Preparation Of Iron Fortified Pasteurized Milk And Its Efficacy Against Iron Defficiency Anaemia In Rats.
by Syed Naveed Akhtar | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Dr. Muhammad Nasir | Prof. Dr.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Nature of contents: ; Literary form: Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: Anemia is abnormal condition in which there is drop in the number of red blood cells or the heamoglobin in them to lower than the normal blood cells and consequently there is less supply of oxygen to body and it gets less energy as compared to it needs for performing normal function (Bunnet al., 1995).The concentration of haemoglobin fluctuates with various factors that involves age, physiological condition, sex and person altitude from sea level below its normal value that is 14g/dL When iron that is absorbed from diet is unable to meet physiological related requirements of the body it leads to nutritional iron deficiency. Locally prepared iron fortified pasteurized milk may be helpful in increasing the haemoglobin status of anaemic patients in the same way as iron supplements.
Therefore present project was designed for preparation and characterization of iron fortified milk and its utilization against iron deficiency anemia. In first part of the study Iron fortified milk was prepared by adding different concentrations of iron sulphate (FeSO4) @ 0.00 (as a control), 0.04, 0.06 & 0.08%. In second part sensory evaluation and physicochemical analysis of iron fortified milk samples were performed. During the third part of the study, efficacy of iron fortified pasteurized milk was evaluated in Sprague Dawley Rats.Accordingly the significant outcomes of the present research are summarized hereafter.
Proximate analysis showed that the milk prepared from different level of iron are non-significant for fat content as well as for storage intervals (P?0.05) and also the interaction between treatment and storage level also showed non-significant effect.
The result for protein of milk fortified by iron at different levels is showed that they are statistically non significant (P?0.05). The storage of these treatments and the interaction between the treatments and storage intervals also showed non-significant effect on protein of different treatments.
Analysis of variance for SNF for different treatments of milk shows that they are statistically non significant (P?0.05).Data regarding mean values for storage study of SNF of different treatments showed that the mean values for control milk are 8.21 and there is no increase significantly with iron fortification at 0.04, 0.06 and 0.08% which showed 8.73, 8.66 and 8.82 respectively. As the storage progressed the SNF content not differ significantly from 8.50 to 8.81 at 0 and 4day respectively.
The statistical analysis regarding pH for milk fortified by iron at different levels showed that analysis of variance for pH of different treatments of milk, storage shows that they are statistically highly significant (P? 0.01) and the interaction between the treatments and storage intervals showed slightly significant effect on pH of different treatments
The statistical analysis pertaining to Total Solids for milk fortified by iron at different levels, storage and the interaction between the treatments and storage intervals also showed that they are statistically non significant (P?0.05).
The results for Vitamin C content showed that the values for different treatments for fortification of iron are highly significant (p?0.01).Mean values for storage study of vitamin C different treatments showed that the mean values for control milk are 4.50 and increases significantly with iron fortification at 0.04, 0.06 and 0.08% which is 25.68, 26.01 and 25.26 respectively. As the storage progressed the Vitamin C content decreases significantly from 22.7 to18.5 at 0 and 4day respectively. The interaction between treatment and storage level showed non-significant effect on Vitamin C of iron fortified milk (P?0.05)
Using statistical design for mineral Iron of different treatments of milk showed that the fortification of Iron at different levels in milk has significant effect (p?0.001).The results of Mean comparison of Fe showed that control has lowest score (0.06±0.00) and 0.06% and 0.08% had highest scores that is (0.11±0.001) and (0.155±0.001) respectively
The statistical analysis pertaining to flavor for milk fortified by iron at different levels , their storage for four days at 4°C and the interaction between the treatments and storage intervals showed that they are statistically non significant (P ?0.05).
The statistical analysis pertaining to sensory attributes of iron fortified milk prepared at different levels of FeSO4 and control for taste , colour , flavor, consistency and overall acceptability, their storage for four days at 4°C refrigeration temperature and the interaction between the treatments and storage intervals showed that they are statistically non significant (P?0.05).The statistical analysis pertaining to haemoglobin level w.r.t to groups of rats and study intervals is highly significant (P?0.01) The interaction between different groups and study intervals also showed highly significant (P?0.01) results. For haemotological measurements statistical analysis showed that mean data regarding Group A showed haemoglobin level at 0 day (9.68±0.435)g/dL which increase slightly at 14 and 28 day and then again decrease at 56 day (9.34±0.171) g/dL.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1494,T] (1).
Efficacy Assessment Of Ready-To Use-Supplementary-Food For Treatment Of Moderately Acute Malnutrition
by Jalees ul Hassan | Dr. Muhammad Nasir | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Prof. Dr.
Material type: Book Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1542,T] (1).
Preparation Of Low-Glycemic India Vetch-Wheat Composite Flours And Evaluation Of Their Chapatti Making
by Amara Khan | Dr. Muhammad Nasir | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Dr. Sualeha.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: Wheat is one of the popular cereals that supply the basic nutritional and energy requirements of the population. More so, wheat flour is commonly consumed across the world. Complementation of wheat flour with Indian vetch will not only upgrade its protein quality but also will helpful in decreasing glycemic index because studies have shown effects of Indian vetch on glycemic index. Objectives of the present study are to develop low glycemic, nutritious composite flours and to assess the glycemic efficacy of selected composite flour based chapattisin normal adult human subjects.
The present study was conducted in two phases. During first phase composite flours were prepared and their chemical, functional and rheological properties were analyzed. In second phase the effect of sample chapattis on post- prandial glycemic response in healthy subjects was evaluated.
The composite flours were prepared by mixing various ratios of wheat flour and Indian vetch flour. The ratio of Indian vetch flour was 10, 20, and 30 g respectively with 90, 80, and 70g wheat flour. Chemical properties revealed that The results for the proximate composition of composite flour and wheat flour show that the moisture content of composite flours is lower than the wheat flour , which progressively decreased as the level of Indian vetch supplementation increased. The supplementation at different levels of Indian vetch flour (seed coat removed during milling) has a significant lowering effect on the crude fiber, ash and crude fat but a significant increase was observed in the protein content, which was due to high protein content of Indian vetch flour.
Mean square for bulk density of composite flour blends shows that bulk density was significantly affected by the Indian vetch flour addition (10-30Overall, bulk density ranged from 86.66±1.527 to 83.66±1.154 in all flour blends.
Water and oil absorption capacities are amongst the important functional properties for additives supplemented in food systems. Water and oil absorption are significantly affected with addition of Indian vetch). 30% Indian vetch Composite flour showed excellent water holding capacity 5.889±0.040% as compared to wheat flour 4.956±0.056%. The oil absorption capacity of composite flour was noted to be 5.64±0.032% that was significantly higher than that of wheat flour (T0). Therefore water and oil absorption capacities of flour blends were improved at all levels of Indian vetch flour addition.
Foaming capacity and stability were also significantly affected among different compositions of flours. T30 flour sample showed foaming capacity 9±0% and foaming stability 8.5±0%, whilst T0 wheat flour possessed 7.166±0.288% and 6.51±0.5% of foaming capacity and stability, respectively. The foaming stability of composite flours increased as the ratio of Indian vetch increased in present study. As expected, Indian vetch flour addition resulted a significant increase in the stability of foam in flour blends.
Gelling power of the flour dispersions increased with the level of Indian Vetch flour in flour blends. The highest gelling power was observed in T30 (30% Indian vetch flour). The partial gelation in T20 was observed at 4% flour suspension, whereas in T30 above 3% flour dispersion resulted in complete gelling. The lowest gelling properties were noticed in case of T0 (100% wheat flour).
It is evident from results that Indian vetch addition resulted in decreased redness ("a") and increased lightness ("L") . Hunter color values increased significantly with Indian vetch addition in composite flour , representing an increased yellowness of chapatti . The values for Chroma remained same while hue angle also increased momentously by adding up of Indian vetch.
Dough rheological behavior is mainly affected due to protein quantity and quality of flour. The rheological characteristics are the source for understanding the dough handling behavior in bakery. Consequently, dough properties play a key role in quality of finished products. Significant variations were observed among various flour samples for these traits.
On the basis of sensory evaluation two best chapatti samples T10 and T20 were selected for further efficacy studies.
A total of 10 healthy adult volunteers were recruited through flyers, emails and personal contacts. Eligibility for volunteers will be determined on the basis of age (20-50 years), health status, individuals having optimum BMI and free from any communicable diseases and gluten allergy. The study procedure was discussed with all volunteers and were asked to sign the consent to voluntarily participate in the study.
Predicted glycemic index was lower in chapattis added with 20% Indian vetch flour than in 10% composite flour and 100% wheat flour. So chapattis of composite flour might be a dietetic alternative forpeople with low-calorie requirements.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1550,T] (1).
Effecacy Of Prebiotic Galacto-Olingosaccharides Produced In Low Lactose Skimmed Milk Powder By Transgalactosylation
by Tauseef Ahemd Faiz | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Dr. M. Nasir | Prof. Dr. M. Athar Khan.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2013Dissertation note: Functional food does not only provide nutrition but works as defense against human nutrition related diseases (Menrad et al, 2000). Global market of functional foods industry has worth at least 33 billion US$ (Hilliam, 2000). Functional foods are the foods that provide health gains and can reduce the risk of diseases beside basic nutrition, including health care of gut. The first generation of functional foods involved supplementation of calcium (Ca) and vitamins for their recognized health attributes (Saarela et al, 2002). Among these additives, probiotics and prebiotics have acquired more interest as a major group of functional food additives (Gibson and Ziemer, 1998).
GOS present in commercial milk powder has the ability to promote the growth of bifidobacterium and lactobacilli in vitro reported by the studies (Cummings et al, 2001; Cummings, 1995).The market of GOS in infant formulae milk as a food ingredient and due to its bifidogenic properties is gaining popularity (Chow, 2002). GOS are chiefly used in infant milk formula and infant foods (Crittenden and Playne, 2009). Their remarkable thermostable properties allow them to be incorporated in large variety of foods and commercial products in addition to infant foods (Yang and Silva, 1995). Recently, they have been used in beverages (fruit juices and other acid drinks), meal replacers, fermented milks, flavored milks, and confectionery products (Affertsholt-Allen, 2007).
Laboratory scale reactions for GOS synthesis were carried out by dissolving 600mM lactose solution in phosphate buffer (0.1 M, pH: 6.8) to which £]-galactosidase at varying levels was added. As indicated by studies in the literature (Kim, 1997; Barbara et al, 2006; Playne et al, 2009), high lactose concentrations facilitate transglycosylation reactions.
Milk was procured from local market and concentrated for 15 min and milk was stored at refrigeration temp for further analysis. 5ml of milk samples was taken for enzyme analysis 0£gl, 100£gl, 200£gl, 300£gl and 800£gl respectively samples was collected at 30min
and 1hr. Enzyme was denatured by applying heat and samples were analyzed on TLC with lactose and Yakult Oligomate (Oligomate 55N.) as standard.
Large scale milk trial was done with respect to our optimization trial is was carried out temprature of 42.5„a C with 2.5hr reaction time. 10litter milk was transgalactosylated and boiling was done at 100„a C to stop further enzyme acticity. Milk was dried through freeze drying technique in PCSIR lahore.
Mean values for proximate data of Milk powder is presented in table 4.4 shows Dry matter (96.03¡Ó1.12) while for Fat, Ash and Protein values respectively(18.04¡Ó1.53), (4.02¡Ó0.91) and (31.75¡Ó1.41) respectively.
The statistical analysis pertaining to Lactobacilli log10 cfu/g of feces in two groups of mice divided on the basis of prebiotic milk powder incorporation in their diet were highly significant (P <0.01) and also highly significant in study intervals. Similarly bifidobacteria and E.Coli log10 cfu/g in feces of mice were significantly different (P <0.01) in groups and with study interval times.
Functional food product milk powder containing transgalactosylated oligosaccharides milk powder can be used at extensive scale for human trials. This could be value added product in which we could produce prebiotic economically.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1594,T] (1).
In Vitro Comparative Evaluation Of Mutagenicity Of Milk Adulterants Formalin, Hydrogen Peroxide And Melamine Alone and in Combination
by Muhammad Amer | Dr. Muhammad Nasir | Dr. Imran Javed | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2013Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1683,T] (1).
Prevalence Of Lactose Intolerance Among The Students Of The University Of Veterinary And Animal Sciences
by Anam Aman | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Dr. Muhammad Nasir | Prof. Dr.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2013Dissertation note: Lactose is milk sugar. It is found in milk and dairy products. Lactase (Betagalactosidase lactase-phlorizin hydrolase) is the enzyme present in the enterocytes of small intestinal brush border and it is responsible for the breakdown of lactose into its monosaccharide components glucose and galactose that are absorbed into the bloodstream. Lactasedeficiency leads to lactose mal-absorption and resulting gastrointestinal symptoms of intolerance.Lactose intolerance is defined by symptoms of mal-absorption such as abdominal pain,bloating, distention, flatulence and diarrhea due to partial digestion of lactose. This study was conducted in following phases. Lactose intolerance test was performed to diagnose lactose intolerance. In 1st phase lactose solution was prepared by dissolving 25grams of synthetic lactose in 250ml water and in this way 10% lactose solution was prepared and fasting blood glucose level of students was recorded first by using Glucometer. During 2nd phase lactose solution was given to each student and time was noted.During 3rd phase after giving lactose dose blood glucose level of each student was recorded at 30, 60 minutes.
