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1. A Study On The Effect Of Experimentally Induced Caecal Coccidiosis On Weight Gain Haematological Parameters In Broilers

by Irfan Ullah Khan | Dr.Haji Ahmad Hashmi | Dr.Muhammad Afzal | Dr.Shakil | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 1999Dissertation note: The study was designed to observe the effect of experimentally induced coccidiosis on weight gain, FCR and somc blood parameters in broilers. For this purpose 90 day old broiler chicks were obtained from a local hatchery and reared under controlled managemental, coccidia free conditions upto 42 days of age. A commercial coccidiostat free feed and water were provided ad Jib. The birds were divided into three groups A, 13 and C, comprising of 30 birds each. The birds in group A were kept as non-infected, un-medicated control, the group B as infected and unniedicated, while group C as infected and treated with salinomycin (Coxistac 6%; Pfizer). Coxistac 6% at a doze rate of 50 grams per feed bag was provided and the resufts were studied. The chicks of group 13 and C were given oral dozes of 40,000 sporulated oocysts of jjmeria ej.eJi at the age of day 20 and 35. There was no oocyst excretion in faeces of birds in group A, OPG of faeces in group B was higher than in group C. The OPG of faeces reached the peak during 2nd week post-infection in both the infected groups. 'Phe higher mortalit.y in the infected group 13 (20%) than in group-C (1 0%) was observed, while no mortality was recorded in group A. On postmortem it was observed that the caeca were swollen, on incision petcchial hacmorrhagcs were seen on walls of the caeca and lungs and liver of the infected carcasses were dehydrated and pale. The group A showed highest weight gain than groups B and C. however, the group C (infected treated) showed better weight gains than group 13 (Infected). Feed conversion ratio in groups A, 13 and C were significantly different. Group A being uninfected gave the best FCR followed by birds in group C, which were medicated while birds in group B gave the poorest values. The haemoglobin and TEC values in the infected group B were low and were normal for group A. However, the birds of group C also showed lower values as compared to group A. It was observed that the percentage of heterophils and monocytes increased, while the number of lymphocytes, basophils and eosinophils decreased in the blood of the infected groups. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0603,T] (1).

2. Comparative Immune Response Of Anticoccidial Monovalent And Polyvalent Vaccines On Nd Vaccinated Broiler

by Wajiha Maqsood | Dr.Haji Ahmad Hashmi | Dr.Muhammad | Dr.Muhammad Afzal | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2001Dissertation note: The study was conducted to estimate the immune response of the three anticoccidial virus vaccines on NDV vaccinated broiler chicks. The vaccines used were, Eirneria tenella vaccine (ETV), Immucox and Coccivac. For this purpose a total of one hundred and five chicks were randomly divided into five groups, namely group A, B, C, D and E on day I Each group consisting of twenty one birds. All the chicks except those in group A, were occulonasally vaccinated with Newcastle disease virus vaccine using Mukteswar strain of virus on day I and 2 1 Chicks in group A were kept as non-i nfectecl, non-vaccinated controls. Group B was non-infected, hut vaccinated with NDV. group C was also vaccinated with Eimeria tenella vaccine on days 3 and 10 of age. Group D was administered with single dose of Immucox on day 5th of age and, group E was administered with Coccivac on day 6111. After vaccination weekly mean weightgains, mean oocysts per gms of faeces (OPG), and mean feed conversion ratio of chicks in all the groups were recorded. Regular sera samples were also collected from the blood obtained from birds of all the groups, after administration of second dose of NDV on day 21 of age. All the sera samples were analyzed by using Haernagglutination (HA) and Haemagglutination inhibition (HI) tests. obtained from birds of all the groups, after administration of second dose of NDV on day 21 of age. All the sea samples were analyzed by using Haemagglutination (HA) and Haemagglutination inhibition (HI) tests. It was observed that no coccidiosis could be established in chicks of groups A, B and C. However oocysts were observed in the faecal material of chicks of group D and E after one week of administration of anticoccidial vaccines (immucox and coccivac) respectively. But OPG was gradually increase after second week of vaccination and one bird in group D died due to coccidiosis, OPG count reached to a peak after second week of vaccination and one bird in group D and one in group F died due to coccidiosis. Mean weight gains per chick on day 1 was 41, 42, 40, 39 and 38 of groups A, B, C, D and F respectively. however the mean body weights were 1746, gms 1848, 1725, 1710 and 1695 gms for chicks in groups A, B, C, D and E respectively at Group B showed significant weight gain as compared to other groups and their difference of weight gain from group B was, 103, 123, 138, and 153 gms of groups A, C, D and F respectively. (P > 0.05). Feed conversion ratio of groups A. B, C, D and F was 1.85, 1.99, 1 .88, 1.77 and 1.78 respectively at the end of experiment. Group B and C showed the best FCR as compared to other groups of the same age. But statistically the differences were non-signiFicant amongst all the test groups. Morphometeric analysis of immuno modulatory organs revealed that group B showed highest organ weight and the organ body ratio as compared to other groups of same age at the end of experiment Besides group B, group C also showed the second highest of the organ body weights and the organ body ratios, as compared to other anticoccidial vaccinated groups D and E and among them group C showed the highest of organ weight and organ body ratio. Antibody analysis revealed that geometric mean titre (GMT) in the chicks of group B (NDV vaccinated control group) showed the highest value (73.3) as compared to other groups of same age at the end of experiment. However group C showed the second highest value (68.6) on 49th day. Where as other anticoccidial vaccinated groups D and E showed their GMT value as 21.1 and 22.6 respectively, and antibody titre of group A (non-infected non vaccinated control group) was zero at the end of experiment. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0660,T] (1).

