Taxonomical Study Of Ticks Of Genus Rhipicephalus And Their Relation To The Incidence Of Haemoparasites And Comparative Efficacy Of Different Acaricides On Ticks In Sheep And Goats In Kaghan Valley
by Imtiaz Khan, M | Dr. Mubasher Saeed Mian | Dr. M. Afzal | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 1993Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0344,T] (1).
Comparative Study Of Oral And Parenteral Therapies Of Experimentally Induced Spirochaetosis In Broiler Chicken
by Shaif abdo Salem | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr. Muhammad | Dr. Muhammad Ather Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1993Dissertation note: With rapid progress in commercial poultry farming the need to control poultry diseases, spirochaetosis is responsible for heavy economic losses with a mortalitry rate of 60 to 80 percent. (Mc Neil 1949).The disease is caused by Borrelia anserina and is of worldwide in distributed,whereever the tick Argas Percicus, which acts as the intermediate host is present.
This disease has characteristic symptoms of pyrexia, weakness,drowziness, anaemia, diarrhea, emaciation,paralysis, and finally death (Marcos et al 1946) The bfrdswhich survive remain weak,ariaemic, emaciated, and do not thrive well.This disease is of great economic importance in the poultry industry and it causes great financial ioss.It is therefore,inspective that an effective and economical treatment be devised to eradicate this problem.
This experiment.was conducted on 120 A grade day old chicks,which were reared under ideal hygienic condition.At the age of four weeeks the birds were divided into six equal groups, A, B, C, D, E and F with 20 bires in each respective group:
Group A (Non-infected , non-medicated
B (Infected and non-medicated)
C (Infected and medicated with Pencillin)
G (parenterally)
D (Infected and medicated with oxytetracyclin parenterally)
E (Infected and medicated with oxytetracyclin orally)
F (Infected and medicated with Amoxyclin Clomaxal orally)
Except for group A which was the control, all the remaining five groups showed the typical signs of the disease after 48 hours of in oculatiori.
In Group 13, the mortality rate was 40% ,Group C had a 20% mortality rate at 96 hours.Cure was l0O%.Group D had a 25% mortality and 100% cure at 96 hours post inoculation.Group E had a 30% mortality rate which was the highest of all the groups and curative rate 80%.The Group F had a 15% mortality which was the lowest record in all the six groups.It had 100% cuire at 96 hours.
From the results of this experiment it could be concluded that the 1\moxycillin (Clomoxal) was drug of choice. Penicillin G and Oxytetracycline (Terramycin orally ) showed the poorest results.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0364,T] (1).
Effect Of Experimentally Induced Coccidiosis On Some Blood Parameters And Its Treatment With Embazin & Coxistac In Quails
by Anwaar Hussain, Syed | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr. Asif | Dr. Muhammad Athar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 1993Dissertation note: This project was designed to study the effects of experimentally induced coccidisis on some blood parameters and its treatment with Embazin and coxistac in Quails. For this purpose 300 day old quail chicks were obtained from a local hactchery and raised under standard, controlled coccidia free conditions. A commercial coccidiostat free feed was provide. At the age of 21 days. birds were divided into 4 groups comprising 60 birds each and shifted from brooder into a multistorey cage and grouped as tinder:Group A (60 quails) Infected and medicated with Embazin.
Group B (60 quails) Infected and medicated with Coxistac.
Group C (60 quails) Infected and non-medicated.
Group D (60 quails) Non-infected-Non-medicated.
Birds of group A, B and C were infected with 1 ml of coccidial inoculum having 50,000 sporulated oocysts given directly into crop. Group D was kept as control group. On fourth day post infection birds of all infected groups showed disease symptoms and at that time groups A and B was medicated with Embazin and Coxistac respectively. Four samples of blood and faeces were collected from each group on zero day, 5th day and 9th day of medication. In groups A and B Haemoglobin and Total Erythrocytic Count was lowered on 5th day and then increased on 9th day of medication oocyst count was Nil on 9th day of medication in group A and 92.30% reduction percentage was there is in group B. Haemoglobin and Total Erythrocytic Count decreased in group C upto 9th day ofmedication but oocyst count increased in this group. Increase percentage was 7.14% on 5th day and 14.28% on 9th day of medication. In group D Haemoglobin andTotal Erythrocytic Count remained almost constant and oocyst count was found Nil throughout the experimental period.
The best feed conversion Ratio of 3 was recorded in group D whereas group "C" which was infected but not treated showed worst feed conversion ratio i.e. 4. Group A & B revealed intermediate F.C.R. of 3.6 and 3.8 respectively.
Hishest mortality of 33.33% was recorded in group C, 13% in group B and 11.66% in group A. In group D mortality was Nil. From the findings of study it was concluded that Embazin was drug of choice for the treatment of coccidiosis in quails.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0372,T] (1).
Efficacy Of Triclabendazole Against Fascioliasis In Sheep And Goat Under The Field Conditions
by Haleem Hasan, Shah | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Ashraf | Dr. Haji Ahmad | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1994Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0374,T] (1).
Comparative Efficacy Of Nitrofurans, Sulphadimidine & Monensin Against Coccidiosis In Sheep & Goats Under Field Conditions
by Anselm Lewis, Khokhar | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Ashraf | Dr. Haji Ahmad | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1993Dissertation note: The present work was designed to study the comparative efficacy of Nitrosol, Suiphadimidine and Monensin against naturally infected sheep and goats with coccidiosis. Forty sheep and forty goats (infected) were selected and divided into four groups each i.e. S1, 2, S3, 84 and G, 02, G, 04 respectively. The animals of groups S and were treated with nitrosol 15 mg/kg body weight, S2 and 02 with sulphadimidine 140 mg/kg body weight, S3 and G with monensin 5 mg/kg body weight daily for five days. The sheep and goats in groups S4 and G4 were not medicated and served as control. The oocyst count per gram of faeces were compared on the 7th, 15th and 21st day of post medication.
The oocyst count was reduced in groups S, S2, and S3 by 95.79%, 99.53% and 85.81% and in groups 1, G by 95.97%, 99.60% and 85.01%. The oocyst count in infected untreated control groups S4 and 04 increased.
All the three anticoccidials tested gave appreciable response in reduction of oocyst counts but suiphadimidine was found to be the best amongst the three drugs. Nitrosol proved to be the 2nd whereas monensin proved to be the third in efficacy against coccidiosis in sheep and goats. No side affects of these drugs were observed) it is suggested that further research should be planned to test the efficacy of other anticoccidial drugs like lasalocid, amprolium colpidol, robenidine coxistac etc. under local conditions to select new drugs against coccidiosis in sheep and goats.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0376,T] (1).
A Profile Of Serum Albumin, Globulin Ratio, Total And Differential Leukocytic Count In 6-10 Months Old Buffalo Calves
by Khalid Hameed, Chughtai | Dr. M. Athar Khan | Dr. Muhammad | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1993Dissertation note: One hundred arid fifty samples of each coagulated and non- coagulated blood were collected from buffalo calves (100 healthy and 50 diseased buffalo calves) of 6 to 10 months of age
The samples were analysed for total serum protein, serum albumin, serum globulin and total leuckocytic count by applying Biuret method with commercial kit (Proti) using a spectrophotorneter, and standard techninques of Cole for total leuckocytic count.
The mean total serum protein values for healthy buffalo calves of 6 to 10 months of age were observed between 5.4 19 to 7.468 g/dl. A gradual increase in totalserum protein levels was observed with an increase of age. The total serum protein values for diseased buffalo calves varied as compared to healthy calves. A decrease in mean total serum protein levels. (6.189) was associated with malnutrition, diarrhoea, fever and Fasciollosis as compared to the mean total serum protein levels in healthy calves (6.404). An increase in total serum protein level (5.793 g/dl and 7.576 g/dl) were observed during 6th and 10th month of age as compared to healthy calves (5.419 g/dl and 7.468 g/dl). This increase was due to dehydration.
A gradual increase in mean serum Albumin levels 2.458 to 3.449 g/dl was observed in healthy buffalo calves of 6 to 10 months of age. A significant (P < 0.05) difference in serum albumin values was observed in all age groups both in healthy and diseased buffalo calves. A decrease in serum albumin levels (2.516) was observed In calves suffering from malnutrition, diarrhoea, fever and fasciollosis.
The mean serum globulin levels observed in healthy buffalo calves of 6-10 months of age was observed between 3.218 to 4.144 g/dl. These serum globulin levels showed a gradual increase with increase in age of buffalo calves. An increase in serum globulin level (3.898) was observed in diseased buffalo calves as compared to healthy calves in all age groups. The diseased calves were saffertig from malnutrition, diarrhoea, fever and fasciollosis. A significant (P <0.05) difference in serum globulin values was observed in age group of 6th month of age in healthy and diseased buffalo calves whereas in all other groups it was non-significant. The mean total leukocytic count hveIs observed in healthy buffalo calves of 6 to 10 months of age ranged between 8.765 to 9.655x103 microliter. A gradual increase iii mean total leukocytic count (9.26) x 103 microlitre was observed with an increase of age in healthy buffalo calves of 6 to 10 months of age. An increase in total leukocytic count level (10.966) was observed in diseased buffalo calves as compared to healthy calves in all age groups. A significant (P <0.05) increase in total leukocytic count was observed in calves suffering from diarrhoea, fever and fasciollosis.
From the above mentioned facts it was concluded that these blood parameters are important tools in investigation/diagnosis of many diseases. These parameters enable us to understand and compare the leveI of humoral and cellular defensive components in a natural farm co idition in buffalo calves of 6 to 10 months of age.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0379,T] (1).
Efficacy Of Ivermectin (Ivomec) Against Mange Mites And Warbles In Goats
by Saleem Qasur | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr. Muhammad | Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1994Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0380,T] (1).
An Epidemiological & Haematological Correlation Between Healthy & Tuberculous Indigenous Birds
by Azeem Ijaz | Dr. Muhammad Athar Khan | Dr. Asif | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1994Dissertation note: A total of 250 desi birds, selected randomly, from different villages of district Lahore, were divided into two groups. The group-I composed of 125 apparently healthy birds whereas 125 apparently weak and emaciated birds were present in group-IT. Avian tuberculin test was employed to diagnose the tuberculosis. A 0.1 ml of avian tuberculin (MCSM) procured from VRI, Lahore, was injected into left wattle whereas right wattle was kept as uninjected control and test was read after 48 hours. Only 6 birds (2.4%), all belonged to group-IT, were found tuberculin positive. Haematological studies of these six tuberculin positive birds were carried out along with 10 healthy desi birds for comparison. There was decrease in erythrocytic count (EC), haemoglobin value (Hb) and packed cell volume (PCV). The average values of EC, Hb and PCV of infected birds were 1.94x106/µ1, 8.86 g/dl and 22.69% respectively. On the other hand, leukocytic count (LC) was increased and found to be 37.33x10/il on average. A significant change in differential leukocytic count (DLC) was also observed with an increase in the proportion of polymorphs and monocytes and fall in lymphocytes. The lymphocyte to heterophils ratio was the inverse of that in healthy birds. On post-mortem, a large number of tubercles of varying size were noticed on liver, spleen and intestines. No birds showed lung lesion except one.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0389,T] (1).
Bioavailability Of Gentamicin In Male Buffalo Calves
by Hasan Raza, S | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr. Muhammad Ashraf | Prof. Dr. Saghir | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1994Dissertation note: The bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of Gentamicin sulphate were investigated in the same 20-male buffalo calves heal thy after intravenous administration and after intramuscular administration. The blood samples were collected at various time intervals following administration of single dose of 4 mg/kg. The concentrations of Gentamicin in serum samples were determined according to the microbiological assay described by Arret (1971). The plasma concentrations of gentarnicin at different time intervals after injections were plotted on semi-logarithmic graph paper. The bioavailability and pharmacokinetics parameters were calculated according to the method described by Gibaldi (1984). Results were expressed as mean ± SD.
The peak concentration of 11.273 ± 0.4976 µg/ml reached in 31.092 ± 1.217 minutes after intramuscular injection. Keeping intravenous as standard the relative bioavailability after injection was 82.5%.