Test was consider positive ifafter lactose solution dose the rise in fasting blood glucose level was less than 20mg per deciliter and if rise in fasting blood glucose level was more than 30mg per dl within 1 hour of lactose solution consumption, test was considered negative. If rise in blood glucose level was between 20 and 30mg/dl then on the basis of sign and symptoms of intolerance, it was decided either a person was lactose intolerant or not. According to the criteria mentioned above significant outcomes of the present research are summarized as following:
Out of 300(100.0) %, 213(71.0) % had positive lactose intolerance test and 87(29.0) % had negative lactose intolerance test.This study determined that prevalence of lactose intolerance in the UVAS, Lahore students was 71.0%. Correlation of lactose intolerance with gender, age, height, BMI, dietary food preferences was determined using chi square test and Phi Cramer's V, p value was considered significant at p <0.05. Chi square results were significant for age, height and weight. On the basis of finding of this study it can be stated that prevalence of lactose intolerance increases with increase in age, increase in weight and height.Chi square results were insignificant for gender, BMI and dietary food preferences, so prevalence of lactose intolerance is independent entity for gender, BMI and dietary food preferences.
Chi square test of independence was calculated comparing the frequency of lactose intolerance for dietary food preferences of subjects. No-significant relationship was found, X2 (2) =3.696, p = 0.158, so p >0.05. There was no correlation between the dietary food preferences of subjects and the lactose intolerance. Phi Cramer's V was used to determine strength of association between lactose intolerance anddietary food preferences of subjects.No significant relationship was found between frequencies of lactose intolerance dietary food preferences.Phi=0-.111, Cramer's V=0.111,p >0.05
There was no difference in results of the dietary food preferences of subjects and the prevalence of lactose intolerance and we can conclude that people who consumed milk products compared to those who did not consume milk/ milk products were equally affected by lactose intolerance as the non-milk product consumers and use of lactose containing milk products does not affect the prevalence of genetically inhered hypolactasia and this is in accordance with Troelsen (2005) findings, Enattah et al. (2002) findings on adult-type hypolactasia and also in accordance with Lisker et al. (1975) and Sahi et al. (1973) findings on recessive inheritance of adult type of intestinal lactase deficiency and recessive inheritance of adult-type lactose malabsorption respectively.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1780,T] (1).
Preparation And Quality Evalution Of Low Fatyoghurt Containing Prebiotic Galacto-Oligosaccharide
by Awais Raza | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Dr. Imran Javed | Dr. Muhammad Nasir.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Publisher: 2013Dissertation note: Prebiotics are considered as selectively cultured food ingredients that impart typical improvements in the activity of the gastrointestinal micro flora that are beneficial to the host well-being and health e.g. Galacto-oligosaccharide (GOS), Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) and Inulin. These are different types of prebiotics used in food based product. During the last decade consideration for prebiotics in diet is getting popular due to their benefits for human health. The GOS were reported to be beneficial prebiotics for human health.
Yoghurt is a fermented milk product, which is produced by the bacterial fermentation of milk. It is a rich source of calcium, protein and vitamin B-complex. Lactose-intolerant people can eat yoghurt without any harm as lactose is converted into lactic acid by the bacterial culture. Yoghurt is more nutritive then milk and possesses better digestibility. The benefit of yoghurt depends upon the presence of beneficial viable bacterial culture in adequate number. The bacterial cultures are used in the fermentation process to metabolize the lactose, secondly the proteolysis of protein for improving bioavailability and thirdly lactic acid bacteria for production of some B-complex vitamins and vitamin K. Yoghurt culture are responsible for the production of aromatic flavor compounds.
In Pakistan manufacture of probiotic yoghurt and prebiotic yoghurt is not common and there is not consumer awareness for such kind of products. Therefore, this study was designed to develop prebiotic yoghurt from prebiotic milk and compare it with control yoghurt.
First of all milk was pastuerised and then cool to 45°C. After that ?-galactosidase was added. Transgalactosylation was carried out at 45oC with 3 hr reaction time. Enzyme was
denatured by applying heat and starter culture was inoculatedand 4-5 hours were given for fermentation.
During storage the prepared control and prebiotic yoghurt was evaluated for its physiochemical analysis and sensory qualities. Mean values of fresh yoghurt and prebiotic yoghurt are presented in tables 4.4 to 4.8 show that lactose (1.44±0.03) while for fat, protein, pH and acidity (3.43±0.15), (4.2±0.1), (4.47±0.05) and (0.92±0.01) respectively.
A panel of 10 judges evaluated the yoghurt samples for appearance, taste, color and overall acceptability on 15cm unstructured lines (15 = like extremely; 1 = dislike extremely). The sensory evaluation of the product at 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 day was carried out in the Department of Food Science & Human Nutrition, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore.
Fat, pH and ash contents were continuous decreased while protein, total solid and acidity values show continuous increase in of all treatments.
All the results obtained were analyzed through Analysis of Variance Technique (ANOVA) by using Costat software.
Prebiotic milk and prebiotic yoghurt can be prepared on industrial scale because it is highly acceptable. This could be a value added product in which we can produce prebiotic economically.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1790,T] (1).
Development Of Cottage Cheese Containing Prebiotic Galactooligosaccharides Through The Process of Transgalactosylation
by Muhammad Usman | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Dr. Imran Javed | Prof. Dr. Anjum Khaliq.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2013Dissertation note: GOS are the prebiotics, indigestible by human, feed for the intestinal microbiota that confers the host's wellbeing and health. GOS, are prebiotics produced from the lactose through a machanistic reaction known as trans-galactosylation. GOS are generally abrevated as GOS and used to relive gastrointestinal problems including prevention of constipation, diarrhea, lowering of blood cholesterol, blood pressure, and colon cancer prevention. They have stability at pH 2 on 37°C for various months so can be fortified in non refrigerated fruit juices, while in the presence of single type of linkages ingredients have resistance in acidic medium. They are not affected on treating for 10min at 160° C pH 7, after treatment for 10min at 120°C pH 3 or for 10min at 100°C pH 2, hence have wide range of food applications. Their sweetness is 0.3 to 0.6 times the sucrose sweetness so are mildly sweet and can be utilized in very sweet food to enhance food flavors.
This study was conducted in three stages. 1st phase was the conversion of lactose, milk sugar, into GOS by the action of enzyme known as ?-galactosidase, through the process of transgalactosylation in the milk after pasteurizing the milk and was followed by heating of milk at 90 oC to denature the enzyme. 2nd stage will be preparation of cottage cheese having galacto-oligosacchrides from the prepared prebiotic milk by citric acid coagulation. 3rd phase will be consist on the physico-chemical analysis including Protein determination, Fat percentage, Moisture percentage, Glucose, Galactose, Lactose, GOS, ?-galactosidase test and sensory evaluation for the parameters i.e. appearance, taste/flavor and over all acceptability by using 9 point hedonic scale.
It was concluded that cottage cheese prepared from the milk containing prebiotics GOS also have GOS and after conducted sensory evaluation prebiotic cheese is more acceptable than cheese having no GOS.
Cheese is a dairy product very healthy and nutritive product as it contain casein protein, calcium and many vitamins. We produce prebiotics cheese by transgalactosylation in Pakistan. Prebiotics is non-digestible fiber contents which have beneficial effects by stimulating the growth of probiotics in colon. After having results of sensory evaluation and storage analysis it is recommended prebiotics cheese is more nutritional effects and more consumer acceptance. It must be manufactured on industrial scale.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1791,T] (1).
Development Of Cookies With Various Tyoes Of Sweeteners And Evaluation Of Their Impact On Post Prandial Glycemic
by Usra Qaiser | Dr. Muhammad Nasir | Dr. Sanaullah iqbal | Prof. Dr.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2014Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1942,T] (1).
Determination Of Aflatoxins In Maize Grains Collected From Various Disteicts Of Punjab And Its Detoxification By Using Citric Acid
by Memoona manzoor | Dr. Zubair faroooq | DR | DR. Sanaullah iqbal.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2014Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1961,T] (1).
Production Of Inulin And Fructo-Oligosaccharide Mixture And Evaluation Of It In Vitro Prebiotic Properties
by Pakeeza rafiq | Dr. Sanaullah iqbal | Dr. Naureen naeem | Prof. Dr.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2014Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2029,T] (1).
In Vitro Antibacterial Activity Of Star Anise (Illicium Verum) Oil Against Common Food Borne Pathogens And Its Utilization in Cookies Preparation
by Shamim khalid | Dr. Naureen naeem | Dr. Sanaullah iqbal | Prof. Dr. Aftab.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2014Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2033,T] (1).
Growth Inhibiting Effects Of Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Verum) Oil On Common Food-Borne Pathogens And Its Utilization
by Sidrah naseer | Dr. Naureen naeem | Dr. Sanaullah iqbal | Prof .Dr. Aftab.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2014Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2034,T] (1).
Determination Of Aflatoxins In Super Kernel Basmati Rice Types Consumed In Different Regions Of Punjab Pakistan
by Hina mukhtar | Dr. Zubair farooq | Dr. Muhammad | Dr. Sanaullah iqbal.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2014Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2052,T] (1).
The Effect Of Supplementation Of Galacto-Oligosaccharide And Fructo-Oligosaccharide + Inulin On Mineral Absorption in Rats
by Kaleemullah maawia | Dr. Sanaullah iqbal | Dr. Naureen naeem | Prof. Dr. M.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2014Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2067,T] (1).
Effect Of Prebiotic Galacto-Oligosaccharides On Serum Lipid Profile In Female Rata Fed On Hypercholesterolemic Diet
by Arooj Hashmi | Dr. Naureen Naeem | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Prof.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2014Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2091,T] (1).
The Effect Of Chemical Treatment During Washing On Reduction Of Aflatoxins In Red Chillies
by Zubair Arshad | Dr. Naureen Naeem | Dr. Muhammad | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2014Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2093,T] (1).
Isolation And Antibotic Resistance Of Escherichia Coli And Salmonella Species In Chicken Meat Collected From Different Markets in Lahore
by Ghulam raza mustafa | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Dr. Muhammad | Dr. Naureen Naseem.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2014Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2094,T] (1).
Assessment Of Microbial Load In Vegetables Grown In Sewage Polluted Water In Lahore Surroundings
by Asifa | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Dr. Naureen Naeem | Prof. Dr. Aftab.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2014Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2119,T] (1).
Development Of Prebiotic Galacto - Oligosaccharide Enriched Buttermilk And Evaluation Of Its Storage Stability
by Hafsa Tahir (2012-VA-584) | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Dr. Muhammad Nasir | Dr. Muhammad Nawaz.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2014Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2181,T] (1).
Determination of Biogenic Amines (Histamine & Putrescine) in Sea Fish Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal
by Faseeha Farooqi (2012-VA-541) | Dr. Muhammad Nasir | Prof. Dr. M. Athar khan.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Dissertation note: Biogenic amines (BAs) which are the nitrogenous compounds with lower molecular weight and they are formed by the decarboxylation of free amino acids by bacterial activity in food products during fermentation process and storage of the food (Sorungbe, 2005). Diet having high concentration of these complexes are the main source of biogenic amines in body.The most communal biogenic amines which are identified in food are Putrescine, tyramine, histamine and cadaverine. Uncontrolled microbial enzymatic activity of bacteria causes them to accumulate in food (Adam et al. 1999).
Foods having high quantity of biogenic amines includes fermented vegetables, meat products, fish products, juices, dairy productand alcoholic beverages e-g wine and beer. When biogenic amine histamine is ingested it first reaches to the gastrointestinal tractwhere, it binds to some specific receptors if the detoxification system is not capable to remove it (Jarisch, 2004).
Biogenic amines in bodyinvolves inmany important physiological functions, if their level is high in the body then it signify a direct danger to human well-being. There are some drugs e-g ethanol inhibit enzymes of biogenic amines catabolic pathways (Bodmeret al. 1999).
Presence of biogenic amines can be bad indicator for meat it shows the presence of bacteria in meat which caused spoilage of meat (Miceal et al. 2007).
More quantities of biogenic amines in processed, cooked and fresh foodstuffs can be associated to low sterile quality meat. Histamine which is most common biogenic amine acts as vasodilator and neurotransmitter on cardiovascular system and on central nervous. If histamineexceeds to certain level in body then it causes vomiting,diarrhea,headaches, cramps,stomachache, nausea, migraineand hypotension (Moreira et al. 2008). Histamine stimulatesthe smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and uterus, often increases the exoneration of acid release from gastric mucosa, diarrhea, stomach ache and cramps. Another signs ofhistaminases causes the allergic reactions to the skin which includes pruritus flush and urticarial. Reduction of biogenic aminesin food industry is amission for the future (Prithwiraj et al. 2010).
Improvement of diagnostic standard approaches for identification of biogenic amines in food product is good attention not only because of their toxicity level, on the other hand it can also be used as food quality indicators, consenting biogenic amine checking from raw materials to the ready to eat food. In corresponding, techniques for the identification of biogenic amines generating bacteria been established to access risk of biogenic amines formation in food content and to avoid their accumulation in eatable stuff. Safety of food is the main obligation that should be fulfilled during manufacturing process. While high intensity of biogenic amines are associated to customer health and their deliberations in food still not sufficiently standardized by governing organizations (Lehane et al. 2000). At present time, there are certainly no common regulations which defines the parameters and limits of biogenic amine tolerance in food products. Biogenic amine levels are irregularly distributed in food product on the other hand more control must be used on fermented food products of local source or got with traditional procedures (Paulsen et al. 2007).
It is assumed that the existence of biogenic foodborne harming or poisoning is generally underestimated for the reason that of misdiagnosis and under reporting. We believes that the scientific diffusion of the tools that identify or determine the development of biogenic amines in food and the hazards related to their consumption might contribute to increase the alertness and awareness of hands involved which encourages the more responsible portion and consumption of better protection and quality of food (Patange et al. 2005).
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2201,T] (1).
