serum samples and paramphistomes used in the present study collected from main slaughter house of Lahore and from surrounding of the city. Faecal examinations were carried out with fresh smear technique and 61.5% animals found positive for paramphistomiasis. Serum was separated from the blood samples collected from infected and suspected buffaloes for the performance of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Paramphistome crude antigen was prepared from fresh stomach flukes, which contained 95.66 mg proteins/mi at 545 nm. For performing the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, the 96 well ELISA plates were coated with crude antigen & kept overnight & then the other procedure for the assay was followed, & the serum samples were tested with paramphistome crude antigen. In positive samples, the yellowish-brown colouration was formed. In faecal examination, 61.5% and in the ELISA 100% of the animal found positive. From the conclusion of the results if was found that ELISA (100%) has given more positive results then faecal examination (61.5%). Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0490,T] (1).

14. A Clinicopathological Study Of Lactic Acidosis In Sheep And Goats

by Usman, M | Dr. Khalid Pervez | Dr. Javed | Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 1998Dissertation note: A total of 100 sheep and goats suffering from lactic acidosis brought to Outdoor hospital, College of Veterinary Sciences, Lahore were selected as experimental animals while the same number was kept as control to access the events of lactic acidosis. The temperature, pulse rate, respiration rate, rumen and serum p11, serum bicarbonate, packed cell volume, ruminal movements and ruminal protozoa of the two groups were studied. It was found that rectal temperature, blood pH, rumen p11, serum bicarbonate and ruminal movements decreased significantly in acidotic group as compared to control group. Simultaneously the pulse rate, respiration rate and packed cell volume increased, significantly in lactic acidotic group as compared to control group. Mean values observed in goat were serum pH 7.075±0.11 rumen p11, 4±0.57 serum bicarbonate, 12.42±0.59 mEq/liter, packed cell volume 67.50±3.2%, temperature 100.9±0.19°F, pulse rate 168.6±3.77 per minute and respiration rate 17.00±0.82 and in sheep mean values were 7.025±0.85, 4±0.57, 12.42±0.66 rnEq/liter, 64.25±0.21%, 100.9±0.82 °F, 168.6±3.77 per minute and 17.00±0.82 per minute respectively. The rumen protozoa was found to be completely destroyed in the experimental group. There was complete ruminal stasis in lactic acidotic group. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0550,T] (1).

15. Retrospective Epidemiological Study And Clinico Serological Observations On Haemorrhagic Septicaemia In Cattle And Buffaloes In District Dera Ghazi Khan During 1996

by Zaka Saeed | Dr. M. Athar Khan | Dr. M. Naeem | Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 1998Dissertation note: An active surveillance was conducted to understand the incidence and economic losses due to Haemorrhagic septicaemia in randomly selected 10 villages of tehsil/district Dera Ghazi Khan. The informations about the morbidity, mortality and case fatality rates related to HS were collected on a prescribed questionnaire during the previous year. The data of 4248 animals from the affected villages was cllected which included 2963 buffaloes (1042 young and 1921 adult) and 1285 cattle (417 young and 868 adults). The morbidity, mortality and case fatality rates were 22.3%, 19.64% and 88.04% in buffaloes (with 57.58%, 52.30% and 90.83% in young and 3.17%, 1.92% and 60.65% in adult animals) and 6.07%, 3.19% and 52.56% in cattle (with 8.63%, 5.27% and 61.11% in young and 4.83%, 2.18% and 45.23% in adult animals) respectively. The clinical signs observed were body temperature 104-107°F (17.39%), respiratory distress (14.61%), salivation (14.54%), nasal discharge (9.67%) and edema around throat (9.34%). The average total serum protein, serum albumin and serum globulin of diseased buffalo were 4.99g/dl, 2.60g/dl and 2.42g/dl while in diseased cattle the values were 5.78g/dl, 2.47g/dl and 2.35g/dl. Indirect haemagglutination test (IHA) used for the antibody detection against H.S. revealed that the GMT of diseased buffaloes and cattle was lower than that of healthy animals. No carrier buffalo and cattle could be detected by nasopharyngeal swabs. Economic losses due to haemorrhagic septicaemia have been estimated to be Rs. 2.615 million per annum. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0560,T] (1).

16. Evaluation Of Liver Functions At Varying Degrees Of Hepatectomy In Dogs

by Farhan Ahmad Atif | Dr. M. Arif Khan | Dr. Asim Aslam | Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 1999Dissertation note: Liver is the most important organ because of its multiplicity of functions. It played a pivotal rote in the nutrition and maintenance of the body. In this project 16 dogs were taken and divided into 4 groups comprising 4 dogs each. In group-A total removal of right lateral lobe was performed. In group-B half part of the right lobe was resected. Group-C was sham operated in which only laparotomy was experienced. Whereas, group-D acted as control. Liver function tests were conducted in all the groups before and after surgery. rfhe.e was slight elevation in the values of liver enzymes which remained within the normal range except alkaline phosphatase. Metabolic ability was not affected appreciably after resection of half and complete removal of right lateral lobe. All the dogs were euthanized after 8 weeks post-operatively. The dogs of group-B showed hepatic regeneration that was 31.2, 38.8 and 28.3 percent in dog No.6, 7 and 8 respectively. The histopathology of regenerated tissue revealed normal hepatic tissue. The analysis of results has clearly indicated that resection of liver upto this extent does not alter liver functions noticeably and thus partial hepatectomy can be performed without any fear. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0596,T] (1).

17. Prevalence Of Canine Babesiosis In District Lahore & Comparative Efficacy Of Different Drugs Against Naturally Infected Dogs With Babesiosis

by Haroon Ahmad | Dr.Khalid Pervaiz | Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Dr.S.A.Jafri | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2000Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0655,T] (1).

18. Magnitude Of Health Problems Of The Livestock Population, Serological Findings And Cost/Benefit Ratio At A Farmer Level

by Ajmal Shahid, M | Dr . Muhammad Athar Khan | Dr . Muhammad | Dr . Muhammad Ashraf | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 1999Dissertation note: An active surveillance was conducted in 10% villages of canal irrigated, waterlogged, Idara-e-Kissan, river side and urban areas of tehsil Renalá Khurd district Okara through a questionnaire over a period of one year i.e. March, 1998 to February, 1999 to determine the magnitude of various livestock health problems. In total buffalo population 7333 of all the strata morbidity, mortality case fatality was 57.73%, 10.07% and 17.45% while in 2635 cattle, these observation were 38.44%, 1.25% and 3.2% respectively due to various livestock problems. In 3445 goat, 1604 sheep population, the result were 27.95%, 8.06%, 28.86% and 30.17, 9.35%, 30.99% respectively. The highest incidence of haemorrhagic septicaemia 25.38% and 6.48% in young and adult buffalo population respectively was observed in river side area. Waterlogged area was next 24.38%1and 5.165% to river side while least incidence in urban area. Foot and mouth disease incidence was highest 19.28% and 22.01% respectively in young and adult buffalo along river side with no incidence in urban area. Highest. incidence of diarrhoea 11.11% in young buffalo population was observed in waterlogged area. Similarly highest incidence of Mastitis observed was 3.07% in waterlogged area in adult cattle. The highest incidence 23.64% of FMD was observed in waterlogged areas. Incidence of enterotoxemia in young sheep population were high 18.40% than young goat 12.35% while it was high in adult goat 10.23% than 8.99% in adult sheep. Total economical losses due to various livestock disease was calculated R.8408067 (US$ 158642.77). The cost and benefit ratio at a farmer level was 1:2.03. Antibodies were detected against haemorrhagic septi caem i a through IHA, in buffalo and cattle revealed that highest GMT in vaccinated buffalo and cattle was 55.69 each. These titers were also observed in affected and unvaccinated (might be as carrier) along with the recovered animals. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0664,T] (1).

