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1. Comparative Efficacy Of Different Injectable Anaesthetics In Indigenous Chicken

by Akram Khan, M | Dr.Muhammad Arif Khan | Dr.Asim Khalid Mahmood | Dr.Muhammad | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2001Dissertation note: Indigenous chicken are the most commonly kept domestic animals in Pakistan and there are many large collections of this species at home and farm level. The demand for their veterinary care is increasing and hence the knowledge for the current methods of their restraint and sedation has become the present need. The study was conducted on thirty clinically healthy male chickens of twelve to sixteen weeks of age and weight ranging from 1000-1200 grams. They were divided into three groups namely Group-A, B and C comprising ten chicken each. Each group was divided into subgroups i.e Al, A2, Bi, B2, & Cl, C2. To study the effect of surgical stress, castration was performed on birds of subgroup A2, B2 and 02. Birds of the three groups A, B, and C were anaesthelized with ketamine HOl @20 mg/kg body weight, kelarnine 1-101 (@ 20 mg/kg body weight) + xylazine HCL (@ 2mg/kg body weight) and ketamine HCL (@ 25 mg/kg body weight) ± Diazepam (@ 2.5 mg/kg body weight) intramuscularly, respectively. After getting anaesthesia, the effects on various body reflexes were recorded in order to assess the induction and surgical stage longevity. The time taken by Ketamine 1-101 to induce anaesthesia was 3.6±0.22 minutes. Katamine 1-IC1 induced anaesthesia persisted upto 17 ±0.88 minutes with the presence of corneal, palpebral and wing stretching reflexes. The birds took 59.5±2.90 minutes to recover. Ketamine HCI/ Xylazine HC1 took 9.6±0.58 minutes to induce anaesthesia which persisted for 30± 1.84 minutes with almost complete absence of all reflexes. The birds took 90.4±9.61 minutes to stand on their feet. Ketamine HCL/Diazepam induced anaesthesia within 5 ±0.33 minutes for 38± 1.12 minutes with almost absence of corneal, palpebral, wing stretching and mandibular tone reflexes. The birds recovered after 162.4± 10.76 minutes. The analgesia & muscle relaxation was very poor in group A as the birds of subgroup A2 exhibited severe pain and resentment when they underwent caponization. It was very good in group B & there was almost complete absence of all reflexes during surgical anaesthesia so caponization was easily performed on birds of subgroup-B2. However in group C, some birds showed unwanted movements (Excitement, shivering, backward pulling of neck) during the procedure. The results of this study clearly indicated that the combination comprising Ketamine HCI and Xylazine HC1 proved to be an ideal cocktail to induce anaesthesia in the chicken. The study also proved that combination provided maximal analgesia which is normally required for a major surgical intervention. The said combination provided excellent muscle relaxation with smooth induction and recovery. It was also concluded that cocktail consisting of Ketamine HC1 and Diazepam can effectively be recommended for minor surgical exercises. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0717,T] (1).

2. Effect Of Partial And Complete Nephrectomy On Various Blood Parasmeters In Dogs

by Wasif Latif, Sh | Dr.Muhammad Arif Khan | Dr.Asim Khalid Mahmood | Dr.Nisar Ahmad | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2003Dissertation note: Certain diseased conditions like renal calculi, renal cyst, malignant tumors, trauma, congenital anomalies, immune mediated, genetic, aging, poisoning, bacteria, virus and parasite leads to loss of partial or complete renal activity. This loss is usually irreversible so partial or complete removal of damaged kidney is necessary to save the animal from these life threatening conditions. The present study was undertaken to ensure the effects of partial and complete nephrectomy on various blood parameters. The purpose of any surgical procedure is restoration of normal anatomy and rapid return of function. For this purpose, partial nephrectomy and complete nephrectomy was experienced in group A and B, comprising 4 animals each. Effects of both the techniques were evaluated on the basis of clinical parameters, blood chemistry, hematological findings, radiographic examination and histopathological findings. It was observed that both the techniques are effective to save the life of animal but in completely nephrectomized dogs the values observed at different intervals i.e. 1S 4th and 8th post-operative week were recorded high. Two animals from group A were kept for longer duration i.e. 4 months in which all the values were in normal limits when tested after 4 months. On the other hand, partially nephrectomized dogs in group B showed normal clinical, biochemical and hematological values at the end of experimental period i.e. 8th week. Hence, it is concluded that loss of partial or complete function of one kidney is compensated by the contra lateral organ in the presence or by removal of damaged partner. Research has proved that both the techniques (complete and partial nephrectomy) do not bring any significant change in the biochemistry of the animal so that these techniques can be tried to save the life of patient in proportion to the extent of defect. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0814,T] (1).

