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1. Efficacy Of Florfenicol Against Haemorrhagic Septic Aemia In Bufalo Calves

by Shoaib Ashraf | Dr.Muhammad Ovais Omer | D. /Sjeruar Afzal | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqboo.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2008Dissertation note: Two antibiotic preparations of florfenicol and amoxicillin were used in these trials against haemorrhagic septicaemia, singly and along with combination of a non-steroidal-anti-inflammatory-drug (flunixin meglumin). Forty buffalo calves suffering from haemorrhagic septicaemia were selected and treated under field conditions. Weighed clinical score was recorded before and after treatment in each case on the basis of severity of clinical symptoms. Reduction in this score and recovery or death of animal was also noted. It was concluded that florfenicol was more effective than amoxicillin and the n of non-steroidal-anti-inflammatory-drug reduced convalescence period and also jincreased the survival rate. Therefore florfenicol along with flunixin meglumin is ecommended as the successful therapy for haemorrhagic Septicaemia. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1004,T] (1).

2. Molecular Detection And Speciation Of The Canme Piropiasm

by Isma Nazli Bashir | Prof. Dr.Zrafar Iqbal Ch | Dr.Peter J.Irwin | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2008Dissertation note: An epidemiological study of babesiosis in dogs was conducted at Pet center, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, for one year and information on age, sex and breed was gathered. It was found that from a total number of 6204, dogs up to two years of age were more susceptible than other age groups (2-4, 4-6 and above 6 years).The data regarding genders revealed that males were more prone to the disease than female dogs. As far as the breeds were concerned, crossbred dogs were more susceptible followed by Pointers, Alsatians, German shepherds and Bull terriors.Hot and humid months (June to September) have greater impact on the occurrence of disease. The study regarding identification of ticks revealed that Rhiphicephalus sanguinus is the predominant vector of the disease in Pakistan. Molecular studies were conducted to characterize and identify the species responsible for canine babesiosis in Pakistan. In this regard, a nested polymerase chain reaction-Restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique was employed on different specimens (Blood, Body tissues and Ticks). For this purpose blood samples were collected from twenty four chronically infected dogs and applied on the Flinders Technologies Associates (FTA) cards for transportation to Australia. Different body tissues (Liver, Spleen, Kidney, Intestine, Bone marrow and Pancreas) were procured after euthanizing the two dogs and DNA was extracted, for further studies. Similarly, the eighty eight ticks were also collected from the infested dogs in the 70% ethanol for transportation to Australia. A nested PCR-RFLP assay was used for the detection and differentiation of Piroplasm species on the basis of the 1 8S ribosomal RNA gene. The assay potentially amplified and identified Babesia gibsoni as the main canine piroplasm. Similar assays on the DNA extracted from body tissues and ticks revealed Babesia gibsoni as the main piroplasm. The PCR was found to have a high detection limit (equivalent to i0 dilution), when using the DNA extracted from blood applied to FTA cards, body tissues and ticks. A new technique was developed for extraction of DNA from FTA cards and tick, in this technique, instead of using the FTA specified punching machine, we used scalpel blades, and so the rest of the chemicals used are'generally and easily available. The same protocol was used for extraction of DNA from ticks, only chemicals used in different quantities with different spinning times. Both of which, resulted in cost reduction, less effort and speedy DNA extraction. The technique reported here has the potential to be standardized for routine DNA extractions from FTA cards and ticks. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1061,T] (1).

3. Determination Of Feed Digestibility And Growth Performance Of Indian Major Carps (Catla Catla, Cirrhinus Mrigala And Labeo Rohita) Reared Under Similar Feeding Conditions

by Farzana Abbas | Prof. Dr. Naureen Aziz Qureshi | Prof. Dr. Azhar | Prof. Dr. Talat Naseer Pasha.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2010Dissertation note: Artificial feed plays an important role in semi-intensive fish farming, where density of fish is high. Fish feed development is the least developed sector in aquaculture, particularly in third world countries. The formulation of nutritionally balanced and acceptable diet for fish feed is possible only if information regarding its digestibility is available. It is well known that these two parameters, nutritionally balanced diet and its digestibility, play a key role for the development of artificial feed for fish. Determination of nutrient digestibility is the first step in evaluating the potential of an ingredient for use in the diet of reared species. Information on digestibility coefficients of feed ingredients is very useful not only to enable formulation of diets that maximize fish growth by providing appropriate amounts of available nutrients but also to reduce fish wastes. The present study was therefore, designed to find out the digestibility of nutritionally balanced diet that contains cheap and easily available ingredients. The experimental and reference diets were evaluated for comparative growth and diet utilization efficiency in three Indian major carps (Catla catla, Labeo rohita and Cirrhinus rnrigala). The highest weight gain was observed in the Cirrhinus miri gala (20.57 ± 2.8 g & 0.7 ± 0.4 cm) followed by Labeo rohita (19.17 ± 3.02g & 1.1 ± 0.4 cm) and Catla catla (19.23 ± 3.Og & 0.4 ± 0.3cm), with the experimental or test diet (TD). The lowest growth was also observed in the Catla catla (14.6 ± 3.8 g & 0.2 ± 0.1cm) with reference diet (RD). Growth, FCR and digestibility of nutrients (Protein, EE, DE) were assessed. Proximate analysis (i.e., crude protein, gross energy, dry matter and marker estimation) of feed ingredients and formulated diets was also done. The highest protein digestibility was observed in Labeo rohita (83.4±3.5%) followed by Cirrhinus mn gala (82.2 ± 4.2) and Catla catla (81.8± 4.6%) The over all digestibility's of nutrients was higher for experimental diet in three fish species i.e. crude protein (84.4 ± 2.1), dry matter (33.3 ± 8.4), crude fat (82.1± 3.1) and gross energy (61.0 ± 5.1). Nutrient digestibility of reference diet were lower (crude protein 77.2 ± 1.3, dry matter 53.0 ± 3.0, crude fat 78.7 ± 0.58 and gross energy 58.3 ± 4.5) as compared to the experimental diet. Similarly the FCR and FCE values for experimental diet (3.1 ± 0.12 and 32.4 ± 0.69) were better than the reference diet (3.8 ± 0.06 and 25.6 ± 0.58). Among three fish species the Cirrlzinus miri gala has better FCR and FCE (3.4 ± 0.57 and 29.6 ± 5.1) followed by Cat/a catla (3.5 ± 0.42 and 29 ±.0 4.2) and Labeo rohita (3.5 ± 0.49 and 28.5 ± 4.95), respectively. FCR and FCE ratios for reference diet was the lowest in the Labeo rohita (3.9 and 25.0), whereas Cirrhinus mrigala and Cat/a cat/a showed similar ratios (3.8 0 and 26.0), respectively. Key physico-chemical parameters viz, temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, conductivity, total dissolved solids, were regularly monitored during the study period. All the parameters showed positive significant correlation with each other except DO which showed negative significant correlation. The correlation of physico-chemical parameters with growth was negatively significant whereas positive correlation was observed between DO and growths indicating that DO have a significant effect on the growth. The over all results showed that the experimental diet (40% protein level) has better growth and nutrient digestibility as compared to the reference diet (24.5% protein level) which resulted poorer growth and digestibility values. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1151,T] (1).

4. A Study Of Parasitic Causes Of Diarrhea In Cattle Calves In District Gujranwala

by Muhammad Salman | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr. Jawaria Ali Khan | Prof. Dr. Azhar.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2010Dissertation note: The loss of fluids through diarrhea can- cause severe dehydration which is one cause of death on diarrhea sufferers. In present study cattle calves up to six months of age in district Gujranwala were examined for parasitic infestation. The samples were collected from different Government farms, veterinary hospitals and from villagers having livestock. A total number of 300 cattle calves were examined during the period of three months. The effect of parasitic diarrhea according to the factors like sex and age were studied, the percentage of parasitic diarrhea in cattle calves were also studied. Collected samples were processed at medicine laboratory of university of veterinary and animal sciences Lahore. Fecal samples were processed for different coporological tests, including direct smear, floatation, sedimentation, McMaster and for cryptosporidial examination, staining of fecal smears were used. Blood parameters like Hemoglobin level, TLC & DLC was also be studied. The faecal samples result showed that 147 samples were positive from parasitic diarrhea out of 300 samples and percentage was 49 % including cryptosporidium, cooperia, oesophagostomum, fashiodorous, toxocara, coccidian & eurytrema. The samples were collected age wise as 0-1 months, 42 samples were positive out of 90 samples showing 46.6%, in 1-3 months 47 samples were positive out of 95 samples showing 49.47 %, 1n3- 6 months 58 samples were positive out of 115 showing 50.43 %.while the blood parameters Hb level, TLC & DLC were altered in parasitic diarrhea which showed milk decrease in TLC & DLC as compared to normal values while Hb level was also decreased in parasitic diarrhea. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1193,T] (1).