19. Comparative Efficacy Of Different Drugs Used Against Mange Mite Infestation In Sheep

by Zafar Iqbal, Syed | Dr . Lftikhar Gul Ahmad | Dr . Asif | Dr . Muhammad Ashraf | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2001Dissertation note: Parasitic inFestation arc the major problem that hinder in the smooth rearing of sheep. Among the parasitic infestations ecto parasites are of major importance. Among the ecto-parasites mange mites are of prime importance as they damage skin, hide, wool etc. Mange mile infestation is considered to be highly responsible for substantial economic losses in the livestock industry (Hourrign, 1979). The present study was conducted to determine the comparative efficacy of different drugs used against mange mites in sheep. For this purpose a total of 60 animals diagnosed positive by skin scraping technique (Tarry, 1991) were randomly divided into 3 groups (A, B and C) each group comprising of 20 animals. Group A was treated with Ivojec (Ivernwctin 1%) at a dose rate of lml/50 kg body weight. Group B was treated with Seguvon (Trichiorphon) at a dose rate of 10gm/lit/animal. Group C was kept as positive untreated control. Observations were made at one week intervals for 3 weeks. The overall efficacy of Ivermectin and Seguvon at the end of study was 90% and 80% respectively. Animals were also observed for any side effect of the product. No side effect was observed during and after the study completion in both groups i.e. A and B group. No spontaneous recovery was noted in control group. From the present study it is concluded that Ivojec (Ivermectin) is the drug of choice for the treatment of mange mite infestation in sheep. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0677,T] (1).

20. Effect Of Different Antimicrobials At Therapeutic Dose Level On Blood Parameters Of Clinically Normal And Diseased Sheep

by Sheraz Bashir | Dr . Muhammad Athan Khan | Dr . Muhammad Ashraf | Dr . Saghir | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2000Dissertation note: The effect of amoxycillin, oxytetracycline and chloramphenicol at therapeutic dose level on the blood parameters of clinically normal and diseased (pyretic) sheep was studied in 18 febrile and 18 non febrile sheep for a period of 3 consecutive days. Amoxycillin treated diseased animals showed a gradual decline in temperature, pulse, respiration rate, neutrophil count, lymphocyte count, monocyte count and total serum protein, while total erythrocyte count, packed cell volume, total leukocyte count, eosinophil count and basophil counts were increased. In oxytetracycline treated affected animals, temperature, pulse, total erythrocyte count, neutrophil count, monocyte count, basophil count and total serum protein decreased while respiration rate, packed cell volume, total leukocyte count, lymphocyte count and eosinophil count increased gradually with time. In chloramphenicol treated pyretic animals temperature, pulse, respiration rate, total erythrocyte count, total leukocyte count, neutrophil count, lymphocyte count, basophil count and total serum protein decreased and packed cell volume and eosinophils increased while no effect was noted on monocyte count from day zero progressively. In amoxycillin treated non affected animals, total erythrocyte count, packed cell volume, neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophil increased while pulse, total leukocyte count and total serum protein decreased and no effect was observed on temperature, respiration and basophil count. In oxytetracycline treated normal animals pulse, respiration rate, total erythrocyte count, packed cell volume, total leukocyte count and eosinophil increased while neutrophil and total serum protein decreased gradually and there was no effect on temperature, lymphocytes, monocytes and basophils. In chloramphenicol treated clinically normal animals, pulse, lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophH increased while total erythrocyte count, total leukocyte count, neutrophil and total serum protein values decreased from day zero to onward. But there was no effect on temperature, respiration rate, packed cell volume and basophil count from day zero to day second. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0686,T] (1).

21. Bioavailability Of Norfloxacin After Flock Medication Via Drinking Water In Broilers

by Irfan Obaid Ullah | Dr.Muhammad Ovais Omer | Dr. Muhammad | Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Faculty of Biosciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2004Dissertation note: This project was done to determine the plasma concentration of Norfioxacin in broiler chickens after its administration through drinking water, stability of Norfioxacin in drinking water and to check the bioavailability of two products of Norfioxacin of two different companies by using the technique of microbiological assay. In this project collected 60 birds which were divided into two groups which were further divided into six sub-groups containing 5 birds each. Two different Norfioxacin products (Norexcel given to group A and Anflox to group B) was used at the dose rate of lml/1 through drinking water and then blood samples were taken at different specific time intervals to determine the plasma concentration of Norfioxacin through microbiological assay technique. The Maximum plasma concentration (Cpmax) attained by group A was 2.700±0.0683µg/ml and group B was 2.583±0.083µg/ml. The Maximum time (Tmax) for both group A and B was 2 hours. Area under the curve for group A was 201.166 ± 3.387µg/hr/ml and for group B was 203.616 ± 2. 674µg/hr/ml and Cpmjn. for group A was 1.150±0.0428 µg/ml and for group B was 1.016±O.0401µg/ml. This project showed that Oral administration of Norfioxacin, gave better bio-availability than other routes of administration of drug. Maximum plasma concentration (Cpmax) achieved by Norfioxacin in this study is enough to check the sensitive micro-organism. The medication of Norfioxacin through drinking water is better because it remains stable in water, and its stability in water is upto 90% which checked after every 4 hours, so no suggestions for renewal of fresh solution of Norfioxacin. According to this data we concluded that the dose given in this project (1m1/l) of drinking water is enough for the treatment and cure of the bacteriological infection and this also tells that the way of medication through continuous drinking water is the method of choice for getting maximum results. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0889,T] (1).

22. Effect Of Levamisole On The Cholinesterase Inhibition By Trichlorfon In Rabbits

by Hafiz Muhammad Irfan | Dr.Muhammad Ovais Omer | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2007Dissertation note: This project was designed in female rabbits to find out Trichiorfon- induced toxicosis and its interaction with Levamisole by inhibiting cholinesterase enzyme, taking account of the administration of levamisole before trichiorfon dosing. For this purpose, twenty female rabbits with weights of 1.0kg to 1.9kg were divided into four groups. Each group (A, B, C and D) containing five rabbits. Group 'A' was considered as control, group B was given trichiorfon 10mg/kg body weight (orally), while group 'C' was treated with levamisolelomg/kg (S/C) and then trichiorfon 10mg/kg (orally) after 30minutes of levamisole and the group 'D' was given levamisole 10mg/kg (S/C). After determination of butyryl cholinesterase activity, alkaline phosphatase activity, aspartate aminotransferase activity and alanine aminotransferase activity, it was observed that Trichiorfon and Levamisole significantly inhibited butyryl cholinesterase enzyme at 10mg/kg body weight Where as Levamisole pretreatment did not potentiate the inhibitory activity of Trichlorfon at 10mg/kg body weight dosage whether the Levamisole was given subcutaneously or orally. The alkaline phosphatase activity was increased significantly with Trichiorfon and Levamisole had no significant effect on it while the effect on aspartate aminotransferase was non significant. The alanine aminotransferase activity was decreased significantly with Levamisole. The results also showed that the time interval between Levamisole and Trichiorfon dosage and route of administration did not affect the cholinesterase activity. No clinical signs and postmortem lesions were observed at 10mg/kg body weight dosage while Levamisole at 50mg/kg body weight, produced signs of toxicosis. In general, there was no adverse drug interaction between Levamisole and Trichlorfon. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0975,T] (1).

23. Investigation On Epidemiology And Economics Imporatanc Eof Major And Common Livestock Diseases In Distt. Gujrat

by Mohammad Riaz | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr. Asif | Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 1990Dissertation note: Livestock sector has faced great set back in its development programmes because of the economic losses resulting from various animals diseases. Such losses, though highly colosol in nature, had never been determined precisely in the past, hence, it became a dire necessity, the present study aimed at estimating the losses caused by various animal diseases in District Gujrat and to find out the possible contributory factors. An active surveillance was conducted, in Tehsil Gujrat. The data was collected by a survey on the basis of a comprehensive questionnaire through personnel interview of livestock owners at their places. The blood samples were collected of aborted animals and serum samples were submitted to College of Veterinary Sciences, Lahore, Laboratory for diagnosis of brucellosis. In pursuance of the present study the data was analyzed statistically and the main conclusions drawn were as under. The incidence, mortality rate and fatality rate due to H.S. were in young buffalo 14.64%, 12.40% and 84.69%. In adult buffaloes were 2.36%, 1.01% and 42.79% respectively. Diseases of various categories have been given below in order of their respective rate of mortality such as abortion 0.29% in buffalo, 0.44% in cattle and 0.08% in goat. Mastitis in buffalo 0.04%, Haeinoglobinurea in buffalo 0.46% and in cows 0.44%. Milk fever in buffalo 0.17% post parturient prolapse in buffalo 0.25%, Metritis in buffalo 0.17% and in cattle 0.22%. In case of foot and mouth disease in young buffalo incidence 5.75% and in adult 11.72%. In cattle incidence was 9.01% in young and in adult 15.11%. In case of enterotoxaeinia disease in young goat, the morbidity, mortality and fatality 0.75%, 0.75% and 100% respectively. In adult goat 10.60%, 9.83% and 92.73% respectively. In case of young sheep incidence, mortality and fatality rate were 10.08%, 9.24% and 91.66% in adult sheep 10.89%, 7.26% and 66.66% respectively. A monetary loss of Rs.1.33 million was estimated annually in buffalo and cattle, sheep and goat, due to various diseases in surveyed area in District Gujrat. It is evident from the informations gathered from the respondents that the livestock owners residing at distant places from a veterinary hospital may not comfortably utilize the hospital facilities. The village ponds as the important disease spreading factor among the livestock (Nazir al. 1978) poisonous plants and entry of new animals to herd flock with out adopting precautionary measures. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1139,T] (1).