The half-life was 97.29 ± 5.259 minutes after I/v injection mean ± SD, volume of distribution was 202.36 ± 8.486 ml/kg/ The volume of distribution at steady stage (Vdss ) was 214.67 ± 20.99 ml/mm. The total body clearance of gentamicin was 1.7382 ± 0.0738 ml/kg.
Pharmacokinetics parameters of gentamicin were seemed to be independent of rout of administration at the dosage level applied.
The pharmacokinetics evaluation by compartmental method and non-compartmental method was not found significantly different.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0390,T] (1).
A Study On The Prevalence Of Mange In Camels And Its Effects On Some Blood Parameters During Winter Months
by Bashir Ahmad | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr. Khalid | Dr. Muhammad Athar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1993Dissertation note: Camel is a versatile creature of the Nature. Its population in Pakistan is 9,58,047 heads. Its importance is obvious from the facilities which it provides to the mankind e.g. transportation and ploughing facilities, lifting of water and pulling of carts, provision of milk meat and earning of foreign exchange. But. on the other hand, camel is ignored in provision of better managernental facilities due to which it is facing many disease problems. Similarly, camel is also ignored by our scientists and a little research work has been done on camel in the world.
Keeping in view all these factors, this project was designed to see the prevalence of mange in camel. This study also include haematological changes in camel blood suffering from mange.
This study was conducted during winter months of the 1992 at Lahore abattoir. For the prevalence of mange, 150 camels suspected for mange were selected and their skin scrapings and blood was collected.
Skin scraping was examined with the help of microscope at Laboratory of Medicine Section, College of Veterinary Sciences, Lahore. During the study 19 camels out of 150 were found positive to mange and this is calculated as 12.66%.
Regarding the 2nd portion of the study, blood of 19 mange infected cases were analysed for total leukocytic count (TLC), differential leukocytic count (DLC) and erythrocytic sedimentation rate (ESR). At the same time blood of 19 mange free camels was also examined and it was found that due to mange infection, TLC values were increased. In case of DLC, Eiosinophils and lymphocytes showed increase in their number. ESR was also increased due to infection of mange in camels.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0403,T] (1).
Prevalence Of Lungworm Infestation (Dictycaulus Spp.) And Its Effect On Some Blood Parameters Of Camels During Months Of October December.
by Aslam, M | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr. Asif | Dr. Khalid Pervaiz | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1995Dissertation note: Camel is a versatile creature of the nature. Its population in Pakistan is 9,58,047 heads. Its importance is obvious from the facilities which it provides to the mankind e.g. transportation and ploughing facilities, lifting of water and pulling of carts, provision of milk meat and earning of foreign exchange. But on the other hand, camel is ignored in provision of better managemental facilities due to which it is facing many disease problems. Similarly, camel is also ignored by our scientists and a little research work has been done on camel in the world.
Keeping in view all these factors, this project was designed to see the prevalence of lungworm infection in camel. This study also included haematological changes in camel blood suffering from lungworm infection.
This study was conducted during the months of OctoberDecember, 1993 at Lahore abattoir. For the prevalence of lungworm infection, 150 camels suspected for lungworm infection
were selected and their faecal and blood samples were collected.
Regarding the prevalence of lungworm infection through faecal examination the results of present investigation show that occurrence of lungworm infection in camels is 6.00%, i.e. 9 camels out of 150 suspected were found positive.
The mean values of haematological examination were observed i.e. Total leukocytic count (31.62 thousand/cm.mm), Differential leukocytic count - Neutrophils 67.88%, Eosinophils 28.77%, Basophils 3.66%, Lymphocytes 65.88%, Monocytes 5.55%, and ESR 12.20 mm/hour.
Blood of camels negative to lungworm infection showed total leukocytic count mean value 19.30 thousand/cu.mm, Differential leukocytic count - Neutrophils 47.00%, Eosinophils 8.88%, Basophils 1.88%, Lymphocytes 38.55%, Monocytes 4.22% and ESR 1.85 mm/hour.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0405,T] (1).
Epidemiological, Serological And Hematological Investigations In An Out Break Of Bovine Viral Diarrhoea And Foot
by Ghaffar Khan, A | Dr. Muhammad Athar Khan | Dr. Muhammad | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1995Dissertation note: After an outbreak of a vesicular disease in Lahore District a demoninator based active surveillance was conducted in four villages. During and after the epidemic and the homesteads were visited and interviewed from door to door. The total number of animals kept by the farmers (N = 1537) and the affected number of animals (n= 1384) by age, sex and species were enquired from the farmers and recorded on a questionnaire proforma. The clinical signs of the affected animals and their sequence were recorded.
Epidemiological investigations revealed that morbidity rate of 66.94% (n=867/1537) was higher in buffaloes than cattle which was 48.34% (n=117/242). Young animals of both species were more susceptible than adults. Morbidity rate in young cattle was 50.64% (n=39) in 77 animals but in case of adult cattle amongst the total population of 165 morbidity rate was 47.27% (n=78). In case of young buffaloes 290 (69.37%) out of 418 animals while in case of adult buffaloes morbidity rate was 63.51% (557/877). Case fatality rate was observed higher 42.85% (363/847) in buffaloes than the cattle which was 26.65 % (37/117). Frequency of clinical signs observed was found as depression (63.30%), mucosa diffusely red (61.87%), anorectic (61.48%), muzzle hyperimic encrusted (61.09%), erosions (58.49%), laminitis (56.73%), temperature 101-105°F (54.26%), drooling (53.35%), shivering (44.82%), mistitis (38.51%), temperature 105-107°F (6.18%), polypnea (5.79%), temperature 101-103°F (4.35%), cough (3.38%), diarrhoea (2.40%), subnormal (0.71%) and abortion (0.65%).
In this project 160 animals affected from the disease, 80 of each species, were selected for hematological and serological investigations. Forty healthy animals were observed as control.
Blood samples from the affected Buffaloes were tested for the total erythrocytic count (TEC), total leukocytic count (TLC), packed cell volume (PCV), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and differential leukocytic count (DLC) i.e. neutrophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils, monocytes, basophils and their average values were observed as 3.56 ± 0.31 x 106/ul (5.18 x 106/ul), 4.90 ± 1.22 x 103/ul (6.45 x 103/ul), 26.59 ± 2.14% (29.31%), 10.13 ± 0.92 mm/Ist hr. (4.56 mm/Ist hr.), 30.54 ± 1.07% (32.55%), 59.18 ± 1.03% (56.16%), 1.78 ± 0.22% (2.41%, 5.92 ± 0.52% (4.51%), 0.29 ± 0.01% (0.48%) respectively.
Blood samples from the affected cattle were tested for the TEC, TLC, PCV, ESR and DLC i.e. neutrophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils, monocytes, basophils and their average values were observed as 5.76 ± 0.32 x 106/ul (7.24 x 106/ul), 6.73 ± 0.92 x 103/ul (7.99 x 103/ul), 31.49 ± 1.59% (33.90%), 9.32 ± 1.32 mm/Ist hr. (3.16 mm/Ist hr.), 31.08 ± 1.09% (34.82%), 45.00 ± 1.05% (41.31%), 0.33 ± 0.04% (0.63%), 9.16 ± 0.46% (7.86%), 0.33 ± 0.03% (0.63%) respectively.
Serum samples from the affected buffaloes were tested for the total serum protein (TSP), serum albumin and serum globulin and their average values were came as 5.97 ± 0.56 g/dI (7.72 g/dI), 2.80 ± 0.37 g/dl (3.55 g/dll), 2.40 ± 0.95 g/dl (4.17 g/dl) respectively.
Serum samples from the affected cattle were tested for the TSP, serum albumin and serum globulin and their average values were observed as 6.43 ± 0.45 g/dl (7.58 g/dl), 2.67 ± 0.35 g/dll (2.32 g/dl), 2.67 ± 0.52 g/dI (4.26 g/dll) respectively.
Agar gel immunodiffusion test used for the antibodies detection was found positive for foot and mouth disease (FMD). Typographically two strains O (42.50%) and Asia-I (29.38%) were isolated out of 160 samples.
A total loss of Rs. 5.286 millions due to FMD in cattle and buffaloes was estimated in the four villages.
Note: Values in parenthesis are normal/standard for the respective parameter.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0412,T] (1).
Effect Of Hydatid Cyst On Different Blood Components In Camels Of Different Age Groups
by Hameed ur Rehman | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr. Khalid Pervaiz | Dr. Shakil | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1995Dissertation note: The present project was designed to find out the prevalence of hydatidosis in different age groups of camels and to see its effect on some blood parameters (TEC, Hb, PCV) and also to examined the same blood parameters of control groups. For this purpose study was carried out on 300 camels of various age groups (2-3 years, 3-5 years, and above 5 years) brought to Lahore abattoir for slaughtering purposes during the period from July 1994 to September 1994.
The results showed that out of 300 camels, 189 (63%) were positive for hydatidosis. It revealed that infection rate was higher in Group-Ill (above 5 years) 70%, than in Group-I (58%) and Group-Il(61%). The study also revealed that the prevalence of hydatidosis was 67.68% in July, 54.9% in August and 66.67% in September
The present investigation also showed that a mean of total erythrocyte count was 8.667 million/microliter with range of 6.00 million/microliterto 11.101 million/microliter, Haemoglobin concentration was 10.00 g/100ml with a range of 6.3 g/100 13.1 g/l00ml and mean of packed cell volume was 31.7 with a range of 20.00% to 39.00%.
The control blood samples of 189 camels showed mean of total erythrocyte was 9.721 million/microliter ranging from 6.32 million/microliter to 12.92 million/microliter, mean of haemoglobin concentration was 11.5g/100ml with a range of 7.3 g/100ml to 14.4g/100ml and packed cell volume was 33.4% with a range of 22.00% to 40.7%
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0413,T] (1).
Prevalence And Chemotherapy Of Coccidiosis In Sheep And Goats And Its Effect On Certain Blood Parameters
by Nasir Ali, Faridi | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr. Khalid Pervaz | Dr. Mubasher | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1995Dissertation note: This project was designed to find out the prevalance and chemotherapy of coccidiosis in sheep and goats and its effect on certain blood parameters like Haemoglobin, TLC, DLC, Glucose,and Total Serum Protein.
Two drugs namely suiphadimidine and suiphaqunoxaline were used in this research project. For this purpose 60 animals(i.e sheep and goats) were taken and divided into 3 groups(A,B and C) containing 20 animals each(i.e 10 sheep and 10 goats). Group A was again subdivided into two subgroups Ag & As containing 10 animals each(i.e 10 goats and 10 sheeps) were treated with sulphadimidine.Group B was again subdivided into two subgroups Bg & Bs containing 10 animals each(i.e 10 goats and 10 sheeps) were treated with suiphaquinoxaline. Group C was again subdivided into two subgroups Cg & Cs containing 10 animals each (i.e 10 goats and 10 sheeps) were kept as infected non.medicated control.
The efficacy of drugs were determined on the reduction of OPG in faeces.
From the results it is find out that the average OPG on zero day of medication in groups i.e Ag,As & Bg,Bs were 75100, 72200, 60800 & 67200 respectively.The average reduction of OPG on 10th day of medication in groups i.e Ag,As & Bg,Bs were 300,340,120 & 280 respectively.The OPG of control groups were increased on the subsequent days.