3. Comparative Efficacy Of Intramedullary Pilling And Cerclage Wiring For The Repair Of Long Oblique Tibiotarsus Fracture In Avian

by Waqar Azeem | Dr.Muhammad Arif khan | Dr. Muhammad | Dr.Asim Khalid Mahmood | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2003Dissertation note: The present project was designed t find out most effective and accurate method of internal fixation in avian long oblique tibiotarsal fracture repair. For this purpose 12 indigenous chickens of both sexes were selected and randomly divided into three groups i.e. A, B and C comprising four birds each. Long oblique tibiotarsal fractures were created in either of the limb. In group A these fractures were repaired with single intramedullaiy pin. K.E. wire f 2.5mm diameter was used for this purpose. In group B, 2 - 3 full cerclage wires were applied where as both these techniques were used simultaneously in the birds of group C to achieve the goal of fracture stabilization. The birds were kept uptil 8 weeks post operatively. The fracture healing procedure was monitored on weekly basis. The birds were slaughtered at the end of experiments period and postmortem examination was conducted to see the gross lesion over the fracture site. The data thus obtained from the results revealed that the use of single intra medullaiy pin along with 2 - 3 full cerciage wire application showed an excellent and smooth healing potential for the repair of long oblique tibiotarsal fracture. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0828,T] (1).

4. Comparative Efficacy Of Y-U Antral Advancement Flappyloro Plasty And Inverted Pylorous Duodenal Plasty As A Relief to Pyloric Stenosis in Experimental Dogs

by Muhammad Imtiaz | Prof.Dr Muhammad Arif Khan | Dr.Asim Khalid | Prof.Dr Azhar Maqbool | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: drama Publisher: 2007Dissertation note: The present study was designed to evaluate the comparative efficacy of Y-U Antral advancement flap pyloroplasty and inverted pyloi'us duodenal plasty as a solution to pyloric stenosis in dogs. Study was conducted on twelve healthy clogs with same age and body weight. The dogs were divided into three groups i.e A, B and C' comprising of four animals each. The dogs in group A and B were subjected to Y-U Antral advancement flap pyloroplasty and inverted pylorus duodenal plasty respectively whereas dogs in group C were kept as control. All the dogs were kept at surgery section department of C.M.S (Clinical Medicine and Surgery), UVAS Lahore throughout the experimental period for two months postoperatively. Prior to surgery, extreme cautions were observed to assure a successful attempt of this operation. The two techniques were evaluated on the basis of best effectiveness of the techniques as a relief to gastric outlet obstruction i.e. improvement in lurninal diameter post-operatively, development of adhesions, ease in surgery, healing at the operation site and least post operative complications. The evaluation of the procedures used were made on the basis of clinical observation, gastric emptying time, contrast radiography and post euthanasia assessment. The results of this study clearly indicated that the efficacy of Inverted pylorus cluodenal plasty was better than Y-U antral acivancenient flap pyloroplasty in tenns of convenience, short duration of operation, less post operative complications, increased the diameter of lumen and to provide better gastric drainage in short period of time. '[he technique can easily be used by an average practioner work in the field. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0987,T] (1).

5. Comparative Efficacy Of The Transverse Pylorpplasty And Y-U Advancement Pyloroplasty As A Relief To Pyloric Stenosis in Dogs