24. Comparative Pharmacokinetics Of Carvediolol In Healty Male And Female Volunteers

by Alishba syed | Dr. Sualeha Riuffat | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2010Dissertation note: This study was designed to compare the pharmacokinetic parameters of Carvedilol in 6 healthy male and female volunteers. The study was conducted in six healthy male volunteers and six healthy female volunteers. Only those male volunteers were selected who were of age between 18-30 years, not suffering from any disease. Female volunteers were also between age of 18-30 years, who were not pregnant and not suffering from any disease. Written consent was taken from them and they were be informed about objectives of the study, frequency of blood sampling, and possible side effects of drug which they might face during the study. The male volunteers were considered as group A and healthy female volunteers were considered as group B. Both groups were treated with Carvedilol 12.5mg tablet per orally to each individual. 5m1 Blood samples were collected at 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5. 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 & 24 hr from vein through 5ml B.D syringe of 22guage needle after oral administration of Carvedilol. Plasma was separated by centrifugation at 5000 RPM and stored at -40°C till analysis. Carvedilol concentrations in plasma were measured by HPLC method. All pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated by entering plasma concentration-time data in software APO pharmacological analysis MW/PHARM version 3.02. Pharmacokinetic parameters of Carvedilol in healthy male volunteers and in healthy female volunteers were compared. Data was analyzed byapproprite statistical methods and no significant difference was found between AUC and Cmax. Absorption rate was highr in females as compared to males. AUC of Carvedilol was 0.076±0.021 µg.h/ml in healty male voluneteers and 0.197±0.105 µg.h/ml in healty female volunteers. The half life was 5.205±1.824 hours in healty male volunteers and 6.6768±1.328 hours in female volunteers. The Cmax was observed as 0.024±0.004 µg.h/ml in healty volunteers and 0.048±0.018 µg.h/ml in healty female volunteers. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1180,T] (1).

25. Pharmacokinetic Studies Of Amoxcillin Trihydrate In Healthy Buffalo Calves

by Amir Rashid | Dr. Sheryar Afzal | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2010Dissertation note: The present study was designed to determine and compare the pharmacokinetic parameters of Farmox (Test Product) and Amoxi-vet (Reference Product) in healthy buffalo calves. For this study sixteen healthy buffalo calves between the ages of 6 to 12 months were purchased from the local market. They were kept in the shed of University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore. Their health status was monitored by physical examination. All the animals were maintained under similar conditions. The calves were provided fodder and water. All the animals were dewormed with Albendazole and a fifteen days wash out period was observed after deworming. The study was cross over design. Calves were divided into two groups A and B having eight animals in each. In the first phase calves of group A were administered Farmox (Test Product) intramuscular at the dose of 15mg/kg body weight and calves of group B were administered Amoxi-vet (Reference Product) intramuscularly at the dose of 15mg/kg body weight. In the second phase of the study, after a washout period of 15 days, group A were administered Amoxi-vet (Reference Product) and group B received the treatment with Farmox at same dose rate. Then 5ml blood was collected by direct pricking of jugular vein with needle and the blood was collected in heparinized test tubes. Prior to drug administration control/blank 5ml blood sample was also collected from each animal. After the drug administration the blood samples were collected at 0.166, 0.33, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 12.0, 24.0, 36.0 and 48.0 hours. The blood samples were then centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 10 minutes. Plasma was separated in small capped plastic bottles and measured by high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method. Calculation of all the pharmacokinetic parameters was done by entering plasma concentration-time data in software APO pharmaceutical analysis MW/PHARM version 3.02. Pharmacokinetic parameters of Farmox and Amoxi-vet were compared. Data was analyzed by appropriate statistical methods and it was concluded that there is no significant difference in pharmacokinetic parameters of Farmox (Test Product) and Amoxi-vet (Reference Product) after intramuscular administration and both products are bioequivalent in their rate and extent. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1201,T] (1).

26. Effect Of Strawberry Juice On Angiogenesis Using Chorioallantoic Membrane (Cam) Assay

by Sadia Abrar | Dr. Muhammad Ovais Omer | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2010Dissertation note: Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels, is a hallmark of almost all neoplastic and non-neoplastic degenerative diseases. Targeting angiogenesis with natural antiangiogenic compounds may lead to safe, effective and low cost budget therapies. Strawberries provide various vital natural substances which have a significant role in human health and disease prevention. In our study, we have focused on the effect of strawberry juice on angiogenesis using chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay. Fresh fertilized eggs were taken, sprayed with 70% ethanol and incubated at 37 °C (humidity 55-60%). At day 5 of incubation a small window was made on each egg, 4-5 ml of albumen was removed, windows were sealed with sterile parafilm and eggs were returned to incubator. Strawberry juice was obtained from fully ripened strawberry fruits and various dilutions were prepared in distilled water. Filtered dilutions of the juice were used for experimental analysis and applied to the CAMs on day 6. of incubation. Macroscopic vascular changes were evidently observed among all treated CAMs on day 7 of incubation. Reduction in the total area and diameter of primary, secondary and tertiary blood vessels was observed after treatment with strawberry juice in concentration dependent manner. By using SPIP software 3D surface roughness measurements were carried out which clearly elaborated antiagiogenic effect of strawberry juice on CAMs. Strawberry juice inhibits angiogenesis, which is a common denominator shared by various major disease. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1213,T] (1).

27. Bioequivalence Study Of Montelukast Tablets In Healthy Volunteets

by Sadia Amin | Dr. Sualeha Riffat | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Nature of contents: biography; Literary form: Publisher: 2011Dissertation note: Objective of this bioequivalence study was to compare pharmacokinetic parameters and to evaluate bioequivalence of two generic drug products. A multinational company brand was compared with locally manufacture brand. It was a randomized, single dose, two-period crossover study in which 12 volunteers were participated with the age limit of 18-30yrs. These volunteers were selected according to different inclusion and exclusion criteria and the study was conducted with one week washout period. Each volunteer was one tablet of montelukast (reference or test) lOmg. 14 blood samples of 4-Sml collected at predefined time intervals i.e, 0, O.S, 1.0, 1.S, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.S, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10, 12 and 24 hours .. Heparinized vacuette were used for collection of blood samples. After sampling, blood samples were centrifuged immediately to separate plasma and stored at -80°C till analyzed. Plasma montelukast concentration was evaluated by using reverse phase - high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) method. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate O.OSM at pH 3.5 with orthophosphoric acid in combination to acetonitrile (20:80) was used as mobile phase. The wavelength of detector was set at 34Snm and flow rate was set to 2.0ml per min. Drug from plasma was extracted by de-proteinizing the plasma with acetonitrile. 70 III injection volume was given to HPLC for analysis. For comparing the pharmacokinetic parameters two compartment analysis was used and pair t-test was applied. Non compartmental analysis was used for evaluating pharmacokinetic parameters to evaluate the both drugs were bioequivalent or not. 3 major parameters of bioequivalence Cmax, AVC O-inf and AVC O-t were evaluated and they did not show significant difference in between two formulations. Also the 90% confidence interval values were within the limit. So, it was concluded that both the test and reference drug were bioequivalent and test drug could be used interchangeably with the reference drug. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1311,T] (1).