Effect Of Different Heat Treatments On Antioxidant Activity Of Eggplant And Its Efficacy Study Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal
by Wajeeha Baig | Dr. Muhammad Nasir | Prof. Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2014Dissertation note: Eggplants (Solanum melongena L), are native to the South East Asian region and were first domesticated there over 4000 years ago. In fact, the eggplant’s true species name ‘‘Melongena’’ is an ancient name for eggplant in Sanskrit (Spurling, 2003). The color, size, and shape of the eggplant fruit vary significantly with the variety of cultivar. Eggplant is one of the most common vegetables that is grown and consumed all around the world (Nisha et al. 2009). Thomas Jefferson introduced eggplant to the United States in 1806. Even today, a prickly, white eggplant still grows in Jefferson’s preserved Vir-ginia Garden at Monticello (Filippone et al. 2009). Eggplant fruit contains ascorbic acid and phenolics e.g chlorogenic acid, flavonoids, acetylated chlorogenic acid isomers, hydroxycinnamic acid oxides conjugates caffeic acid ,both of which are powerful antioxidants (Vinson et al. 1998). Eggplant is commonly considered as a vegetable, but botanically it is categorized as a fruit. Eggplant fruit is ranked among the top ten vegetables in terms of oxygen radical absorbance capacity due to its high phenolic content (Cao et al. 1996). A comparative study of the antioxidant capacity of different varieties was recently reported by two separate groups of researchers (Huang et al. 2004; Nisha et al. 2009). Vegetables contain several hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidant compounds and it is important to estimate the antioxidant activity using different methods. They may act together more effectively than singly because they function synergistically and are capable of quenching free radicals in both aqueous and lipid phases (Ohr et al. 2004; Trombino et al. 2004). Antioxidant components are micronutrients present in the diet that can delay or inhibit lipid oxidation, by inhibiting the initiation or propagation of oxidizing chain reactions, and are also involved in scavenging free radicals (Othman et al., 2007). Epidemiological studies have shown that high fruit and vegetable consumption has health benefits in the prevention of chronic diseases (Cheel et al., 2007). The influence of home cooking methods (boiling , pressure-cooking , frying ) on the antioxidant activity of vegetables has been evaluated in 20 vegetables, using different antioxidant activity assays (lipoperoxyl and hydroxyl radicals scavenging and TEAC). Artichoke was the only vegetable that kept its very high scavenging-lipoperoxyl radical capacity in all the cooking methods. The highest scavenging capacity were observed in cauliflower after boiling and microwaving , in pea after boiling , and in zucchini after boiling and frying. Beetroot, green bean, and garlic kept their antioxidant activity after most cooking treatments. Swiss chard and pepper lost OH (Enez –Monreal et al. 2009). In the case of boiling or pressure-cooking occurs lixiviation phenomenon that leads to a 64% loss of total carotenoids and a 49% loss of total phenolics (Bunea et al. 2008). The phenols enter the cooking water and complex phenol proteins are found, reducing drastically by 90% or more (Barroga et al. 1985: Rocha et al. 2007). Eggplant is one of most common vegetables consumed all around the world. The present study will evaluate the antioxidant potential of two different varieties of eggplant (long purple coloured big size, and rounded purple coloured small size) in terms of total phenolic content (TPC), 2,2,di-phenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), superoxide radical scavenging activity, and total anthocyanin content. Extracts from purple colour small size eggplant demonstrated better antioxidant activities than the other samples which may be attributed to the higher phenolic and anthocyanin content since a linear relation was observed between the TPC and the antioxidant parameters (Nisha et al. 2009). There is comparison of among vegetables regarding to their antioxident capacity.
Tab.1.1: Comparison of different vegetables with respect to their antioxidant capacity
Vegetables Size Total antioxidant capacity
Russet potato 1 whole 4,649
Artichoke Half cup 4,402
Small red bean Half cup 13,727
Eggplant 1 whole 4,035
Red kidney beans Half cup 6,000
In the present study , the focus is on the amount of the antioxidants in eggplant after the application of different heat treatments. As eggplant is good source of antioxidants, it has been observed from different studies that heat leaves adverse effect on nutritional status of fruits and vegetables. Pakistan is one of the countries who has good cultivation rate of eggplant.
One hundered gram of fruit contains 0.7mg iron, 13.0mg sodium, 213.0mg potassium, 12.0mg calcium, 26.0mg phosphorus, 5.0mg ascorbic acid and provides 25.0 calories (Yousafi et al.2013).
In world production ranking, Pakistan is at 20th position in the eggplant production. Pakistan produces 87,000 tons eggplant every year. Moreover, it has 0.2% sharing in world wide eggplant production. It is cultivated in 9,044 ha on the land of Pakistan (FAO, 2012).
Hydrogen Peroxide is one of the most powerful oxidizers known -- stronger than chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and potassium permanganate. And through catalysis, (H2O2) can be converted into hydroxyl radicals (.OH) with reactivity second only to fluorine.
Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) is a colourless liquid that resembles water in many respects. Its physical properties are very similar to those of water, except that it is 40% denser. The main difference between hydrogen peroxide and water, however, is in its chemical behaviour. The single bond between the two oxygen atoms is weak, so that H2O2 readily fragments into either H and HO2 or two OHs. Either way, the resulting species are free radicals, which means they are very reactive, and this makes H2O2 a very powerful oxidizing agent. For this reason it has been utilized in rocket propulsion, when it is used to oxidise the hydrazine fuel, liberating hot gases (steam and oxygen) which propel the rocket forward. When something acts as an oxidising agent is gains electrons (removing them from the oxidised species) (Ganie et al., 2009).
For this purpose, this study has been designed to find out the appropriate method to cook eggplant at domestic level, so that maximum level of antioxidants could be obtained in our food, because antioxidants play a very important role in prevention of many chronic diseases. So, four different cooking methods i.e, grilling, cooking under pressure, boiling and deep frying has been selected for this study because these cooking methods are applied frequently at domestic level.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2191,T] (1).
Production Of Synbiotic Product Containing Galacto-Oligosaccharides And Saccharomyces Boulardii And Evaluation Of Its In Vitro Bifidogenic Effect
by Farah Javed (2013-Mphil-1110) | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Dr. Zubair Farooq | Miss Faiza Masood.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2015Dissertation note: Food are not only used to satisfy hunger or provide nutritional support but also used to prevent diseases that are based on nutrition and thus improve the health of consumers (Menrad, 2003).A food that is same in appearance and consumption to conventional food but has physiological benefits and prevents diseases is known as functional food (Sangwan et al. 2011). Functional foods are used to provide benefit to intestinal microflora. The most important functional food are prebiotic and probiotic. The combination of prebiotic and probiotic are known as synbiotics. The symbiotic is effective as that of prebiotic and probiotic. The probiotic is used to reduce the impurities from prebiotic mixture. This is very important to know the functional property of functional food (Sangwan et al. 2014) that is galactooligosaccharides (GOS) in present research.
GOS are most effective prebiotic which are beneficial to intestinal microbiota. Other health effects are stool improvement, mineral absorption, weight management and also improve the growth of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus (Macfarlane et al. 2008). The Saccharomyces boulardii is a non-pathogenic yeast and used as probiotic. It is thermo tolerant yeast and optimally grows at body temperature i.e; 37ºC. Due to this property S. boulardii can be used for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. Another function of this yeast is the reduction of monosaccharides from prebiotic mixture.
The purposes of present research work are to reduce the monosaccharides form mixture of GOS and the production of synbiotic product containing GOS and S. boulardii. For this GOS
were produced through transgalactosylation procedure using lactose as substrate. S. boulardii was grown separately and incubated with the mixture of GOS. After that symbiotic product was formed and lyophilized it. The total count of yeast was determined in lyophilized mixture. The in vitro bifidogenic effect of GOS and lyophilized product was also checked.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2291-T] (1).
Effect Of Oiling And Packaging On Shelf Life Of Eggs Stored At Two Different Temperatures
by Marium Munir (2008-VA-388) | Dr. Muhammad Nasir | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Dr. Aftab Ahmad Anjum.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2015Dissertation note: In Pakistan, poultry industry is playing a vital role in the economy of the country. As eggs are perishable so it must be handled with safety. It is imperative to handle and store the eggs at appropriate conditions. But improper storage of eggs is a problem in our country which affects its quality and there is chance of microbial contamination in eggs. Oiling and packaging has variable impact on shelf life of eggs at different storage temperatures (Matt et al. 2009).Raw eggs have many benefits, they contain essential nutrients for the brain, nerves, glands and hormones, they are nutritionally balanced. raw eggs also contain an abundance of other vital substances including protein, essential fatty acids along with niacin, riboflavin, biotin, choline, vitamins A, D and E, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, iron, iodine, copper, zinc and Sulphur. Egg yolks are one of the few foods that contain vitamin D(Watkins, 2002). As eggs are perishable food stuff,so the purposes of present research work are to analyze the effect of oiling and packaging on shelf life of eggs at two different temperatures. For this a total of 864 eggs were collected. The four different treatments were applied along with two different temperatures. Each category was further divided into four treatment strategies (108 eggs in each strategy) i.e. eggs without any treatment, oil coated eggs, eggs packed (air-tight) in white polythene bags, oil coated eggs packed (air-tight) in white polythene bags.Eggs undergone each treatment strategy were analyzed for six parameter i.e. sensory evaluation, microbial load, Physical parameters (weight, pH, egg shell percentage and haugh unit) using 18 eggs for each further divided into three replicates (6 eggs for each replicate). All the eggs were stored for 1, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days.
Data was analyzed statistically by the 2- way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) with 5% probability. Means was compared by DMR test.At the end of this study we were able to assess the shelf life of eggs with respect to their oiling, packaging and storage conditions. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2289-T] (1).
Effect On Lipid Profile Parameters By The Addition Of Orange Juice In Diet Of Hypercholesterolemic Patients
by Zeshan Ali (2012-VA-616) | Dr. Naureen Naeem | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Mrs. Rahat Naseer.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2015Dissertation note: Orange juice;arich source ofvitamin C,folate,andflavonoidssuchashesperidine, induceshypocholestremicresponsesinanimals.Previousepidemiologicstudiessuggestedthat ahighintakeoffruitandvegetablesisassociatedwithareducedriskofcoronary heartdisease(Borsetal.1990).Thebeneficialeffectcould berelatedtominorcomponents,especially flavonoids,whichare proposedtoexerttheiractionby inhibitingLDLoxidation (CooksandSamman1996).Orange juice might beneficially decrease blood lipid profile in subjects with hypercholesterolemia(Charleux1996).
Fiftysubjectshavingelevated totalcholesterol andLDLcholesterolincludedin thestudy.Participantswas incorporate2cups(5000mL)oforange juicedailyintotheirdiets,eachdoseoveraperiodof3 weekfollowed by a 5-weekwashoutperiod.Plasma lipid,folateandvitaminC(acompliance marker) concentrationsmeasuredat baseline,aftereach treatment, and afterthewashout period.Obtained resultswereanalyzedbyusingstatisticaltoolANOVA (two-way)onStatistical PackagefortheSocialSciences (SPSS) softwareversion 21.0.0.Attheendofthis studywewereabletoconcludethe variationin lipidprofile parametersbyorangejuiceconsumption.EitherOrangejuicecanbeusedtoimproveblood lipidprofilein hypercholesterolemicsubjects.
At the end of the study period the significantly increased HDL- cholesterol and decreased LDL-HDL cholesterol ratio had not reverted to initial values. In fact, the decrease in the LD-HDL cholesterol ratio and increased HDL- cholesterol at the time of washout tend to be higher as compared to the detected in 3rd period. Moreover it was also observed that subjects consuming processed orange juice showed different results of HDL and LDL-HDL cholesterol concentration, subjects consuming fresh orange juice had elevated level of HDL and decreased ratio of LDL-HDL ratio as compared to those who intake commercially available processed orange juice.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2309-T] (1).
Association Of Skipping Breakfast With BMI, Metabolic Syndrome And Cardiovascular Risk Factors In University Going Students
by Shakeel Ashraf (2012-VA-627) | Dr. Naureen Naeem | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Mrs. Rahat Naseer.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2015Dissertation note: Metabolic syndrome can be defined as disorder of energy utilization and storage, its diagnosis can be done if three out of five medical conditions occurs at the same time that are abdominal obesity, increased blood sugar level, elevated blood pressure, high serum triglyceride and low HDL levels in serum Previous studies have shown that there is strong association between skipping breakfast and metabolic syndrome.
Skipping breakfast results in metabolic diseases like obesity, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, increased lipid profile.
Two hundred students of university of veterinary and animal sciences and their acquaintances were selected with age ranging from 20-25 years. Fasting blood samples were collected from university students for biochemical analysis of lipid profile that included cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL and LDL and Glucose levels were determined using biochemical analyzer (Micro lab 300, Merk). Anthropometric measurements were done using their respective tools.
The distribution of subjects in breakfast consumption groups was evaluated using the χ2 test. The mean and standard differences deviation were calculated for each breakfast consumption group.
At the end it is concluded that skipping of breakfast might have hazardous effect on diet quality and metabolic disease risks. This can lead to development of potential hazardous risk factors like central abdominal obesity, elevated cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL levels and decreased HDL levels. These risk factors if uncontrolled can lead to disease like diabetes, hypertension and heart attack in old life. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2391-T] (1).
Determination Of Heavy Metals In Beverages Sold By Roadside Vendors From Different Public Places Of Lahore
by Numan Shoukat (2009-VA-504) | Dr. Naureen Naeem | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Dr. Saima Inyat.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2016Dissertation note: Food safety is serious issue now a days in Pakistan as many food borne diseases occur due to consumption of unsafe local beverages and soft drinks. Use of polluted water in locally produce beverages and juices without any treatment liable to cause diseases.