The average Haemoglobin on zero day of medication in groups Ag,As,& Bg,Bs were 6.53,8.02,6. 89 & 7.93 respectively The average Haemoglobin on lOtti day of medication in groups Ag,As,Bg,Ss were 8.628.80, 9.44 & 8.78 respectively.The Haemglobin of the control groups were decreased on subsequent days. Average TLC on zero day of medication in groups Ag,As,Bg,Bs were 16.50 ,16.50 & 15.50,19.50.Average TLC on 10th day of medication in groups Ag,As & Bg,Bs were 14.50,12.90 & 13.60,13.50 respectively.The TLC of control groups were increased on the subsequent days.Average DLC on zero day of medication in groups Ag was 49.40,68.00,7.00 11.10 & 17.50 in group Bg was 51.20 ,70.30,6.90, 12.20 & 19.40 in group As was 50.20,70.20,8.00,12.00 & 18.50 in group Bs was,6.10,17.20 & 18.40 .Average DLC on 10th day of medication in groups Ag was 48.40,67.00,7.00 11.10 & 17.50 in group Bg was 50.20 ,69.30,7.10,12.20 & 19.40.ln Group As was 49.40,69.10,8.00,12.00 & 18.50 in group Bs was 49.40,70.60,6.10,17.20,18.40.DLC of the control groups were incresed on the subsequent days. Average Blood Glucose on zero day of medication in groups Ag,As,Bg,Bs were 24.30, 31.30 & 29.30, 35.50 respectively.Average Blood Glucose on 10th day of medication in groups Ag,As,Bg,Bs were 37.00, 42.40, 42.80, 45.00. Blood glucose in control were decreased on the subsequent days. Average Total Serum protein on zero day of medication in groups Ag,As & Bg,Bs were 3.52,4.25,3.93,4.18. Average Total Serum protein on 10 th day of medication in groups Ag,As,Bg,Bs were 4.89,5.56 & 5.43,5.57 respectively.The total serum protein in control groups were decreased on the susequent days.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0426,T] (1).
Comparative Efficacy Of Oxfendazole, Albendazole And Ivermectin Against Gastro Intestinal Nematodes Of Horses
by Nadeem Kamal | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Ashraf | Dr. Mubasher | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1995Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0437,T] (1).
Efficacy Of Various Ionophorous Antibiotics Against Coccidiosis In Quails
by Riaz Ahmad Khan | Dr. Khalid Pervez | Dr. Haji Ahmad | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 1994Dissertation note: Two hundred and fifty, day old quail chicks were pruchased from a local hatchery and reared up to three weeks of age under hygienic conditions. After three weeks of age, quails were divided randomly into five groups. Group A was kept as control, group B as infected non treated, group C as monensin treated, group D as salinomycin treated and group E as suiphaquinoxalim treated.
After three weeks of age, groups B, C, D, and E were infected orally with mixed infection of avian Eimeria species, while group A was kept as control. Signs and symptoms of coccidiosis apperared after six days of infection. After apperarance of signs and symptoms the birds of group C and D were treated with monensin and salinomycin and group E treated with sulphaquinoxaline.
The effect of medication on feed consumption, weight gain, feed conversion ratio, mortality, oocyst count and dressing percentage were recorded weekly upto 6 weeks of age. There was significant difference (P<O.05) of feed intake between group B, C, D and E. Maximum feed intake was in group A, followed by group E, C, D, and B, respectively. Weight gain was maximum of group A followed by group E, C, D, and B respectively.
The feed conversion ratio (FCR) of control group A, was better than all other groups while feed conversion ratio of group B (infected nontreated) was poor than all other groups.
Oocysts count was zero on six days post of medication in group C, (monensin treated) while it was zero after eight days of treatment in group D (salinomycin treated) and oocyst count was zero after four days of medication in group E (suiphaquinoxaline treated). Oocyst count was 32.000 oocystlgm faeces in group B (infected nontreated) after 42 days of age. While it remained zero through out the experiment in control group (group A). Mortality was maximum (10%) in group B (infected non trearted) followed by in group D (4%) and group C, and group E (2%) respectively. While mortality remained zero in group A (control). Dressing percentage was better in group A (62.02%) followed by group E (59.2 1%), group C (58.45%) respectively.
Observing the effects of sulphaquinoxaline monensin and salinomycin on feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion ratio, mortality, oocysts count and dressing percentage in experimentally infected (coccidiosis) quails, it was concluded that sulphaquinoxaline has comparatively better results than monensin and salinomycin.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0468,T] (1).
Efficacy Of Various Chemotherapeutic Agents Against Experimentally Induced Avian Mycoplasmosis In Broiler Chicks
by Naveed Ahmad Khan Niazi | Dr. Muhammad Athar Khan | Dr. Asif | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1994Dissertation note: A total number of 200 day old broiler chicks were procured to determine the drug efficacy of tiamulin, tylosin and oxytetracycline against jylycoplasma gallisepticum infection in-vivo. The organism prior to its use was verified on the basis of morphology, staining reaction, cultural characteristics and biochemical tests. These birds were divided into 5 groups each having 40 birds. The birds of all groups were infected experimentally except group A birds. On the appearance of symptoms of CRD, group C, D and E were treated with tiamulin, tylosin and oxytetracycline respectively at the recommended doses of manufacturers for three consecutive days. The birds of group B were kept as untreated control. The efficacy of each drug was based upon morbidity percentage, mortality percentage, case fatality, clinical symptoms, feed-intake and necropsy lesions on postmortem. The tiamulin proved superior over other two drugs as only one bird died unlike tylosin-treated group D which recorded 2.5% mortality.
The oxytetracycline treated group E showed 7.5% mortality with the death of 2 birds. A total of 29 birds revealed no pathological lesion at necropsy in contrast to group E birds showing only 27 birds without necropsy lesions of CRD. The feed-intake was poorest in group E and was remained normal in both group C and D. After 144 hours post medication, the clearance of lesions were 96.6%, 90% and 76.6% for group C, D and E respectively.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0469,T] (1).
A Study Of Changes In Blood Electrolytes And Pcv In Equine Colic
by Mazhar Ayaz, M | Dr. Khalid Pervaz | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr. Shakil | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1995Dissertation note: Besides mechanized transportation horses have still global importance not only for the communication but it is thought as symbol of superiority in many countries of the world. Horses are confronted with colic once in their life span that some times results in uncompareable loss to the owner. Only a timely and accurate diagnosis is the beacon of hope to save the life. To study the effects of colic on PCV and Blood Electrolytes, twenty horses suffering from colic were taken into investigation to asses the site and type of colic, while ten normal horses were kept as control. Diseased horses were divided into three groups A, B & C mild, moderate and severe respectively. Physical signs of group A were of mild nature comprising swishing of the tail, looking at the flank and lying down for the short periods, while group B showed moderate pain like lying down but not violently and increased bouts of pain. Animals in group C exhibited signs of severe pain by showing severe depression, restlessness, patchy sweating, struggling violently and kicking at the belly due to sharp continuous pain. The heart rate, respiration and rectal temperature in all groups was increased. Rectal palpation was performed in all groups to determine the site of the disease. Changes found in blood electrolytes like Na+, K+, C1- and HCO3 were measured by flame photometry. Group A, B and C showed decrease in Na+, and HCO3 concentration in serum while concentration of K and C1 in serum were normal in all groups. PCV was measured by Wintrobe micro-haematocrit method in all groups. Group A and C showed normal PCV but it was lower in group B. These all observations showed that the animals of group A were suffering from impaction of ileacaecal valve. Pain was not so severe nature that may cause death in colic cases while the animals in group B were showing signs of spasmodic colic. The abnormalities were not so severe to threat the life of the animal but were elevated than the normal. Group C was considerably serious that might lead to death if unattended because the variations and findings were similar with obstruction of small intestine. The serum electrolytes in this group were increased than the other two groups alongwith the elevated respiration, heart rate and rectal temperature that were helping in assessing the condition of the animal. PCV was the reliable tool to know the degree of dehydration in the severe cases. Rectal palpation helped in differentiating the various segments of the intestines involved and the severity of the disease in the diseased animals.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0472,T] (1).
Antimicrobial Efficacy Of Different Drugs Against Experimentally Induced Salmonella Pullorum Infection In Broilers
by Ashfaq Ahmad Mirza | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr. Mazhar Iqbal | Dr. Shakil | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 1996Dissertation note: A total of 120 broiler chicks were randomly selected and divided into six groups viz A, B, C, D, E and F, consisting of 20 birds each. At 4 week of age, A to E groups were experimentally infected with Salmonella pullorum inoculum. Group E (infected, non-medicated) and F (non-infected and non-medicated) were kept as control. The groups A, B, C and D were treated with Ampicillin 20%, Oxy-N-50, Chioricol10 and Trimodin forte, respectively, post infection. All the groups were kept under close observation to record signs and symptoms of disease, mortality, body weight gain and Feed Conversion Ratio. Gross lesions in visceral organs were also noted during this study. Some blood parameters (TEC, TLC and Hb content) were also estimated, pre and post infection. A mortality percentage in groups A, B, C and D were recorded as, 25%, 35%, 15% and 10%, respectively, while 70% mortality was recorded in control group F. According to this trial Trimodin forte (Trimethoprim Plus Sulphadiazine) . afforded maximum protection against infection and proved best in relation to weight gain and F.C.R. Chloricol-10 (Chioramphenicol) stood second in the list, while Ampicillin-20% (Ampicillin Trihydrate) was the third drug in furnishing protection against the infection. Whereas, Oxy-N-50 (Oxytetracycline plus neomycin sulphate) was the least effective drug in respect of protection against pullorum disease. The signs of ill health appeared 3 to 4 days post infection were listlessness, ruffled feathers, droopy wings, loss of appetite, poor growth, depression, increased thirst and severe diarrhoea of chalky white colour. The postmortem findings were enlarged and congested liver streaked with haemorrhages, 2-3 times enlarged spleen (spleenomegaly), enlarged heart and pericarditis, congested and distended kidneys, area of gray hepatization in lungs, thickened and inflammed intestinal walls and presence of necrotic foci in cardiac muscles, liver, spleen, lungs, caeca, large intestine and muscles of gizzard. The Total Erythrocytic count and Haemoglobin contents were decreased and Total Leukocytic Count, were increased 3 days post infection. The findings of the present study will further elucidate the disease and help in diagnosis and treatment of this malady on large scale.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0482,T] (1).
Comparative Efficacy On Newly Introduced Antibacterial Drugs Against Experimentally Induced Escherichia Coli
by Zubair, M | Dr. Khalid Pervaiz | Dr. Mubasher | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 1996Dissertation note: Pakistan faces an acute shortage of animal protein which is acknowledged as a serious problem at national level. Since broilers are the fastest converters of crude protein into digestible high quality protein for human consumption. There is much need in the production of broilers for the said reason in Pakistan. The upgrading of poultry industry is suffered from huge losses caused by certain diseases of bacterial origin. Amongst bacterial diseases, Escherichia coli is the worst threat to poultry industry. Therefore, concrete and consistent effort was done in this project to control the Eschericia coli infection.
The present project was done to study the efficacy of different drugs on prevalent strains of E. coli isolated from broilers that were collected from Diagnostic Laboratory, office of the Project Director, Poultry Production, 16-Cooper Road, Lahore and various Farms in the vicinity of Lahore.
Six different antibacterial drugs which comprised of avitryl, advocin, plasmacolin, flumequine gentamicin and inoxyl were used to check the sensitivity of the isolates. In-vitro the sensitivity results was in this order avitryl, advocin, plasmacolin, gentamicin, flumeuine and inoxyl respectively. Avitryl emerged as best drug.
The pathogenicity of the isolated strains was tested in albino mice taken from V.R.I., Lahore. The confirmed pathogenic isolates of . coli were diluted upto 3x108 bacteria per 0.25 ml, this dilution ws made after doing total viable count and the dose was injected intra-peritoneally to five albino mice while 5 albino mice were kept as controls.
These six drugs were further tested for their efficiency in broilers against . coli infection. A total of two hundred and forty birds reared upto four weeks of age and then they were divided into eight groups, A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H, each having 30 birds. Group H was kept as non-infected and non- treated. While Group G was infected but not treated. The remaining groups A, B, C, D, E and F, 16 hours after infection were treated with avitryl, advocin, plasmacolin, flumequine, gentamicin and inoxyl for five days respectively. All the groups were kept under close observation and their mortality and feed efficiency was noted.
In group G maximum mortality was noted i.e. 57.14 while in the group A, B, C, D, E and F, the mortality recorded was 22.72, 30, 33.33, 40.90, 47.82 and 52.17 respectively.
Avitryl was proved to be the highest protection against coli infection and best in relation to F.C.R. by this experiment.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0492,T] (1).