28. Pharmacoinetic Srudy Of Ketoprofen In Healthy Sheep

by Awais Ali | Dr. Sheryar Afzal | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2011Dissertation note: Objective of this bioequivalence study was to compare pharmacokinetic parameters and to evaluate bioequivalence of two generic drug products. A multinational company brand was compared with locally manufacture brand. It was a randomized, single dose, two-period crossover study in which 12 volunteers were participated with the age limit of 18-30yrs. These volunteers were selected according to different inclusion and exclusion criteria and the study was conducted with one week washout period. Each volunteer was one tablet of montelukast (reference or test) 10mg. 14 blood samples of 4-5ml collected at predefined time intervals i.e, 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10, 12 and 24 hours. . Heparinized vacuette were used for collection of blood samples. After sampling, blood samples were centrifuged immediately to separate plasma and stored at -80°C till analyzed. Plasma montelukast concentration was evaluated by using reverse phase - high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) method. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate 0.05M at pH 3.5 with orthophosphoric acid in combination to acetonitrile (20:80) was used as mobile phase. The wavelength of detector was set at 345nm and flow rate was set to 2.0ml per min. Drug from plasma was extracted by de-proteinizing the plasma with acetonitrile. 70 µl injection volume was given to HPLC for analysis. For comparing the pharmacokinetic parameters two compartment analysis was used and pair t-test was applied. Non compartmental analysis was used for evaluating pharmacokinetic parameters to evaluate the both drugs were bioequivalent or not. 3 major parameters of bioequivalence Cmax, AUC 0-inf and AUC 0-t were evaluated and they did not show significant difference in between two formulations. Also the 90% confidence interval values were within the limit. So, it was concluded that both the test and reference drug were bioequivalent and test drug could be used interchangeably with the reference drug. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1312,T] (1).

29. Bioequivalence Study Of Deferiprone In Healthy Volunteers

by Naila Waheed | Dr. Sualeha Riffat | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2011Dissertation note: The study was conducted with the aim of evaluating bioequivalence, relative silability and efficacy of deferiprone manufactured locally (Ferinil, Global aceutical, Pakistan) with a reference drug (Ferriprox, ApoPharma, Canada) in healthy volunteers. It was a randomized crossover study enrolling 12 volunteers within age limit g·55yrs and meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study, Each volunteer was administered two tablets of deferiprone 500mg of both reference and test drug with a two- washout period. Blood samples of about 5ml was collected at 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 5,4, 6, 8, 12 hour at predetermined time intervals and one sample was taken as control giving first dose to volunteers. Heparinized vacuette was used for collection of blood les. After sampling, blood samples was centrifuged at approximately 3000 rpm for 10 les and then stored at -80°C till analyzed. Plasma deferiprone levels were analyzed using led High pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) method. Pharmacokinetic parameters calculated from plasma concentration time curve non-compartmentally and two- artmental. After logarithmic transformation of data statistical comparisons of Cmax, (0-1), AUC(o.oo) was calculated and appropriate statistical method was used for calculation. mean relative bioavailability was 104% and was proved to be bioavailable. The Cmax (mean ±SD) for reference and test drug was 12.68 ± 4.91 and 14.41 ± 5.04 ug/ml, ctively while average ± SD of AUCO-t and AUCO-inf of test and reference drug was 40.49 6,05 and 42.84 ± 18.47 ugh/ml and 38.63 ± 13.65 and 40.75 ± 14.17 ugh/ml. Average (test/reference) of Cmax 90% CI was 0.9876-1.3125. Average ratio (test/reference) of Co.190% CI was 0.9737-1.1150, and of AUCo-inf 90% CI was 0.9542-1.1343. Therefore both test and reference drug was fairly tolerated by volunteers and no adverse event was detected. Hence, the average ratio of 90% confidence interval of AUCo-t and AUCO-inf was 0.9737-1.1150 and 0.9542-1.1343 that lie within the acceptable limit of (0.80 - 1.25) for bioequivalence acceptance. Effectiveness of deferiprone depends on AUC instead of Cmax therefore the average ratio of 90% confidence interval of Cmax was 0.9876-1.3125 that lie with the acceptable limit of WHO bioequivalence acceptance (0.75 - 1.33). ANOVA show no significant variations among drug, period and sequence effect. Therefore, it was concluded that Ferriprox was proved to be bioequivalent in healthy male Pakistani volunleers. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1327,T] (1).

30. Comparative Study Of Patent Versus Locally Manufactured Chemotherapeutic Agents Used In Breast Cancer Patients.

by Marriam Sharif | Dr. Muhammad Ovais Omer | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2011Dissertation note: The pharmaceutical companies produce anticancer drugs after extensive research and development. Number of generics of doxorubicin, fluorouracil and cyclophosphamide has recently been introduced but their clinical efficacy and toxicity has not been documented in comparison to the brand leader product in Pakistan. Objective of this study was to compare the toxicity and efficacy of patent FAC (fluorouracil, doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide) chemotherapy combination versus local FAC manufactured by Pharmedic laborteries Pakistan. Study was conducted on two groups of patients having 15 patients in each group with breast cancer. Median age was 48 years in group "A" and 47 years in group "B". Patients in group "A" received patent FAC while group "B" received locally manufactured FAC. An inclusion and exclusion criterion was used for patient selection or rejection. Pre-treatment evaluation was done before the start of the chemotherapy. The dosage regimen and route of drug administration was same for both groups. A median number of two cycles of FAC chemotherapy was given in each group. Toxicity was evaluated with special reference to hepatic function, renal function, hematological profile and S-T changes in ECG on day 14 after the execution of FAC combination of chemotherapy and on day 21 before the start of second dose of chemotherapy according to Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 3.0 (CTCAE). Partial response was seen in 83% patients of group "A" and 60% in group "B". Two patients had stable disease in group "A" while three patients had stable disease and one patient had progressive disease in group "B". In this small series of patients group "A" patients treated with patent or branded FAC appeared to have better response rate at higher cost than group "B" patients treated with locally manufactured FAC combination of chemotherapy. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1357,T] (1).

31. Antiviral And Cytotoxiv Oroperties Of Solybum Marianum Chenopodium Album And Nigella Sativa Against Peste Des

by Abid Ali | Dr. Aqeel Javeed | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2011Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1361,T] (1).

32. A Comparative Study Of Antiviral And Cytotoxic Activity Of Acacia Nilotica Against Peste Des Petits Ruminants

by Rizwana Raheel | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Dr. Aqeel Javeed | Dr. Imran Altaf.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1449,T] (1).

33. Evaluation Of Antiviral Activity Of Allium Sativum, Allium Cepa And Zingiber Officinale Against New Castle

by Azeem Ahmed Iqbal | Dr. Aqeel Javeed | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: drama Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1453,T] (1).

34. In Vitro Evaluation Of Antiviral And Cytotoxic Activity Of Ginseng Root, Leaves Of Tulsi And Aloe Vera Against Peste Des Petits Ruminants Virus

by Misbah Afzal | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Dr. Aqeel Javeed | Dr. Imran Altaf.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1457,T] (1).

35. Evaluation Of Mutagenicity And Cytotocicity Of Ferst Line Anti Tuberculosis Drugs

by Riffat Fatima | Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Dr. Imran Altaf | Dr. Muhammad Adil Rasheed.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1458,T] (1).

36. Comparative Evaluation Of Mutagenicity And Cyhalothrin, Of Endosulfan, Lambda-Cyhalothrin,

by Umber Saleem | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Dr. Imran Altaf | Dr. Muhammad Ovais Omer.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: drama Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1460,T] (1).