In summer beverages are commonly used to quench the thirst in Pakistan due to hot weather. Excessive use of such type of drinks cause different diseases like hypertension, gastrointestinal problem, liver and kidney failure, and also carcinogenic. So in this project, concentrations of various heavy metals including Lead, Cadmium and Iron were determined in local beverages (roadside vendors) from different public places of Lahore, Punjab Pakistan.
Total 200 samples of five different types of beverages were collected from ten different public places of Lahore. 50 samples were collected with the interval of 15 days. Sampling were repeated three times from four different road side vendors of same areas. The analyses will be carried out using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) with electro thermic atomization in graphite furnace for the determination of the total content of lead (Pb) iron (Fe) and cadmium (Cd). The concentration of the digested soft drink samples will be derived from the regression equation and the samples will analyzed in duplicates. Present study was conducted at the Department of Environmental Sciences, UVAS Lahore for the duration of four months.
The data thus obtained from this research was evaluated through descriptive statistics. And the results of concentration of lead, iron and cadmium are not significant and not according to Standards of Pakistan. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2542-T] (1).
Assessment Of Afflatoxins Contamination In Peanuts
by Zanib Hashmi (2009-VA-512) | Dr. Naureen Naeem | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Prof. Dr. Aftab Ahmad Anjum.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2016Dissertation note: Peanut is the most important agricultural crop of Pakistan. Peanut is a dicotyledonous, herbaceous, pubescent, rigid or low growing plant and the only species cultivated is (Arachishypogaea L.). Peanut is rich in protein, fat and carbohydrates, some percentage of Ca, K, P, Mg and vitamin E is also present. Peanut is an excellent source of edible oil as it contains about 50 to 53 percent good quality oil used in ghee, margarine and salad. There is high risk of contamination of peanuts with aflatoxins(AFB1, AFB2, AFG1 and AFG2) because of fungal attack during the drying of peanut pods. Out of all these aflatoxins AFB1 is most important. Aflatoxins are toxic, carcinogenic secondary metabolites of Aspergillusflavus, Aspergillusparaciticus and Aspergillusnomius. Aflatoxins can cause illness to human results in Aflatoxicosis. Aflatoxins are carcinogenic compounds that are causative agents in human hepatic and extra hepatic carcinogenesis. The chief attacking organ for aflatoxins B1 toxicity and carcinogenicity is liver. From the safety point of view aflatoxin management is important for the production of safe and excellent quality peanuts.
For this purpose present study was conducted to determine the level of aflatoxins in peanuts (roasted, un-roasted). Samples will be collected/purchased by simple random collection technique from local markets and vendors from different areas ( Sabzazar, Wahdat road , Shad bagh, Data darbar, Akbarimandi, Beaden road, Lohari gate, Ek-moria pull, Liberty, Firdous market, Siddiqiacoloney, Mughal pura, Faizbagh, Rehmanpura, Gulberg, Model town, Islam pura, Shahdara, Rang mahal, Muslim town, Township, Iqbal town, Awan town, Niazbegh, Mozang, Outfall road, Sanatnagar, Cantt, Secretriate and Shad man) of Lahore. The samples were analyzed by thin layer chromatography (TLC) to check the presence of aflatoxins (B1, B2,
G1 and G2). TLC analyses were further confirmed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to verify the accuracy of TLC. These analyses were performed in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition and WTO labs, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore. As out of 120 total samples of peanuts 60 samples were taken from vendors with 2 categories of roasted and unroasted while 60 samples were collected from shops with the same categories. Out of 120 samples, 55 (45.8%) were contaminated. In these 55 samples 48 (87.2%) samples were contaminated with aflatoxin B1.Aflatoxin G1 is also present in 3 samples (5.45%), aflatoxin B2 in 3 (5.45%) samples and Aflatoxin G2 is present only in one samples collected from vendors, and we can say that 1.8% samples were contaminated with aflatoxin G2.
Present study will be supportive for the investigation of aflatoxins in peanuts. Peanuts are widely consumed all over the world and occurrence of aflatoxins in this commodity is a major concern to human health. The present situation is too much worse about the levels of aflatoxins which are higher than the prescribed limit by the regulatory authorities. It was observed that TLC technique is good for the determination of aflatoxins in developing countries where the facilities of sensitive instruments are not accessible. Furthermore to quantify levels of aflatoxins by using sensitive instruments like HPLC, GC-MS and LC-MS is required for accurate detection of Aflatoxins in peanuts in markets to protect the consumers from exposure of aflatoxins high level which are carcinogenic and hepatotoxic.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2614-T] (1).
Evaluation Of Microbial Quality And Sensory Attributes Of Fresh Fruit Juices Sold At Various Places Of Lahore
by Anam Sajid (2013-VA-964) | Dr. Zubair Farooq | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Dr. Aftab Ahmed Anjum.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2016Dissertation note: The beverage industry in Pakistan has emerged as a progressive sector over the years. Juices are rich source of nutrients containing vitamins minerals but the microbial quality and sensory attributes of street vended, corners and restaurant juices is not at satisfied level. Juices squeezed from fresh fruits and vegetables contain microorganisms which are potentially hazardous to public health Therefore this study aimed to evaluate the microbial quality and sensory attributes of fresh fruit juices sold at various places of Lahore. The selling and consumption of juices are never stopped on nutritional grounds as well as livelihood of street vendors. It is alarming situation for suitable agency to take some necessary action, make guidelines to prevent potential food poisoning from juices that contain pathogenic bacteria, and find natural antimicrobials from plants that control spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms in juices.
Microbial quality and sensory attributes of Street vended, corners and restaurant juices are not in good condition.
Sample of 243 juices of three types, pineapple, peach pomegranate took from three categories, collected from 9 towns of Lahore (for 1 town 9 from each flavor that makes 27 from each town). The categories were juices from Street Vender (SV), Juice Corner (JC) and Restaurants (RT). All the samples were evaluated for sensory attributes (appearance, color, smell, taste and overall acceptability) by using 15-point hedonic scale and microbiological parameters, Aerobic Plate Count (APC), Total Coliform Count (TCC), Total Staphylococcus Count (TSC) and Salmonella detection.Data was analyzed statistically by theone way ANOVA for sensory evaluation and microbial count with 5% probability. Means were compared by LSD (least significant difference) test (Steel et al.,1997).
Results of my study indicates that juice samples collected from SV of various areas of Lahore showed very high number of microbiological counts and got very low score for its sensory attributes. While samples collected from JC showed microbiological counts less than SV and sensory attributes scores more than juices from SV. This was not only due to poor hygienic quality of these juices but also places consumers at a high risk of contracting food-borne infections. Lack of sanitary conditions in street vended juice stalls and the occurrence of pathogenic bacteria in juices are alarming enough for an immediate action by the suitable agency. Regular monitoring of the quality of fruit juices for human consumption must be introduced to avoid any future pathogen outbreaks. Juices took from RT revealed very low microbiological counts and very good score on hedonic scale which shows that they have good hygienic conditions. Their preparation methods and surrounding environment are clean.
At the end of this study we concluded that there was significant discrimination among the categories and the varieties of fresh fruit juice vendors as well as among the different towns. The microbial quality and sensory acceptability of fresh fruit juices sold at various locations of Lahore were not satisfied and we have to take step to make the conditions of our street vendors and juice corners better by giving them proper training about personal and environmental hygiene so that consumers can use the safe juices free from contamination.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2603-T] (1).
Determination Of Heavy Metals In Milk, Feed And Water Samples From Selected Districts Of Punjab
by Sadaf Afzal (2009-VA-508) | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Dr. Azmatullah Khan | Dr. Saif-ur-Rehman Kashif.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2016Dissertation note: Food safety is concerned mainly with the availability of safe food to every person. Quality and safety are related with one another. Food quality and hygienic issues are emerging day by day. Consumers in this era are more concerned with what they eat. Healthy and safe food is obtained by observing general hygienic conditions.
Major issues emerging in food safety are related to its quality. Food borne diseases increased due to unhealthy or unsafe food. Some diseases directly affect the human health like in food poisoning it causes vomiting, diarrhea etc. Concentration of some hazardous elements increases after consumption of such food. These require a certain amount to onset the disease or may prove fetal if reported in elevated levels.
Heavy metals are elements which when increased in concentration prove fetal. They accumulate as bio elements and mostly found as non-degradable elements. These elements enter to food chain via numerous ways.
Food safety issues regarding heavy metals are emerging in many foods. In milk these comes through feed and water which animals consume. Feed and water contamination occurs in many ways like from waste water, from industrial effluents, from chemicals to enhance fertility of soils.
In this study five heavy metals Pb, Zn, Cr, Cu and Mn were determined in feed, milk and water samples collected from four districts of Punjab, Pakistan. In every area from 20 different
locations 20 samples of each milk, feed and water were collected. Analyses reveal that all the selected areas are highly positive with respect to feed and water samples. Sheikhupura city was selected from Sheikhupura district and it was observed that feed samples collected from this area are highly positive with respect to above stated metals. Highest mean was observed for Mn (48.7ppm) followed by Zn (20.4ppm), Cr (3.01ppm), Cu (1.95ppm) and Pb (1.67ppm). Second highest mean is observed in Pindibhtaian city from district Hafizabad in the following sequence Mn (14.6ppm) > Zn (7.68ppm) > Cu (1.69ppm). Pb and Cr were found with same level 0.77 ppm. Barqi area from Lahore district and Pattoki city from Kasoor district were also selected. Barqi area was found high for Mn (10.3ppm) followed by Cr (1.66ppm) and Pb (0.67ppm) while Pattoki city was found high for Zn (6.85ppm) and Cu (1.65ppm).
Milk samples were also collected along with feed samples and found positive with respect to subjected heavy metals. Highest mean was found for Mn (11.7ppm) in Sheikhupura city followed by Zn (7.55ppm) in Pindibhtaian city, Pb (3.48ppm) in Barqi area, Cu (0.80ppm) and Cr (0.72ppm) in Pindibhtaian city.
Water samples collected shows different results as compared to milk and feed samples. In water samples highest mean were observed for Mn (0.18 ppm) followed by Pb (0.05ppm) and Cr (0.04ppm) in Pindibhtaian city, Cu (0.01ppm) in Barqi area, Zn (0.00ppm) in all selected areas.
All of the selected areas were found significantly different as p value is less than 0.00. Also the samples collected in these areas were significantly different from one another as the same trend was not observed among feed, milk and water samples.
The results reveal that high concentration of metals in feed also results in increase concentration in milk. High levels in feed reveal that soil used for irrigation purpose has high
level of these elements. Very less contamination found in water samples as water sources are from ground pumps.
Future Perspective
There is a strong need to conduct awareness trainings regarding the potential sources for heavy metals contamination. Systems should be mobilized on industrial level to lower the waste water by water treatments methods. Measures must be taken to train the farmers regarding the use of fertilizers and possible hazardous effects of them if used in excess amount.
Dairy is one of the most flourishing industries of Pakistan. People prefer to consume raw milk but now they also develop the habit to consume processed milk products. Healthy farming is very essential in the development of this industry. Farmers should place their animals at such areas where chances of industrial contamination are less. They should also aware about the adulteration or adulterants and their disaster effects on human health.
All these measures when taken properly will put the possible risks to minimum level and their effects on human health will be minimized. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2632-T] (1).
Effect Of Encapsulated Yoghurt Starter Culture On Physico Chemical And Organoleptic Properties Of Yoghurt
by Aamir Shahzad (2008-VA-430) | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Dr. Naureen Naeem | Dr. Saima Inayat.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2016Dissertation note: Yoghurt is a fermented milk product, which is produced by the bacterial fermentation of milk. It is a rich source of calcium, protein and vitamin B-complex. Lactose-intolerant people can eat yoghurt without any harm as lactose is converted into lactic acid by the bacterial culture. Yoghurt is more nutritive than milk and possesses better digestibility. The benefit of yoghurt depends upon the presence of beneficial viable bacterial culture in adequate number. The bacterial cultures are used in the fermentation process to metabolize the lactose, secondly the proteolysis of protein for improving bioavailability and thirdly lactic acid bacteria for production of some B-complex vitamins and vitamin K. Yoghurt cultures are responsible for the production of aromatic flavor compounds.
Purpose of this study was to prepare yoghurt using encapsulated starter culture and effect on physico-chemical and organoleptic properties of yoghurt. For this, harvested starter culture was encapsulated using sodium alginate solution. As per this study, yoghurt starter culture remains active at 2% concentration of sodium alginate used for encapsulation process.
Physico chemical and sensory attributes remains same as compared to yogurt made by non-encapsulated yoghurt starter culture.
Encapsulation technique protects cultures from any condition acidic pH of yoghurt or any other bacteriosins produced by microorganisms. As a result, CFU/ml increased in protected.
During storage the prepared yoghurt was evaluated for its sensory qualities. A panel of judges evaluated the yoghurt samples for appearance, taste, color and overall acceptability on 14-point hedonic scale. The sensory evaluation of the product at 0, 7, 14 and 21 day. There was significant effect of storage on sensory attributes of yoghurt made with encapsulated and non-encapsulated yoghurt starter culture. Yoghurts were evaluated for physico-chemical
parameters (Fat, protein, total solid, acidity and pH ) during storage of 21 days with 7 days interval acidity contents was continuously increased and pH decreased while protein, fat and total solid values remains same all treatments.
Feature Recommendation:
Encapsulation can be used for different purposes like probiotic consumption.
By the use of immobilization technique we can repeatedly use encapsulated culture for many times in manufacturing of stirred yogurt. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2643-T] (1).