5. Microbial Evaluation Of Raw Meat At Abattoirs And Retail Outlests (Lahore)

by Abid Sarwar | Prof. Dr. Mansur ud Din Ahmad | Dr. Imran Najeeb | Prof. Dr. Azhar.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2010Dissertation note: The objective of this study was to evaluate the microbial quality of meat. The present study was planed to determine the aerobic plate count on meat obtained from the abattoirs and local market. A total of 90 meat samples that were collected for determining the microbiological quality of meat. Half of the meat samples (n=45) were collected from various abattoirs and half of the meat samples (n=45) were collected from retail outlets in Lahore City to get an idea of contamination from slaughtering point to retail outlets. These samples were processed for Aerobic plate counts, E.coli, S.aureus and Salmonella counts. Overall, this study revealed that the level of contamination on meat carcasses was higher in retail meat shops compared to the abattoir. However, the microbial contamination in the abattoir were high if we compare these results to the reports from developing countries like India, Iran and Bangladesh. Bacterial isolates identified and counted from this study were Staphylococcus aureus (44) out of 90 samples was the most abundant as 48.88%, followed by E. coli (43) 47.77% and Salmonella (26) 28.88%. Statistical analysis revealed that analysis of variance between various abattoir and the retail meat shops for E.coli, Salmonella and S.aureus showed significant differences with some exceptions. E.coli counts were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the meat shops and abattoirs. For E.coli most of the data were significant at 5% level (P < 0.05) with some exception in case of beef and goat samples taken from abattoirs which were non significant because of the unhygienic environments. Analysis of variance for Salmonella between various abattoir and the retail outlets were significant at 5% level (P < 0.05). For S.aureus between various abattoir and the retail outlets showed non significant at 5% level (P > 0.05) with some exceptions in case of beef abattoir and goat retail outlet samples taken which were significant at 5% level (P < 0.05). The higher incidence of microbial load in fresh meat obtained in this study might be attributed to unhygienic and improper handling of animals during slaughter, dressing, evisceration, transportation and unhygienic environments at the retail shops. The usual practice of washing the carcass with the same water in which intestines and offal had been washed was considered as one of the predominant reasons for increased microbial counts of the carcasses. A complete ignorance on the part of the meat handlers/ butchers in hygienic handling of carcasses during slaughter and retailing processes might be the main factors for producing meat with high microbial load. Levels of microbial contamination in Pakistani abattoirs and traditional retail meat shops reflect the hygiene status of meat production in the developing world. Education of the meat retailers' community which runs the traditional meat shops, in terms of the importance of hygienic and sanitary precautions would go a long way towards providing wholesome and safe meat to the consumers. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1196,T] (1).

6. Differntial Diagnosis Of Malaria And Dengue Fever On The Basis Of Clinical Findings And Laboratory Investigations

by Aqeel Ahmad | Prof. Dr. M. Younus Rana | Dr. Muti ur Rehman | Prof. Dr. Azhar.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2010Dissertation note: I took two hundred (200) patients in total for purpose of my study. I included all cases with pyrexia of unknown origin with chills and rigors with 6-7 days history. These cases were first evaluated for Malaria by making their thin and thick films for malarial parasites. There were thirty patients out of two hundred who were positive for malarial parasites. There complete blood picture was done that is RBC count, Heamogolobin percentage, platelet count, WBC count and ESR. The cases who were negative from malaria were further evaluated for dengue viral infection by doing capture ELISA 1gM. Before doing ELISA 1gM dengue strip method test was done and the cases who were positive on strip (Paper Chromatography) were included in 1gM ELISA study. The cases that were positive for 1gM ELISA were studied for same blood investigation which was mentioned earlier. It was also found that there had been some incidence of dual dengue infection and malaria and the incidence rate was 2%. Now after collecting the data it was analyzed by SPSS. It was inferred afterwards from the data that all the patients +ve for dengue 1gM had been facing with low platelet count increased reticulocyte count, increased hemoglobin, decreased WBC and no significant effect on ESR had been seen. About 83% of dengue 1gM patients were having decrease platelet count. This thrombocytopenia varies from person to person and an inverse relationship has been found between dengue 1gM and platelet of the patients. The intensity of thromobocytopenia was more in old age patients or in patients with poor health status or in those patients in which tire of anti dengue 1gM was very high. This thromobocytopenia can be used as a diagnostic tool in addition to clinical history in patients who live in periphery where the facility of ELISA is not available. The rise in platelet number indicates recovery of the patients and it should be monitored daily till the complete recovery of patients is achieved. The rise in hemoglobin concentration has also been noticed due to hemo concentration about 76% of patients with anti dengue 1gM positive were having elevated level of hemoglobin that is ranging from 17-19 gram/dl. The increase in RBC count has also been noticed in association with increased hemoglobin concentration a mild fall in WBC count has also been noticed i-e upto 4000 in 76% of the patients. In those patients who were +ve for malarial parasites and negative for dengue 1gM, such changes in blood pictures were not appreciated although the vector of both diseases is same but AD's mosquitoes which is the carrier of dengue virus (an ARBO virus) causes more severe form of disease. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1198,T] (1).

7. Study Of Hepatic Dysfunction In Patients Infected With Dengue Virus

by Aiysha Ejaz | Prof. Dr. Younus Rana | Dr. Muti ur Rehman | Prof. Dr. Azhar.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2010Dissertation note: Dengue is the mosquito born viral illness which causes a broad spectrum of disease ranging from in apparent infection, flu like mild undifferentiated fever and classical DF to the most severe form DHF and DSS in which rate of morbidity and mortality is very high. Dengue infection also causes liver damage and this liver impairment is more marked in case of DHF. My study was also aimed at depicting the fact that dengue infection also causes hepatic impairment which is directly the level of dengue 1gM in the body. The serum liver enzyme level rises as the infection progress. I conducted my study over 200 patients of different age groups including both sexes. All of the patients were having history of pyrexia of unknown origin for the last 7-lO days not subsiding inspite of taking treatment. Some of them presented with mild to moderate petechiae rashes on their body. I categorized the patients into two categorize according to the WHO criteria that is the patients having high grade fever with rash and thrombocytopenia were designated as dengue hemorrhagic fever while those without rash and hemorrhagic manifestations were said to be dengue fever group. Firstly I screened all patients for anti dengue 1gM by rapid strip testing method which shows dark pink line in addition to control line in positive cases within few minutes. The strip +ve cases were further confirmed by using capture ELISA, The Dengue 1gM Capture ELISA (MACELISA) is the immunoenzymatic system recommended by the Pan American Health Organization and the World Health Organization for the serological diagnosis of dengue virus infection due to its high sensitivity, ease of performance, and use of a single acute- phase serum sample. Then all the ELISA +ve cases were estimated for hepatic dysfunction by performing their liver function test. For performing liver function test the serum was obtained by centrifuge machine and enzyme including AST, ALT and Alkaline phosphatase were done by using Merck biochemistry Analyzer which calculated the enzyme itself and displayed the reading in U/L. The analysis established that DF is more common in 21-30 years of age group, more prevalent in males and the level of serum liver enzyme rises as the serum level of dengue 1gM raises that is with the increase of severity of infection. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1199,T] (1).

8. Molecular Diversity Analysis Of Sheep And Goat Breeds Of Pakistan Using Microsatellites.

by Misbah Shaheen | Prof.Dr.Masroor Elahi Babar | Mr. Tanveer Hussain | Prof. Dr. Azhar.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2010Dissertation note: Pakistan is rich in Animal Genetics Resource (AnGR) and has various breeds of sheep and goat but the genetic data in these different breeds is lacking which needs to be established for their genetic identification. The advent of molecular techniques has led to an increase in the studies that focus on the genetic characterization of domestic breeds using genetic markers. Due to their reliability and availability, the microsatellites have become preferred method for the genome mapping. Microsatellites or STRs are the 1-6 nucleotide tandem repeats present in both coding and non coding regions of both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Microsatellites are powerful tools in genome mapping, forensic DNA studies, paternity testing, population genetics and conservation! management of biological resources. The present study was conducted on the molecular diversity analysis of sheep and goat breeds of Pakistan using FAQ recommended unlabelled microsatellites. Blood samples of unrelated true representative animals of two sheep and goat breeds were selected from their breeding tracts and different Government Livestock Farms throughout the country. DNA was extracted with the standard protocol and amplification of DNA was done with a set of 16 microsatellite markers in Molecular Cytogenetics and Genomics Laboratory in the Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology. The products of touch-down PCR were examined on non denaturing Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE). Genotyping results were analyzed through the sofiware POPGENE version 3.3 for calculating the number of alleles, expected and observed heterozygosity, homozygosity, Polymorphic Information Content (PlC). Average observed heterozygosity, average observed homozygosity, observed and effective number of alleles for all loci and populations were 0.8394, 0.1606, 3.6875 and 2.8693 respectively. Almost all of the microsatellite markers showed significant variations in both breeds of sheep and goat. Genotyping results of microsatellite markers were clearly different for four different breeds showing a distinct genetic distance between sheep and goat breed's. This work provided the genetic data which will be helpful in breed identification and making effective breeding policies and conservational activities in future according to FAO global Farm Anithal Genetic resource data. Moreover this study can become the basis for further research investigations in sheep and goat in Pakistan. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1200,T] (1).