37. Quality Evaluation Of Different Brands Of Ceftriaxone

by Sana Tariq | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Dr. Muhammad Adil Rasheed | Miss Huma.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: drama Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: This study was designed to determine the physicochemical equivalence of selected brands of ceftriaxone sodium registered with the ministry of health government of Islamic republic of Pakistan. Out of 9 selected brands 3 were of lowest price distribution class, 3 from the intermediate price distribution class and remaining three from the highest price distribution class. For quality evaluation 3 parameters were selected which were physical, chemical and microbial. Physical characters analyzed were general appearance, pH, solubility and moisture content. Characters which determine the chemical equivalence were assay of active ingredient and percentage of impurities present in powdered drug. Both these parameters were quantified chromatographically using high pressure liquid chromatography. Clinical efficacy of selected brands of this valuable antibiotic was accessed by determining the minimal inhibitory concentrations against Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi, Klebsiella pneumonia and Escherichia coli. Statistically all brands were significantly different from one another but all the parameters taken as quality indicators showed results within the range specified by united state pharmacopoeia. None of selected brands of ceftriaxone sodium were found to be counterfeit or even substandard. Irrespective of difference in price, no visible variation was found among different quality assessment parameters, all samples showed compliance with the international pharmacopoeial standards. Through this study it can be concluded that the quality of ceftriaxone in Pakistan is well regulated, all the registered brands are up to the mark and irrespective of variation in price there is no variation in the quality of brands. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1462,T] (1).

38. Determination Of Bacterial Etiological Agents ,Sensitivity Pattern And Clinical Outcomes Paediatrics Patients In pyogenic meningitis at children hospital Lahore,Pakistan

by Fauzia Tajdin | Dr. Muhammad Adil Resheed | Prof Dr. Muhammad Ashraf.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: Background: Meningitis is inflammation of membranes of brain and spinal cord which are known as meninges collectively and these membranes provide protection. This study was designed to check the bacteriology and sensitivity pattern of pyogenic meningitis for their antibiotic susceptibility testing and pattern of resistance by meningitis isolates in patients suspected from meningitis is determined. It was conducted on different children suspected from meningitis in Children hospital Lahore, Pakistan. Hypothesis: By using CSF culturing and different biochemical tests bacterial etiological agents of pyogenic meningitis in children of less than 15 years was determined and their sensitivity pattern and clinical outcome was also evaluated. Material & Methods: Clinical manifestations of all patients admitted to Children hospital were examined at the time of admission and patients showing classic triads (fever, neck rigidity and seizure) their CSF samples were collected by using all necessary aseptic precautions with the assistance of trained professionals. These CSF samples were examined for their physiological, biochemical and cytological and microbiological analysis. The pathogens was isolated, identified and purified by selective culturing methods, which was subjected to active growth, during which sensitivity to different antibiotics were checked in vitro by Kirby Bauer Disk diffusion method. The sensitivity was measured by area marked by the zone of inhibition, and Clinical Laboratory Standards interpretations (CLSI). Standard limit was a key indicator towards resistance bacteria. Statistical Analysis: The collected data was analyzed by using ANOVA and Chie Square tests on SPSS software (16). Outcome: Different bacteria responsible for bacterial meningitis were isolated and antimicrobial susceptibility profile of different antibiotics against both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria were also evaluated. The effects of different regimens of treatment of acute pyogenic meningitis were also evaluated by evaluating the improvement in clinical condition, rate of complications of disease and incidence of death due to this fatal disease. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1463,T] (1).

39. Docking-Based Virtual Screening And Pharmacophore Studies To Explore Highly Selective Nuclear Factor Kappa

by Sher Muhammad Zaman | Dr. Aqeel Javeed | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1465,T] (1).

40. Chemical Equivalence Of Different Brands Of Oxytertacycline Hydrochloride And Its Minimum

by Sadaf Hina | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Dr. Aftab | Dr. Muhammad Adil Rasheed.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Nature of contents: biography; Literary form: Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: This project was designed to study the chemical equivalence of various brands of Oxytetracycline hydrochloride (long acting, short acting & PVP) approved by the ministry of health and available in the local market for veterinary use. Oxytetracycline was measured by HPLC method developed and standardized in the laboratory. Limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) of the Oxytetracycline by HPLC assay method were determined. From stock solution of working standard (Oxytetracycline hydrochloride) different concentrations 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 10, 25, 50 and 100µg per ml were prepared for the determination of LOD. The LOD calculated was 0.100(µg/ml) and LOQ was 0.5 (µg/ml). Correlation coefficient was 0.99994050. Concentration of the active ingredient (Oxytetracycline hydrochloride) in all preparations was same as mentioned on the label except Oxytetracycline (74%), Terrasym PVP-100 (81%), and Onyx-LA (72%). MIC of Oxytetracycline hydrochloride against following bacterial isolates determined by micro-broth dilution test was Bacillus subtilis (50µg), Staphylococcus aureus (100µg), Eschericiha coli (50µg), Salmonella enterica (1000µg) and Pasturella multocida (50µg).It showed that all these bacterial cultures have developed resistance against Oxytetracycline hydrochloride. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1468,T] (1).

41. Pharmaceutical Equivalence Of Different Brands Of Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride And Minimum Inhibitory Concentration

by Sarmat Tamjeed Afzal | Dr. Muhammad Adil Rasheed | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: drama Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1471,T] (1).

42. Effects Of Lycopersicon Esculentum And Citrus Limon Juice On Angiogenesis

by Nausheen Saba Khalid | Dr. Muhammad Ovais Omer | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: Lycopersiconesculentumand Citrus limonumare largely known for their anti cancer activity. Various investigations using various assays have been done regarding anti cancer activity of Lycopersiconesculentumand Citrus limonum. This study wasplanned to estimate the effects of LycopersiconesculentumandCitrus limonumjuice on angiogenesis using the chick chorioallantoic membrane model. LycopersiconesculentumandCitrus limonum wascollected, sliced to squeeze juice, centrifuged and then supernatant was collected. Different dilutions were prepared using distilled water. PH was adjusted in range of 6-7 and filtered using disposable syringe filter. Fertilized eggs wereobtained from local hatchery and sprayed with 70% alcohol then divided in to six groups containing five eggs in each group one group act as control. The eggs were incubated at 37C° and at60_65% humidity. On 4th day postincubationwindows were made in all eggs under strict aseptic conditions, albumin was aspirated (approximately 4 -5 ml) with a disposable syringe, sealed with sterilized adhesive tapes and kept in incubator for 24 hours.After 24 hours windows were opened, 200 ?l of each dilution waspoured on CAM with disposable syringe, sealed again with sterilized adhesive tapes and again kept in incubator till 6th day. After 24 hours pattern of development of new blood vessels were assessed in CAM by taking images with the help of digital camera.Decrease in length and diameter of primary, secondary and tertiary blood vessels were seen in a concentration dependent way. All images were quantified by using scan probing image processing software (IBM- Denmark). 3D surface roughness parameters were calculated that evidently showed antiangiogenic nature of tomato and lemon juice. All the calculated data was subjected to statistical analysis. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1476,T] (1).

43. In Vitro Antiviral Activity Of Leaves Extracts Of Azadirachta Indica, Moringa Oleifera And Morus Alba Against Foot

by Ishrat Younus | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Dr. Aqeel Javeed | Dr. Imran Altaf.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: The project was designed to assess in vitro antiviral and cytotoxic activity of leaves extracts of Azadirachta indica (AI), Moringa oleifera (MO) and Morus alba (MA) against Foot and Mouth disease virus (FMDV). Ethanolic, chloroformic and aqueous extracts of each plant were obtained by soxhlet apparatus. Chloroformic extracts were dissolved in cell culture media with the help of Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Eight concentrations 1 µg/ml, 6 µg/ml, 12 µg/ml, 25 µg/ml, 50 µg/ml, 100 µg/ml, 200 µg/ml and 400 µg/ml of each plant were used for both assays. Confluent BHK - 21 cells were grown in 96 well cell culture plates. Cells were treated by each concentration of extracts and extracts containing FMDV for cytotoxic and antiviral assay respectively in triplicate manner. Positive control (BHK-21 cells & cell culture media) and negative control (BHK-21 cells, FMDV & cell culture media) were kept for antiviral assay. For cytotoxic assay, positive and negative controls were kept as BHK-21 cells plus media and BHK-21 cells, media plus DMSO (20%) respectively. Cells viability and cytotoxic activity were determined by MTT assay for antiviral and cytotoxic assay respectively. Each extract was analyzed as cell survival percentage and expressed as means ± S.D. Statistical analysis was carried out by ANOVA. Seven plants extracts out of nine, exhibited antiviral activity against FMDV at a concentration non toxic to BHK-21 cell line. Ethanolic AI extract showed strongest anti-FMDV activity. Chloroformic MO leaves extracts showed significant antiviral activity. Chloroformic and aqueous MA leaves extract had no remarkable antiviral activity. At higher concentrations most of the plant extracts were cytotoxic Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1478,T] (1).