Comparative Study Of Different Techniques For Diagnosis Of Lymphoid Leucosis In Commercial Layer Chickens
by Azhar Nazir | Dr. Shakil Akhtar Khan | Dr. Ahmad Raza | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1997Dissertation note: This project was designed to study and compare the results of ELISA, impression smears of visceral organs, haematological (TLC and DLC) and histopathological examination for diagnosis of lymphoid leucosis in commercial layers. For this purpose a total of 90 birds were selected from different commercial layer farms, having the history of lymphoid leucosis, age ranged from 5 to 9 months and having enlarged liver and bursa of Fabricious on palpation.
After the selection of birds, their blood was obtained and serum was seprated avoiding the lysis of RBCs. The serum thus obtained was used to detect the lymphoid leucosis antigen with the help of proflock kit of ELISA by KPL USA. Ninety serum samples were put into the ELISA plate well coated with an anti-P27 antibody. The anti-P27 antibody formed a antibody antigen complex. After washing the plate, an affinity purified rabbit anti-P27 peroxidase conjugate was added to each well. The antibody antigen complex remaining from the previous step reacted with the conjugate, brief incubation period was provided and then unreacted conjugate was washed through second wash step. Substrate which contained a chromogen ABTS), was added to each well. Chrornogen colour was changed (from clear to green-blue), which occurred in the presence of peroxidase enzyme. The relative intensity of colour developed in 15 minutes (Compared to control) which is directly proportional to the quantity of P27 antigen in the sample. Now the substrate was incubated, stop solution was added to each well to terminate the reaction. The plate was read using an automatic ELISA reader, which also calculated the SP (sample to positive) values for each sample tested.
The birds having titres of 1000 or above were found positive.
Twenty birds out of total 90 were found positive by ELISA.
These ELISA positive birds were purchased from each farm and the same number of healthy birds from the same flock were subjected to organ body weight ratio and haematological examination (TLC, DLC) and histopathology of positive cases.
The total leukocytic count of the ELISA positive birds showed increase in the leukocytic count when compared with the healthy birds of the same flock. The mean values for ELISA +ve birds of flock number 1, 2, 3 and 4 were 44.93±0.40, 45.90±0.41, 45.90±0.41 and 45.04±0.63, respectively with mean TLC values of 27.32±0.23, 27.38±0.35, 27.38±0.35,27.24±0.29 of healthy birds of flock number 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively, where the differential leukocytic count showed mild increase in lymphocytes and basophilis and a marked increase in monocyte. The mean value for lymphocytes of the ELISA +ve flock numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 were 57.35±0.14, 57.30±0.15,57.30±0.15 and 57.76±0.44 respectively compared with the healthy birds of flock numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 which were 56.0±0.20, 56.0±0.29, 56.20±0.29 and 57.44±0.3. The mean basophilic value for ELISA +ve flock number 1, 2, 3 and 4 were 1.61±0.60, 1.56±0.24, 1.56±0.24 and 1.48±0.37 respectively, compared with the mean value of healthy birds of flock numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 which were 1.57±0.68, 1.48±0.68, 1.48±0.59 and 1.60±0.37, respectively.
The mean monocyte value for ELISA +ve flock were 14.50±0.13,14.50±0.10, 14.50±0.10 And 14.56±0.44 for flock number 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively, mean value of the healthy birds were 9.19±0.57, 9.10±0.44, 9.10±0.44, 9.10±0.44 For flock numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively.
The organ body weight ratio showed a highly significant
increase in the organ body weight indices of affected liver, kidney, spleen, ovary and bursa of Fabricious.
The gross lesions mainly were great enlargement of the liver, spleen, kidney, ovary and bursa of Fabricious, with grayish white, or creamy white foci. In some organ the nodular tumor growth has also seen.
Histopathological studies of the affected birds revealed the infiltration of the lymphoblasts and other blood cells in the affected organ. Areas of necrosis at some places in affected organ were observed. The tumors cells showed the aggrigates of lymphoblast. The impression smears made from the fresh specimen of liver, spleen, kidney, ovary and bursa of Fabricious, stained with Giemsa stain, confirmed the lymphoid leucosis due to the presence of lymphoblast.
Out of 20 positive cases, liver was affected in all the cases, spleen in 18 cases, ovary in 15 cases, kidney in 11 and bursa of Fabricious in 14 cases.
It was concluded that ELISA can be used as a most reliable and effective method of diagnosis in live birds, whereas in dead birds, disease can be confirmed by the presence of lymphoblasts in impression smears of liver and spleen. Blood changes can be use as aid in early diagnosis, whereas histopathology is a time consuming procedure.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0514,T] (1).
Prevalence Of Puff Disease In Horses With Biochemical And Chemotherapeutic Studies
by Shamoon ur Rashid | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr. Javed | Dr. Khalid Pervaiz | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1997Dissertation note: This project was designed to find out the prevalence of puff disease in horses in Lahore area. This study also included chemotherapeutic effect of two different treatments and biochemical studies.
This study was conducted during the month of July-September, 1996 at Outdoor Hospital, College of Veterinary Sciences, Lahore and around the city of Lahore. For the prevalence of puff disease 290 horses were examined and their clinical signs were observed. Investigation showed that the occurrence of puff disease in horses was 12.14% i.e. 36 horses out of 290 were found positive.
Thirty positive cases were treated with two different groups of treatments. With 1st group of treatment 5 horses were cured completely and with 2nd group of treatment 11 horses were cured completely. The results of treatment were based on the reversal of clinical signs. Serum samples of positive horses were also observed before and after treatment for the detection of glucose, cholesterol and chloride levels.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0536,T] (1).
A Clinico Epidemiiological Study Of Bacterial And Parasitic Causes Of Respiratory Syndrome In Sheep And Goats
by Waseem Shahzad | Dr. Khalid Pervaiz | Dr. Khushi | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1997Dissertation note: In Pakistan sheep and goats production is playing a very important role in bridging the protein gap among our population. Sheep and goats not only provide us high quality meat for our consumption but also wool fibre and high quality leather. In Pakistan every year there is lot of mortality due to respiratory tract infections in sheep and goats especially due to pneumonia which results from a variety of causes' namely, bacterial, viral, parasitic, mycoplasmal and fungal etc. It causes high economic losses due to increased rate of mortality. This study was carried out on two hundred sheep and goats of either sex including all age groups brought to out door hospital of College of Veterinary Sciences, Lahore during February 1997 to June 1997. In the present study isolation and identification of bacterial and parasitic etiological agents of the respiratory tract problems in sheep and goats was carried out. According to this study many bacterial agents causes respiratory problems in sheep and goats, out of 132 positive nasal samples Pasteurella multocida was isolated from 32 (24%), . haemolytica 43 (33%), Corynebacterium 26 (20%), 23 (17%), Streptococcus 18 (14%) and Escherichia ççjj 20 (15%) from affected sheep and goats. Similarly many lungworms cause respiratory problems, out of 82 positive faecal samples Dictvocaulus filaria was isolated from 76 (92.6%) and Protostrongvlus rufesence 6 (7.3%) from affected sheep and goats. The haematological study of the infected and non infected animal showed that there were decreased values of total erythrocytic count, packed cell volume and differential leucocytic count and increased values of total leucocytic count and erythrocytic sedimentation rate of affected animals.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0539,T] (1).
Comparative Efficacy Of Various Drugs Used Against Naturally Infected Horsed With Babesiosis
by Mamoona Ali | Dr. Khalid Pervez | Dr. Asif | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 1999Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0600,T] (1).
Comparative Efficacy Of Craniodorsal & Ventral Surgical Approaches For Femoral Head And Neck Excision In Dogs
by Aamir Aslam, Ch | Dr . Muhammad Arif Khan | Dr . Asim Aslam | Dr . Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2000Dissertation note: There are different joint problems in dogs but out of all the incidence of hip joint problems is higher. There are different problems of hip joint mainly, hip dysplasia, leg-calve-perthes disease, degenerative joint disease, irreparable fracture of acetabulum, femoral head and neck. Different methods are used as a treatment for above mentioned ailments. The methods used for such type of problems are categorized into conservative, palliative and surgical.
The surgical treatment is further divided into (1) salvage procedure i.e. femoral head and neck excision (2) total hip replacement.
The present project was launched to find out the efficacy of two approaches used for the femoral head and neck excision in dogs. The study was conducted on 18 mongrel dogs of either sex ranging in weight from 20.25 kg, which were divided into three groups of 6 dogs each.
In group A femoral head and neck excision was performed by using craniodorsal approach, whereas in group B ventral approach was used for the same procedure. Group C was kept as control in which the femoral head was luxated by using either approach. All the dogs were kept in kennels for a period of sixteen week and results were collected on the basis of clinical and radiographic evaluations. All the dogs were euthanized at the end of experimental period and operation sites were explored to find out the gross changes and also to find out the evidence of false joint formation in the muscles.
The analysis of results clearly indicated that craniodorsal approach was a better procedure than ventral approach for the femoral head and neck excision in dogs.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0667,T] (1).
Serological Investigations Into Caprine Brucellosis
by Zulfiqar Ahmad | Dr . Khalid Pervez | Dr . Mubashar | Dr . Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1985Dissertation note: In the present study an attempt was made to measure the incidence of brucellosis in goats. A total number of five hundred blood samples were collected from animals including 237 males and 263 females, belonging to various age groups, different sources and different breeds. The clear serum was separated and subjected to microscopic slide agglutination test and serum tube agglutination test. On the basis of microscopic slide agglutination test 5.2% goats were found positive for brucellosis. By serum tube agglutination test the percentage of positive cases was 1.2%. A total number of 159 milk samples from the individual animals were subjected to milk ring test. Of these samples 5.03% were found positive for the disease.
A comparison amongst the methods used for diagnosis of brucellosis indicated that serum tube agglutination test was the most reliable test for diagnosis of caprine brucellosis. Anyhow, the other two test can be used for screening under field condition. The overall incidence of caprine brucellosis recorded in this study was 1.2%
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0702,T] (1).
Sero-Epidemiological Study Of Various Livestock Diseases And Cost/Benefit Raio At Farmer Level In Tehsil Dera Ghazi Khan
by Shafiq-ur-Rahman | Dr. Muhammad Athar Khan | Dr. Muhammad | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2002Dissertation note: The epidemiological surveillance was conducted in 10% villages of Tehsil Dera Ghazi Khan which consisted of three different categories i.e. Urban, Rural and Tribal. These 10% villages were randomly selected and epidemiological survey was done during a period of one year i.e. August, 2000 to July, 2001 to determine the magnitude of various livestock diseases.
In the buffalo population of 9649 head, morbidity, mortality, case fatality rates were 61.50%, 14.41% and 23.43% while in 9224 cattle, these observations were 41.98%, 2.48% and 5.90% respectively due to various livestock diseases. In 2318 camel population morbidity, mortality and case fatality rates were 30.62%, 6.90% and 22.53% respectively. In goat population morbidity, mortality and case fatality rates were 34.54%, 11.20% and 32.42% respectively. In sheep population the morbidity, mortality and case fatality rates were 37.80%, 11.15% and 29.49% respectively.
The highest incidence was due to haemorrhagic septicaemia i.e., 29.50% in young and 6.28% in adult buffalo population of rural category. In urban category, incidence rate was 13.51%, 6.10% in young and adult buffalo population respectively, while least incidence in tribal category where it was 1.80%, 4.21% in young and adult buffalo population. The highest incidence of Foot and Mouth disease was 20.48%, 23.76% in young and adult buffalo population of rural category with no incidence in urban and tribal area.
Highest incidence of idiopathic diarrhoea of 11.62% in young buffalo population was observed in rural category. Similarly highest incidence of mastitis 5.84% recorded in buffalo population of rural category. In cattle, highest incidence of mastitis 2.74% observed in rural category. The highest incidence of Foot and Mouth disease 25.45%, 26.89% observed in young and adult cattle population of rural category.
Incidence of enterotoxemia 18.44% in young sheep population was higher than young goat 12.50%, while it was high in adult goat 12.42% than in adult sheep 9.12% respectively.
The GMT was recorded highest in vaccinated buffalo and cattle while found lowest in affected buffalo and cattle respectively.