9. Prevalence And Effects Of Lernaea Spp. (Anchor Worm) On The Growth, Skin Histopathology And Hematology Of Catla

by Huma Tufail | Prof. Dr. Naureen Aziz Qureshi | Mr. Noor Khan | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqool.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2010Dissertation note: The experiment was conducted for the duration of three months in four earthen ponds each having dimension 21 xl 3. 5x2. I m (length x width x depth) to evaluate the prevalence of Lernaea spp. and its effects on the growth of Catla catla (Thaila) and hematology and skin. The data regarding the growth performance, Lernaea and ulceration prevalence of fish was recorded on fortnightly basis. The parasite was individually collected from each fish in all four ponds after fifleen days and a detailed microscopic examination of all individuals was done. The species found in the pond fish was identified as the Lernaea cyprincaea. Our results show the highest weight gain was observed in the pond 4 (413.7 g) followed by pond 2 (378.7 g) and pond 1 (359.8 g), and pond 3 showed the lowest weight gain (357.8 g). There was no significant difference between weight gains of Catla catla irrespective of the prevalence of lernaea species. The highest length increment was observed in the pond 2 (17.5 cm) followed by pond 1 (14.04 cm) and pond 3 (12.1). The lowcst length increment was in pond 4 (11.89 cm). There was no significant difference between initial and final length gain of Catla caila irrespective of the prevalence of lernaea species infestation in all ponds. At the start of studies there was no infestation of lernaea on thaila. Fish was healthy and fast growing but after fifteen days of stocking L. cyprincaea infestation was observed. infestation was observed in all ponds. There was gradual increase in the rate of infestation till half of the experimental duration irrespective of the environmental changes in all ponds. Increase in the L. cyprincaea percentage in first half of the study was from 20.51% - 36.25% in pond no.1, 17.75% -25.25% in pond no.2, 6.5% - 10% in pond no.3 and 14.75% - 13.1% in pond no.4. In the second half of the experiment fish was treated with KMnO4 @ 1 ppm and common salt @ 1% of total water volume in the second half of the experiment there was a gradual decrease in the lernaea percentage due to treatment. However, the proliferation of the lernaea remained after some time of the treatment, although the lernaea percentage was decreased at the end of study. Decrease in the second half of the study was from 6.9%-5% in pond no.1, 5% - 6.45% in pond no.2, 10.83% -5% in pond no.3 and 5.7% - 5% in pond no. 4. The percentage of L. cyprinacea infestation was compared and there was significant increase in the percentage of Lernaea with the passage of time. However, after the treatment there was a significant decrease in the Lernaea percentage at the end of study. The ulceration percentage in fish was also studied in relation to the Lernaea prevalence and it showed good correspondence and higher the prevalence with higher the ulceration was observed. The ulceration percentage showed a significant difference with respect to time. The histopathological studies of thaila showed a vast difference b/w healthy and lernaeid fish skin. Healthy thaila skin has no change and variation in its structure while lernaeid thaila skin showed deep variation and ulceration. Skin burst from epidermis and cutis till lower connective tissues. Study of hematological parameters of lernaeid and non lernaeid fish blood exhibited a significant decreased in Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Lymphocytes, Basophils, Monocytes and Thrombocytes count duration of the blood collection was four months. With respect to duration of exposure to parasites significant increase in the Hb and ESR and decrease in TEC, TLC, PCV and DLC show significant severity of parasitic infection. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1237,T] (1).

10. Epidemiology And Controls Of Coccidiosis In Cattle

by Razia Sultana | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool | Prof.Dr.MAnso | Prof.Dr.Zafar Iqbal Ch.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2009Dissertation note: Field study was conducted from September, 2007 to August, 2008 and a total of 2700 rectal faecal samples were collected from cattle farms of 3 categories i.e. Government Dairy Farm, Military Dairy Farm and Peri Urban Dairy Farms (Gawala Colonies) Lahore. Seventy five random samples were collected from each category of farms on monthly basis. The results of field study showed that overall prevalence of coccidiosis in cattle was 54.55%. Prevalence of coccidiosis in cattle at Military Dairy Farm Lahore was the highest (65.33%) during Autumn followed by summer (52.66%) then winter (47.66%) whereas the lowest (34.00%) during spring season. The highest (56.66%) prevalence was observed in animals between 6 & 12 month, whereas the lowest (46.33%) in animals under 6 months age. Prevalence of coccidiosis above 1 year of age was 50.66%. No coccidial oocysts was detected in calves less than 15 days old. In female animals prevalence was 51.22%.In the present study, the maximum oocyst per gram of feces (OPG) count was 65,000 whereas the minimum count was as 2000. The count was variable in different age groups and found to be decreasing in adult animals. The mean OPG in group A (under 6 month), group B (6 month to one year) and C (above one year) was 44000, 38000, and 22000, respectively. The four species of Eimeria were identified in all age groups i.e. E.bovis (29.28%) E.zuernii (26.03%) E. cylindrica (23.42%), E. ellipsoidalis (21.25%). The results of field study showed that prevalence of coccidiosis at Government Dairy Farm, Lahore was the highest during autumn (49.33%), followed by summer (44.33%), then winter (38.33%) where as the lowest during spring (30.33%). The highest (62.66%) month wise prevalence of coccidiosis was noted during August whereas the lowest (28.00%) during April. The highest ( 45.33%) prevalence of coccidiosis was observed in animals aged between 6 to 12 months, followed by 41.35% in animals under 6 months of age whereas the lowest (36.00%) above I year. Female animals were more frequently affected (41.28%) than males (39.50%).In the present study, the maximum OPG count observed was 55,000 and the minimum count as 2500. The counts were variable in different age groups and found to be decreasing in adult animals. The mean OPG of group A, B, C was 42,000, 35,000 and 20,000 . In the present study five species of Eimeria were E.bovis. E. zuernii E. cylindrica, E. subspherica, E. ellipsoidalis. The results of field study showed that prevalence of coccidiosis at Peri Urban Dairy Farms (Gawala colonies), Lahore was 71.55%. Month wise prevalence was the highest during August (90.66%) whereas the lowest (48%) during April. The seasonal prevalence indicated that it was the highest during autumn (84.00%), followed by summer (78.33 %), then winter (69.33%) whereas the lowest during spring (50.00%). The highest prevalence of coccidiosis (80.66%) was observed in animals under 6 months of age, whereas the lowest (62.33%) in animals above I year. Prevalence of coccidiosis in animals aged between 6months to 1 year was 71.66%. No coccidial oocysts were detected in calves less than 25 days old. Prevalence of coccidiosis was higher (74.61%) in females than in males (63.60%). In this study, the maximum OPG count observed was 65,000 and the minimum count as 2800. The counts were variable in different age groups and found to be decreasing in adult animals. The mean OPG of group A, B,C was 48,000, 38,000 and 23,000 respectively. Age wise analysis of Eimeria species showed that above mentioned five species were found in all age groups and most predominant species was E.bovis (26.39%) followed by E. zuernii (19.87%), E. cylindrica (23.60%), E.ellipsoidalis (18.63%), whereas the lowest prevalence of E.subspherica (11.49%)was noted (Table 16). The counts were variable in different age groups and found to be decreasing in adult animals. There was inverse correlation of OPG and the age of animals. The overall prevalence of coccidiosis was the highest during autumn (66.22%) followed by summer (59.66 %) then winter (51.77%) whereas the lowest in spring (38.22). The role of Meteorological data i.e. temperature, humidity and rain fall on the prevalence of disease was also studied. The bionomical showed that humidity and rain fall played a very important role in the causation and spread of disease and also help in the development of sporulated oocyst. Increased temperature showed higher prevalence of disease. The results of histopatholgical studies showed that there was an increase cellular infiltration of leukocytes, cellular debris in most of intestinal portion. Results of therapeutic trials by using toltrazuril, amprolium, sulphaquinoxaline, lasalocid are presented in table 17. The result of therapeutic trials showed that efficacy of toltrazuril was better than amprolium, sulphaquinoxaline and lasalocid. No clinical signs of disease were observed in treated animals while in diseased animals signs of disease were observed i.e. animals showed diarrhoea, loss of weight gain. From the results it was noted that efficacy of toltrazuril was better than other drugs . Statistically, there was no significant difference between efficacies of all four drugs. The efficacy of per oxygen based disinfectant was higher as compare to oocide while non- treated animals showed clinical signs of disease. Statistically, there was no significant difference between efficacies of both disinfectants Result of chemo prophylactic products are presented in table 19. It was noted that sonicated vaccine showed high antibody titer as compare to non- sonicated vaccine. Result of the challenge experiments revealed that the inactivated sonicated vaccines gave 100% protection to the challenge calves. Their faeces were normal and no clinical sign was recorded even 42 days post vaccination. Few remaining live oocysts were not able to produce the disease in calves. The weight gain of treated animals was higher as compare to non-treated animals. The FCR value in treated animals was better than non treated animals " Prevalence of coccidiosis was the highest during autumn followed by summer where as the lowest during spring. Farm wise prevalence of coccidiosis indicated that it was higher in Peri Urban Dairy Farms followed by Military Dairy farm where as the lowest at Government Dairy farm. " Prevalence of coccidiosis was higher in calves below 9 months of age than above 9 months. All the animals examined for coccidian were naturally infected with coccidiosis. These animals were not experimental calves and prevelance of infection was based on random selection of animals. Overall Prevalence of coccidiosis was slightly higher in females than male. Species wise prevalence indicated that Eimeria bovis is more pathogenic than other species. " Results of chemotherapeutic trials showed that among the four drugs used i.e. Toltrazuril, Amprolium, Sulfaquinoxaline and Lasalocid. Toltrazuril showed the highest efficacy followed by Amprolium, where as Lasalocid showed the lowest efficacy. No side effects of these drugs were noted when were given at their recommended dose rate and marked clinical improvement in animals was noted after treatment. " Two disinfectants were tried. Per oxygen based disinfectant showed better results than. Oocide disinfectant. " Histopathological studies showed inflammatory granulocytic infiltration of the mucosa and cellular debris in most of intestinal portions. There were necrosis of villi and degeneration of villi. Haemorrhages in mucosa and sub-mucosa were noted. Some of the glands in the sub-mucosa of intestine showed degeneration & necrosis. " Indirect Haemagglutination (IHA) antibody titer was higher in calves vaccinated with inactivated sonicated vaccines as compared to the calves vaccinated with inactivated sporulated vaccine. Results of the challenge experiments revealed that the inactivated sonicated vaccines gave protection to the challenge calves. Their faeces were normal and no clinical sign of disease were observed even 42 days post vaccination. " Weight in infected group was reduced. After treatment, high weight gain was reported in treated animals than control group. Recommendations: " Overcrowding should be avoided. " Provide good hygienic and managemental conditions in farms. " Proper drainage of rain. " Feeders and wateres should be above the level of the ground. " Regular use of coccidiostats is the need of the day. " Diseased animals particularly with diarrhoea should be separated from healthy animals. " Stocking density should be according to recommended of world Association of Parsitologists. " Contaminated faeces should be properly disposed off. " Grazing of animals during rainy season should be avoided. " Animals should be provided well balanced nutritive food. " Entry of visitors in the livestock farms should be restricted Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1281,T] (1).