44. Bioequivalence Study Of Atorvastatin Tablets In Human Volunteers

by Asif Ali Bokhari | Dr. Sualeha Riffat | Prpf. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: Main purpose of this clinical trail was to evaluate bioequivalence parameters of two generic drug products. It was a randomized, single dose, two-period crossover trial. Study was done on 12 volunteers with the age limit of 18-45yrs. Inclusion and exclusion criteria was used for volunteers selection and the study conducted with two week washout period. Each volunteer received one tablet of atorvastatin (reference or test) 10mg. Almost 13 blood samples of 5ml were collected at predefined time intervals. Blood samples were collected in heparinized vacuette. Blood was centrifuged after sampling and stored at -80°C till analysis. Serum atorvastatin levels were examined by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method mobile phase was a mixture of Sodium di-hydrogen phosphate buffer and acetonitrile 65:35 v/v pumped at flow rate of 1ml/min at a wavelength of 260nm. Two compartmental analysis was used for evaluating bioequivalence parameters to evaluate the both drugs were bioequivalent or not .2 major parameters of bioequivalencepeak plasma concentration Cmax and area under the curve AUC 0-t were evaluated. By statistical analysis, 90% confidence interval for area under the curve AUC 0-t was found to be 0.5972 - 1.7093, it was not within the range (0.80 - 1.25) proving an in equivalence between the two products so it shows that area under the curve AUC 0-t for both drugs is not equivalent. By statistical analysis, 90% confidence interval for peak plasma concentration Cmax found to be 0.3840 - 3.6638., it was not within the range (0.80 - 1.25). So it is evident that peak plasma concentration Cmax for both drugs is not equivalent. So, it was concluded that both of the drugs were not bioequivalent. From the given data, it is concluded that both the drugs produced uncomparable results. So it can be concluded that Lipiget cannot be used in replacement of Lipitor. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1480,T] (1).

45. Cytocenetic Effects Of Anti-Breast Cancer Drugs, Cyclophosphamide, Doxorubicin, Cisplatin And

by Zainab Batool | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Dr. Imran Altaf | Dr. Muhammad Ovais Omer.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: In this study mutagenicity and cytotoxicity of the chemotherapeutic agents used in breast cancer were evaluated. The drugs included in this study were Cyclophosphamide, Doxorubicin, Cisplatin and 5-Flourouracil. They were tested alone as well as in combination for their cytogenetic effects. The mutagenicity of these drugs was tested by Ames test using two strains of Salmonella i.e. TA100 and TA98 with and without S-9 at different concentrations. While for cytotoxicity evaluation MTT 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) colorimetric assay was selected. 96 well plate and BHK-21 cell lines were used to perform this assay. This study indicated that cyclophosphamide was mutagenic ( 62.5 µg/plate) to TA 100 with S-9 but non mutagenic to TA 98 with and without S-9, while the concentration of 250µg/ml and above was found cytotoxic. Doxorubicin was mutagenic to TA 100 and TA 98 with and without S-9 at 1 µg/plate and above, while cytotoxic dose was 10µg/ml and above. 5-FU was found non mutagenic in this assay to both test strains with and without S-9 at all test concentrations, however it was found cytotoxic above 5µg/ml in MTT assay. Cisplatin showed mutagenicity to both test strains at 2µg/plate and above , while at 5µg/ml and above it was found cytotoxic. When the combinations of these drugs were tested for cytogentic effects , it was found that the concentrations which were non mutagenic individually became mutagenic and cytotoxic when combined together. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1481,T] (1).

46. Cytotoxic And Antiviral Evaluation Of Different Opuntia Species Against Peste Des Petits Ruminants Virus In Vitro Cell

by Faryal Ashraf | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Dr. Aqeel Javeed | Dr. Imran Altaf.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: The antiviral activities of Opuntia delinii, Opuntia manocantha, and Opuntia stricta were evaluated against Peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) in this study, as these plants are associated with a lot of antiviral activity as shown by literature review. Ethanolic and aqueous extracts of all the three species of Opuntia were obtained by using soxhlet apparatus (Davey et al. 2010) but first crushed them into small pieces with a sharp knife to have better extraction results. The resultant extracts were dried in rotary evaporator using standard operating procedures until semisolid extract was obtained. Different dilutions were made by dissolving in double distilled water. Vero cells were made mildly affected by mild strains of Peste des petits ruminants virus. Dilutions of these extracts were applied on Vero cell line in triplicate manner that was first made confluent up to 90% in 96 well cell culture plates. For performing anti viral assay, Positive control and negative controls used were media plus cells and virus plus media respectively. These plates were incubated for a period of four days. After this incubation period, viability of cells was determined by MTT colorimetric assay i.e. number of living and dead cells. The cytotoxic activity of above mentioned three plant species was performed by treating the Vero cells with different dilutions as used in antiviral assay and incubating the 96 well plates for 4 days. Viability of cells was determined by MTT assay. The positive and negative control for cytotoxic evaluation was cells plus media and cells plus media plus DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) 5% respectively. Results were calculated in terms of cell survival percentage (CSP) for anti viral and death rate (%) for cytotoxic assay. At highest concentrations, i.e.500 to 1000 µg/ml, all the ethanolic and aqueous extracts obtained from all the plant species showed cytotoxicity but at the lower concentrations ranging from 7.81µg/ml to 125µg/ml, there was no cytotoxicity. Antiviral and cytotoxic activity of the plant extracts was evaluated by applying Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA) and comparison between two extracts was performed by applying T-Test for statistical analysis. Statistically when these results were interpreted, they were insignificant because P value is more than 0.05. This research project has a lot of positive outcomes and future prospects. The extract of plants having good antiviral activity and with no cytotoxic activity will be good baseline for further evaluation. CHAPTER 6 SUMMARY The antiviral activities of Opuntia delinii, Opuntia manocantha, and Opuntia stricta were evaluated against Peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) in this study, as these plants are associated with a lot of antiviral activity as shown by literature review. Ethanolic and aqueous extracts of all the three species of Opuntia were obtained by using soxhlet apparatus (Davey et al. 2010) but first crushed them into small pieces with a sharp knife to have better extraction results. The resultant extracts were dried in rotary evaporator using standard operating procedures until semisolid extract was obtained. Different dilutions were made by dissolving in double distilled water. Vero cells were made mildly affected by mild strains of Peste des petits ruminants virus. Dilutions of these extracts were applied on Vero cell line in triplicate manner that was first made confluent up to 90% in 96 well cell culture plates. For performing anti viral assay, Positive control and negative controls used were media plus cells and virus plus media respectively. These plates were incubated for a period of four days. After this incubation period, viability of cells was determined by MTT colorimetric assay i.e. number of living and dead cells. The cytotoxic activity of above mentioned three plant species was performed by treating the Vero cells with different dilutions as used in antiviral assay and incubating the 96 well plates for 4 days. Viability of cells was determined by MTT assay. The positive and negative control for cytotoxic evaluation was cells plus media and cells plus media plus DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) 5% respectively. Results were calculated in terms of cell survival percentage (CSP) for anti viral and death rate (%) for cytotoxic assay. At highest concentrations, i.e.500 to 1000 µg/ml, all the ethanolic and aqueous extracts obtained from all the plant species showed cytotoxicity but at the lower concentrations ranging from 7.81µg/ml to 125µg/ml, there was no cytotoxicity. Antiviral and cytotoxic activity of the plant extracts was evaluated by applying Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA) and comparison between two extracts was performed by applying T-Test for statistical analysis. Statistically when these results were interpreted, they were insignificant because P value is more than 0.05. This research project has a lot of positive outcomes and future prospects. The extract of plants having good antiviral activity and with no cytotoxic activity will be good baseline for further evaluation. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1493,T] (1).

