Clinico-Biochemical Studies At Variable Degree Of Jejunal Resection In Dogs
by Muhammad Sohail Dilawer | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Arif Khan | Mr.Shahan Azeem | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2010Dissertation note: The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of jejunectomy; indicated in case of necrosis, devitalization, malignancy, and evidence of foreign body and trauma in jejunum. A total of 20 mongrel dogs were selected which underwent a clinical evaluation to be termed physiologically normal. These were divided into four groups A, B, C, D designated for 70% jejunal resection, 80% jejunal resection, 100% jejunal resection and control without resection respectively. The dogs within the groups were evaluated on 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 days post-operative for various blood parameters, serum sodium, potassium, chloride and bicarbonate ions, body weight and fecal consistency. After the study, dogs were euthanized and postmortem was conducted to observe and analyze the changes associated with the respected portion Regain in body weight was evident in group A, B but it was very slow in group C. Fecal consistency became soft and firm on day 15 in group A, B and on day 45 in group C . No effect between jejunectomized groups and control without jejunectomy was observed for chloride, potassium and bicarbonate ions. However, significant difference was observed for sodium ions indicating low serum sodium levels for jejunectomized group compared control. The WBCs levels were significant in all jejunectomized groups compared to normal indicating higher WBCs in the former groups. Granulocytes and lymphocytes were also higher in group A, C and Group B respectively as compared to D at the 90 day the study. Red blood cells, hemoglobin, PCV, MCH, MCHC values were significant at various days of study period between the different groups but their values were within the normal range indicating the blood parameters reversion to normalcy. For platelets, the values were also in the normal range in the studied groups when compared with control. A total number of 3 dogs died during the study, all of them from jejunectomized groups. At the end of experiment, the dogs euthanized for postmortem findings depicted no abnormal condition at the anastamotic site and in abdominal cavity.
The study indicated that after the surgical procedure of jejunectomy, the dogs tend to reinvigorate their blood physiological parameters and serum ions. Three dogs died out of 15 jejunectomized thereby indicating that there is a probability of postoperative complication, which in that case was strangulation and torsion. Regain in body weight was the slowest in group C indicating the loss of nutrients essential for maintaining body weight. Therefore it is better to go far 700/G resection and 80% resection.
Further research regarding the various aspects necessary for maintaining health should be studied before coming to a decision about the percentage of resection performed. The metabolic problems that may arise due to removal of jejunum and loss of nutrients because of loss of absorptive capacity needs to be studied and standardized in this regard. Post operative care and duration of study for experiments should be increased to observe changes in physiological parameters with the passage of time. Other parameters like Liver Function Tests, Kidney Function Tests be studied and clinical nutrition trials be conducted so as to counter the negative effects of jejunectomy.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1089,T] (1).
Different Appositional (Anastomotic) Techniques For The Repair Of Ruptured Ureter In Dogs
by Asim Riaz | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Arif Khan | Mr.Shahan Azeem | Prof.Dr.Muham.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2011Dissertation note: The ureters are the thick, long 'tube& that aid the urine in moving from the kidneys to the bladder. They are about 10 to 12 inches in length and the urine moves downward by gravity and peristalsis (waves of contractions). The ureters enter the urinary bladder at an angle to help prevent any backflow (reflux) of urine back into the ureter. The walls of the ureter contain
I smooth muscles. The ureter enter the bladder through the detrusor muscle in the trigone region of I the bladder. The ureters course oblique for several centimeters through the bladder wall. The normal tone of the detrusor muscle in tends to compress the ureter, thereby preventing back flow I of urine from the bladder when pressure build up in the bladder during micturation or bladder compression. The backflow of urine is prevented by valves known as ureterovesical valves. Any disease condition of ureter like ectopic ureter or devitalization due to foreign body necessitates the resection of it. This project has been designed to evaluate different suturing techniques like end-to-end anastomosis,slanting and telescoping. The study has been designed on twenty four stray dogs. The dogs will be divided into 3 groups i.e group A, B, and comprising 8 animals each. The dogs of group A will be numbered from 1-8, group B from 9-16, group and C from 17-24 for the identification purpose. The surgery will be conducted through ventral midline celiotomy from umbilicus to a variable distance caudally under general anesthesia. In group A,
Slanting, in group B, end to end anastomosis and in group C Telescoping technique will be practiced. Simple interrupted suturing techniques with 3-0 Poly galactin 910 (Vicryl) will be performed . In group A, operated dog No.5 died on day 15 post operatively. The versatility and comparison of the techniques were evaluated on the basis of health status including vomiting, diarrhea, and weight gain or weight loss, urographic assessment, of the anastomotic site in all three group A, B and C. The leakage was checked at 15, 30, 45,75 and 90 days post surgery using contrast urographs. During the study period the dogs were housed in the kennels available at Surgery Section, Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore.
The present project is clearly indicated that slant suturing technique was found to be more suitable and compatible anastomotic technique with excellent clinical superiority. It resulted in the better minimal leakage at the anastomotic site ,satisfactory is simple to duplicate under field conditions and minimal urological complications.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1235,T] (1).