Nutritional Assessment Of Hypertensive Patients And The Impact Of Nutrition Education On Their Dietary Practices In Contrast To Dash Diet
by Farah Naz (2012-VA-401) | Miss Tahreem Hussain | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Dr. Mamoona Chaudary.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2015Dissertation note: Hypertension is a common public health problem in developing countries. It leads to
further complications such as coronary heart disease, stroke and renal disorder. The main reason
is unawareness, poor dietary habits and worsened lifestyle in hypertensive patients. Nutritional
education at the right time may prevent other risk factors associated with hypertension.
Nutrition education have a positive impact on dietary practices of hypertensive patients
for secondary prevention.
A total of 200 hypertensive patients was purposively selected for this study. The willing
patients was informed about the purpose of study and consent was taken. The pretesting of the
hypertensive patients was administered about their usual dietary habits through questionnaire,
Food Frequency Questionnaire and 24-hour dietary recall. A total of 60 hypertensive patients
came with chronic diseases so they were excluded from the Research. Lessons and handouts on
nutrition education were given to the patients for a period of four weeks (1 month). After
completion of one month of nutrition education, post-testing was administered through filling up
of the same Questionnaire, Food Frequency Questionnaire and 24-hour dietary recall to assess
the improvement in dietary habits of hypertensive patients and results were calculated.
SPSS v. 21 was used for the compilation and analysis. Wilcoxon signed ranked test and
Paired t-test was applied to analyze the effectiveness of nutritional education on dietary habits of
hypertensive patients. Level of significance was p ≤ 0.05.
The present study helped to assess the effectiveness of nutrition education on improving
the knowledge and dietary practices of hypertensive patients. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2661-T] (1).
Assesment Of Postprandial Glycemic Response In Healthy Human With Respect To Some Promising Indigenous Mango Varieties Of Pakistan
by Afrah Jabeen (2014-VA-911) | Mr. Haroon Jamshaid Qazi | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Dr. Sualeha Riffat.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2016Dissertation note: Carbohydrates intake result in elevation of BGL. GI is a simple tool to select right carbohydrate foods while GL determines the overall effect of that food on human health. High GI/GL diets are directly associated with progression of diabetes type 2. Mango is ranked among medium glycemic index fruit with GI (51-55) and nutritionally it is rich in dietary fiber. Different mango types have different nutritional composition so it was very necessary to estimate postprandial glycemic response of various mango types to determine the possible positive impact of all varieties on overall human health.
Samples of six mango varieties were evaluated for various physico-chemical testing. About 50-gram available carbohydrate from each source i.e. glucose and six mango cultivars were provided to each study person. Later on, post prandial blood glucose of all 10 individuals with a time interval of 15 minutes was determined by finger-prick method up to 120 minutes.
ANOVA was used to analyze all assessed attributes statistically. Means were compared through Duncan’s multiple range test for significance. Significance level was defined as p≤0.0.5 SPSS version 20 was used for all statistical analysis.
Desi variety among all studied mango types reflected low GI and GL value.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2697-T] (1).
Evaluation Of Antioxidant And Antmicrobial Potential Of Rutin In Combination With Butylated Hydroxytoluene In Cheddar Cheese
by Bakhtawar Naseer (2014-VA-815) | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Mr. Haroon Jamshaid Qazi | Dr. Muhammad Nadeem.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2016Dissertation note: Commercially synthetic antioxidants like ButylatedHydroxytoluene (BHT),Butylatedhydroxyanisole(BHA), and ascorbic acid were added in cheese as antioxidants. Researches reveal that synthetic antioxidants havehuman health side effects. With increasing food safety demand, the synthetic antioxidant needs to be replaced with natural antioxidants. Rutin is a natural flavonoid, which has antioxidant and antimicrobial activity and can be used as natural antioxidant to reduce lipolysis and decrease microbial load.
Rutinin combination with BHT in various concentrations was added as an antioxidant and antimicrobial agent in Cheddar Cheese to reduce lipolysis and microbial load in Cheddar Cheese.
Total no. of treatments (n=7) of cheddar cheese were prepared and analyzed to evaluate the antioxidant and antimicrobial potential of Rutin in combination with BHT. Each treatment was done in replicates. Cheddar cheese was ripened for three months at 8ᵒC. During ripening different types of tests i.e., antioxidant (includes Total phenolic contents, Antioxidant activity in linoleic acid, Anisidine value, Peroxide value, Thiobarbituric acid value, Free Fatty Acid value), antimicrobial (includes Total plate count, Yeast and mould count, Antimicrobial test for S. aureus and E. coli.) were performedat 0, 30, 60 and 90 days of ripening. Sensory evaluation was performed by a penal of five semi trained panel of judges, samples were evaluated for color, taste, flavor and overall acceptability at 0, 30, 60 and 90 days of ripening.
Total phenolic contents and antioxidant activity in linoleic acid tend to increase with increasing antioxidants concentrations from T1 to T5. In current study T5 showed slightly more antioxidant capacity than positive control. On the other hand, TPC and AA tend to decrease during storage time from 0 to 90 days which shows that the phenols contents are being utilized during the time to stop free radicles to produce.
Anisidine test is used as a chemical indicator of lipid oxidation and to measure the secondary lipid oxidation. In current findings anisidine value increased significantly (p < 0.05) in all treatments from 0 to 90 days storage.
In current findings antioxidant activity of the rutin in combination with BHT has no effect on free fatty acid value. But free fatty acid value increase during the time 0 to 90 days due to moisture present in the samples. In current study Peroxide value increased during storage. PV was highest for negative control. T5 had low peroxide value and positive control showed lowest PV.
In sensory evaluation color of all the experimental cheddar cheese treated with rutinin combination with BHT and controls were not different from each other (P>0.05).The result showed that increasing rutinin combination with BHT concentration had no effect on the color at storage from 0 to 90 days.In current study taste scores of all the treatments having different concentration of rutinin combination with BHT showed the decreasing trend with storage from 0 to 90 days. Lower sensory score of T5 is maybe because of the high phenolic content in it. T4 has good sensory score and good antioxidant and antimicrobial capacity. Thus, it is concluded that T4 is the best combination of Rutin in combination with BHT in it. Addition of Rutin in combination with BHT increased the total phenolic content and Antioxidant Activity of Cheddar Cheese.It also has significant results for Total plate count and Yeast and mold count. This indicates that Rutin in combination with BHT has the antioxidant and antimicrobial potential in Cheddar Cheese.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2736-T] (1).
Effect Of Chicory (Cichorium Intybus L) Roots Powder On Blood Glucose Level Of Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats
by Nazish Abid (2012-VA-782) | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Ms. Tahreem Hussain | Dr. Abu Saeed Hashmi.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2015Dissertation note: The increasing numbers of elderly people, eating calorie rich diets, obesity and lack of physical activity have increased a great the number of patients with diabetes. Worldwide According to International Diabetes Federation (IDF) there were 6.9 million cases of diabetes in Pakistan in 2014 and occurrence of diabetes in adults of 20-79 years of age was 6.8 %.( International Diabetes Federation, cited on January 31, 2015). The feeding on chicory roots decreased the levels of plasma glucose, cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and also reduced liver cholesterol, triglyceride and total lipids of diabetic patient. In the present study, it was aimed to utilize a indigenous sources like prebiotics to overcome the representative burden on economy and estimating the outcome of administration of chicory powder for use as a substitute mediator of insulin in the control of diabetes mellitus.
In the present study, chicory roots were cleaned, oven dried and ground to fine powder. The proximate analysis of chicory powder was performed. For feeding trial, thirty two Albino rats 5 to 6 weeks age, almost of same weight and mixed sex were procured and were randomly divided into four groups i.e. (A) Control , (B) Diabetic control, (C) Chicory treated and (D) Metformin treated group containing six rats each (three male and three female). Each group of rats was fed with a high fat diet (20%) for the first 2 weeks of adaptation. Then Diabetes was induced in B, C and D groups of rats by injecting 65mg/kg STZ through intraperitoneally. The diabetic rats of group C and D were then used for chicory intervention (125mg/kg of body weight) and for Metformin medication (500mg/kg body weight) along with normal diet respectively. The blood glucose level and weighing of animals measured initially and then
weekly whereas glucose tolerance test of rats was performed initially and thereafter fortnightly. The feed and water consumption was measured on daily bases.
A significant (p<0.05) difference in blood glucose level was seen among the group B, C and D of rats. A non-significance difference (p>0.05) in blood glucose level was observed when compared between male and female rats of groups A, B, C and D. A significant (p<0.05) difference in live body weight was observed. The group B, C and D showed significant (p<0.05) decrease in live body weight from day 7 to day 28 as compared to group A whereas a non-significant (p>0.05) difference in live body weight of male and female rats of all groups was observed. A significant (p<0.05) difference in glucose tolerance between group C and D was observed whereas a non-significant (p>0.05) difference of glucose tolerance was seen between all male and female rats of groups A, B, C and D while a significant difference (p>0.05) in feed consumption within group A, B, C and D was seen whereas a significant difference (p<0.05) in feed consumption was seen between the subjects. A significant gender difference in feed consumption was observed (p<0.05) between the subjects but within the subjects a non-significant difference was seen. A non-significant (p>0.05) difference was observed within the subjects in water intake whereas significant (p<0.05) difference was seen between the subjects whereas a significant gender difference (p<0.05) was seen between the subject but a non-significant gender difference was observed within the subjects.
It is concluded that Cichoriun intybus root extract can be used as hypoglycemic agent to treat diabetic condition and has no adverse effects on body weight, feed intake and water intake. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2727-T] (1).
Role Ofprebiotic Galacto - Oligosaccharides In Rehablitation Of Gut Microbiota Distrubed By Antibiotic Therapy
by Toheed Ahmad (2014-VA-545) | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Dr. Azmat Ullah Khan | Dr. Muhammad Nawaz.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2016Dissertation note: In this research work, GOS was availed by Friesland campina Domo, Vivinal® GOS powder. Galacto-oligosaccride rich in whey product and is white homogeneous powder, neutral to slightly sweet,and were fed to the patients of sore throat who were on antibiotic trial to check the growth of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacteriu, E. coli and total plate count after disturbing micro flora.Then, by using the same concentrations of antibiotic for two group and prebiotics were fed orally to group one which was treatment group and other was control only depend upon antibiotic. After 0, 5, 10 and 15 days the fecal samples were collected aseptically to check the growth of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, E. coli and total plate count. Colony counting was done very to count the colonies.The plates were incubated at 37 ºC and numbers of colonies were counted on digital colony counter. The results showed that treatment groupof Lactobacilli showed significantly high growth of colonies as compared to control group.The two-other bacteria Bifidobacterium and E. coli species were also tested. Bifidobacteriumrecovered back as earliest it was possible due to the consumption of GOS while it was opposite in case of control. In case of control group Bifidobacteria did not recover back to its original condition even on 15th day of sampling.In case of E. coli and Total Plate Count results of colonies counting showed that day 0 and 10 show the maximum growth of bacteria, the day 10 and 15 were also similar in statistically results due to the rapid increment in rehabilitation of gut micro-biota but the situation in E. coli case were little different because microflora’s strains did not much disturbed and E. coli growth were high in both groups as compare to all other bacteria. This was due to the naturally developed immunity of E. coli against antibiotic.Results of control group of total plat count was checked and
it was noticed that the growth of colonies was slow and the results of 0,5,10 and 15 days did match statistically as per requirement.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2725-T] (1).
Evaluation Of The Quality Of Drinking Water In District Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan
by Muhammad Akram (2009-VA-458) | Dr. Zubair Farooq | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Dr. Muhammad Nawaz.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2017Dissertation note: In District Dera Ghazi Khan, water borne illnesses had been happening for quite a while
especially hepatitis, diarrhea and kidney issues were occurring because of the heavy metals in
drinking water. To this end, it is important to assess the drinking water of District Dera Ghazi
Khan. One hundred and forty-four samples of drinking water were collected from hand pump,
motor pump and tube well in three different Tehsils of District Dera Ghazi Khan. Heavy metals
like lead, nickel, manganese, copper, iron and zinc concentration in water samples were
determined utilizing Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer in the department of Environmental
Sciences UVAS, Lahore. pH was determined in the previous department; for microbial quality like
E-coli and Total Coliform in water samples were counted in University Diagnostic Laboratory
UVAS, Lahore. Data were analyzed through one-way ANOVA technique using PROC GLM in
SAS software, significant means were compared by using LSD test. Water quality with respect to
different water sources, heavy metal load remained above the recommended level set by WHO
except Zinc (Zn) and Copper (Cu) which remained significant. Similarly, microbiology showed
25% and 15% above the WHO recommendation of fecal coliforms and E. coli respectively. In
addition, pH also remained above the WHO recommendation. Water quality regarding different
tehsils, heavy metal load remained above the recommended level set by WHO except Zinc (Zn)
and Copper (Cu) which remained significant. Similarly, microbiology showed 20% and 13%
above the WHO recommendation of fecal coliforms and E. coli respectively. In addition, pH also
remained above the WHO recommendation except in tehsil Dera Ghazi Khan.
6.1. Suggestion and Recommendation
On the basis of this study, it is recommended that:
Tube well water has the minimum heavy metal load so that it is healthy for human consumption.
Less chances of water borne illnesses (diarrhoea, typhoid and kidney problems) could be observed
by using the tube well water.
Future researchers should also check the level of arsenic and antimony in tube well water to
improve the quality of water for human consumption.
Same treatments should be applied in other districts to check the level of these heavy metals so
that water quality may be improved. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2806-T] (1).