47. Effect Of Vitis Vinifera (Grapes) Fruit Juice On Angiogenesis.

by Shahzad Asghar | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Dr. Muhammad Ovais Omer | Prof. Dr.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: Angiogenesis, the novel blood vessels formation, is a mark of nearly every neoplastic and non-neoplastic degenerative disease. Thetreatment of angiogenesis with plant derived anti-angiogenic substances may be proved as more efficacious,harmless, and lowbudget therapies. Grapes contain many vital natural compounds which can significantly prevent diseases and maintain human health. In this work, we have studied the effect of grapes juice (Vitis vinifera) on angiogenesis by use of chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay. We took Fresh fertilized eggs and sprayed them with 70% ethanol for decontamination and incubated at 37?C and (humidity 65%-70%). At 5th day of incubation small windows were made on all eggs, 4-5 ml of albumin was extracted, windows were sealed with sterile Para-film tape and eggs were reincubated. Grapes juice was obtained from fully ripened grapes and various dilutions were formulated by using distilled water. Dilutions of the juice were filtered by special syringe filters used for experimental analysis and applied to the CAMs on 6th day of incubation. Changes in vessels were clearly observed macroscopically among all treated CAMs on 7th day of incubation. The total diameter & area of primary, secondary and tertiary blood vessels was observed to be reduced after treatment with grapes juice in a concentrationand dose related manner. Scanning probe image processor(SPIP)software was used for 3D surface roughness measurements which clearly demonstrated the antiangiogenic effect of grapes juice on CAM. Grapes (Vitis vinifera) juice inhibits angiogenesis, which is a common denominator of various major diseases. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1501,T] (1).

48. Studies On Genetic Diversity Of Labeo Rohita And Cirrhinus Mrigala By Using Molecular Markers In Punjab-Pakistan

by Fayyaz Rasool | Prof. Dr. Naureen Aziz Qureshi | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: The studies on genetic diversity of Labeo rohita and Cirrhinus mrigala by using molecular markers in Punjab-Pakistan were carried out to investigate the genetic structure of said Indian major carps by RAPAD marker and the levels of polymorphism and similarity amongst the different groups of five populations of wild and farmed types. The results obtained from the present study after statistical analyses are presented in section-4 of this dissertation. The samples were collected from the following sites; for farmed fish was collected from UVAS-Fish Hatchery, C-block Ravi campus Pattoki district Kasur and for wild fish; from Trimu Barrage at the junction of River Chenab and Jhelum near district Jhang, Taunsa Barrage at River Indus near tehsil Kot Adu district Muzaffar Garh, Qadirabad Barrage at River Chenab near district Mandi Bahuddin and Baloki Barrage at River Ravi near tehsil Bhai Phero district Kasur. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the different morphometric parameters of study and Pearson's correlation among the physico-chemical parameters of water quality was done by Minitab statistical computer software. The XLSTAT 2012 version 1.02 of the computer software was used for the Pearson correlation analysis of the morphometric parameters of study. The same computer program was used for Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering (AHC) of the different genotype occurrence on the basis of differences in morphometric parameters was done by Agglomeration method by following the Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA). The Principle Component Analysis (PCA) on the basis of differentiation in morphometric parameters by Eigenvalues and differentiation into factors of the different genotypes from the different environmental conditions was done by correlation bi-plot/coefficient of the correlation (n) method in the same program. This software was also used to analyze the RAPAD data for Jaccard's coefficient by following the Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) for Hierarchical Clustering of the similar groups on the basis of similarity amongst the genotypes and the dendrogram generated is presented in the next section. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for grouping of the different genotypes from the different environmental conditions was done by Spearman Varimax rotation method for bi-plot generation of the co-occurrence of the same genotypes with similar genetic properties and specificity of different primersin the same program. Following results were obtained: Morphometric Parameters 1. Morphometric parameters of L. rohitashowed following trends: body weight, total length and average length of paired pectoral fins were nonsignificantly different (p > 0.05), fork length, dorsal fin length, caudal fin length and average length of paired pectoral fins were highly significantly different (p < 0.01) while anal fin length was significant different (p < 0.05) among the experimental sites. In case of C. mrigala, the body weight was non-significantly different (p > 0.05) while all other parameters were highly significantly different (p < 0.01) except the dorsal fin length which was significantly different (p < 0.05) among the study sites. 2. The results of the Pearson correlation of morphometric parameters showed that body weight of L. rohita developed a positive and highly significant (p< 0.0001) correlation with all the remaining morphometric parameters, the fork length of the said species showed a positive and highly significant (p< 0.0001) correlation with all the parameters except with the caudal fin length where the correlation was also positive but non-significant (p = 161). In case of total length of the fish body, the correlation was highly significant (p< 0.0001) and positive with all the parameters of study.The length of the dorsal fin showed highly significant (p< 0.0001) and positive correlation with all the remaining morphometric parameters under study. The caudal fin length of L. rohita showed a positive and highly significant (p< 0.0001) correlation with all the other parameters except the fork length where the correlation was positive but non-significant (p = 161). The correlation of the anal fin length of the fish body showed a highly significant (p< 0.0001) and positive correlation trends. The average length of the paired pectoral fins showed a positive and highly significant (p< 0.0001) correlation with all the remaining morphometric parameters of study, the correlation of paired pelvic fins average length showed positive and highly significant (p< 0.0001) correlation with other parameters. 3. The body weight of C. mrigala developed a positive and highly significant (p< 0.0001) correlation with all the remaining morphometric parameters. The fork length of the said species showed a positive and highly significant (p< 0.0001) correlation with body weight, total length and dorsal fin length while this correlation was positive but non significant with the caudal fin length (p = 0.228), anal fin length (p = 0.168), average length of paired pectoral fins (p = 0.031) and average length of the paired pelvic fins (p = 0.106). In case of total length of the fish body, the correlation was highly significant (p< 0.0001) and positive with all the parameters of study. The length of the dorsal fin showed highly significant (p< 0.0001) and positive correlation with all the remaining morphometric parameters under study. The caudal fin length of C. mrigala showed a positive and highly significant (p< 0.0001) correlation with all the other parameters except the fork length where the correlation was positive but non-significant (p = 0.228).The correlation of the anal fin length of the fish body showed a highly significant (p< 0.0001) and positive correlation trends with all the parameters except the fork length where the correlation was positive but non-significant (p = 0.168). The average length of the paired pectoral fins showed a positive and highly significant (p< 0.0001) correlation with all the remaining morphometric parameters of study except the fork length where the correlation was positive but non-significant (p = 0.031). InC. mrigala, the correlation of paired pelvic fins average length showed positive and highly significant (p< 0.0001) correlation with other parameters except the fork length where the correlation was positive but non-significant (p = 0.106). 4. Dendrogram generated on the basis of morphometric parameters of study dividedL. rohita genotype in to five major clusters or classes with 19.24% for within class variation while 80.76% for the between class differences. While the dendrogram developed for C. mrigala divided the genotypes in to four major clusters or classes with 27.28% for within class variation while 72.72% for the between class differences. 5. The results obtained from the PCA for morphometric parameters of L. rohitaand C. mrigalaindicated clearly that the increase in the number of factors or components was correlated with the decrease in eigenvalues. The values showed that its trend reached its maximum at level of second factor. In the same way according to the Kaiser (1958) criterion based upon the eigenvalues greater than one, first two main factors accounted for 80.273% of cumulative variability for L. rohita and 82.558% for C.mrigala. The PCA grouped the tested variables or parameters of the L. rohita,the first group amongst the major two groups accounted for 64.245% of the cumulative variability while the second from these accounted for 16.028% of the cumulative variability. The PCA grouped C. mrigala,also into two groups, the first group amongst the major two groups accounted for 59.323% of the cumulative variability while the second from these accounted for 23.235% of the cumulative variability. 6. The physico-chemical parameters of the water samples of all study sites were analyzed for correlation among them. The results were as follows; the correlation of the pH with water temperature (r= 0.107) and dissolved oxygen (r = 0.905) was positively non-significant while the correlation with electrical conductivity (r = -0.798), salinity (r= -0.888), total dissolved solids (r = -0.857), total alkalinity (r = -0.736) and total hardness (r = -0.499) was negatively non-significant. The correlation of the dissolved oxygen with water temperature (r= 0.313) was positively non-significant while the correlation with electrical conductivity (r = -0.669), salinity (r= -0.828), total dissolved solids (r = -0.809), total alkalinity (r = -0.930) and total hardness (r = -0.300) was negative but also non-significant as like with the water temperature. The electrical conductivity was positively correlated with all the physic-chemical parameters as with water temperature (r= 0.482), salinity (r= 0.925), total dissolved solids (r = 0.889), total alkalinity (r = 0.452) and total hardness (r = 0.906) and this correlation was non significant.The salinity amongst the water parameters was correlated positively with water temperature (r = 193), total alkalinity (r = 0.717) and total hardness (r = 0.734) and it was non-significant but with total dissolved solids (r = 0.994) the correlation was also positive but highly significant (P < 0.001). The total dissolved solids values observed from the study sites were positively correlated with water temperature (r = 0.172), total alkalinity (r = 0.734) and total harness (r = 0.657) and this correlation was non-significant. The correlation between the total alkalinity and total hardness was also positive and non-significant (r = 0.048). RAPAD Data 1. In case of L. rohita, OPB-1 polymorphism remained as 16.67%, OPB-3 polymorphism remained as 40.00%, OPB-4, polymorphism remained as 16.67%, OPB-5 polymorphism remained as 20.00%, OPB-7 polymorphism was 28.57%, OPB-8 polymorphism was 20.00%, OPB-9 polymorphism was 25.00%, OPB-10 polymorphism was 28.57%, OPC-19 polymorphism was 14.29% and OPD-4 showed 50.00% polymorphism in amplification. In case of C. mrigala, OPB-1 polymorphism remained as 16.67%, OPB-3 polymorphism remained as 16.67%, OPB-4 polymorphism remained as 25.00%, OPB-5 polymorphism remained as 14.29%, OPB-7 polymorphism was 14.29%, OPB-8 polymorphism was 20.00%, OPB-9 polymorphism was 20.00%, OPB-10 polymorphism was 20.00%, OPC-19 polymorphism was 28.57% and OPD-4 polymorphism remained as 33.33% in amplification. 2. The dendrogram generated by UPGMA of RAPAD data of L. rohita by the randomly selected individuals with high scorable bands of the five populations grouped themselves in the first class/cluster while a single sample designated as Indus2 from the population from River Indus collected from Taunsa Barrage represents the second class/cluster and in same way only single individual designated as Ravi2 collected from River Ravi from the Baloki Barrage represents the third class. The dendrogram generated by UPGMA of RAPAD data of C. mrigala by the randomly selected individuals of the five populations grouped themselves in the first class/cluster and two samples designated as Indus2 and Qad2 from the populations from River Indus collected from Taunsa Barrage and River Chenab from Qadirabad Barrage represents the second class/cluster while one individual from the Trimu Barrage at the junction of Jhelum and Chenab Rivers designated as Trimu2 represents the third class and in the same way only single individual designated as Ravi2 collected from River Ravi from the Baloki Barrage represents the third class. 3. The PCA resultsfor L. rohitait can be assumedthat PCA grouped the tested variables or parameters of the fish RAPAD amplification data into two main components which all together accounted for 58.177% of the cumulative variation among the factors. The first group (F1) amongst the major two groups accounted for 33.327% of the cumulative variability while the second (F2) from these accounted for 24.850% of the cumulative variability. These results were also confirmed after the varimax rotation. By the PCA resultsfor C. mrigalawe can assume after observing the results that the PCA grouped the tested variables or parameters of the fish RAPAD amplification data into two main components which all together accounted for 70.866% of the cumulative variation among the factors. The first group (F1) amongst the major two groups accounted for 51.115% of the cumulative variability while the second (F2) from these accounted for 19.751% of the cumulative variability. This study in this way has provided the genetic information of the present fish species and how evolutionary processes are affecting the fish fauna. So this study along with the strengthening of the academic research area has also proven an applied research which will help the breeders to the chose most fit candidates for the breeding program in the Pakistan. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1504,T] (1).