3. Biocontrol Of Caecal Coccidiosis In Broilers

by Nadeem Afzal, M | Dr.Haji Ahmad Hashmi | Dr.Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr.Nisar Ahmad | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2001Dissertation note: The present study was designed to estimate the efficacy of two types of monovalent . tenella vaccines i.e. Formalin treated . tenella oocysts for 48 (FEV-48) and/or 96 (FEV-96) hours and irradiated . tenella vaccine. For estimation of the efficacy of the said vaccines, OPG counts weight gain, FCR and mortality records were compared amongst the control and test groups. A total of 105 day-old broilers were equally divided into 5 different groups namely; A, B, C, D and E on day 3, each group comprising of 21 chicks. NDV vaccine was administered on day land 21 of age of chicks of all the groups. Group A acted as non-infected control, B as infected control, C was vaccinated with FEV-48, D was vaccinated with FEV-96 and E was vaccinated with 1EV on day 3 and 10 of age. Spread of contaminated faeces over the bedding with . tenella oocysts was commenced on day 12 upto day 17 of age of chicks. The OPG counts were conducted on each 4th day from day 18th to 52. The results indicated that the first observation of OPG counts (day-18) showed heavy infection in all the control (infected) and test groups. In group B, 222200 oocysts were observed on day 18 which gradually reduced to 5300 on day 50 followed by zero on day 52. Group C (FEV-48) showed 131400 OPG counts, which sharply declined on each observation and showed 100 OPG on day 38 followed by '0' afterwards and showing significant differences from the control (P < 0.05). Group D showed gradual decline like infected control upto day 34, but ironically on days 38 and 42, 196.3% and 376.4% increase was noted, respectively as compared to group B, which again declined by day 50 with significant difference. In group E the first observation showed 119460. OPG counts which abruptly declined to 75 on day 38 followed by '0' on day 42. Groups C and E showed comparable results. Weight gains were almost equal in all the test and control groups by day 14. The difference appeared on third observation between infected control and other groups. At the end of the experiment members of groups A, C, D and E gained 31%, 14%, 11.83% and 10.92% greater weights than group B. The FCR in ranked order was shown as A, C, E, D and B, showing the efficacy of FEV-48. Mortalities occurred in groups B, C, D and E as 4 (19%), 2 (9.5%), 1 (4.76%) and 3 (14.28%), respectively. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0719,T] (1).

4. Study On Ticks And Haemoparasitic Diseases Of Local And Cross Bred Cattle In Malakand Agency

by Nazir Ahmad | Dr.Haji Ahmad Hashmi | Dr.Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr.Nisar Ahmad | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2002Dissertation note: Ticks infestation and piroplasmosis are serious problems of domestic cattle. The present study was conducted to find out the prevalent species of ticks and the piroplasms transmitted by these ticks. The effect of ticks and blood parasites on various blood parameters was also studied. The parameters included: RBC count, WBC count, Haemoglobin (Hb) estimation, erythrocytic sedimentation rate (ESR) and differential leukocytic count (DLC). The study was conducted from June to August, 2001. A total of 80 cattle (40 local nondiscript cattle and 40 crossbred) were selected. Each type was divided into four groups i.e. A, B, C and D. The cattle of group-A were free from any infestation/infection. The animals of group B were only tick infested. Animals of group-C were only piroplasm infected and the animals of group-D were infested with ticks and the piroplasms. Each group from both the breeds consisted of 10 animals. Haemotological examination revealed a significant decrease (P<0.05) in TEC, Hb and TLC in groups B, C and D as compared to group-A relating to each breed. The lymphocytes were decreased from normal in all test groups in both the breeds, significantly. However, neutrophil and eosinophils were increased significantly in test groups as compared to control group (A). The values of erythrocytic sedimentation rate (ESR) showed a significant increase in groups B, C and D of both types of cattle as compared to the control group (A). The overall results showed that the effect of mixed infection on haematology was greater than the single infection of ticks or piroplasm. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0727,T] (1).

