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1. A Population Based Active Disease Surveilance And Drug Trials Of Mastitis In Cattle And Buffaloes Of District Sargodha

by Ghulam Murtaza Arshad | Dr.Muhammad Athar Khan | Dr.Muhamad Sarwar Khan | Dr.Muhammad | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 1999Dissertation note: An active surveillance was conducted in Sial Sharif, 134-S.B., Bhabra, Bir Bal Sharif and private farm of district Sargodha on prescribed Questionnaires over a period of one year to determine the incidence of mastitis. Sub-clinical mastitis, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, efficacy of drugs i.e. Farmox (Amoxycillin Trihydrate), Floxatryl (Norfioxacin), Tyloject (Tylosin), Tribrissen (Suiphadiazine and Trimethoprim) and Rasomycine (Oxytetracycline MCI) under field condition and ocnnoniicnl losses due to mastitis at a farmer level. In total adult female buffalo and cattle population 1784 and 747, the incidence rate of clinical mastitis in buffalo and cattle was 25.67 and 18-20% respectively, while 12(20%), 55(23.91%), 76(24.43%), 240(26.84%) and 75(25.95%) in Private farm, Sial Sharif, 134-S.B., Bhabra and Bir Bal Sharif respectively, the incidence rate of clinical mastitis in cattle was 12.5%, 16.84%, 17.64%, 19.88% and 19.44% in Private farm, Sial Sharif, 134-S.B., Bhabra and Bir Pal Sharif respectively. The incidence rate of mastitis in fore and Hind Quarter was 34.34 and 60.78% respectively. While 29 (4.88%) case were also recorded in which both quarters were effected. The incidence rate of mastitis was highest 39.05% in animals of 7-9 lactation number. The incidence rate of mastitis was also higher 50.16% in early stage of lactation. The incidence of mastitis in right and left quarter was non-significant. The overall prevalence of subclinical mastitis in buffalo was 32.22%, while 20%, 33.33%, 30%, 38.46% and 27.77% in group Private farm, Sial Sharif, 134-SB, Bhabra and Bir Bal Sharif, respectively. The incidence rate of subclinical mastitis in cow was 29.29% while 20%, 28.57%, 33.33%, 30.55% and 29.41% in group A, B, C, D and E respectively. Pathogen present in milk sample were susceptible to Tylosin, Amoxycillin, Norfloxacin, Sulphadi azine and Trimethoprim and Oxytetracycline. The comparative drugs efficacy were Farmox 85%, Floxatryl 55%, Rasomycin 35%, Tribrissen 75% and Tyloject 90%. The total economical losses due to mastitis was Rs.5539100. The total economic losses due to mastitis at a farmer level was Rs.8405 per annum. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0608,T] (1).

2. Prevalence Of Gastro Intestinal Nematodes In Aquatic Birds At Lahore Zoo And Their Chemotherapy With Three Different Anthelmintics

by Ihsanullah | Dr.Iftikhar Gul ahmad | Dr.Haji Ahmad | Dr.Muhamad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 1999Dissertation note: The present study was undertaken to find out the prevalence of gastro-intestinal nematodes in aquatic birds at Lahore zoo and to evaluate the comparative efficacy of Albendazole (Albenzole granules; Selmore Agencies), Levamisole (Vormatox liquid; Welcome Pak. Ltd.) and piperazine (Coopane powder; Glaxo Weilcome). Ninety faecal samples were examined in Medicine Laboratory, College of Veterinary Sciences, Lahore with direct smear method or flotation technique for identification of nematode ova. Seventy one of 90 (78.89%) were found positive for single or mixed infections of Capillaria anatis (38.89%), Trichostrongylus tenuis (26.66%), Amidostornum anseris (21.11%), Tetrameres fissispina (14.45%), Heterakis gallinae (11.11%) and Ascaridia gaul (5.56%). Out of seventy one infected birds, 60 were chosen randomly for medication and divided into three groups, each consisting of 20 birds (A = crane group, B = duck group and C = geese group). These three groups were further divided into four sub-groups (Al, A2, A3 and A4, similarly Bi, B2, B3, B4 and Cl, C2, C3 and C4), each comprising of 5 birds. Faecal samples of the experimental birds were examined for counting of eggs per gram of faeces on day "0" (pre-medication) with McMaster technique (Soulsby, 1982). Albendazole was given orally to sub-groups Al, Bi and Cl, similarly Levamisole and Piperazine were given to sub-groups A2, B2, C2 and A3, B3 and C3. The sub-groups A4, B4 and C4 were kept as untreated infected controls. Faecal egg counts were again carried out on days 7 and 14 of medication and the results were compared with control sub-groups. Regarding the efficacy of anthelmintics, piperazine was highly effective with reduction of 88.66 and 99.31 per cent eggs per gram of faeces on 7th and 14th day of medication. Levamisole was found to reduce 84.38 and 97.57% eggs per gram of faeces followed by Albendazole with 83.16 and 95.79% reduction in the eggs per gram of faeces. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0618,T] (1).

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