11. Comparative Efficiency Of Routine Identification Methods With Molecular Technique (Pcr) For Detection Of Caecal Eimeria Species in Broilers

by Muhammad Yasir | Prof. Dr. Kamran Ashraf | Dr. Aftab | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2011Dissertation note: Caecl coccidiosis is caused by Eimeria tenella and E. necatrix and poultry industry is facing huge economic losses due to this infection world wide. Eimeria tenella is the most common cause of caecal coccidiosis but E. necatrix is also isolated rarely. In the present study, 400 caecal samples suspected for coccidiosis were collected from two districts (Lahore and Gujranwala). Ten samples from twenty farms of each district were collected and examined for coccidiosis and species identication. Prevalence of coccidiosis was found 68%. It was more prevalent in district Gujranwala (71.5%) as compared to Lahore (64.5%). Eimeria species were identified by conventional (Direct Microscopy, Sedimentation technique, Floatation Technique and Sporulation) and molecular technique (PCR). Polymerase chain reaction was found the most sensitive ands accurate technique for species identification as compared to all conventional techniques. The prevalence percentage of E.tenella and E,necatrix was found 68% and 12.5% respectively. E.tenella was more prevalent in district Gujranwala (71.5%) as compared to district Lahore (64.5%). E.necatrix was also more prevalent in district Gujranwala (13.5%) than district Lahore (11.5%). The difference in percent prevalence of coccidiosis and species of Eimeria may be due to difference in farm management, farming type, biosecurity measures. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1274,T] (1).

12. Comparayive Efficacy Of Chemotherapeutic Trails Against Hypodermosis In Cattle In Rajanpur

by Muhammad Zahid | Dr. Aneela Zameer Durrani | Dr. Muhammad Hassan Saleem | Prof. Dr. Azhar.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2011Dissertation note: Study was carried out in district Rajanpur from February, 2011 to April, 2011 to find out percentage of infestation and to study chemotherapeutic trails against warble fly infestation in cattle in three tehsils namely Rojhan, Rajanpur and Jampur of district Rajanpur. In each tehsil 200 cattle were examined to record clinical signs of hypodermosis. For treatment of affected animals drug trail were done with Trichlorophon (Tagafon Star,Pakistan) and Ivermectin (Imec, SJG, Pakistan) 1% subcutaneously @ 0.2mg/kg body weight. Study included percentage of infestation in cattle in the households, veterinary hospitals and private farms. Average percentage of warbles in cattle was calculated and found 10 %, 17% and 16.5% in Rojhan, Rajanpur and Jampur respectively. It was found that percentage of infestation was 12% to 18% in hilly areas as compared to semi-hilly areas with 8% to16% and riverine areas 8% to 18% warble fly infestation in cattle. It was observed that warble fly infestation in cattle was absent in some plane areas in tehsil Jampur. The comparison of different chemotherapeutic trails against Hypodermosis in cattle were observed and recorded. Three groups of cattle were made for chemotherapeutic trails against hypodermosis. Application of Tagafon in two different groups of cattle was carried out to evaluate their efficacy against Hypodemosis. In one group Trichlorophon (Tagafon Star,Pakistan) was applied with cotton gauzes by swabbing and spraying method with 5% solution of trichlorophon. In second group Trichlorophon (Tagafon Star, Pakistan) was given by drenching method with 2% solution at a dose rate of 0.2ml/kg body weight. In third group (Inj.Imec, SJG, Pakistan) Ivermectin 1% at dose rate of 0.2mg/kg body weight subcutaneous injection was carried out. Ivermectin1% was found to be 100% effective. Tagafon (Trichlorophon) was found 90% effective by swabbing and spraying method with 5% solution and Tagafon (Trichlorophon) by drenching method with 2% solution was found 85%effective against warble fly infestation in cattle in the study area. The data was analyzed statistically and found significant. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1297,T] (1).

13. Compaiativ Efficacy Of Different Electrolyte Solutions On Heat Stress And Their Efiect On Hematology And Blood

by Hafiz Tariq Mehmood | Dr. Aneela Zameer Durrani | Dr. Hassan Saleem | Prof. Dr. Azhar.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2011Dissertation note: The present project had been designed to study the effect of heat stress on cattle calves and to evaluate the efficacy of electrolytes solution (Normal Saline and Ringer Lactate) on various blood parameters. Five groups of calves comprising 10 in each group were selected for experimental study. Group A: Affected calves with heat stress were provided shade after taking TPR and the effect of shade were checked after one hour. Group B: Heat stressed calves of same age group were given Normal Saline IV according to their body weight and the effect were checked through TPR, hematology and blood electrolyte. Group C: Heat stressed calves of same age group were given Ringer's Lactate IV according to their body weight and the effect were checked through TPR, hematology and blood electrolyte. Group D: calves of same age group affected with heat stress were taken as the positive control. Group E: calves of same age group were normal healthy calves (negative control). Temperature was taken at regular intervals of one hour daily. Respiration was observed by placing the hand in front of nostrils. Heart rate was observed by stethoscope daily in morning and evening. The blood sample of each calf was collected both for control and experimental animals through disposable syringe from jugular vein. The blood was shifted to University Diagnostic laboratory, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore. The samples were taken before and after therapeutic trials. Blood samples were taken for blood electrolyte examination and hematology. Serum of the blood was separated by centrifugation for electrolytes measurements. The flame photometer was utilized to measure the serum sodium (Na+) potassium (K+) Chloride (Cl+) and Bicarbonate (HCO3) concentration. The physical sign of experimental group before cooling were noted .sever sweating and panting were observed under physical sign. The pulse rate, respiration and rectal temperature of experimental group before cooling were increased. Changes found in CBC and blood electrolytes like sodium, potassium, chloride and bicarbonate were measure by flam photometry. These all observation showed that the animal of experimental group before cooling were suffering from electrolyte imbalance ,but it was not so serious which may result in death of the animal, however the persistence of that condition might result in heat stroke which is often lethal. It is concluded that serum electrolyte concentration, CBC and pulse rate, respiration and rectal temperature help in accessing the condition of animal suffering form the heat stress. From the present study it can be concluded that heat stress cause changes in biochemical and Hematological parameters in calves. These changes can be overcome by giving animal's fluid therapy and by providing good shade in hot summer. Further studied are required to Conducted on other species of animals to understand the effect of heat stress .Other biochemical and hematological parameters should be studied in bovine calves and other animals for the better understanding the effects of heat stress. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1309,T] (1).