5. A Study On The Prevalence Taxonomy And Control Of Mange Mites Infestation In Equines And Their Effect On Blood

by Arshad, M | Dr.Kamran Ashraf | Dr.Asim Aslam | Dr.Haji Ahmad Hashmi | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2000Dissertation note: The present research project was designed to find out the prevalence, taxonomy and control of mange mites infestation in equines and to record the effects of mange on different blood parameters of the said animals. For this purpose, a total of 200 equines suspected for mange mites infestation were examined during June August (1999). Out of these 200 suspected equines, 24 were found positive, indicating an overall prevalence of mange mites as 12%. Out of the positive animals, 20 naturally infested animals were selected for further investigation and divided into two Groups-A & B having 10 animals in each. Ten animals of Group-A were medicated with ivomac injection by (Rhone Poulenc) at a dose rate of 0.2 mg / kg body weight or (1 ml / 50 kg b.wt.) subcutaneously and the 10 infested animals of Group-B served as untreated controls. The efficacy of drug was assessed by examination of skin scrapping and the animals were re-examined at 7th, 14th and 28th day post treatment with ivomac injection. Taxonomy of the identified species was also carried out. In addition, the effect of mange mite infestation on different blood parameters of equines was also recorded. Haematological parameter showed significant reduction in total erythrocyte count (TEC), haemoglobin (Hb) level and Packed Cell Volume (PCV) while Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) was increased in infected animals. Differential leukocyte count (DLC) showed reduction in the neutrophils and lymphocytes but eosinophils, basophils and monocytes were increased in number in mite infested horses. From the results of the present study, it was concluded that the skin scrapings examination of the animals showing irritation and pruritis should be carried out on regular basis and those found positive should be given prompt acaricidal treatment. Ivomac injection @ 0.02 pg / kg body weight has proved the most beneficial as a single injection was found to be quite effective to cure the mange mites infestation in these animals. Hence, the farmers, Tonga pony owners and other equine lovers should use Ivomac Injection to treat and control the mange mites infestation in horses, mules and donkeys. This will not only result in the improvement of the health status of these animals but also increase income of the owners. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0733,T] (1).

6. Oocyst Production Potential In Experimentally Infected Broiler With Eimeria Tenella

by Khalid Younas, M | Dr.Kamran Ashraf | Dr.Haji Ahmad Hashmi | Dr.Muhammad | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2001Dissertation note: The present study was designed to observe the periodicity of oocyst shedding, the ratio of administered oocysts with the oocysts found in the faeces or intestinal contents of infected birds and effect of artificially induced coccidiosis at different ages on weight gain, FCR, OPG count, mortality and lesion scores. For this purpose 84 day-old chicks were purchased from the market and vaccinated against NDV on day 1 and 21 (Mukteswar strain). The birds were divided into 4 groups i.e. A, B, C and D comprising oC 21 birds each. Group A was kept as non-infected control. Virulent Elmeria en at a dose rate of 50,000 sporulated oocysts/bird was given to group B, C and D on day 15, 25 and 35 of age, respectively. There was no oocyst excretion in faeces of birds in group A. OPG of faeces in group B was higher than in groups C and 1). rFIe OPO of faeces reached the peak on 6th day post-infection in infected groups, but group D again obtained the peak on 17th day postinfection. The highest caecal oocyst counts were observed in group B than C and 1) groups. It was observed that the recovery of the number of oocysts in purified isolates was 58.74%, 50.05% and 26.87% in B, C and D, respectively as compared to OPG counts. It was also noted that the caecal output of oocyst counts was always lower than the total OPG counts per chick during the period of infection in different groups. Group A showed the highest weight gain (2155 gms) than the infected groups B (1985 grns), C (1930 gms) and D (1978 grns). Feed conversion ratio in groups A, B, C and D was significantly different showing the values as 1.62, 2.26, 1.89 and 1.82, respectively. Group A being uninfected gave the best FCR followed by the birds in groups D and C. While birds in group B gave the poorest values, it was observed that the weight of faeces per chick was almost equal in groups C (163 gms) and D (166.5 gms), but was significantly lower in B (123.5 gms). However, the highest OPG counts occured in group B and the number of oocysts acquired were the best in this group. The highest mortality was observed in group B (28%) followed by group D (14%) and group C (10%), while no mortality was recorded in group A. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0734,T] (1).