49. Effect Of Punica Granatum (Pomegranate) Fruit Extract On Angiogenesis

by Ghulam Jilany Khan | Dr. Muhammad Ovais Omer | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: Angiogenesis is a physiological process which involves the formation of new blood vessels from vessels which are already present. It is a common and most important process in formation and development of vessels, so used in healing of wound and granulation of tissues. To maintain natural balance between formulation and inhibitory factors, body controls angiogenesis. When this balance is disturbed, the body results in either too much growth or extensive inhibition of expansion of blood vessels. This study was designed to evaluate the effects of Punica granatum (pomegranate) fruit extract on angiogenesis using chick chorioallantoic membrane assay (CAM). The phytochemicals in pomegranate include polyphenoliccatechins, gallocatechins and anthocyanins like prodelphinidins, delphinidin, cyanidin and pelargonidin. CAM assay model is very helpful to proceed in research due to its easy and accurate observation of embryonic development and the process of angiogenesis. The proposed hypothesis was, is there any Effect of Punica granatum (Pomegranate) fruit extract on angiogenesis? To check the authenticity of this hypothesis pomegranate (Punica granatum) was collected from the locality of Lahore. Aqueous extract was obtained by maceration of dried powder. Forty fresh fertilized eggs were collected from local hatchery and divided into four groups, having 10 eggs in each group. These eggs were incubated and were windowed at day 5 of incubation. On the same day a specified portion of albumin was removed with the help of syringe. On day 6 various dilutions of fruit extract was prepared and applied on developing CAM on day 6 after incubation while the controlled group was treated with distilled CHAPTER-6 65 water only. After 24 hours, the pattern of angiogenesis in the developing CAM was evaluated by taking images with the help of digital camera and SPIP software program. 3D surface roughness parameters showed the clear decline in values as compared to control. The parameters are; Sa (surface area), Sq (root mean square), Ssk (surface deviation), , Sy (lowest valley), Sz ( average absolute height), Smin (minimum height), Smax (maximum Height), Smean (mean height), Sdr (developed surface area ratio), Svk (Reduce valley depth), Sci (ratio of void volume of the unit sampling at core zone over root mean square deviation), Sk (core roughness depth), Stdi (texture index). All of these parameters were assessed thoroughly for the quantification of angiogenesis. The length and diameter of primary, secondary and tertiary blood vessels as well as the area of CAM were measured with the help of calibration and measurement command. Changes in angiogenesis were observed with different percentage dilutions of fruit extracts and were statistically analyzed by using the analysis of variance where “p-value” of control and treated groups were calculated. With this application, significant differences in the results were observed at p<0.05 which collectively pointed toward antiangiogeic effect of the pomegranate fruit extract. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1514,T] (1).

50. Chemical, Microbiological And Toxicological Screening Of Tannery Effluent Wastewater

by Lubna Shakir | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Dr. Aftab | Dr. Aqeel Javeed.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: Over the last decade or so the chromium based tanning industry has shown rapid growth in Pakistan. However the rule and regulations promulgated by the government are not strictly followed for the processing of effluent discharged by the tanneries. Consequently tannery effluents have become a great source of water pollution in surrounding area. This project was designed to evaluate the hazardous effects of tannery effluent wastewater (TEW) through various bioassays. During the first phase of the project, composition of the TEW samples was determined by PIXE analysis. Besides this, we have also investigated the impact of TEW on trace element content of ground water in Kasur tannery area. The ground water from shallow tubewells (100 to 300 ft) in the area has shown very high content of chromium while the ground water from the deeper tubewells (upto 600 ft) generally does not contain the toxic elements except for one outlet of the water supplied by the Muncipal Corporation. This could be due to corroded pipes in the tannery area. Microbial load was determined during second phase of this research project by viable count method. The detected viable count was 7.5 X 104 to 3.0 X 107CFU/ml. Various strains of chromium tolerant bacilli were isolated and they were found tolerant up to 2600 µg/ml supplemented chromium sulphate. During the third phase of this research plan, dilutions of TEW were evaluated for their effects on angiogenesis using CAM assay. TEWD1 and potassium dichromate were found highly anti-angiogenic. Moreover, dilutions of TEW and potassium dichromate have demonstrated significant toxicity when assessed through marine shrimps mortality assay and phytotoxiciy assasy. Chronic toxicity study on Wistar rats was conducted in the last phase. Chronic exposure of TEW for three months to rats leads to the development of various lesions in lung, liver, kidney and heart of rats. In short, TEW and contaminated ground water of Kasur is imposing a great threat not only to local inhabitants of the city but also to the population of far distance. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1531,T] (1).

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