Effects Of Supplementation Of Zinc Sulphate And Lactobacillus Based Probiotic On Oxidative Status And Liver Health In Broilers
by Wishah Bilal (2015-VA-04) | Dr. Sajid Khan Tahir | Prof. Dr. Habib ur Rehman | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2017Dissertation note: Zinc is considered as one of the essential nutrients as well as a dietary supplement required for animal metabolism. Use of probiotics enhances mucosal immunity of intestine i.e. it prevents the mucosa against the toxins formed by pathogenic microorganisms. Combined effect of zinc and probiotics may show a better response than their single effect on the oxidative status, biochemical profile and thyroid hormones in broilers. Our research was aimed to determine the single as well as combined effects of zinc and probiotic on oxidative status, liver enzymes, serum glucose, total serum proteins, thyroid hormones, urea, uric acid and creatinine levels in broilers.
A total of 192 day old broiler chicks were randomly selected and divided into six groups: Control, Zn30 (30mg Zn/ kg diet), Zn60 (60mg Zn/ kg diet), Pro (0.1g/ kg Protexin®), Com30 (30mg Zn/ kg diet + 0.1g/ kg Protexin®) and Com60 (60mg Zn/ kg diet + 0.1g/ kg Protexin®). Birds were raised under standard management conditions and were given free access to feed and water for a period of 42 days. For biochemical analysis, blood was collected in falcon tubes after slaughtering. For serum separation, blood was centrifuged at 1500 rpm for 10 min and stored at ˗20˚C. The parameters that were studied included: serum catalase, MDA, glucose, total protein, albumin, globulin, ALT, AST, T3, T4, urea, uric acid and creatinine. Data was analyzed by applying one-way ANOVA using SPSS. Group differences were compared by Duncan Multiple Range Test and were considered significant at P<0.05.
According to our study catalase activity was found significantly lower (P<0.05) and MDA level was found significantly higher (P<0.05) in the control group as compared to the supplemented groups. The birds fed with a combination of zinc (60 mg/kg) and protexin showed highest (P<0.05) catalase activity and lowest (P<0.05) MDA level in comparison to other supplemented groups. A significant increase (P<0.05) in serum proteins was obseved with all the supplementations in comparison to the control group. Only the combination of zinc (30 mg/kg) and protexin did not show the expected result. In our research we found that protexin significantly increased (P<0.05) serum T3 level as compared to other supplemented groups while zinc (30 mg/kg) showed significantly lower (P<0.05) serum T3 level than the control group. On the other hand, serum T4 concentration significantly increased (P<0.05) with both zinc (60 mg/kg diet) and its combination with protexin. Our research depicted that combination of zinc (60mg/kg diet) and protexin significantly increased (P<0.05) urea while both the combinations showed significantly increased (P<0.05) uric acid and (P<0.05) decreased creatinine concentrations in serum. There was no significant (P<0.05) change in serum glucose, ALT and AST concentrations in birds given zinc and probiotic supplementations.
It can be concluded that protexin and zinc supplementations are beneficial in improving biochemical parameters of broilers, yet their synergistic effects need to be studied further.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2802-T] (1).
Effect Of Supplementation Of Probiotic And Phytase Alone And In Combination On The Oxidative Status And Serum Lipid Profile In Japanese Quails
by Mubarka Bano (2015-VA-590) | Dr. Sajid Khan Tahir | Dr. Muhammad Shahbaz Yousaf | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2017Dissertation note: Phytase is an enzyme that releases phosphorous from phytate molecule improving the bioavailability of dietary nutrients. Also improves the oxidative status and lower’s serum cholesterol level. Probiotics are live microorganisms given in the diet as a growth promoter. They effect serum lipid profile as well as act as antioxidant. The present study was aimed to evaluate the effect of probiotic and bacterial phytase alone and in combination on serum lipid profile and oxidant and anti-oxidant status of blood, muscle and tissue in Japanese quails.
Two hundred one day old quail chicks were randomly divided into four groups (n=5) with five replicates (n=10). Group-I was fed only basal diet (BD) and named as control group, Group-II was given BD + 0.1% Bacillus cereus. Group-III was given BD+ 0.01% microbial phytase; Group IV was given BD + 0.01% phytase + 0.1% probiotic. On day 28, two birds from each replicate were slaughtered for blood and tissue collection. The parameters to be studied were oxidant and anti-oxidant level in whole blood, muscle and tissue (liver and kidney), Serum lipid profile (TC, TG, HDL and LDL).
Serum total cholesterol concentration was not affected by supplementation. However triglyceride and high density lipoprotein in serum were significantly (P<0.05) affected. Our supplementation causes reduction in triglycerides and increase in high density lipoprotein.
The activity of MDA and catalase in serum and liver tissue was affected significantly (P<0.05), MDA level was reduced and catalase level was increased by supplementation. However our supplementation remained ineffective in muscle MDA and catalase.
Data were presented as mean ± SEM and analyzed by one way-ANOVA technique using SPSS. Group differences were compared using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test at P<0.05.
The present study concluded that probiotic and phytase had shown beneficial effect on lipid profile and oxidative status in Japanese quails. However their synergistic effect was more effective.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2842-T] (1).
Determination Of Theobromine In Chocolates And Chocolate Cakes
by Zain Amin (2010-VA-383) | (Dr. Zubair Farooq) | (Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal) | (Dr. Saima Inayat).
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2017Dissertation note: Chocolate is very famous food in the whole world especially among the children.
Theobromine is one of the main constituent of chocolate and its powders. It is a stimulant and its
excessive use causes toxicity or poisoning to the human beings. In Pakistan consumption of
chocolate especially by children is very high so chances of chocolate poisoning are also very
high. Therefore this study was planned to determine the theobromine levels in locally available
chocolates and chocolate cakes in Pakistan. The research was carried out in the laboratories of
the Department of FSHN, UVAS, Lahore under the controlled conditions.
Sixty samples (40 chocolates, 20 chocolate cakes) of chocolates and chocolate cakes
were collected through random sampling technique from locally available super stores and
bakeries of Lahore City. The determinations of theobromine in chocolate were carried out
through UV spectrophotometric method. Absorption peaks were checked at the 272.7nm
wavelength and calculated using Beer’s law. Total sample were 180 and they were analyzed in
Data were analyzed through the Microsoft Excel 2010 and SPSS 22.0. Mean values with
standard deviation in percentages of results were analyzed by descriptive analyses. To examine
the relationship among the variables of chocolates and chocolate cakes chi-square test was used.
Further to compare theobromine levels in the local and branded chocolates obtained from the
common and renowned bakeries of Lahore, independent “t” test was used.
The study concluded that local chocolates had more theobromine as compared to the
branded chocolates and common bakeries chocolate cakes less theobromine level than the
renowned bakeries chocolate cakes.
In the current study, mean values of theobromine ranged from 0.55 to 2.32 mg/g for
Haribo and Sonnet chocolate samples respectively. The percent safe level of various chocolate
samples showed that 45 % chocolates were at the safe level while 55 % unsafe. Similarly, mean
values of theobromine ranged from 0.58 to 2.27 mg/g for Sheraz Bakers chocolate cake and
Fresh Inn Baker chocolate brownie samples respectively. The percent safe level of various
chocolate cake samples showed that 80 % chocolate cakes were at the safe level while 20 %
unsafe. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2861-T] (1).
Effect Of Psyllium Seed Husk On Anthropometric Parameters, Lipid And Electrolyte Profile In Hypercholesterolemia Induced Rats
by Arfa Ibtisham (2015-VA-24) | Dr. Imtiaz Rabbani | Dr. Khalid Abdul Majeed | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2017Dissertation note: Hypercholesterolemia is characterized by higher level of bad cholesterol in blood which shoots up the risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, hyperlipidemia, oxidative stress, weight gain and other metabolic disorders. Modern way of life is the reason to elevate these metabolic syndromes that lead to increased mortality rate. Psyllium husk is helpful in improving anthropometric parameters, high lipid profile, glucose level, appetite, oxidative status, hypertension and maintains liver and renal physiology. The effective use of this drug was for weight loss to control obesity.
The consumption of psyllium husk may lead to hypocholesterolemia, reduced body weight, oxidative stress and biological profile in rats. Twenty four male Wistar rats were taken and divided into four groups. Group-I (negative control) fed chow diet Group-II (positive control) was given chow diet mixed with 10g cholesterol for 42 days. Group-III (treatment group) hypercholesterolemic rats were fed with 5g psyllium husk for 21 days. Group-IV (treatment group) hypercholesterolemic rats were fed with 10g psyllium husk for 21 days. Blood samples were collected at the end of six weeks of study. Anthropometric parameters, organs weight, Lipid profile (TC, TC, LDL, HDL, Atherogenic index), glucose, oxidant and antioxidant levels, electrolytes, hepatic (AST, ALT) and renal (blood urea nitrogen, urea) functions (in blood liver and kidney) were studied. Data were analyzed using one way ANOVA on SPSS. Differences between the groups were compared by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. Differences were considered significant at P < 0.05.
Anthropometric measurements, organs weight, lipid profile, glucose,urea and blood urea nitrogen showed significantly results, while,TG, atherogenic index ,electrolytes, oxidant and anti-oxidant ALT and AST showed no significantly values.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2867-T] (1).
Determination Of Tartrazine In Different Food Items Available In Lahore Pakistan
by Anam Arshad (2015-VA-1055) | Dr Zubair Farooq | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Prof. Dr. Aftab Ahmad Anjum.
Material type: Book Publisher: 2017Dissertation note: Synthetic dyes used in various food items like sweets, candies and beverages cause severe health hazards if they are not food grade and within the legally permitted limits. In Pakistan due to increased consumption of attractive colored food items, the use of dyes in every food product is also increasing. Already there is no study to appraise the nature and level of colorants. Therefore, this study focused on determination of synthetic dye (tartrazine) used in candies, sweets and beverages to determine its safer levels.
This research work was done in food science and nutrition lab of Food Science and Human Nutrition Department of UVAS, Lahore, Pakistan. Total 180 samples were collected from all 9 towns of Lahore plus Lahore Cantt. Samples included 30 candies purchased from local vendors and 30 candies from shops, 30 sweet samples (rasgulla) from local vendors and 30 sweet samples from sweet shops. Moreover, 30 slush samples locally available in streets and 30 slush samples from shops of posh areas in Lahore. The results were compared with the previous held researches in other countries.
The food samples were divided into two categories local shops and local vendors. Total six local shops and six vendors of each town of lahore were selected for the collection of samples in triplicate pattern. All the samples were evaluated for spectrophotometric determination of tartrazine by using Beer’s law. Abosrbtion peeks were checked at a wavelength of 421.6 and the mean values of concentration of tartrazine in slush ranged from 0.269 to 0.275 mg/g obtained from local vendors and shops respectively.Moreover, the mean values of tartrazine ranged from 0.258 to 0.309 mg/g for vendor sweet and shop sweet samples respectively and mean value for candies ranged from 0.200 -0.704mg/g. Data was analyzed through the Microsoft Excel 2010 and SPSS 22.0. Mean values with standard deviation in percentages of results were analyzed by descriptive analyses. To examine the relationship among the variables of candies, sweets and slush samples chi-square test was used. Further to compare tartrazine levels in the local shops and foodstuff obtained from the common vendors of Lahore, independent “t” test was used. 2 way-ANOVA was applied to check the differences of all samples in 10 towns of Lahore.
According to my investigations the quality of foodstuff collected from local shops and from local vendors is almost same and both contain high amounts of tartrazine.I suggest consumers, they should prefer to buy branded foodstuff from superstores as compared to local shops and local vendors because the keeping quality and handling practices are good in superstores than local shops.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2886-T] (1).
Physico-Chemical Analysis Of Milk From Different Milch Species (Cow, Buffalo, Camel)
by Tahira Jamil (2015-VA-595) | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Haroon Jamshid Qazi | Dr. Muhammad Tayyab | Muhammad Asif Ali.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2017Dissertation note: SUMMARY
Milk is described as almost a complete food as it contains all the essential nutrients in balanced quantity. Milk is a complete basis of proteins, fats and dietary energy and there are several factors that can effect the composition of milk. Factors such as (seasonal changes, feed, environmental changes, lactation, milking durations) and variations in analytical methods such as (evaluating proteins, fats, total solids, ash and moisture) can also lead to differences in results. According to FAO STAT 2010, despite the fact that Pakistan ranked among top five milk producing countries in the world, no study has been made so far that is composed of complete data based on physico-chemical analysis of milk composition of various species with respect to seasonal changes.
Milk samples were collected from three different species from UVAS Pattoki Campus i.e. cow, buffalo and camel in morning and evening time. The samples were then sent to UVAS Lahore Campus. These samples were analyzed to obtain different compositional parameters of milk which includes LR, fat, protein, SNF, TS, Ash, Moisture, pH, COB and APT. In the present study, the results showed that the LR, fat, SNF, TS, Proteins, ash, moisture and pH showed no signifgicant differences when studied between the groups by independent sample t test. All results were statistically non-significant i-e p>0.05. Whereas when results of each sample were studied individually throughout the year by descriptive statistic, it was found that samples of cow, buffalo and showed high content of fats, SNF, TS and protein during the summer season and lower in winter season. Other parmeters like ash, moisture, pH also had significant change throughout the year. The monthly results were found to be statistical significant at p<0.05. COB and APT were analyzed as soon the samples arrived the laboratory. So no clotting or precipitations were observed in the sample and gave the negative results throughout the year.
Thestudy was helpful in generating yearly data that was used in comparing the physico-chemical variations in morning and evening samples of milk among different milk producing species (cow, buffalo, camel) on the basis of seasonal changes.