Total economical losses due to various livestock diseases was calculated Rs.16726578/-. The cost and benefit ratio at a farmer level was 1:1.73.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0739,T] (1).
Effect Of Ivermetin On Liver At Therapeutic And Higher Doses In Healthy And Diseased Dogs
by khawar Qayyum | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Ashraf | Dr. Asim Aslam | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2002Dissertation note: The project was designed to evaluate the efficacy of ivermectin against external parasites as well as its toxicity on liver at therapeutic and higher doses in healthy and disease (positive for external parasites) dogs of local breeds. For this purpose forty dogs were selected and divided into four groups (A, B, C and D) comprising 10 dogs in each. Dogs of groups A and B were healthy while dogs of group C and D were positive for external parasites. Dogs of group A were administered ivermectin at therapeutic doses (0.2mg/kg body weight subcutaneously) while of group B were given ivermectin 10 times higher dose (2mg/kg body weight subcutaneously). Similarly dogs of group C and D positive for external parasites were given normal and higher doses of ivermectin respectively. To assess the efficacy of ivermectin, skin scrapping examination was performed before and after treatment, while to evaluate the toxicity alkaline phosphatase and alanine aminotransferase enzyme activity was measured before and after treatment. The results indicated that ivermectin was quite effective against external parasites 70% and 80% at therapeutic and higher doses respectively, but the efficacy against ticks was 100% at both the dose rates without any side effect except in one dog showing irritation at the site of injection at the higher dose of ivermectin. Liver enzyme study indicated that alkaline phosphatase was not altered significantly in diseased or healthy dogs at low or higher doses of ivermectin. Alanine aminotransferase activity was also not altered significantly in diseased as well as in healthy dogs. Therefore it is concluded that ivermectin is a safe drug for the treatment of ectoparasites in local breeds of dogs.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0742,T] (1).
Comparative Prevalence And Chemotherapy Of Pasciolosis In Cattle Of Lahore And Attock Areas
by Tahir Hamid | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr. Haji Ahmad | Dr. Muhammad Athar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2002Dissertation note: This project was designed to study the comparative prevalence of fasciolosis in cattle in two different areas (plane area and sub-hilly area) having different climatic and environmental conditions in terms of temperature, humidity, rain fall and water resources etc. For the purpose, Lahore and Attock were selected. In this present study, the efficacy of newly introduced homeopathic drug "Trematox" against fasciolosis in cattle was determined by comparing it with nitroxynil (Trodax 34%) and Albendazole (Farbenda 10%).
The prevalence was observed in such a way that at both the places i.e. Lahore and Attock, the animals were examined to select 80 positive cases (40 at Lahore and 40 at Attock). Subsequently, the animals were divided into 8 groups i.e. A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H. Groups A, B, C and D were kept at Lahore and groups E, F, G and H were kept at Attock. Groups A and E were untreated control groups.
The eggs per gram (EPG) counts are estimated by using McMaster technique at day zero (before medication) and day 7. Then groups B&F, C&G, D&H were treated with Nitroxynil, Albendazole and Trernatox, respectively. Nitroxynil and Albendazole were used @ 10 mg/kg body weight each. The Homeopathic drug "Trematox" was injected 5 ml to each animal i/rn.
At day 7, post-medication the EPG was measured. It was observed that at 7th day Nitroxynil showed the efficacy of 92.49%, Albendazole 77.77% and Trematox 42.75%. No side effects in any animal were observed during the experiment. Hence Nitroxynil, Albendazole and Trematox were concluded to be the safe drugs against fasciolosis in cattle.
It was observed that medium temperature between 10-25°C and high humidity offer optimal conditions for the occurrence of fasciolosis.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0757,T] (1).
Prevalence Of Clinical Mastities And Diagnosis Of Subclinical Mastitis In Cross Bred Cows
by Muhammad Yaqoob | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr. Muhammad | Dr. Muhammad Athar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2002Dissertation note: The study was conducted to find out the prevalence of clinical mastitis and diagnosis of subclinical mastitis in crossbred cows in and around Lahore. One hundred crossbred cows were selected in and around Lahore.
The data for clinical and subclinical mastitis was collected by different means such as observation, palpation of udder, by streaks and surf field mastitis test. Prevalence of clinical mastitis was estimated by collected data. In this project the prevalence of clinical mastitis was 14.23%.
Prevalence of clinical mastitis in different farms was different. In three selected farms "Farm A, Farm B and Farm C", the prevalence of clinical mastitis was 16.66%, 12.72% and 13.33% respectively. For diagnosis of subclinical mastitis, samples were collected from selected farms. One hundred crossbred cows were selected. Two different tests were applied for diagnosis of subclinical mastitis such as surf field mastitis test and white side test. The overall percentage of subclinical mastitis was 12.62% with both tests. The percentages of three farms were as such 10%, 14.54% and 13.33% respectively.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0762,T] (1).
Effect Of Exposure Of Organophosphate Insecticide (Trichlorfon) On The Health Status Andweight Gain In Broiler Chicks
by Misbah Zulfiqar | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr. Khalid Pervez | Dr. Muhammad | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2002Dissertation note: The investigation was conducted to study the effects of organophos)hate insecticide Trichlorft)n (Nawagon) on heal Lii status, weight gain in broiler chicks and to see the elTicacy ol atropinc sulphate against this problem. Seventy five day old broiler chicks were reared upto 3 weeks of age under proper managemental conditions. At the end of 2nd week they were randomly divided into 5 groups i.e. A, 13, C, D and E containing 15 chicks in each group. Group A was maintained on a Iced containing Nawagon at dose rate of 20mg/kg in feed. Group B was maintained on a feed containing Nawagon at dose rate of 50mg/kg in feed . Group C was maintained on feed containing Nawagon at dose rate of 100mg/kg in feed. Group D was maintained on feed containing Nawagon at dose rate of 200mg/kg in feed. Group E was kept as control. A-Il the groups were maintained on this feed for 7 clays. The weights of birds from each group were taken bebore treatment with Nawagon.
The symptoms were recorded thrmighout the experiment and observed (hat during 4th week fteci intake of all the treated groups was decreased, growth was retarded significantly. Group A and B showed no symptoms. There were 3 mortalities in group C. The postmortem findings were small haemolThages throughout the body muscles liepatoinegaly, spleenomegaly, enlarged heart, swollen kidneys. All other birds of group C showed dyspnea, tremor exhaustion, in coordination and dropping of wings.
There were no mortalities in group D but birds showed dyspnea, tremors, exhaustion, in coordination, ataxia, dropping of wings and paralysis of legs. So some birds were disable to walk at the end of 4111 week.
During 5th week the birds of group C and D were treated with atropine sulphate. At the end of 3rd or 4th day of' 5 week. The birds were normal. Feed intake and growth was normal. Legs were normal. At the end of 6th week all the birds of treated group showed normal behaviour when compared with the control group. No clinical signs were observed in liver, heart, spleen and kidneys of group E (control).
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0768,T] (1).
Prevalence And Chemotherapy Of Ascariasis In Cross-Bred Calves In And Around Lahore
by Waqar Ahmad | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr. Khalid Pervaiz | Dr. Muhamad | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2002Dissertation note: The present project was designed to find out the prevalence of ascariasis in cross-bred calves in and around Lahore and to evaluate anthelmiiitic efficacy of albendazole, oxfendazole and fumaria parviflora against ascariasis.
For this purpose the faeces of 203 cross-bred calves under 3 months aged from various localities in and adjoining city of Lahore were examined for the presence of ascariasis. Forty calves were found positive. It was observed that the prevalence of ascariasis was 19.62%. Forty naturally infected calves having moderate to heavy infection were divided into 4 groups A, B, C and D, each having 10 calves. Ten calves were acted as non-infected and non-medicated (control) as group E. The anthelmintic efficacy of albendazole, oxfendazole and fumaria parviflora was studied by administering to group A, B and C respectively.
The efficacy of the drug was determined on the basis of reduction in number of ova count, present in the faeces after medication.
Anthelmintic efficacy of albendazole (@ 5mg/kg body weight), oxfendazole (@ 4.5mg/kg body weight) and fumaria parviflora (@ 2gm/kg body weight) was observed to be 83.67%, 95.09% and 0% at clay 5 respectively and at 10 days 99.65%, 100% and 20.15% respectively.
It was found that systamex was the most effective drug for the treatment of ascariasis in crossbred calves. Second was the albenclazole. None of these drugs produced any side effects.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0770,T] (1).
Epidemiology Of Parasitic Load And Therapeutic Control Against Ecto And Endorparasites With Ivermectin In Horses
by Rubina Hassan | Dr. Muhammad Athar Khan | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr. Talat | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2002Dissertation note: The present research project was designed to study the efficacy of ivermectin i.e. LG EUVECTIN inj. against ectoparasites, endoparasites and blood parasites in horses. For this purpose, apparently healthy, weak, emaciated horses showing the clinical signs of parasitism, brought to Outdoor clinics, University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore and Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (S.P.C.A) were checked. Out of these 84 animals 25 (29.76%) were found positive for ectoparasites through the skin scraping examination under the microscope. From these 84 animals 28 were checked for endoparasites and through the coprological examination 25 (89.29%) were found positive. From 84 horses, 5 (5.95%) horses had mixed type of infection i.e. positive for both ecto- and endoparasites.
Ectoparasites found in 25 positive cases were mites (29.76%) and no ticks or lice infestation was found i.e. Zero percent prevalence. The endoparasites found were mainly the G.!. T. nematodes (round worms) i.e. 25 (89.29%) cases were positive for round worms while 2 (7.14%) cases out of these 25 were also infested with tapeworms and liver tlukes were zero percent.
Infected horses were treated with LG Euvectin injection (Ivermectin 1.0% w/v) through subcutaneous injection at dose rate of 1 ml/50kg (0.2mg/kg) body weight once on zero day. Eggs per gram of faeces (EPG) was counted on a day, 7th and 14th day. Recovery rate with ivermectin against ectoparasites and endoparasites was 76% and 88% respectively. A total of 50 horses were bleed for blood parasites, none of them were found positive.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0791,T] (1).
Prevalence And Chemotherapy Of Nematodes Infestation In Wild And Dometic Pigeons And Its Effects On Various Blood Components
by Tauqeer Basit, M | Dr. Khalid Pervez, Prof.CMS | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan, Associate | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2003Dissertation note: Apparently healthy one hundred wild and one hundred domestic pigeons were purchased from the local market which were kept for a period of thirty days under observation. They were subjected to coprological examination for the presence of nematode eggs. One group of forty naturally infested wild pigeons and other group of forty domestic pigeons were selected. They were infested with Ascaridha columba, Capillaria obsginata and Ascaridia gjj one or more type of nematodes.
All the forty domestic pigeons as well as forty wild pigeons were divided into eight groups comprising of ten pigeons each. Among the domestic pigeons three groups i.e. D1, D2 and D3 were treated with Ivermectin, Oxfendazole and Piperazine respectively while the fourth group i.e. CD was titled as an un-treated control group. Similarly the three groups i.e. WI, W2 and W3 of wild pigeons were treated with Ivermectin, Oxfendazole and Piperazine respectively while the fourth group i.e. CW was kept as controlled untreated group. Egg per gram was done on day zero, tenth and twenty first day of experiment. On zero day of experiment after taking the fecal samples Ivermectin, Oxfendazole and Piperazine were administered in DI and WI, D2 and W2, D3 and W3 groups of pigeons respectively.
The efficacy rate of Oxfendazole, Ivermectin and Piperazine in the domestic pigeons was 60%, 100% & 80% respectively while the efficacy percentage for wild pigeons was 50%, 100% and 80% with the treatment of Oxfendazole, Ivermectin and Piperazine.
The Ivermectin treated group showed the best results in term of lowest EPG st day post treatment and hemoglobin estimation was maximum i.e. 10.8mg/dI in DI and WI as compared to control group. Similarly TLC was minimum i.e. 0.2million Ofl 21st day of the experiment in the lvermectin treated group of domestic pigeons.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0794,T] (1).