14. Molecular Diagnosis Of Bovine Anaplasmosis In District Lahore

by Aqsa Mushtaq | Dr. Aneela Zameer Durrani | Dr. Hassan Saleem | Prof. Dr. Azhar.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2011Dissertation note: The present study was designed to determine diagnosis and infection percentage of Bovine anaplasmosis in cattle and buffalo of different age groups in and around District Lahore, and to study the comparative efficacy of diagnostic methods that is Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Microscopic Examination. For this purpose 160 blood samples were collected from cattle and buffaloes ,randomly from eight villages , during the month of May, June, July, August of 2010 in and around District Lahore.80 samples were collected from cattle and 80 were collected from buffaloes and these samples were further categorized into two age groups that is 40 samples were collected from calves of 1 month to 6 month of age and 40 samples were collected from calves of 7 month to 12 month of age of each species. Screening was done by blood smears, stained by Giemsa'wright staining technique and later the blood samples from the same animals were also processed by PCR. The blood smears showed Anaplasma marginale as dense , round, deeply stained body, approximately 0.3-1.0um in diameter. Most of them were located on or near the margin of the erythrocyte.On the basis of Microscopic examination overall 11.25% (18\160) prevalence was recorded. On the basis of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) prevalence of Anaplasma marginale 25.6%(41\160) was recorded, showing the presence of carrier animals in District Lahore. The blood smears showed maximum prevelance in cattle of age 7 months to 12 months of age that is 20% (8\40) than animals of age 1 month to 6 month of age 10% (4\40).The blood smears showed maximum prevelance in buffalo calves of age 7 months to 12 months of age that is 10% (4\40) than animals of age 1 month to 6 month of age 5% (2\40). The blood smears showed that the prevelance of Bovine anaplasmosis is more in cattle 15% (12\80) than buffalo 7.5% (6\80). The overall prevalence 25.6% (41\160) was recorded for Bovine anaplasmosis , during summer season on the basis of PCR. The Polymerase chain reaction showed maximum prevelance in cattle of age 7 months to 12 months of age that is45 % (18\40) than animals of age 1 month to 6 month of age 20% (8\40). The Polymerase chain reaction showed maximum prevelance in buffalo animals of age 7 months to 12 months of age that is 27.5% (11\40) than animals of age 1 month to 6 month of age 10% (4\40). The Polymerase chain reaction showed that the prevelance of Bovine anaplasmosis is more in cattle 32.5% (26\80) than buffalo18.75 % (15\80).The results have shown high efficacy of PCR as compare to Microscopic Examination. It is anticipated that present study was proved helpful in diagnosis of Anaplasma in infected as well as in carrier animals in District Lahore , and will be beneficial for further study. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1346,T] (1).

15. Isolation, Characterization And Pathogenesis Of Capripox Virus

by Abdul Sajid | Prof. Dr. Zafar Iqbal Chaudhry | Dr. Aftab | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Nature of contents: biography; Literary form: Publisher: 2010Dissertation note: Goat pox is the most important pox diseases of livestock and it usually causes huge economic losses. The economic losses occur in terms of mortality, reduced productivity and lower quality of wool and leather. The clinical manifestations of the disease include high temperature, lesions skin in the form of macules, papules, vesicles, pustule and scabs on hairless areas of the body. The disease is highly contagious having high morbidity and mortality in the infected herds. The present study was conducted to document the prevalence of goat pox disease in the different regions of Punjab. The study was based on clinical manifestation of the disease in various collecting spots including slaughter houses, cattle and hide markets and tanneries. The prevalence of goat pox at slaughter houses in different regions was 9.93% in arid region followed by 8.69% and 7% in southern and northern irrigated regions respectively. The prevalence of pox disease in sheep was highest (8.54%) in the northern irrigated region, 7.69% and 6.62% in arid and southern irrigated regions respectively. The prevalence of pox recorded in the hide markets shows a trend of high presence 7.29% in arid region followed by 6.22% and 3.84% in southern and northern irrigated regions. Whereas in sheep the overall prevalence was 0.51 %, 4.44% and 1.66% in northern irrigated, arid and southern irrigated regions. In tanneries the pox lesions were identified on the basis of method as adopted in hide markets. The overall prevalence of pox in goat was 3.96%, 4.06% and 4.09% while in sheep 9.58%, 2.41 % and 10% in northern irrigated, arid and southern irrigated regions. The overall prevalence of pox disease in goat was 5%, 5.79% and 5.34% in Northern irrigated, arid and southern irrigated regions respectively. Where as in sheep, pox was 3.133%, 4.11 % and 2.67% in Northern irrigated, arid and southern irrigated regions respectively. The highest trend of incidence of disease was present in the arid regions followed by southern and northern regions. The slaughter houses shows high incidence of disease as compared to cattle and hide market and tanneries. The result was significant (P<0.05) among the regions and samples collecting spots. A total of 100 samples consisting of 55 scabs and 45 skin tissues were randomly selected from the different collecting spots of the three regions. The scabs and skin tissue samples were processed on dehydrated minimum essential media tor virus isolation. The virus was isolated on Vero cell line culture and its characteristics were observed on the basis of specific cytopathic effects. All 55 scab samples consisting 20 from cattle markets, 20 from slaughter house and 15 from hide market and tannery were tested through cell culture. The cell culture positive result for scabs was 60% cattle markets, 20% hide market and tannery and 40% slaughter house. All 45 skin tissue samples including 5 from cattle markets and tannery, 20 from hide market and 20 from slaughter house were subjected to virus isolation on Vero cell line. The cell culture positive result for skin tissue samples was 100% cattle markets, 30% hide market and tannery and 60% slaughter house. In this way the total cell culture result for scabs and skin tissue samples from all areas become 41.82% and 51.11 % respectively. The isolated virus was confirmed through peR. All the collected samples were also analyzed through peR in order to compare the two techniques for disease diagnosis. Out of 40 samples from slaughter houses 18 scabs and 15 tissues sample were positive through peR with 82.5%. Out of 25 samples collected from cattle markets consisting of 20 scabs and 5 skin tissues, 17 of scabs and 5 skin tissues were positive with 92%. Similarly a total of 35 samples out of which 15 were scabs and 20 were skin tissues collected from hide markets and tanneries. The peR of 7 scabs and 14 skin tissues was positive with 60%. In this way the total peR result for scabs and skin tissue from all areas was 42% and 34% respectively. In the 3rd study of the present project the isolated virus was inoculated in to experimental animal to study the detail pathogenesis. The disease followed the same pattern as in the natural outbreak. But however the routes of inoculation affect the severity of the disease. During the study the diseased animals were periodically slaughter at weekly interval after the appearance of 1 st clinical signs. The detailed lesions were observed in different visceral organs and the tissues were collected and preserved in 10% formalin. The tissues were processed for histopathology and immunohistochemical examination. The IHC was successfully optimized for the detection of viral antigen in the tissues of skin, lung and lymph nodes. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1372,T] (1).