7. A Comparision Of Biological And Medicinal Contro Of Coccidiosis In Broilers Under Field Condition

by Mirza Waqar Baig | Dr.Kamran Ashraf | Dr.Muhammad | Prof. Dr.Haji Ahmad Hashmi | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2003Dissertation note: The present study was designed to estimate the efficacy of different locally prepared anticoccidial vaccines against E. tenella infections i.e. irradiated non-sporulated vaccine and irradiated sporulated E. tenella vaccine, herbal anticoccidial (Coxigon) and cemical anlicoccidial (Suipha Diverdine). For estimation of the efficacy of the said anticoccidials, OPG counts, weight gain, FCR and mortality records were compared amongst the control and test groups. A total of 150 day-old broilers were equally divided into six different groups on day 3 namely; A, B, C, D, E and F. Each group comprised of 25 chicks. ND vaccine was administered on day 1 and 21 of age to the chicks of all groups. rIhe test groups were infected through contamination of the bedding of the chicks by spraying sporulated oocysts between day 12 and 17 of the experinient. Group A acted as non-infected control, .13 as infected control, C was infected but vaccinated with irradiated non-sporulated E. tenella vaccine on day 3 and 10 @ 1000 oocysls per bird. Group D was infected and treated with Coxigon (herbal medicine), E was infected but treated with Coxidal (Sulpha diverdine). Similarly group F' was infected and vaccinated with irradiated but sporulated oocyst on day 3 and 10 @ 1000 oocysts per bird. To access the comparative efficucies of different groups mean OPG, mean weight gains and mean FCR of control and test groups were compared. The OPG counts were conducted on each 4th day from day 18th to 42. The results indicated that the first observation of OPG counts (day-18) showed heavy infection in all control (infected) and test groups. In group 13, 264523 oocysts were observed on day 18 which gradually reduced to 15773 on day 42. Group C (vaccinated with non sporulated, irradiated oocysts) showed 14214 OPG counts, which sharply declined on each observation and showed 89.00 QPG and day 38 followed by '0, by the end of the experiment, showing significaht difference from the control (1? <0.05). Group D (Coxigon) and groap E (Coxidar) showed gradual decline like infected control group and 735 OPG counts were observed in group E even on day 42. In group F the first observation showed 150428 OPG counts, which abruptly declined to 119 on day 38 followed by '0' on day 42. So group C and F' showed comparable and the best results as compared to groups D and E. Weight gains were almost equal in all the test and control groups by day 14. The difference appeared on third observation (on day 21) between infected control and other groups. At the end of the experiment members of groups A, C, D, E and F gained 31%, 14%, 11.83%, 10.92% and 12% greater weights than group B. rphe FOR in ranked order was calculated in groups A, F, C, D, E and B, showing the cfCicacy of irradiated - sporulated vaccine. Mortalities occurred in groups B, C, D, E and F as 5, 2, 1, 4 and 1, respectively. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0823,T] (1).

8. Identification And Effect Of Gigantocotyle Expalnatum On The Haematology And The Liver Enzymes Of Buffaloes

by Rizwan Muhammad Samee | Mr.Kamran Ashraf | Dr.Haji Ahmad Hashmi | Mr.Muhammad | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2003Dissertation note: Amphistomosis is a wide spread disease of buffaloes,cattle,sheep and goats.acute disease has been reported in young animals while older animals arecapable of withstanding massive infection.Heavy infection of amphistomes both in rumen and liver are mostly insidious and generally do not cause serious damage t the host. In the redent study, ist has bveen concluded that due to its mild subl\clinical nature, deworming for the control of biliary amphistomes is n\done very rarely and large animals, once infected carry this trematode throughout rest of thi\eir life. The prevalence of the Gigntocotyle explanatutum detercted in Lahore district was 42.1%. Statistically ono-signifcant difference in prevalence was observed during different months of study which may be attributed to the lack of dewormingfor the control of biliary amphistomosisis done very rarely and large animals, once infected carrys this infection throughout there lives. The prevalence of the Gigantocotyle explanatum detected in Lahore Ditrict was 42.1%.Statistically non significant differences in prevalence was observed during different months of study which may be attributed to the lack of deworming practices in animals.High prevalence in buffaloes might be due to wallowing habit and grazing grasses and weeds.The infected buffaloes had significant decrease in Hb concentration (30.43%) ,and PCV (29.2%).However,there was no significant increase in TLC (1.93%).No significant decrease in neutrophils(3.71%),monocytes(13.41%),lymphocytes(1.50%)and basophils(13.33%) counts was observed. There was significant increase in eophilic counts(52.74%).The ALT and AST were also estimated in infected andhealthy buffaloes.The statistical analysis showed significant increase in AST (28.5%) and non significant increase in ALT (13.0%). Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0829,T] (1).

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