Chemotherapeutical And Hematological Studies Of Experimentally Induced Cocidiosis In Pigeons
by Rashid Ghaffar | Dr. Khalid Pervez | Dr. Kamran | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2004Dissertation note: This project was designed for the Chemotherapeutical and Haematological studies of induced coccidiosis in pigeons. For this purpose three anticocidials were used. These were ancoban (Amprolium), Supercoc (Sulphaquinoxaline) and Phytocox (Herbal Product). These were used alone and with the addition of vitamin A and K. Some Haematological Studies were also done i.e. total Leucocytic Count (TLC), differential leucocytic count (DLC) and Haemoglobin (Hb) estimation.
One hundred and twenty healthy young pigeons were obtained and were provided coccidiosis free feed. These pigeons were divided into eight groups viz; A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H comprising 15 birds each. 30,000 viable sporulated oocysts were inoculated directly into the crops of pigeons of group A to G.
The medication was started on day 4 post-inoculation of oocysts. Group A, B and C were given Ancoban, Supercoc and Phytocox, respectively. Groups D,E and F were given Ancoban, Supercoc and Phytocox (Herbal Product), respectively with the addition of vitamin`A and K. The Group G was infected, untreated control while group H was uninfected, untreated (Healthy) control. The clinical signs were more pronounced in the groups that were treated without the addition of vitamin A and K.The highest efficacy of the drug was found in group E which was 99.36%.
Haemoglobin estimation was done on day 0, 4, 9 and day 14. It was concluded that haemoglobin values were decreased after clinical signs had appeared. Total leucocytic count was also done on day 0, 4, 9 and day 14. There was increase in TLC after infection had occurred and started to decrease after day 9. The differential leucocytic count, lymphocytes decreased while heterohils and monocytes were increased and eosinophils and basophils showed variation in their number was compared to control group. The oocyst count was done on day 4, day 9 and day 14 post-inocultion of oocyst. The efficacy of the drug given to the group E was 99.40% which was the best among all the groups.
The result of the present study showed that supercoc (sulphaquinoxaline) with addition of vitamin A and K was comparatively better drug for the control and treatment for cocidiosis in pigeons.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0841,T] (1).
Comparative Efficacy Of Herbal, Homoeopathic And Standard Drugs Against Coccidiosis In Broilers
by Muhammad Ali | Dr. Muhammad Athar khan | Dr. Khalid | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2002Dissertation note: The study was designed to compare the efficacy of four different drugs against coccidiosis. A total 240 day old broiler chicks were purchased and reared for 42 days under standard managemental condition. The birds were randomly divided into six groups comprising of 40 birds each. Group-A was medicated with Anjbar, Group-B medicated with Bael, Group-C medicated with Mere sol, Group-D medicated with Darvisul liquid. Group-E was kept as infected, unmedicated, while group-F served as uninfected, unmedicated control. All groups except that of group-F were given challenge dose of infection on day 22nd. The oocysts were counted on 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th day post-infection. The weight gain and feed consumption were recorded weekly. Record of mortality was maintained and postmortem of dead birds was performed. The data collected was subjected to statistical analysis using two way analysis of variance and least significant differences between treatment.
It was concluded that Aegle Marmelos (Bael fruit) and Darvisul liquid showed better results in term of wight gain, feed consumption, reduce oocyst count, as compared with Anjbar and Merc sol
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0849,T] (1).
Effect Of Prophylactic Measures Against Coccidiosis In Broiler Breeder Chicks
by Imtiaz Ahmad | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Ashraf | Dr. Haji Ahmad | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2001Dissertation note: The experiment was designed to study the effect of coccidiosis vaccine in comparasion with chemo-prophylactic and therapeutic measures against coccidiosis and their effect on weight gain, mortality and blood parameters in broiler breeder birds. For this purpose one hundred and twenty day-old broiler breeder chicks were obtained from local market and reared in the Experimental room of the Medicine Section, College of Veterinary Sciences (CVS), Lahore under standard managemental conditions upto 49 days of age. The birds were fed on commercial coccidiostat free feed purchased from the market The following materials (vaccines, medicine, caeca) were used
1. Local vaccine (Eimeria vaccine) was obtained from Parasitology Laboratory, CVS., Lahore.
2. Imported vaccine (Immucox; Vetec Laboratories, Canada) was purchased from the market.
3. Amprolium 60% was purchased from Grace Pharma, Lahore.
4. The infected caeca of broiler chicks was obtained from different farms and diagnostic laboratories.
One hundred and twenty day-old broiler breeder birds were divided into eight groups comprising of 15 birds in each group. Different groups were arranged according to the following pattern:
Group A. was non-infected control group, group-B was infected control group. Infection was given on day 22, group-C was vaccinated infected group. Local vaccine was given on 3rd and 10th day of age followed by the dose of 30,000 sporulated oocyst at 22nd day of age. Group-D was vaccinated with local vaccine (non infected). Group-E was vaccinated infected group. Imported vaccine was given at 7th day followed by infection at 22nd day. Group-F was vaccinated with imported coccidial vaccine, non-infected group. Group-G was infected and treated group. Infection was given on day 22 of age and the birds will be treated with Amprolium 60% at the dose of lg/2 litre of drinking water for 5 consecutive days. Group-H was non-Infected, treated with Amprolium 60% at the dose of lg/2 litre of drinking water for 5 consecutive days.
The weight of birds was weekly recorded starting from day one upto the end (42nd day) of the experiment. Faecal examination for the counting of oocyst per gram of faeces were recorded after every 4th day of the administration of infection.
It was observed that the performance of the birds of group D (noninfected, vaccinated with local vaccine) was the best as compared to all other experimental groups. However, group E (infected, vaccinated with Imported coccidial vaccine) was also given good performance.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0850,T] (1).
Prevalence Of Brucellosis In Breeding And Game Horses In Lahore Division
by Syed Muhammad Jaafar Fayyaz | Dr. Khalid Pervez | Dr. Azhar | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2004Dissertation note: Sero-prevalence of brucellosis in 400 breeding and game horses from various sources in Lahore Division was analysed. Two serological tests namely Rose bengal plate and standard tube agglutination tests were employed. The Rose bengal plate test served for initial screening and the sera declared positive by Rose bengal plate test were further analysed through standard tube agglutination test, which served for quantitation of Brucella antibodies. A higher incidence of disease prevalence was recorded through Rose bengal plate test than standard tube agglutination test. The overall prevalence of the disease investigated by Rose bengal plate test was 2.5% and with the standard tube agglutination test was 0.25% in horses. The male horses had a prevalence of 0.74% by the Rose bengal plate test, female horses demonstrated a prevalence of 6.15% by Rose bengal plate test and 0.76% by standard tube agglutination test. The higher prevalence of disease was observed in female horses. While interpreting the age group relationship of the disease. It was found that adult and old animals had a higher prevalence than the young animals. The horses over 10 years of age exhibited 7.95% disease incidence by Rose bengal plate test and 1.13% by standard tube agglutination test. Only 1.54% disease prevalence was investigated in horses below 10 years of age by Rose bengal plate test. Sero prevalence of brucellosis was only detected in horses recruited from Race Cource and Phool Nagar, whereas sera of all the horses belonging to Army, Police, Rangers, Race Club and Aitchison College was negative to brucellosis. It may be due to good management of horses, good nutrition, lack of stress and no contact with cattle. The sera with SAT titre of 1:40, were considered positive while the sera showing titre of 1:20 were declared doubtful. There is need to adopt an eradication programme for brucellosis especially because of its zoonotic importance and a continuous threat to livestock industry in the shape of heavy economic losses.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0868,T] (1).
Comparative Effect Of Zinc Bacitrcing And Propionic Acid On The Performance Of Broiler Chicken
by Nadeem Akram | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr. Anjum | Dr. Muhammad Athar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2003Dissertation note: The idea of the study was to replace feed additive antibiotics with organic acids. Therefore diets supplemented with different levels of propionic acid were compared with diet supplemented with feed additive antibiotic zinc bacitracin in order to determine their effects on the performance of broiler birds.
One hundred day-old chicks were selected for the experiment and arranged into five groups A, B, C, D and E. There were 20 chicks in each group. Group A served as a control while the diets of group B, C and D were supplemented with 0.4%, 0.6% and 0.8 % propionic acid. The diet of group E was supplemented with feed additive antibiotic zinc bacitracin. The parameters selected for the experiment were Feed consumption, Weight gain, Feed conversion efficiency, Morbidity and mortality and Economical analysis of various treatment groups. The experiment was conducted at Animal Nutrition Section of University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore.
The results thus obtained were statistically analyzed. Statistical analysis revealed a significant difference between group A (control) and group C (supplemented with 0.6% Propionic acid) in case of feed consumed and weight gained. There was no significant difference between various treatment groups in terms of feed conversion efficiency. As far as economics is concerned group E (supplemented with zinc bacitracin) was the most economical group among the various treatment groups. The use of propionic acid proved costly as compared to feed additive antibiotic zinc bacitracin.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0869,T] (1).
Clinico Epidemiological Study Of Bacterial Causes Of Respiratory Syndrome In Cattle And Buffalo Around Lahore
by Ahtasham-ur-Rehman | Prof. Dr. Khalid Pervaiz | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Prof. Dr | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Nature of contents: ; Literary form: Publisher: 2009Dissertation note: The present study was undertaken to determine the bacterial agents associated with respiratory tract infections in cattle and buffalo. For this purpose 100 clinically sick cattle and 100 clinically sick buffalo of both sex and age were examined. The samples were taken randomly from the Outdoor Hospital of University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. Lahore. various District Veterinary Hospitals of Lahore and Private Veterinary Clinics of Lahore during September 2004 to February 2005.
All the animals presented during the above mentioned period were clinically examined. Those showing signs of cough and nasal discharge were clinically examined, and their respiration rate, pulse rate, temperature and lung auscultation was performed. The frequency of clinical signs were observed and found it as, abnormal lung sounds 36.5%, Nasal discharge 69%, Cough 73%, Anorexia 93.5%, Depression 90.5%, Dyspnea
28%, Fever 84.5%, Increased pulse rate 66%, Increased respiratory rate 76.5%, Increased breath sounds 64.5% and Loud breath sounds 56%.Whereas no above mentioned signs were observed in control group.
A total of 200 samples of nasal mucus were collected from 100 clinically sick cattle and l00 clinically sick buffalo. Nasal swabs were collected from clinically sick animals. Nasal swabs collected from the nasal cavity of the affected animals, in gamma sterilized cultural swabs, were properly labeled and kept at 4°C till further processing. Each affected animal was also tested For Bovine Tuberculosis using Single Intradermal Test. Smears were made from each nasal swab, stained with Gram's staining and was examined for the presence or absence of bacteria. Each positive bacterial swab was inoculated in nutrient broth, tubes, which was incubated at 37°C and then examined after
different intervals of time for turbidity. A loopful of material from positive turbid broth was streaked on the nutrient agar and incubated at 37°C for 24 hours. Different types of colonies were purified. Smears were prepared from each type of colony, stained with Gram's staining and examined under oil immersion lens. The staining and morphological characteristics were recorded. Out of total 200 samples, only 152 were positive for bacterial contamination. The prevalence so calculated was 76% amongst the animal examined. A total number of I 52 isolates belonging to the genera Pasteurella, Streptococcus. Staphylococcus. Escherichia and Mycobacteriurn were isolated and identified on the basis of morphological, staining, cultural and biochemical characters of the organisms isolated from nasal mucus of cattle and bLiffalo. Of these Pasteurella haemolytica was isolated from 43 (21 .5%), Pasteurella multocida 3 I (I 5.5%), Escherichia coli 11 (5.5%), Streptococcus 29 (14.5%), Staphylococcus 23 (11.5%) and Mycobacteriurn bovis 15 (7.5%).
The main objective of this study was to assess and record the incidence of various bovine respiratory tract infections and to study the bacterial etiological agents involved in the production of respiratory tract syndrome. The etiological agents were identified by cultural and biochemical characteristics of isolates. These findings will help in devising proper and early measures required to cure the disease and to boost LI the prodLictive performance of these ruminants.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0870,T] (1).