by Ayesha Safdar Ch | Dr.Muhammad Arif Khan | Dr.Asim Khalid Mehmood | Prof.Dr..Zafar | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2007Dissertation note: Stomach is important and biggest dilatation of alimentary canal which mainly serves the purpose of digestion of food. The stomach has two extremities cardia and pylorus, it also has fundus and body. The pyloric extremity is connected with the duodenum by pyloric canal. The gastric emptying of food is controlled by pyloric sphincter. Many problem have been diagnosed in the pylorus such as gastric and duodenal ulcers, neoplaisa, chronic gastritis, drugs and chemicals resulting in pyloric stenosis. Various surgical attempts were made in the past to treat such problems, these includes pyloromyotomy, pyloroplasty, transverse and YU advancement pyloroplasty and partial or complete pylorectomy. Keeping in view the importance of this part of stomach two surgical procedures were tried Transverse pyloroplasty and YU advancement pyloroplasty as a solution to the obstructive problems of the pylorus. Although these techniques are well established methods and have been used by the various surgeons in the past as a remedy to the stenotic problems of the pylorus but no work has been done on comparative efficacy of these two procedures concerned. The present project was designed to study the comparative efficacy of these two techniques. Twelve healthy mongrel dogs were selected and were divided into three groups comprising four animals each.ln group A Transverse Pyloroplasty , in group B YU Advancement Pyloroplasty was performed and dogs of C group were kept as control. The efficacy of the procedures was evaluated on basis of physical examination, radiographic evaluation, and postmortem examination. Laparotomy was performed in aseptic condition and pylorus was exteriorized in both the groups. In dogs of group A, longitudinal incision was given over the pylorus which was closed in transversed fashion. After checking any leakage at the operated site the abdomen was closed in routine manner. In group B, Y shaped incision was given at the pylorus which was converted into U. Dogs of group C were kept as control and they were not subjected to any surgical procedure. Barium study procedure was performed in the dogs of all groups to estimate the rate of gastric emptying and post mortem was preformed to evaluate the change in diameter of the pylorus. The results of this study clearly indicated that although both the techniques are effective in increasing the diameter and improving the gastric emptying but Y U Advancement Pyloroplasty was more useful and effective procedure. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0988,T] (1).

6. Repair Right Sided Diaphragmatic Hernia Using Autogenous Jejunal Graft In Dogs

by Miss Rasha | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Arif Khan | Dr.Asim Aslam | Dr.Asim Khalid Mehmood | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2008Dissertation note: The present study was conducted to evaluate the viability and healing process of the perfused jejunal graft as an implant for the repair of canine diaphragmatic hernia. Diaphragmatic defect was created in 12 healthy mongral dogs irrespective of age and sex. A window was established through obliqus externus and obliqus internus muscles to have an access to the diaphragmatic crus. The jejunum was identified through the same window and a part of required dimension was ressected with intact blood supply. After resection the integrity of jejunum was restored by end to end anastamosis. After making the window identifies the jejunum. And ressect the selected part according to the diaphragmatic defect along with its blood supply. Then the jejunal graft was sutured on the diaphragmatic defect. A diaphragmatic defect of 4X4cm in size was created experimentally on right muscular portion of diaphragm through subcostal/paracostal approach. Experimental dogs were evaluated individually at 20th, 40th and 90th day post operatively .The defect was later on grafted using autogenous perfused jejunum. The size of jejunal graft was sufficient enough to cover the defect 4X4cm created in diaphragm. Clinical examination of the experimental animals was conducted in respect of dyspnea, signs of shock, cynosis and pain. The observations, with respect to the given parameter varied significantly. Physical examination of experimental animals was undertaken with respect to body temperature, pulse rate, respiration rate during post-surgical period. All the dogs showed good post-surgical recovery with minor complication only in the first week after surgery. Diaphragmatic outline was found intact when examined through plain chest radiography. Post-mortem examination revealed no evidence of discoloration, necrosis, injuries and bleeding but the adipose tissue deposit were found at the site of diaphragmatic repair. Histopathological examination of repaired site of diaphragmatic defect revealed fibrous tissue deposits. CONCLUSION The results of present study clearly indicated that the use of perfused jejunal graft with intact blood supply was a viable option and a better choice for the repair of diaphragmatic defect through right paracostal/ subcostal approach in dogs. The use of perfused jejunal graft resulted in lower chances of infection in comparison with synthetic! mesh material reported in literature and was also an economical procedure for the repair of diaphragmatic hernia. RECOMMENDATION Based on the findings of the present study use of autogenous perfused jejunal graft with intact blood supply is recommended as first choice of surgical treatment for the repair of diaphragmatic hernia. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1006,T] (1).

7. Comparative Efficacy Of Intramedullary Pinning And Plating For The Repair Of Mid-Rami Mandibular Fracture In Dogs

by Saman Bhatti | Prof.Dr Muhammad Arif Khan | Dr.Asim Khalid | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Sarwar | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2010Dissertation note: All the experimental dogs were kept over a period of 4 months postoperatively at surgery section, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore. Different parameters were studied to select the best technique for the repair of mandibular fractures in dogs. These parameters were as under: 1- Physical examination 2- Radiographic evaluation 3-. Postmortem examination The analysis of the results clearly indicated that the use of bone plating was a better option over intramedullary pinning for the repair of mandibular fractures. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1110,T] (1).

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