16. Prevalence, Serodiagnosis And Zoonotic Importance Of Hydatidosis In Small Ruminants And Humans

by Hafiz Javed Iqbal | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool | Dr. Muhammad | Prof. Dr. Athar Khan.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: drama Publisher: 2011Dissertation note: Hydatidosis is a world-wide zoonotic parasitic disease which is caused by the larval stage of tape worm Echinococcus granulosus and E. multilocularis. It is highly endemic in some regions of the world. Keeping in view the importance of the disease, the present study was conducted to record the age, sex, species and season wise prevalence of hydatidosis in small ruminants. The study also includes comparison of the two serological tests used for the diagnosis of this disease and efficacy of mebendazole was aIso evaluated. Prevalence and organ specificity of hydatidosis was studied in 2400 sheep and 2400 goats of different age and sexes. The overall prevalence of hydatidosis in sheep and goats was 8.25 and 6.21 percent respectively. Sex wise prevalence indicated that it was 9.85 and 7.85 percent in female and male sheep respectively whereas in female and male goats it was 5.83 and 7.23 percent respectively. A reasonably higher prevalence of hydatidosis was observed in female animals as compared with males. In adult animals hydatid cysts were present in 11.38 and 7.77 percent in sheep and goatsrespectively while in lambs and kids it was 1.79 and 1.06 percent respectively. Statistically no significant difference was observed in any season through out the year in both the species. In the present study, lungs were found to be most commonly infected organ in sheep andliver in goats. Out of 198 infected sheep, 45.45 percent had cysts in lungs, 33.84 percentin liver, 10.10 percent in both liver and lungs, 2.53 percent in spleen, 2.02 percent in heart and 6.06 percent in abdomen and thoracic cavity whereas in goats organs specificity was 34.23, 40.27, 16.78, 0.67, 8.05 percent respectively for lungs, liver, lungs & liver both, spleen and abdomen and thoracic cavity. A total of 60 cysts in sheep were examined for fertility and it was found that out of 18 cysts of less than two centimeter size, maximum (50 percent) were suppurative orcalcified and minimum (16.7 percent) were fertile in nature. Of 30 cysts of 2-4 em size, 40 percent were suppurative and 40 percent were fertile and from 12 cysts of more than four centimeter size, maximum (66.7 percent) were fertile and only 16.7 percent were sterile in nature. In goats, of 15 cysts of less than 2cm size, maximum (46. 7percent) were suppurative, and minimum (13.3 percent) were fertile. Of 7 cysts, belonging to the group of more than four centimeter seize, 71.4 percent were fertile in nature and only 14.3 percent were sterile. Overall fertility rate in sheep and goats was 38.33 and 36.96 percent respectively whereas overall sterility rate was 23.3 and 32.60 percent in sheep and goats respectively. In sheep, total number of protoscolices found in 23 cysts was 936 of which 72.65 percent were fertile in nature. The mean of total proto scolices was 40.70 with standard deviation of 23.05 whereas the mean number of viable protoscolices was 29.57 percent with a standard deviation of 18.92. In goats, total number of protoscolices observed in 17 cysts was 719 whereas only 52.71 percent were fertile in nature. The mean of total protoscolices was 42.30 with a standard deviation of 17.13 whereas mean of viable protoscolices was 22.30 with standard deviation of 17.10. Blood samples of 40 positive and 40 negative sheep for hydatid disease were collected from slaughter house and serum was separated. ELISA and IHA test were applied on these samples. The sensitivity, specificity, efficacy, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of ELISA were 92.5 percent each whereas these values for IHA were 80 percent, 97.5 percent, 88.75 percent, 96.96 percent and 82.98 percent respectively. In goats, blood samples from 40 positive and 40 negative cases of hydatidosis were collected from slaughter house before slaughtering and ELISA and IHA were applied on all of these samples. The sensitivity and specificity of ELISA was 90 percent and 95 percent respectively whereas the sensitivity and specificity of IHA was 75 percent and 97.5 percent respectively. A total of 12 i.e. 6 sheep and 6 goats (healthy) were purchased and kept at Ravi campus Pattoki, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore. These were divided into experimental (4 sheep and 4 goats) and control group (two sheep and two goats). In experimental group, 100 eggs of Echinococcus granulosus were given orally to all animals and then mebendazole was given to two sheep and two goats on zero day and then after two months intervals. Blood samples were collected from all animals on zero day, 90 days and 180th day and serum was separated. ELISA and IHA were applied to all samples. Mebendazole was not found completely effective and ELISA detected the infection earlier than IHA. On postmortem examination, multiple cysts were found in all animals of group A and no cyst was found in group B. Eighty blood samples of humans i.e. 40 positive and 40 negative for hydatidosis were coilected, serum was separated and ELISA and IHA test were applied to all the samples. The sensitivity and specificity of ELISA was 95 percent and 97.5 percent respectively whereas the sensitivity and specificity of IHA was 82.5 percent and 97.5 percent respectively. The present study will be helpful in disseminating the informations regarding the prevalence, zoonotic importance, effect of mebendazole in animals and the use of immunodiagnostic tests for the diagnosis of hydatidosis in small ruminants and human beings. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1405,T] (1).

17. Immunoprophylaxis Of Tick Infestation In Bovine

by Zakir Ali | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool | Prof. Dr | Prof.Dr. Khushi Muhammad.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: drama Publisher: 2010Dissertation note: A study to investigate prevalence of different genera of hard ticks was carried out in three districts of the Punjab province, Pakistan (Faisalabad, Jhang and Khanewal). Overall prevalence of Hyalomma species is the highest at 61 % as compared to other genera of hard ticks. In sex-wise distribution, it was found that female Hyalomma species were the highest at 85% followed by A mblyomma species at 81 %, whi Ie Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) species and Haemaphysalis species were at 77%. Infestation rate in cattle at 70% was higher as compared to buffaloes at 34%. In tick infestation level study, high infestation level in cattle at 59% was higher as compared to that of buffalo population at 18%. In cattle population, peR results showed the prevalence of T annulata in H anatolicum and Hidromedari ticks as 50% and 40% respectively. No theilerial organism was detected in Himarginatum, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus and Amblyomma variegatum ticks. Three different types of vaccines were prepared from different organs of ticks i.e., salivary gland, intestine or whole ticks of the same species of Hyalomma and they were injected to rabbits. It was found that vaccine prepared by grinding whole tick produced the higher level of antibody as compared to two other vaccines. Each of the whole tick homogenate vaccine prepared from either of the species of Hyalomma, Rhipicephalus or Amblyomma and injected to rabbits. These vaccines produced antibody as well and cross reacted with each other showing each of the hard ticks were antigenically similar. Efforts were made to prepare oil based whole Hyalomma tick vaccine with three different antigen concentration 5.0 mg, 7.5mg and 10.0 mg and evaluated its potency in buffalo calves. It was found that the vaccine dose containing 5.0 mg antigen per dose did not produced detectable antibody in buffalo calves while the vaccine containing 7.5mg or more antigen produced detectable antibody. Moreover, we concluded that montanide based bard tick homogenate vaccine with more than 7.5mg protein per dose is effective in producing antibodies against tick infestation in the dairy animals. The antibody level in vaccinated buffaloes as well as invaccinated rabbits reached to peak level on day 45 post vaccination and started declining thereafter. Capacity of vaccine in controlling tick infestation was assessed in 12 cross-bred calves. It was found tbat rejection percentage in immunized group was higher as compared to control group. There was no difference of engorgement period between immunized and control group. Reproductive index in immunized group was lower as compared to control group. The efforts were made to grow midgut cells insect culture media after isolation them from Hyalomma Ticks.. The purpose of this experiment was to grow midgut cell and then use these cells as a source of was found that the vaccine dose containing 5.0 mg antigen per dose did not produced detectable antibody in buffalo calves while the vaccine containing 7.5mg or more antigen produced detectable antibody. Moreover, we concluded that montanide based bard tick homogenate vaccine with more than 7.5mg protein per dose is effective in producing antibodies against tick infestation in the dairy animals. The antibody level in vaccinated buffaloes as well as in vaccinated rabbits reached to peak level on day 45 post vaccination and started declining thereafter. Capacity of vaccine in controlling tick infestation was assessed in 12 cross-bred calves. It was found tbat rejection percentage in immunized group was higher as compared to control group. There was no difference of engorgement period between immunized and control group. Reproductive index in immunized group was lower as compared to control group. The efforts were made to grow midgut cells insect culture media after isolation them from Hyalomma Ticks.. The purpose of this experiment was to grow midgut cell and then use these cells as a source of contamination for the tick cell culture which are extrinsic as well extrinsic. The growth rate of these cells in our study was not optimal so the media was not splitted to get more cells. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1416,T] (1).

18. Prasitic Contamination Of Vegetables Eaten Raw In Lahore

by Shafa-ul-Haq | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool | Dr. Muhammad | Dr. Nisar Ahmad.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: Fresh vegetables are important part of human diet. Eating raw vegetable is customary in many parts of the world including Pakistan, but these raw vegetables can be a major source of parasites. A parasitic survey on vegetables collected from major markets in Lahore was conducted for the discovery of human and animal parasites. Ten species of vegetables: beet (Beta vulgaris), cabbage (Brassica denceal), carrot (Davcus carota) chili (Capsicum frutecense), coriander (Corriandum sativum) cucumber (Cucumis sativa), lettuce (Lactuca sativa), Mint (Mentha viridis), radish (Raphanus sativus), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentun) were evaluated in this study. Fifty samples of each vegetable were taken, comprising a total of 500 samples for the study. Hundred gram of each vegetable was washed with a cationic solution of Hyamin detergent containing glass particles for the elution of eggs. Concentration of eggs/cysts was achieved by centrifugal sedimentation technique at 5000 rpm for 5 minutes. Sediment was examined under microscope for the presence of parasite eggs, cysts and larvae. Examination of vegetables revealed twelve genera of parasites. All vegetables were highly contaminated with parasites with an overall prevalence of 31.2%. Of parasites studied, Ascaris eggs found to be the highest (37.1%), followed by Hook worm(10.8%) and Trichostrongyloides sp.(8.9%), while the least common parasite was Toxoplasma gondii (1.9%). Lettuce showed the highest contamination (48%), followed by Cabbage (44%) and Mint (podina) (42%) while chili showed the least contamination (16%). The results would seem to indicate that one of the important routes of parasitic infection is due to consumption of raw and unwashed vegetables. So, enlightenment programs for the public on necessity of food sanitation and personal hygiene should be intensified. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1419,T] (1).