The directive of the current research was to analyze the physico-chemical parameters from the morning and evening samples of milk of three milk producing species (cow, buffalo, acmel). It was concluded from the results that no significant differences were found within groups of each sample. Whereas when the analysis were conducted on monthly basis throughout the year, it was determined that fat content of the samples of cow, buffalo and camel was high during the summer season. There are several reasons for this such as lactation, feed composition, milking timings, seasonal variations. SNF, TS and protein contents were directly related to fat. It was possible to state that when the fat of milk was higher the solid not fat, total solids and protein contents were also higher. However the other contents of milk such as ash, moisture, pH, COB and APT were not significantly affected by these factors.
Diet is also an important factor that could affect the composition of milk. This factor can also be researched along with seasonal changes.
Different geographical regions affect the milk composition of animals. This is also another factor of interest.
Physiochemical changes of sheep, goat and humans can also be analyzed on the basis of seasonal changes.
Milk is described as almost a complete food as it contains all the essential nutrients in balanced quantity. Milk is a complete basis of proteins, fats and dietary energy and there are several factors that can effect the composition of milk. Factors such as (seasonal changes, feed, environmental changes, lactation, milking durations) and variations in analytical methods such as (evaluating proteins, fats, total solids, ash and moisture) can also lead to differences in results. According to FAO STAT 2010, despite the fact that Pakistan ranked among top five milk producing countries in the world, no study has been made so far that is composed of complete data based on physico-chemical analysis of milk composition of various species with respect to seasonal changes.
Milk samples were collected from three different species from UVAS Pattoki Campus i.e. cow, buffalo and camel in morning and evening time. The samples were then sent to UVAS Lahore Campus. These samples were analyzed to obtain different compositional parameters of milk which includes LR, fat, protein, SNF, TS, Ash, Moisture, pH, COB and APT. In the present study, the results showed that the LR, fat, SNF, TS, Proteins, ash, moisture and pH showed no signifgicant differences when studied between the groups by independent sample t test. All results were statistically non-significant i-e p>0.05. Whereas when results of each sample were studied individually throughout the year by descriptive statistic, it was found that samples of cow, buffalo and showed high content of fats, SNF, TS and protein during the summer season and lower in winter season. Other parmeters like ash, moisture, pH also had significant change throughout the year. The monthly results were found to be statistical significant at p<0.05. COB and APT were analyzed as soon the samples arrived the laboratory. So no clotting or precipitations were observed in the sample and gave the negative results throughout the year.
Thestudy was helpful in generating yearly data that was used in comparing the physico-chemical variations in morning and evening samples of milk among different milk producing species (cow, buffalo, camel) on the basis of seasonal changes.
The directive of the current research was to analyze the physico-chemical parameters from the morning and evening samples of milk of three milk producing species (cow, buffalo, acmel). It was concluded from the results that no significant differences were found within groups of each sample. Whereas when the analysis were conducted on monthly basis throughout the year, it was determined that fat content of the samples of cow, buffalo and camel was high during the summer season. There are several reasons for this such as lactation, feed composition, milking timings, seasonal variations. SNF, TS and protein contents were directly related to fat. It was possible to state that when the fat of milk was higher the solid not fat, total solids and protein contents were also higher. However the other contents of milk such as ash, moisture, pH, COB and APT were not significantly affected by these factors.
Diet is also an important factor that could affect the composition of milk. This factor can also be researched along with seasonal changes.
Different geographical regions affect the milk composition of animals. This is also another factor of interest.
Physiochemical changes of sheep, goat and humans can also be analyzed on the basis of seasonal changes.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2884-T] (1).
Analysis Of Heavy Metals Concentration In Commercial Hen Eggs From Three Different Cities Of Punjab-Pakistan
by Rimsha Kanwal (2011-VA-452) | Dr. Azmat Ullah Khan | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Mr. Faisal Hussnain.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2017Dissertation note: Eggs are considered as one of the best food providing health, due to its high protein content,
levels of unsaturated fatty acids and excellent of minerals and vitamins profile. Increasing the
contents of minerals, vitamins and fatty acids in the feed of the bird will increase the level of
these nutrients in the eggs. Heavy metals have known to affect human health mainly through
contamination either from food or from the water. Heavy metals can accumulate in the chicken
eggs if higher levels are present in feed and water. The present study was conducted with the
aims to reveal the heavy metal content in the eggs from three different cities of Punjab-Pakistan.
For this purpose, a total of 45 egg samples along with feed and water from 5 different farms
located in three major industrial cities (Sialkot, Kasur, Surrounding of Lahore) of Punjab,
Pakistan were collected. The heavy metals like Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Lead
Zinc were determined through spectroscopic technique. The collected data was analyzed through
Analysis of Variance technique. The means were compared using Fisher’s LSD test. The results
showed significantly higher Arsenic contents in the egg samples from Kasur, Copper and
Chromium in eggs from surroundings of Lahore, while Cadmium, Zinc and Lead showed nonsignificant
differences among different cities. Similarly, water of farms from Sialkot region had
highest concentration of Cadmium, Lead and Zinc, whereas feed and water samples from farms
of Sialkot and Kasur region showed highest Chromium contents, Surroundings of Lahore and
Sialkot region had highest copper in the feed and water samples. Arsenic showed non-significant
differences in feed and water. Moreover, most of the heavy metals are above permissible limits
in egg samples. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2882-T] (1).
A Comparative Study Of Adulteration In Raw Milk Samples Collected From Rural Farmers And Milk Sold In Urban Areas Of Sahiwal Region
by Muhammad Shahid (2008-VA-418) | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Dr. Waqas Ahmed | Dr. Muhammad Nadeem.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2017Dissertation note: Milk is the rich source of all nutrients when compared with other food items. Milk
procurement, collection and marketing system in Pakistan is quite old and informal markets
always involve milk sale through unregulated channels. Due to the large numbers of
uneducated and non-technical smallholding farmers, milk handling processes in the
traditional system are extremely unhygienic and there is insufficient enforcement of
standards, resulting in adulteration and at the end poor quality products. Adulterated milk is
selling in Sahiwal region and this study helped to identify milk adulteration in milk supply
chain during milk collection, transportation and selling at shops.
This comparative study has two phases. In first phase, total 80 milk samples were
collected from farmers in rural areas of Sahiwal region. All samples were analyzed to detect
adulterants (Starch, Urea, Hydrogen peroxide, Detergent/Soap, Sorbitol, Boric Acid, Cane
Sugar, Sodium Chloride, Carbonates, Formalin, QAC and Hypochlorite) in raw milk
produced by local farmers. In the second phase, total 60 milk samples were collected from
different shops located in urban areas of Sahiwal region. All samples were analyzed to detect
adulterants (Starch, Urea, H2O2, Detergent/Soap, Sorbitol, Boric Acid, Cane Sugar, Sodium
Chloride, Carbonates, Formalin, QAC and Hypochlorite) in raw milk sold in urban areas of
the region. All milk adulteration tests were performed by using University of Veterinary and
Animal Sciences (UVAS), Quality Operation Laboratory (QOL), Milk Adulteration Testing
(MAT) kit.
The aim of this study was to identify sources of adulteration in raw milk collected
from rural farmers and sold at shops in urban areas of Sahiwal region.
Total 140 milk samples were collected both from rural and urban areas of Sahiwal
region. 18 (13%) milk samples out of 140 were found adulterated both from urban and rural
locations of Sahiwal region. Sixty (60) milk samples were collected from urban locations of
Sahiwal for detection of adulterants. Total 12 (20%) out of 60 samples were found
adulterated in urban locations. 80 milk samples were collected from rural locations of
Sahiwal region for detection of adulterants 6 (7.5%) out of 80 samples were found
adulterated in rural locations.
Milk adulterants were detected in both rural and urban locations of Sahiwal region.
These adulterants were present in milk samples collected from Sahiwal region urea, formalin,
sugar cane, starch, detergent, sorbitol and carbonates. Boric acid, H2O2, quaternary
ammonium compounds, hypochlorite and sodium chloride were not detected both in urban
and rural locations of Sahiwal.
The conclusion of this comparative study is that milk adulteration is higher in urban
locations (20%) of Sahiwal as compared to rural location (7.5%) of Sahiwal region. This
study also shows the district wise milk adulteration in all three districts of Sahiwal region that
are 10%, 11% & 17 % in Sahiwal, Pakpattan & Okara districts respectively. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2897-T] (1).
Characterization And Physicochemical Optimization Of Phytases Produced By Indigenous Isolates Of Lactobacillus SPP.
by Aanisa Arif (2011-VA-424) | Dr. Muhammad Nawaz | Prof. Dr. Masood Rabbani | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2017Dissertation note: Phytate is one of the major organic storage forms of phosphorous of phosphorus in
seeds, cereal, oil and legume; in nature about 75%-80% of total phosphorus is available in
this form. Phosphorus is stored in roots and in seeds and cereals as phytate. Phytases are
responsible for breakdown of phytic acid (phytate) into inorganic monophosphates and
free myo- inositol. Phytases are a class of phophatases which hydrolyze phytic acid into
inorganic phosphate and myo inositol or less phosphorylated phosphates. Monogasteric
animal like poultry, human and fish lack phytase due to which they cannot derive
phosphate from phytate and phosphorus is unavailable to them.
So, present study is designed as a first step in a multi-step project to develop
indigenous phytase producing probiotic lactobacilli from different sources, the
optimization of phytase production and effect of physical & chemical factors on the
phytase stability and activity. Lactobacillus isolated from poultry was checked for phytase
production on Phytase screening media (PSM). Enzyme from the isolates showing activity
were quantified by ammonium molybadate method, the enzyme production were
optimized at different physical and chemical parameters such as temperature (30, 35 &
42°C), pH (4,5,6,7 & 8), osmotic pressure (1%,2% and 4%), aerobic/anaerobic conditions,
carbon (glucose, lactose, sucrose), nitrogen sources (peptone, tryptone & urea) and bile
salts (0.3%,1% and 2). Enzyme was partially purified and characterized by SDS-PAGE.
In present study 20 samples of poultry droppings (SP01-SP10) and fermented food (SY01-
SY10) were processed for isolation of lactobacilli. A total of 90 isolates (PDP01-PDP45;
FYP01-FYP45) were selected from MRS plates. Isolates were preliminary confirmed as
Gram positive rods with Catalase negative. All isolates were further purified and stored in
MRS broth supplemented with 15% glycerol at -20oC. Purified lactobacilli isolates were
screened for phytase production on phytase screening medium and zone o f hydrolysis was
measured in mm. Out of total of 90 isolates 62 isolates showed phytate hydrolysis. Out of
62 isolates, 16 were selected on the basis of retention of hydrolysis zone after cobalt
chloride staining. Out of 16 selected isolates, eight isolates PDP05, PDP09, PDP10,
PDP16, PDP23,PDP24, PDP30 and PDP35 were of poultry origin and eight FYP12,
FYP15, FYP17, FYP21, FYP26, FYP31, FYP38 and FYP42 were of fermented foods.
Selected isolates and retention of their zone of hydrolysis after cobalt chloride staining are
given in table 4.4. Phytase activity of selected lactobacilli isolates was checked in
modified MRS broth containing 0.2% sodium phytate at 37°C after 24 hrs. Cell free
supernatant was used as crude source of enzyme. Enzyme activity was determined by
using ammonium molybadate method. Amplification and sequencing of 16Sr DNA
(≈1500bp) was done by using universal primers which revealed PDP10, PDP24 and
FYP38 had >99% similarity with Lactobacillus gallinarum, Lactobacillus reutri and
Lactobacillus fermentum respectively with GenBank accession no. MF980924,
MF980925 and MF980923 respectively.
Phytase production by lactobacilli was optimized at different parameters e.g.
temperature (30, 35 and 42°C), pH (4, 5, 6, 7 and 8), osmotic pressure 1%, 2% and 4%.
The effect of oxygen was determined by growing lactobacilli isolates in aerobic and
anaerobic conditions followed by measuring enzyme activity. PDP10, PDP24 and FYP38
showed the best activity at 35°C (6.86 ± 0.15 IU/ml, 5.12 ± 0.12 IU/ml and 5.65 ± 0.13
IU/ml respectively) at pH 5 (6.86 ± 0.15 IU/ml, 5.12 ± 0.12IU/ml and 5.50 ± 0.13 IU/ml
respectively). Maximum phytase activity was recorded at 1% NaCl 4.78 ± 0.14, 4.18 ±
0.13 and 5.58 ± 0.12 IU/ml respectively) whereas anaerobic conditions were favourable for
the production of phytase by selected isolates.
Effect of carbon, nitrogen sources and bile salts was determined by growing
isolates MRS broth (0.2% sodium phytate) modified with different carbon (glucose,
lactose, sucrose) and nitrogen sources (peptone, tryptone and urea) and bile salts (0.3% ,
1% and 2%) followed by measuring enzyme activity. In this study isolates PDP10, PDP24
and FYP38 exhibited maximum phytase activity in the presence of 2% glucose as
compared to other carbon sources lactose and sucrose (4.36 ± 0.11, 4.38 ± 0.18 and 5.01 ±
0.15 IU/ml respectively). Present study revealed 0.1 % peptone as an optimal source of
nitrogen for PDP10 and PDP24 (4.54 ± 0.13 and 4.23 ± 0.19 IU/ml respectively) while
FYP38 (4.56 ± 0.14 IU/ml) showed best result in presence of 0.1% tryptone. All the
isolates showed maximum phytase activity at 0.3% bile salt concentration as compared to
1% and 2% concentration. Enzyme activity of phytase obtained from PDP10 was not
varied while treating it at different pH (4, 5, 6, 7 and 8) at different intervals of time.
