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1. Comparative Study Of Nutritional Status Of Geriatric Population Living In Old Age Homes And With Families

by Firdos Kausar (2014-VA-910) | Haroon Jamshid Qazi | Dr.Sanauallahiqbal | Muhammad Bilal.

Material type: book Book; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2016Dissertation note: Elderly population is one of the most vulnerable groups that are on the risk of malnutrition due to various physiological and environmental reasons. Elderly population have high prevalence of malnutrition Geriatric populations living in old age homes have high risk of malnutrition a respect to those living with families. A comparative study was conducted to evaluate the nutritional status of geriatric population living with families and living in old age homes in the city of Lahore Pakistan. The study was cross sectional design. Participants above 60 years were included in study. Two hundred elderly persons, hundred living in old age homes and hundred (100) with families in this 65% male and 35% females were assessed through, 24 hour dietary recall and Macro nutrients intake calculated, clinical assessment and anthropometric assessments BMI, mid arm circumferences and calf circumferences Furthermore mini nutritional assessment MNA® tool was also is used to assess the nutritional status of participants. Data was analyzed by using SPSS version 19. Descriptive statistic was used to describe the background characteristic profile of the respondents. Chi square was used to find the association between home living and old age homes living. The MNA results revels the prevalence of malnutrition in living with families were 6.5% and 19.5 % were at risk of malnutrition while in old age homes 14.5% were malnourished and 22.5% were at risk of malnutrition. Intake of carbohydrates, protein, energy, was significantly higher in geriatric population living with families when compared to geriatric population living in old age homes (p<0.05). The energy derived from proteins was 8% from living in old age homes while 12% elderly living with families. The results of current study showed high risk of malnutrition (p<0.05) in geriatric population living in old age homes, and verify the need for health support and nutritional interventions for geriatric population in old age homes. The energy intake and some nutrients especially protein in geriatric population living in old age homes was lower than dietary reference intake. Further studies should be conducted in neighboring areas of Lahore and other cities of Pakistan as well as to access nutritional status in elderly population especially living in old age homes. Provision of healthy well balanced diet, and considering needs of nutrients and specific micronutrients including iron vitamin A long term provision, and their like and dislike in planning of menus in this manner it will encourage food consumption Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2743-T] (1).

2. Assessment Of Nutritional Supplements Intake Among Females Excercising In Various Gyms Of Lahore

by Sana Azher (2015-VA-808) | Haroon Jamshid Qazi | Dr.SanauallahIqbal | Dr. Sajid khan Tahir.

Material type: book Book; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2017Dissertation note: Diet, exercise, body composition, and weight management play important role in an active person's life and performance. People without having knowledge about the importance of balance diet and their needs use nutritional supplements to improve their health status. Lack of knowledge regarding the importance of balanced diet, have negative impact on food choices, which is also the main reason of increasing trend of consuming nutritional supplements all over the world in all age groups. Results of the current study showed that most individuals who used supplements were young, unhealthy, rated their eating habits as bad or average, exercised regularly three to five times a week for 1 to 2 hours daily, and had the main goal of weight management, improved performance and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle. The use of supplement may be highly associated with people who have poor or average food intake or in those individuals who mostly skip their meal on regular basis. In gyms and fitness clubs female’s participants, with higher percentage 46% were consuming supplements. Subjects included in this study, use supplements with many reasons such as for weight gain or loss, strengthen muscle mass, improving physical appearance, recover nutritional deficiencies, or to reduce stress etc. Half of the user consumes supplements from 1-3months, only 14% consume over 1 year. Most of them were consuming supplements in tablets and gel capsule form, and obtained desired response with their use. Most of the subjects were consuming different type of supplements without having knowledge, regarding its use, dosage and safety. Also, (24%) individual said that the use of supplements caused no side effects. However, 43% reported some problems such as dizziness, nausea, or some impact on the skin problems. Purchasing or availability of these products are done through various sources i.e. Internet, pharmacy, coaches, gym instructors, magazines, peer influence. It is also evaluated that in many gyms and fitness centers of Lahore city, there is no availability of any professional guider or instructor. Significant number of participants 32.8% did not know about the qualification of their gym instructor. Most of gyms have coaches, instructor, trainers, professional guiders have their education at matric or graduates level, only 4 % have nutritionist. However, gyms included in this study, may need to have qualified health professionals such as nutritionists, dietitian, qualified instructor, or physician which have all knowledge related to supplement quality, quantity, safety and its use, also provide accurate information about supplements and assist members to be aware of both positive as well as adverse health effects of dietary supplements. In order to provide more comprehensive nutrition services to exercisers here are some recommendations: 1. Provision of healthy well balanced diet and considering needs of nutrients will be encouraged. 2. Further studies should be conducted in neighboring areas of Lahore and other cities of Pakistan as well as to assess intake of supplements among male exercisers and general population as well. 3. Supplements intake among gym participants according to one’s need should be administered with the help of dietitian and other allied health professionals. 4. There is a need of nutrition education and public health knowledge among general population. 5. Policy should develop in cooperation with multidiscipline, doctors, dietitians, and experts. 6. Non-Governmental organization (NGOs) and Governmental must contribute in establishing a research and consensus regarding safe intake of nutritional supplements. 7. At gym there should be availability of professional guider, instructor or coaches should be provided for exercisers. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2885-T] (1).

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