19. Knowledge, Attitude And Practices Of Mothers Towards Infant Care And Feeding

by Sadia Ashraf | Prof. Dr. Mansur-ur-Din Ahmad | Dr. Hassan Mushtaq | Prof. Dr. Azhar.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: drama Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1464,T] (1).

20. Evaluation Of Adulticidal And Larvicidal Efficacy Of Zadirachta Indica (Neem) And Lantana Camara (Punch Phul) Extracts

by Asemah Anwar | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool | Dr. Aneela | Dr. Nisar Ahmad.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: drama Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: Pakistan is one of sub-tropical countries and its climatic conditions favor parasitic diseases along with disease vectors including mosquitoes. Mosquitoes of genus Aedes are causing Dengue fever. It has become one of infectious vector born disease of world. Annually it is striking around 100 million people with dengue fever and about 5 Lac people with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), resulting in 5 % deaths per year. Current study was conducted to evaluate efficacies of plant extracts against dengue fever mosquitoes of Aedes genus. Study target was to search some safer alternates than that of chemical pesticides. Also exhibiting characteristics like less toxic to environment, do not induce resistance in mosquitoes, do not harm non-targeted organisms, would not be toxic to human beings and will have biodegradation ability. Study has evaluated indigenous plants extracts as potent larvicidal and adulticidal materials. Mosquitoes were collected from different areas of Lahore and they were identified upto genus level only Aedes genus was identified upto species level, then Aedes aegypti was reared in laboratory to have F 1 generation, to have mosquitoes and larvae for testing the activity of plant extracts. Plant materials were collected from different areas of Lahore. Methanolic extracts of seeds and leaves of Azadirachta indica and lantana camara respectively, were extracted accordingly. Stock solutions were prepared from these extracts and then out of this serial dilutions were made. Experiment was performed in four groups A, B, C & D for both adults and larvae. Each group was representing total of 25 larvae/adult out of which one was kept untreated as negative control, one with deltamethrin as positive control while two were provided with test concentrations. LC50 and LC90 was determined by Probit analysis, using SPSS version 13.0 SPSS inc. 2004. lethal concentrations of A. indica mosquitocidal assay were LC50=30.44 mg/l and LC90=62.36 mg/l after 24 hrs and LC50=-9.87mg/l and LC90=59.102 mg/l after 48 hrs at ?= 0.05. X 2 value was significant for 24 h while for 48 h it was not significant. Maximum mortality observed after 24 and 48 hrs is 99% at 70 ppm. DMR test shows after 24 hrs., all treatment means are significantlt different from each other, from control and from mean of insecticide's mortality, control is significantly lower while insecticide treated group has significantly higher than rest. after 48 hrs. treatments were significantly different from each other while treatment mortality at 70 PPM is significantly higher than insecticide treated group and rest. Lethal concentrations for L. camara adulticidal assay were LC50=60.40 mg/l and LC90=113.61 mg/l after 24 hrs and LC50=48.20 mg/l and LC90=79.31 mg/l after 48 hrs at ?= 0.05. X 2 value was not significant at 24 h and is significant at 48 h. DMR test after 24 hrs. treatment, control and insecticide treated were significantly different from each while insecticide treated group has significantly higher than rest. After 48 hrs 4 and 5 treatment groups were found significantly higher than rest Larvicidal assay of A. indica has shown LC50 =52.36 mg/ l and LC90=105.42 mg/ l after 24 h and LC50 =80.70 mg/l and LC90=145.73 mg/ l after 48 h at ?= 0.05. X2 values for both 24h and 48h were not significant. DMR test after 24 hrs. insecticide treated was significantly lower than all above treatment groups. Treatment group 7 has significantly higher mortality than all other. After 48 hrs. there was not any significant difference. Lethal concentrations for L. camara LC50 =100.76 mg/100 ml and LC90=198.22 mg/100 ml at24 h and LC50 =61.27 mg/100 ml and LC90= 122.45mg/100 ml after 48 h at ?= 0.05. X2 value for both 24h and 48h was not significant. DMR test after 24 hrs. shows insecticide treated group i.e. 8 is significantly lower than all treatment groups except 1 which is at lowest treatment. After 48 4, 5 and 6 had came to same activity level no significant difference was found and were higher than all others. Conclusion: Hence it is concluded that crude plant extracts can act as potential Adulticide / Mosquitocide and Larvicides, though these are required in higher concentrations than that of synthetic insecticides and purified botanical products, but they have advantage of posssessing less resistance presentation and safe for aquatic life. It is also concluded that chemical insecticide used i.e. Deltamethrin has higher efficacy as adulticidal with drastic effects on environment and other beneficial insects. But it was found least effective as larvicidal compared to crude plants extracts. It is suggested that plant extracts can prove a better, safer and cheaper alternate these should consider as a better alternate to control most lethal disease of present time i.e. Dengue fever by eradicating its vector i.e. Aedes aegypti mosquito. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1475,T] (1).

21. Prevalence And Chemotherapy Of Theileriosis In Equines In And Around Lahore

by Muhammad Azhar | Dr. Muhammad Ijaz | Dr. Muhammad Hassan Saleem | Prof. Dr. Azhar.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: Theileriosis is an infectious malady of equidae characterized by intermittent fever, loss of appetite, anemia, loss of weight, dyspnea, pale mucous membranes, jaundice and recumbency. Considering the significance and utilization of equines in our country and the substantial losses rendered by theileriosis, the present study was designed to study prevalence and chemotherapy of theileriosis in equines in and around Lahore. For this purpose 300 equines (Horses=100; mules=100; donkeys=100) were examined for theileria infection.The blood was collected by ear tip puncture and from Jugular venipuncture. Then thin blood smear slide was prepared and dried up in air and stained with Geimsa's staining method and examined under microscope. Theileriaequiwere identified by their morphological characteristics as described by Rashid et al. (2009) and Guimaraeset al. (1997).Over all prevalence of Theileriaequiin equines was estimated as 58%. There was also a mixed infection of Theileriaequi and Babesiacaballiin some cases. Individually there was 54%, 64% and 56% prevalence of Theileriaequi found in horses, mules and donkeys respectively. The effect of theileriosis on various blood parameters (Hb, ESR, TEC, TLC, DLC and PCV) was determined in 30 equines (Horses= 10; mules= 10; donkeys= 10). The remarkable decrease in hemoglobin, TEC, PCV and lymphocytes was observed. The value of ESR increased while there were no remarkable changes in TLC, monocytes, basophils, neutrophils and eosinophil. For chemotherapy, 36 equines (Horses=12; mules=12; donkeys=12) positive for theileriosiswere divided into three groups (A, B, and C). Each group was further subdivided into three subgroups comprising of 4 animals in each subgroup. The animals of group A (Horses=4; mules=4; donkeys=4) were treated with Imidocarbdipropionate (Imizol®, ICI, Pakistan) @ 2 mg/kg BW I/M, and the efficacy of drug was found 91.7% in equines against theileriosis.The group B (Horses=4; mules=4; donkeys=4) was treated with Buparvaquone (Butalex®, ICI, Pakistan) @ 2 mg/kg BW I/M alone and was observed 66.7% effective. While the group C (Horses=4; mules=4; donkeys=4) was treated with Auk(Calotropisprocera)@ 0.3mg/kg BW, 8 doses at alternate days (local treatment), which was found 58.3% effective. The efficacy of drugs was measured on the basis of disappearance of clinical signs and blood smear examination at day 2, 4, 6 and 10 of post-medication. The efficacy of each drug was measured through recovery rate of the animals. Finally, the data on prevalence of theileriosis was estimated by Pearson's chi-square test for significance whereas data on hematology was analyzed by Student's T-test using statistical software package STATA 9.1 (College Station T×77845, USA), P < 0.05 was considered significant. Considering the significance and utilization of equine in our country and the substantial losses rendered by theileriosis, the present project was designed to check prevalence and chemotherapy of theileriosis in equines in and around Lahore. The results of this study will help farmers and veterinary practitioners in field. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1487,T] (1).