Enzyme activity of phytase obtained from PDP24 was lower at pH 8 for 15, 30, 45 and
60min (3.41± 0.10, 3.40 ± 0.09, 3.42 ± 0.08 and 3.41 ± 0.11IU/ml respectively). Enzyme
activity of phytase obtained from FYP38 was lower down from pH 7 to 8 for 15, 30, 45
and 60min (4.41 ± 0.09, 4.42 ± 0.11, 4.43 ± 0.10, 4.41 ± 0.12 IU/ml respectively) & (4.40
± 0.09, 4.31 ± 0.11, 4.33 ±0.10 and 4.34 ± 0.12 respectively). Enzyme activity was
inhibited at 1mM and 5mM concentrations of Ca2+ while metal ions like Mg2+ and Na2+
addition stimulated the phytase activity. Approximate molecular weight of extracellular
protein precipitated from the cell free supernatant of PDP10, PDP24 and FYP38 was
~50kDa. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2895-T] (1).
Phytoremediation Of Water By Using Moringa Oliefera Seed Powder And Coriander Leaves
by Zeerak Hassan (2015-VA-1108) | Dr. Waqas Ahmed | Dr. Sana.ullah Iqbal | Dr. Ali Ahmed.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2016Dissertation note: Phytoremediation is an innovative technique to purify water. It is major leap forward to solve drinking water safety issue. Use of plants and plant derived products can be more effective and economical than any other chemical methods. Plants are easily available and cause no side effects in water during purification.
Moringa oleifera, has already been reported as antimicrobial and dust removing agent in water. Its extract and powder form when dissolved in water kill bacteria and settles down with the dust at the bottom. Turbidity is easily cleared with moringa seed extract and powder. It is a natural dust remover which has already been proved. Other potential herb for water purification is coriander. Coriander (Coriandrumsativum) is one of the most widely used herbs in the world, it is easily available and it can grow anywhere. Coriander leaves or Cilantro have such an anatomy of cells which helps it to act as bio-sorbent; it efficiently removes metal from water. It has shown promising results so far on small scale and wide scale research is in progress regarding its use on large scale.
In this research plants and extracts from plant source were used as water purifier. Water sample was contaminated with all the potential contaminants in the laboratory. Those contaminants were, coliforms, metals and dust particles. After that water quality tests was performed on the contaminated water and level of contamination was noted.
Coliform contaminated water wastreated with moringa seed powder. It was incubated so that moringa could show his effect on the growth of coliforms. Water quality tests were performed on purified water and its level of contamination wasnoted. Heavy metal contaminated water was treated with coriander leave coated with moringa seed. Same water quality tests were performed before and after treatment and significant changes were observed.
Result for contamination level of pre and post treatment was compared in a tabular form to checked effectiveness of the treatment. Moringa and cilantro are expected to remove or reduce the microbial load and chemical from the water respectively. Results had shown that both these plants have potential to purify water by reducing amount of microbes and metals. Water quality can be improve by using both these plants. Results are very much positive further study and research will reveal more potential of both these plants to improve quality of water.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2921-T] (1).
Effect Of Camel Milk Lactoferrin Against Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Hepatic Toxicity In Sprague Dawely Rats
by Nasreen Asghar (2014-VA-546) | Dr. Muhammad Nasir | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Prof. Dr. Abu Saeed Hashmi.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2017Dissertation note: Liver is a vital organ involved in regulation of several significant metabolic functions and is responsible for maintaining homeostasis of the body as well as detoxification of chemicals, drugs and other metabolites Chronic Hepatitis and mortality due to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma is common in Pakistan. Camel milk Lactoferrin has antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic properties. Liver cirrhosis is a serious and irreversible disease. it is common in Pakistan population which leads to mortality (Khan AA, 1995). (Anderson and Smith, 2001).These problems can be controlled by taking special measures. Nutraceutical foods like camel milk have many beneficial uses in this regard. Camel milk lactoferrin might be used for the cure of hepatic fibrosis induced by CCI4 in Sprague Dawely rats. Seventy five (75) male Sprague –Dawley rats were purchased from National Institute of Health Islamabad kept in animal house of UVAS Lahore and randomly divided into 5 groups under completely randomize design (CRD). In group (2-5) carbon tetrachloride (CC14) was subcutaneously injected with a mixture of 40% CCI4 (a mixture of pure CC14 and sterile olive oil) at 200 uL/100g body weight as single dose, 48 hrs before the starting of treatment or 0 day. After 48 hrs, rats were considered hepatic injured except the (+ve) control group. Among all groups, four groups –ve control, 30mg/kg/b.wt, 60mg/kg/b.wt and 90mg/kg/b.wt were supplied with standard diet plus Lactoferrin (in different concentrations and doses) orally, while control group were provided only standard diet throughout the efficacy study (30 days). Daily feed and water intake was monitored and cages were cleaned regularly. Body weight was recorded before decapitation throughout the experimental period. The efficacy studies
data was analyzed through analysis of variance (ANOVA).Statistical significance was defined as P≤0.05.Means were compared for significance difference using Duncan‟s Multiple Range test (DMRt) and Least significance difference test (LSDt).
Organ to body weight ratio and decreasing tendency in (-ve) control group was observed, while increasing tendency for body weight was observed in camel milk lactoferrin treatments groups during the study. In the present investigations, higher amount of transaminases (AST,ALT) and cholestatic liver enzyme (ALP) were observed however, their concentrations were significantly decreased significantly in camel milk lactoferrin treatments as compared to rising trend in (-ve) control group.
Hypercholesterolemia is due to of oxidative stress induced by CCl4 and characterized by elevated levels of cholesterol .In the present research, it is concluded that camel milk lactoferrin treatments were effective in improving lipid profile.it is also obvious from the current results that camel milk lactoferrin treatments improved the hemoglobin (Hb) level although the effect was found non-significant .Likewise , results of present study also suggested that different treatments, time interval and their interaction had non-significant effects on white blood cells count in rats.
Histopathology results of present study given exposed that CCl4 consequences prominent hepatic steatosis, hepatic cord rupture and necrosis .Post treatment of camel milk lactoferrin reduced the severity of CCl4 –induced liver intoxication. Fatty change and necrosis were improved in the histological sections of camel milk post-treated rats.(-ve) control group treated with CCl4 and basal diet showed severe hepatotoxicity, severe inflammation of hepatocytes and portal vein congestion, while group C and D treated
with CCl4 ,basal diet and 30mg/kg/b.wt ,60 mg/kg/b.wt camel milk lactoferrin respectively showed moderate improvement in hepatotoxicity .group E treated with CCl4 and 90 mg/kg/b.wt lactoferrin showed mild hepatotoxicity in rats. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2943-T] (1).
Evaluation Of White Sesame Seed Oil As A Functional Food Ingredient And Its Role To Mitigate Hyperglycemia
by Farhan Aslam (2011-VA-606) | Dr. Sanaullah Iqbal | Dr. Muhammad Nasir | Prof. Dr. Aftab Ahmad Anjum.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2017Dissertation note: White sesame seed oil (WSSO) contains appreciable amount of various bioactive components including tocopherols, polyphenols, phytosterols and lignans (sesamin & sesamolin) known to have positive impact against certain diseases. Characterization of white sesame seed oil (PB Til-90) showed the presence of bioactive components make it suitable for human consumption. The comparison of WSSO based functional cookies and vegetable fat (VF) based cookies showed that energy and fat% were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in WSSO than VF cookies. At 60th day, mean moisture, peroxide value, and acidity were higher (P < 0.05) in VF cookies. Over time, protein and fiber% decreased significantly (p < 0.05) in both cookies but remained higher (P < 0.05) in WSSO at 60 days. By the end of the 60 days of storage time, moisture content in SO cookies increased approximately 34% (p < 0.05), while other components decreased significantly (p < 0.05) over time; (protein: -0.2%, fat: -3%, fiber: -5.5%, and ash: -7.9%). At 60 days there were significant (p < 0.05) differences between groups. Moisture was significantly higher in VF verses SO, whereas all other components were significantly (p < 0.05) lower in VF group compared to SO group; (protein: -7.6%, fat: -9%, fiber: -5% and ash: -11 %).
Over time, from baseline to 60 days, peroxide value increased approximately 252% in SO cookies. Additionally, in SO, acidity, nitrogen free extract, and thiobarbituric acid values increased (35%, 3%, 54% respectively), while bioactive components, sesamin and sesamol, decreased significantly (p <0.05) over time (i.e., -0.22% and -1.2% respectively). A similar trend was observed in VF cookies. Over the period from baseline to 60 days, the mean rating on each attribute decreased significantly (p < 0.05) for each cookie type. For SO cookies, colour decreased by about -5.5%, flavour -8%, taste -16%, texture -11.6%, crispness
-8% and overall acceptability by -14%. A similar trend was observed in VF cookies. In VF cookies, the mean rating for colour decreased -9%, flavour decreased by -11%, taste decreased by -11%, texture decreased by -12%, crispness decreased by -7% and overall acceptability decreased by -5.5%. By day 60, there were significant (p < 0.05) differences in the sensory rating between groups.
For efficacy study on rats, sixty-three male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomized into standard diet groups (normal control, NCON, n=21) and (diabetic control, DCON, n=21) and a diabetic sesame oil (DSO) (n=21) group which were fed a diet containing 12% WSSO. Blood samples were analyzed at 0, 30 and 60 days. Differences between groups and across days were assessed with two-way repeated measures ANOVA. At baseline, GLU and INS were similar in both diabetic groups (mean 248.4 + 2.8 mg/dl) and (mean 23.4 ± 0.4 μU/mL) respectively. At 60 days, GLU was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in DCON (298.0 ± 2.3 mg/dl) as compared to DSO (202.1 ± 1.0 mg/dl). Activities hepatic antioxidant enzymes increased significantly (p < 0.05) in each variable across time from baseline to 60 days; SOD: (9.7 ± 0.1 to 15.5 ± 0.6 IU/mg), CAT: (6.6 ± 0.1 to 12.5 ± 0.8 IU/mg), GPx (11.1 ± 0.3 to 35.9 ± 3.2 IU/mg), APx (48.7 ± 1.6 to 76.1 ± 1.9 IU/mg) in the DSO group as compared to the DCON and NCON groups. In the DSO group, CK decreased significantly (p < 0.05) from baseline (291.1 ± 0.9 U/L) to 60 days (245.5 ± 7.2 U/L) from both the control groups, while CK-Mb decreased significantly (p < 0.05) from baseline (550.5 ± 3.9 U/L) to 60 days (510.8 ± 6.8 U/L) from NCON group but was not significantly different from DCON group. Among liver function tests, ALP increased over time in both diabetic groups (i.e., in DSO group from baseline to 60 days it raised from 246.7 ± 3.3 U/L to 277.7 ± 2.8 U/L) and at 60 days was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than NCON in both groups but were not significantly different from each other. In contrast, ALT from baseline (81.5 ± 3.7 U/L) to 60 days (67.4 ± 2.7 U/L) and AST from baseline (148.7 ± 3.5 U/L) to 60 days (118.3 ± 1.2 U/L) significantly decreased
(p < 0.05) in the DSO group as compared to DCON or NCON resulting in significantly lower values than both control groups by 60 days. At 60 days, urea in the DSO group decreased from baseline (38.5 ± 2.3 to 30.9 ± 1.1) such that it was significantly lower (p < 0.05) than both control groups. From baseline to 60 days, creatinine significantly increased (p < 0.05) in the two diabetic groups; in DSO group at baseline creatinine was (0.3 ± 0.0 mg/dl) and increased up to (0.4 ± 0.1) after 60 days whereas it remained fairly stable in the NCON group. At 60 days, creatinine was significantly higher in both the diabetic groups as compared to NCON. At 60th day; cholesterol, triglyceride, VLDL, and LDL was significantly lower (p < 0.05) and HDL significantly was significantly higher than DCON, and NCON. The results indicated that there were no significant differences between the DSO or DCON groups in electrolyte balance, minerals, and hematological values.
For efficacy study on humans, forty-six subjects with Type 2 diabetes were recruited and randomly divided into two equal groups (diabetic control, DCON) and diabetic sesame oil (DSO). At baseline, 30, 60, and 90 days, blood samples were drawn and analyzed. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA was used to evaluate the difference between groups and across time. In both groups GLU, INS, and HbA1c were not significantly different at baseline; (mean 187.07 + 5.63 mg/dl), (mean 12.12 ± 1.03 μU/mL), and (mean 7.55 + 0.37 %) respectively. At 90 days, GLU was significantly (p < 0.05) decreased in DSO (137.83 ± 3.16 mg/dl) when compared with DCON (218.13 ± 5.92 mg/dl) while insulin was significantly increased in DSO (23.13 ± 1.15 U/ml) as compared to DCON (7.93 ± 0.38 U/ml). At 90th day HbA1c was significantly lower (p < 0.05) in DSO as compared to DCON. TBARS was significantly lower (p < 0.05) in DSO (1.08 ± 0.05 [MDA] nmol/ml) as compared to DCON (2.26 ± 0.07 [MDA] nmol/ml). In DSO, activities of hepatic antioxidant enzymes (SOD, CAT, and GPx) increased while in DCON these activities decreased significantly (p < 0.05) across time period. Biomarkers of liver, cardiac and renal functions improved significantly in
DSO as compared to DCON. At 90th day; cholesterol, triglyceride, VLDL, and LDL were significantly lower (p < 0.05) and HDL was significantly higher than DCON. There were no significant differences between the DSO or DCON groups in electrolyte balance, minerals, and hematological values.
It was concluded that consumption of white sesame seed oil significantly improved blood glucose regulation, reduced oxidative stress, improved antioxidant activity and biomarkers hepatic, cardiac and liver enzymes in male sprague dawley rats and type 2 diabetic patients. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2950-T] (1).