Effect Of Dose And Route Of Ivermectin On Lice Infested Domestic Pigeons
by Assad Ullah | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr. Azhar | Dr. Jawaria Ali Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2005Dissertation note: The present project was designed to study the prevalence of lice infestation in pigeons and to study the efficacy of Ivermectin against lice infestation in pigeons.
A total of 300 pigeons were examined to study the prevalence of lice infestation in domestic pigeons in different localities of Lahore (pigeon owners and aviaries) during the month of April, 2004. Out of 300 birds examined 271 birds revealed lice with an overall incidence of 90.33% of lice infestation.
Permanent mounts were prepared from specimens collected from different birds. On the basis of morphological characters and taxonomical features the specie of lice identified was Columbicola columbae (Slender Pigeon Louse).
The efficacy of Ivermectin was determined on the basis of reduced number of lice from the body of pigeons in group A, B and C, group D served as untreated infested control and group E served as healthy control group. Birds were examined on days zero, 3, 7 and 10 of the experiment. On day 10, efficacy of Ivermectin was 91.66%, 75% and 83.33% in group A, B and C respectively.
Haematological examinations were made to compare the blood picture of infested birds treated with Ivermectin , infested birds kept as control and healthy control birds. Blood parameters studied were: Haemoglobin Estimation and Differential Leukocytic Count. The results of haematological examination showed a significant increase in haemoglobin level of birds treated with Ivermectin, there was a significant decrease in differential leukocytic count of treated birds.
The values thus recorded were analyzed statistically using computer program MSTAT.
The present project was designed to study the prevalence of lice infestation in pigeons and to study the efficacy of Ivermectin against lice infestation in pigeons.
A total of 300 pigeons were examined to study the prevalence of lice infestation in domestic pigeons in different localities of Lahore (pigeon owners and aviaries) during the month of April, 2004. Out of 300 birds examined 271 birds revealed lice with an overall incidence of 90.33% of lice infestation.
Permanent mounts were prepared from specimens collected from different birds. On the basis of morphological characters and taxonomical features the specie of lice identified was Columbicola columbae (Slender Pigeon Louse).
The efficacy of Ivermectin was determined on the basis of reduced number of lice from the body of pigeons in group A, B and C, group D served as untreated infested control and group E served as healthy control group. Birds were examined on days zero, 3, 7 and 10 of the experiment. On day 10, efficacy of Ivermectin was 91.66%, 75% and 83.33% in group A, B and C respectively.
Haematological examinations were made to compare the blood picture of infested birds treated with Ivermectin , infested birds kept as control and healthy control birds. Blood parameters studied were: Haemoglobin Estimation and Differential Leukocytic Count. The results of haematological examination showed a significant increase in haemoglobin level of birds treated with Ivermectin, there was a significant decrease in differential leukocytic count of treated birds.
The values thus recorded were analyzed statistically using computer program MSTAT.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0871,T] (1).
Clinicotherapeutic And Haematological Studies Of Coccidiosis In Qualis
by Muhammad Zahir Iqbal | Prof. Dr. Khalid Pervez | Dr. Kamran | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2005Dissertation note: The study was designed to compare the efficacy of different anticoccidials i.e. Coxigon and Toltrazuril and their effect on blood values in quails. A total of 100 young healthy quails were purchased and raised for a week in good husbandry and hygienic conditions. The birds were randomly divided into four groups i.e. A, B, C and D, comprising of 25 birds each. Group A was treated with Toltrazuril, while group B was treated Coxigon. Group C was infected, non medicated and group D was uninfected control group. All the groups except D were given primary challenge doses of infection. The oocysts count was done on day zero, 3, 5 and 7. Record of mortality, morbidity was kept and postmortem of dead birds was also performed. The data collected was subjected to statistical analysis using one way analysis of variance and least significant difference (LSD) test, to detect the differences between the treatments and means. It is concluded that Toltrazuril as anti-coccidial revealed significant (P<0.05) difference among all the treatments in terms of weight gain, feed efficiency, oocyst count, reduction and decrease in mortality ratio and help a lot to normalize the blood values of quails. The results of other anti-coccidial i.e. Coxigon was not satisfactory, due to less decrease in mortality ratio, feed intake and weight gain and help little to normalize their blood values, and group C was infected non medicated showed great mortality and morbidity rate as compared to other groups. The results of this study will help to the Feed Farmers in choosing the best anti-coccidial drug, while the farmers will get choice amongst anti-coccidial drugs.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0872,T] (1).
Prevalence Of Ecto And Endo Parasites In Cross Bred Cattle At Lahore And Its Chemotherapy With Ivermectin
by Saleem Khan Niazi | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr. Azhar | Prof. Dr. Khalid Pervez | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2003Dissertation note: The present project had been designed to study the prevalence of Ecto and Endo parasites in crossbred cattle of all age groups and to test the efficacy of ivermectin (Ivergen-Symans) at recommended
dose rate by the company against ecto and endo parasites in naturally infected cross bred cattle. For this project 400 crossbred
cattle were scanned to isolate 60 infected animals.
These 60 animals were divided in to 3 main groups i.e. A, B, and C, comprising 20 animals each. Each main group was subdivided into four sub groups, comprising 5 animals each and were marked as Al, A2, A3, & A4, Bi, B2, B3, B4 and Cl, C2, C3 & C4.
Out of total 400 animals, which were scanned 278 (69%) animals were found positive having ecto- endo- and mixed parasitic infection. Faecal samples of all 400 animals were tested for GIT nematodes, out of which 158 (40%) animals were found positive, skin scrappings of all 400 animals were tested for ecto-parasites, out of which 68 (17%) animals were found positive. 52 (13%) animals were found positive for mixed infection of both ecto- and endo-parasites.
The results of the present study revealed that Ivergen is highly effective at extremely low dosage against wide variety of nematodes and arthropods parasite, so it is recommended for field use.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0873,T] (1).
Comparative Efficacy Of Various Drugs Against Git Nematodes And Their Effect On Blood Parameters In Sheep And Goats
by Naseeb Ullah | Prof. Dr. Khalid Pervez | Dr. Kamran | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2004Dissertation note: The present project was designed to study the comparative efficacy of various drugs; 1) Albendazole (Farbenda), 2) Oxfendazole (Oxafax) and 3) Karanjwa (Caesalpenia crista) against naturally infected GIT nematodes in sheep and goats under field condition in and around district Kohlu, Balochistan and to find out their effect on some blood parameters; 1) Haemoglobin, 2) Total leukocyte count and 3) Differential leukocyte count and to detect the prevalence
For this purpose 180 sheep and goats naturally infected coprologically were examined. Out of 180 sheep and goats 106 were found positive showed 58% prevalence. For the treatment protocol, forty naturally infected and ten non-infected were selected and divided randomly into five groups having ten sheep and goats in each group viz A, B, C, E and D. Group A was treated with Albendazole 1ml/20mg body weight. Group B was treated with Oxfendazole 1ml/5kg body weight. Group C was treated with Karanjwa (Caesalpenia crista) @ 2mg/kg body weight. Group E was kept infected non-medicated control group. Group D was kept non-infected non-medicated control group.
In group A the eggs per gram of faeces were 22,700 on day zero and no eggs were found on day 7th which was treated with Albendazole. It has been observed from the result that Albendazole showed 100% efficacy on day 7th. In group B which was treated with Oxfendazole with egg per gram of faeces were 23,200 on day zero 22,800 on day 7th and no egg were found on day 14th. It has been observed from above results that the Oxfendazole shown 95% efficacy on day 7th and 100% efficacy on day 14th. In group C which was treated with Karanjwa, the eggs per gram faeces were 19,500 on day zero 22,100, on day 7th 31,800 on day 28th. Group E which was kept infected non-medicated control group, the egg per gram were found on day zero, 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th, 20000, 23700, 27500, 31200 and 35300.
On the haematological study the haemoglobin and lymphocyte level were decrease as compared to non-infected control group whereas the value of leukocyte, neutrophil, monocyte and eosinophil were increased as compared to normal group. In group A and B the haemoglobin and lymphocyte value slightly increase on day 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th post-medication. Moreover, the values of leukocyte, neutrophil, monocyte, eosinophil and basophil were slightly decrease on day 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th post-medication in group A and B. It has been observed from above study that Albendazole and Oxfendazole shown their effect on blood parameters, whereas group C which was treated with Karanjwa have shown no effect on faecal egg count and blood parameters.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0902,T] (1).
A Study Of Babesiosis In Calves At Livestock Experimental Station, Qadirabad And Adjacent Areas
by Nadeem Niazi | Prof. Dr. Khalid Pervez | Dr. Javed Iqbal | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2006Dissertation note: Bovine babesiosis (Piroplasmosis, Texas fever, redwater, tick fever) is a febrile, tick-borne disease of cattle, caused by one or more protozoan parasites of the genus Babesia and generally characterized by extensive erythrocytic lysis leading to anemia, icterus, hemoglobinuria, and death.
There are probably at least six Babesia species responsible for bovine babesiosis. Most can be categorized as being small or large Babesia. Morphological and serological differences are used to distinguish the different species. The two that are of most concern in our country are Babesia bigemina and Babesia bovis which are inflecting considerable losses to the livestock especially cattle.
The present study was conducted to find out the prevalence of babesiosis in cow calves at livestock experimental station Qadir Abad and adjacent areas of District Sahiwal and to find out the comparative efficacy of two babesicidal drugs i.e Fa-try-banil (diminazene aceturate) Prix Pharmaceutica. Lahore, Pakistan and Imizol (Tmidocarb dipropionate) ICI, Pakistan. In this study effect of babesiosis on different blood parameters i.e hemoglobin estimation and total ervthrocytic count was also studied.
For this purpose 415 calves were examined for the presence of babesiosis. Out of these 30 calves were found positive showing 7.2 percent prevalence. For treatment purpose 40 calves were selected randomly i.e. 30 infected and 10 healthy. i'hcse were divided into 4 groups A, B, C and D comprising 10 animals each. Diagnosis was confirmed on the basis of blood smear method. The animals of group A were treated with Fa-try-banil (dirninazene aceturate) @ 3.5 mg/kg body weight intramuscularly at day zero.
Four out of 10 calves recovered at 3" of injection, one calf recovered 7 day of 1S' injection, 4 calves recovered at 10th day of injection. This drug showed 90% efficacy while the calves of group B were treated with Imizol (Imidocarb dipropionate) lml/l00 kg body weight at day zero. Seven out of 10 calves recovered at 3rd day of injection, two recovered at 7 day of injection and remaining recovered at l0" day of 1S1 injection. This drug showed 100 percent efficacy at 10th day. Animals of group C served as infected untreated control and group D served as healthy non-infected control. Comparative efficacy of both the drugs was determined on the basis of disappearance of clinical signs and babesia from the blood. No side effects of the drugs were noted.
Haematological examination revealed a significant decrease in haemoglobin concentration and total erythrocytic count pre-medication. It has been observed from the present study that Imizol was the drug of choice for the treatment of babesjosis in calves.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0908,T] (1).
Sero-Epidemiological And Haematological Studies On Toxoplasmosis In Cats, Dogs And Their Owners in Lahore
by Azeem Shahzad | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Mr. Kamran | Prof. Dr. Khalid Pervez | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2005Dissertation note: Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic zoonosis with worldwide distribution, caused by Toxop1asna gondii and is very common in cats, dogs and human. Keeping in view the zoonotic importance of the disease, the current study was conducted to find out the epidemiological status of toxoplasmosis in cat, dog and human population in Lahore city and to determine the possibility of transmission of toxoplasmosis from cats and dogs to their owners. For this purpose serum samples from cats (ii=25 domestic, n=25 stray) dogs (n=50 domestic, n=50 stray) and human (n=25 cat owners, n=50 dog owners, ii=50 people having no contact with cats and dogs, ii=25 UVAS, Employees) were collected and analyzed by using Latex Agglutination Test (LAT) to find out the prevalence of toxoplasmosis in cat, dog and human population.
Overall 56% cats were seropositive for anti-toxoplasma antibodies. Stray cats had the high prevalence (64%) followed by domestic cats (48%). Overall, 53%, 25%, 10.7%, 10.7% cats were seropositive at screening dilution of 1:16, 1:64, I : 128 and 1:256, respectively. The highest prevalence (71%) was detected in cat in the 7 year or above age group. Neither of the positive rates was found to be different between male (56.5%) and female (55.5%). The sero-positivity percentage of toxoplasmosis was highest in local breeds of the cats (64%) followed by Himalayan and Persian (50%) and Siamese breed of cat (46%). Furthermore the domestic cats, which had wandering habits, had higher seropositivity (62%) than the cats, which had not these habits (41%). The prevalence of toxoplasmosis was high in the cats receiving raw meat (66%) however the prevalence in the cats receiving commercial cat food and kitchen prepared/left over human food was 40% and 44.4%, respectively.
Overall 39% dogs were sero-positive for anti-toxoplasma antibodies. Stray dogs had the high prevalence (50%) than the domestic dogs (28%). Overall 46%, 28.2%, 15.3% and 10.2 % dogs were sero-positive at screening dilution of 1:16, 1:64, 1:128 and 1:256, respectively. The highest prevalence of toxoplasmosis (45.9%) was recorded in dogs of age group of >1-3 years. Neither of the positive rates was found to be different between male (35.4%) and female (35.4%). The sero-positivity percentage was highest in local breeds of dogs (50%) followed by German Shepherd (42%), Bulldog , Labrador Retriever and Russian (33%), English Pointer (30%), Alsatian, Bull Terrier and German Pointer (25%) and Greyhound (20%). Dogs having access to house as well as yard has the highest prevalence (40%) following the dogs having access only to yard (25%) and the dogs kept strictly at homes had the lowest prevalence (16%). Dogs fed raw meat had a relatively high prevalence of toxoplasmosis (40%) than the dogs fed commercial dog food and home cooked food had prevalence of 18.7% and 2 1.4%, respectively. Overall 22% human were sero-positive for anti-toxoplasma antibodies. The highest seropositivity was observed in cat owners (3 2%) followed by dog owners (26%), UVAS, employees (20%) and the lowest sero-positivity (14%) was observed in people having no contact with dogs and cats. Overall 63.6%, 27.2%, 3.0% and 6.0% human were seropositive at screening dilution of
1: 16, 1:64, 1: 128 and 1:256, respectively. The highest prevalence of toxoplasmosis (26%) was observed in people of 30-40 years or above age group. Neither of the positive rates was found to be different between male (21.9%) and female
There was decrease in haemoglobin level of cats, dogs and human positive for anti-toxoplasma antibodies. There was significant decrease in total leukocytic count of cats, dogs and human positive for anti-toxoplasma antibodies. Nutroplielia, lymphocytopenia, cosinopenia and monocytopenia was observed in cats, dogs and human positive for anti-toxoplasma antibodies.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0920,T] (1).
Comparative Therapeutic Trials Against Coccidiosis In Dogs
by Maryam Nisar | Dr. Jawaria Ali Khan | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Prof. Dr. Haji | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2005Dissertation note: The present project was designed to find out the prevalence of coccidiosis (Isosporiosis), to evaluate the comparative efficacy of Co-trimoxazole &Furazolidone and to study the effect of Isosporiosis on blood parameters.
For this purpose the faecal samples of two hundred dogs were examined in the Medicine laboratory, University of Veterinary and Animal Science, Lahore by direct smear method, and also concentration technique for identification of Isospora oocyst. Out of two hundred dogs thirty-six were found positive for the coccidial infection, showing the prevalence of Isosporiosis as 18%. For chemotherapeutic trials, thirty naturally infected and ten non-infected dogs were selected and divided randomly into four groups having ten dogs in each groups viz A, B, C and D. Group A was treated with Co-trirnoxazole at the dose rate of 15mg/kg (orally) and group B was treated with Furazolidone at the dose rate of 8mg/kg (orally). Group C was kept as infected non-medicated control. Group D was kept as non-infected and non-medicated control.
Faecal samples of experimental dogs were examined for OPG counts on day zero (pre-medication), 3rd, 7th and 10th day of medication and percentage reduction of oocyst was calculated. Cotrirnoxazole showed 63%, 90%and 97% efficacy whereas Furazolidone showed 63%, 89.8%and 95% efficacy on day 3, 7 and 10, respectively.
Statistical analysis of data revealed non-significant difference (P>0.05) between the groups A, B and D (-ye control) on day 7 and 10 of treatment. Based on criteria of percentage reduction in the number of oocyst in faeces, it was observed that Co-trimoxazole was the most effective (97%) followed by Furazolidone (95%) against Isosporiosis in dogs.
Haematological study revealed that the values of haemoglobin and packed cell volume were lower in groups A, B, and C as compared to non-infected control group. Whereas as a result of treatment in-group A and B the values of haemoglobin and packed cell volume gradually increased on day 3, 7 and 10 post-medication. It has been observed during the present study that Cotrimoxazole and Furazolidone showed their effect on blood parameters as a result of curing Isosporiosis.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0922,T] (1).
Prevalence And Chemotherapy Of Balantidium Coli In Cattle Around River Ravi Bank Lahore
by Ch. Qasim Bilal | Prof. Dr. Khalid Pervez | Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Prof. Dr. Haji | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2006Dissertation note: The present project was designed to find out the prevalence of Balantidium coli and to evaluate the efficacy of Terramycin, Dysen forte, Flagyl against naturally occurring balantidosis in cattle under field conditions around the river Ravi bank Lahore. The faecal samples from animals were collected directly from rectum of animals and brought to the laboratory of Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore for coprological examination.
For this purpose two hundred cattle were examined coprologicaly around the bank of river Ravi in Lahore. Out of 200 cattle, 50 were positive, so the prevalence of Balantidium coli in cattle was 25%. Out of 50 positive animals thirty two cattle having balantidiosis were selected for chemotherapeutic trials and eight non effected cattle were selected and divided into five groups viz. A, B, C, D and E comprising eight animals each. The animals of Group-A were treated with oxytetracycline capsules (Terramycin) @ 8mg/kg orally, Group-B with secnidazole tablets (Dysen forte) @ 10mg/kg orally, Group-C with metronidazole tablets (flagyl) @ 25mg/kg orally. The animals in Group-D were serving as infected untreated control group and Group- E were serving as untreated healthy control.
The efficacy of drugs was evaluated on the basis of disappearance of clinical signs and by reduction in number of cysts/trophozoites on zero, 3, 7 and 1 0 day post medication. Efficacy of oxytetracycline (terramycin) was 25%, 50% and 62.5% on 3, 7 and 10 day, respectively. Efficacy of secnidazolc (dysen forte) was 37.5%, 75% and 87.5% on 3, 7 and 10 day, respectively. Efficacy of metronidazole (flagy) was 12.5%, 25% and 37.5% on 3, 7 and 10 day, respectively.
It was concluded from the above results that Dysen Forte was more effective than Terrarnycin or Flagyl. However, Terramycin showed better efficacy than that of Flagyl.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0927,T] (1).
Prevalence And Chemotherapy Of Helminthases In Parrots At Lahore Zoo.
by Ashgar Khan | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Prof. Dr. Haji | Prof. Dr. Khalid Pervaiz | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2007Dissertation note: The study was conducted to determine the incidence of helminthiasis in all breeds of parrots and to evaluate the comparative efficacy of two different broad spectrum anthelmintics, albendazole (Farbenda, Farvet) and levamisole (Nilverm drench, ICI) used against the nematodes at Lahore Zoo. For this purpose, 130 Faecal samples were collected group wise in clean polythene bags, properly labeled for identification and examined for the identification of helminths. Eighty eight out of 130 were positive for single or mixed infection of Heterakis gallinae and Ascardia gaul have individual percentage as 73.86% and 26.14% respectively.
Of 88 positive birds belonging to different breeds of parrots, 72 of the same age, weight and number were devided in three equal groups (24 each) i.e. A (love birds peach face breed), B (budgerigar ring necked breed), and C (Alexandrine parrots, Blossom headed parakeet and Blue fronted amazon breeds), while in group D (Cockatiel, Blue ring necked parakeet, Eclectus parrot and African grey parrot breeds), only uninfected and untreated birds were kept.
Drug therapy was only induced to the group A i.e. albendazole (Farbenda, Farvet) @ 0.lml/kg body weight and group B (levemisole hcl (Nilverm, ICI) @ 5m1/litre of water, while infected but non treated birds were placed in group C.
Faccal samples of experimental birds were examined for counting of egg/gram of faeces on day"O" (pre-medication) with McMaster egg counting technique (Soulsby, 1982).
Faecal egg counts were again carried out on day 3, 7 and 10 of medication and percentage reduction of EPG calculated. The overall prevalence of gastro intestinal helminthes in different breeds of parrots was found as 67.69%.
Albendazole was found to be the more effective (96.33%) among the two anthelmintics while levamisole was less effective (84.90%). The EPG rise up to 8.98% at day 10 post medication in untreated group C was noted while no infection was observed in group D through out the experimental study.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0962,T] (1).
Diagnosis And Therapeutic Trials On Cryptosporidium Parvum In Dairy Calves
by Amar Nasir | Dr. Muhammad Avais | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Publisher: 2008Dissertation note: Cryptosporidium parvum is a coccidian agent of diarrhoeal disease affecting many mammals, including dairy calves. Calves infected with this enteropathogen may either be asymptomatic or manifest mild to profuse diarrhoea and dehydration. Keeping in view the importance of Cryptosporidium parvum in dairy calves, the current study was conducted to find out the prevalence in dairy calves, in and around Lahore and also to find out the most effective therapeutic measure to control the infection. For this purpose, 500 faecal samples (n=250 cow calves, n=250 buffalo calves) from different dairy farms and home-bred dairy calves were collected and analyzed by using faecal floatation method and modified Ziehl-Neelsen staining technique. Overall, 25.6% Calves were shedding C. parvum with a slightly high infection rate in the cow calves 27.2% than buffalo calves 24%. The highest infection rate was recorded in 1-30 days age group of dairy calves as 50.81% and 42.02% in the cow calves and buffalo calves, respectively. The infection rate of C. parvunm in the dairy calves of cow breeds indicated relatively high infection rate in crossbred cow calves (28.18%) than the Sahiwal cow calves (20%) and Nih Ravi buffalo calves (24%). The pattern of oocyst shedding was negatively correlated with increase in age, highest in the 1-30 days age group and lowest in the age group ranging from 9 months to 1 year and above. Diarrhoeac calves were infected significantly higher than the nondiarrhoeac calves indicating a direct relationship of diarrhea with C. parvum infection. Diarrhoea was the highest contributing factor to infection in 1-30 days age group with 58.97% infection rate in both the cow calves and 48.88% in buffalo calves than the nondiarrhoeac calves of the same age group as 36.36% and 29.16%, respectively. The infection rate was not associated with the sex of the dairy calves and the infection rate was almost equal in both the sexes. The cumulative rate of infection was relatively high (30.28%) in the physically healthy calves than weak (21.5%) and emaciated (19%) calves. Milk suckling calves were infected almost two times more than the ones utilizing both milk and fodder and almost 7 times of the fodder eating calves. The calves kept on dirt yards were infected more (28%) than the ones on the paved floor (21 .11%). A significantly high infection rate was observed in the cow calves and buffalo calves having some sort of contact with birds, rodents, dogs and cats (31.3%) and (25.80%) respectively, than the calves having very little or no contact with birds, rodents, dogs and cats as 19.27% and 12.12% in cow calve and buffalo calves, respectively. The results of the comparative efficacy of a.zithromycin and cotrimoxazole and kalvangi showed that azithromycin was the most effective of the three in treatingcryptosporidial infection in dairy calves under field conditions. It resulted in significant reduction in the oocyst shedding and consequently, better weight gain compared with kalvangi and Cotrimoxazole. The efficacy of Kalvangi in weight gain compared with kalvangi and Cotrimoxazole. The efficacy of Kalvangi in weight gain may be due to its vitamins, enzymes and Nigellone and Thmoquinone acting as an immune system booster. The results of Azithromycin in the present study on the overall weight gain of calves was significantly higher than the other two drugs used in the study suggesting it as a drug of highest efficacy.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0985,T] (1).