22. Mosquitocidal Efficacy Of Entomopathogenic Fungus Metarhizium Anisopliae And Its Combined Therapy

by Aalia Riaz | Prof. Dr. Kamran Ashraf | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool | Prof. Dr. Tahir.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: The aim of study was to find out the method for disposal of waste material, dead birds and poultry litter and their proper utilization in the poultry industry. Secondly to evaluate the efficacy of composted poultry litter/dead birds in broiler quail ration. The experiment was conducted at Poultry Research and Training Centre and Avian Research and Training Center, UVAS, Lahore in two different phases. The first phase was of 8 weeks duration in which composting of dead birds was doneusing advance windrow pile technique and proximate analysis of the composted material wascarried out. During the second phase, a quail ration was formulated according to dietary recommendations of NRC (1994) with inclusion of 0, 2, 4 and 6% compost and fed to quails,For this purpose, a total of 1200 day old Japanese broiler quails were randomly divided into 4 different experimental groups (A, B, C, and D). Group A was control and group B, C, and D contained 2, 4, and 6% composted ration respectively. The birds in each group were replicated six timescomprising 50 birds in each replicate. After 4 weeks of age three birds per replicate were slaughtered and their slaughtering parameters were recorded. The data thus obtained were analyzed through ANOVA in completely randomized design (Steelet al.1997) and means were compared by Duncan's Multiple Range (DMR) test (Duncan, 1955) using SAS (Statistical Analysis System) version 9.1. In production performance feed intake, body weight, body weight gain and FCR showed positive response when fed different levels of composted diet while mortality % remained unaffected throughout the experimental period. In slaughtering parameters live body weight (g), carcass weight %, dressing Weight %, Giblet weight %, Gizzard weight % and Heart weight % showed positively when fed different levels of composted diet while liver weight % remained unaffected throughout the experimental period. Key Words: Composted ration, Japanese quail, Production Performance, Slaughtering Parameters. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1489,T] (1).

23. Prevalance Of Endoparasites In Common Carnivorous Fish In Lahore.

by Imtiaz Aziz | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool | Prof. Dr | Prof. Dr. Kamran Ashraf.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: Due to intensification of fish culture practices, there is more likely the occurrence of various diseases in general and parasitic in specific in fish. However, there is a paucity of information regarding the prevalence of various parasites in local fish especially fishes of fresh water. Therefore, the present study has been planned to investigate the prevalence of various parasites of the gastrointestinal tract and liver of Wallago attu(Malee) ,Rita rita (Khaga), Channa marulius(Saul) and Mystus seenghala(Seenghari). Therefore, it was hypothesized that there is a variation in the occurrence of various endoparasites in various species of fish. A total fifty gut samples from each of breed of fish (Wallago attu (Malee),Rita rita (Khaga), Channa marulius(Saul) and Mystus seenghala(Seenghari) were collected from various fish markets located in Lahore City like Bhatti Gate, Samnabad, Tollinton Market, and were analyzed to determine the prevalence of various endoparasites in the intestine. The gut samples were collected in 0.9% physiological saline and were preserved in 4% formalin. The recovered parasites were fixed and identified on the basis of morphology to calculate the prevalence rate. The data thus collected was analyzed using a Pearson's chi-square. Results showed that out of 65 fish samples collected from Tollinton market that included Rita rita (n = 20), Wallago attu (n = 15), Channa marulius (n = 15) and Mystus seenghala (n = 15), 7 (10.76%) samples of gut harbored various parasites. Similarly, the prevalence rate of parasites in two other localities were 17.39% in Bhatti-gate fish market and 18.18% in Samanabad Fish market. The overall prevalence rate was found to be 15.5%. There was no statistical difference in the prevalence rate when data was assorted on the basis of localities. Both single and mixed infections were noted in fishes collected from all three localities and all four species of fresh water fish. The various parasites revocered from the intestines of the gut from all species included P. heteropneustus Cucullanus sp., Cucullanus sp., Phyllodistomum sp. and R. magna. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1499,T] (1).

24. Epidemiology, Zoonotic Potential, Haematiology And Therapy Of Toxocariasi In Dogs And Humans.

by Nisar Ahmad | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool | Prof. Dr | Prof. Dr. Kamran Ashraf.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2010Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1505,T] (1).

25. Epidemiological And Molecular Profile Of Hepatitis-C Viral Infection Among Different Groups Of Population In And Around Lahore, Pakistan

by Dr. Abdul Majeed Akhter | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Athar Khan | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: drama Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: Hepatitis C is an infectious disease affecting primarily the liver, caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). The infection is often asymptomatic, but chronic infection can lead to scarring of the liver and ultimately to cirrhosis, which is generally apparent after many years. In some cases, those with cirrhosis will go on to develop liver failure, liver cancer or life-threatening esophageal and gastric varices. The present project was carried out to study the prevalence of laboratory based confirmed patients of Hepatitis-C in various public, private hospitals and in high risk groups among the population of Lahore metropolitan and its distribution and pattern with respect to person, time and place. Second part of the project was designed to study the risk factors of Hepatitis-C patients from out patient departments of various public and private hospitals of Lahore. Individuals at high risk from different organizations and occupations across the city population of Lahore metropolitan were also included in the study. The third part of the project was designed to investigate the distribution of genotypes of Hepatitis-C virus among patients through RT-PCR and theireffect on viral load, various haematological and biochemical parameters. Project-I Study-1: To estimate the prevalence of hepatitis C in various public and private hospitals of Lahore Metropolitan among different groups a total of 1399 individuals were tested to estimate the hospital based prevalence of HCV. Out of these 233 individuals produced positive result for Hepatitis-C virus infection. The overall hospital based prevalence was estimated to be 16.66% during the year 2009. The current study revealed that the highest prevalence was estimated in Dialysis patients and Organ recipients (41.17%) followed by General Patients of age > 12 years (14.60%) and pregnant women (10.84%). It was further observed that the least affected group was the Children of age ? 12 years (3.85%). Study-2: The results of estimated prevalence of Hepatitis C virus infection in high risk groups from the population in and around Lahore revealed that the highest prevalence was estimated in patients with HIV/AIDS (36.36%) followed by injecting drug users (36.09%), blood donors (17.78%), long rout truck drivers (14.70%), house hold and direct contact personal (14.6%) and prisoners (14.28%). It was also find out that the less affected groups were police department (10.66%), staff nurses and other health care workers (9.87%) and barbers and beauticians (6.97%) while doctors and dental surgeons were least affected (1.32%) among the high risk groups. Study-3: To find out the pattern and distribution of HCV patients with respect to person place and time a total of 924 patients were selected from the registry of Provincial Hepatitis Control Cell Lahore through systematic random sampling. Out of these, 154 fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Among these, 90 were male and 64 were females. Average age of male and female patients was 35.88±10.49 and 37.78±9.12 years, respectively. The age difference between male and female patients was statistically non-significant (P-value>0.05). It was further observed that 147 patients were Punjabi and 7 were from other provinces. Moreover, It was found that the highest number of patients was observed during the month of December (n=18) followed by November, 2008 (n=15), March (n=15) and July, 2009 (n=14) while the least number of patients were observed during the months of September, 2008 and May, 2009 (n=10). Project-II To study the risk factors associated with HCV infection an analytical cross sectional study was conducted. Study-1: Lower socio economic class, place of birth (hospital), delivery assisted by whom and breast feeding were significantly associated with HCV infection in children of age ? 12 years. The mean age of reactive and non-reactive general patients was significantly associated (P=0.012) with anti-HCV status. Marital status (OR=2.042), socioeconomic status, blood donation (OR=2.15), prescription by doctor or non-doctor (OR=2.664), route of drug administration, relative having hepatitis and towel sharing (OR=1.987) were also significantly associated (P<0.05) risk factors for HCV infection. The mean age of reactive and non-reactive pregnant women was 27.55±3.43 and 25.37±4.24 years, respectively. Educational level (OR=3.093) and occupational status (OR=2.228) were the important risk factors associated with HCV infection. Tattoo on the body (OR=11.833), comb sharing (OR=20.86) and razor sharing (OR=4.786) were significantly associated (P<0.05) with HCV infection. Pregnant women who gave the history of dental procedures and tooth brush sharing were 3.15 and 4.12 times more prone to get HCV infection, respectively. In 205 patients having dialysis and organ recipients 41.17% patients were reactive for Anti-HCV. Blood transfusion, glass sharing and qualification of the patients were significant factors in this group. Study-2: In case of doctors/dental surgeons a significant association was observed with history of blood transfusion and duties in medical and surgical wards. The nurses who worked in surgical wards, visited beauty salons were significantly associated (P<0.05) with HCV infection. Among health care workers age, gender and other factors did not have any significant influence on the reaction of HCV. Among blood donors female to male ratio was 1:16.5. It was found that the occupational status (p=0.002), place of surgical treatment (p=0.035), history of blood transfusion (p=0.000), ever pricked by sharps (p=0.045), habit of injecting drugs (p=0.04) and glass sharing (p=0.017) were significantly associated with occurrence of hepatitis C in blood donors. In long route truck drivers geographical status, surgical procedure, dental treatment and family history were significantly associated (P<0.05). Among the injecting drug users, demographic factors like marital (P=0.007) and educational status (P=0.000) were found to be significantly associated with HCV infection. Furthermore, the behavioral factors; use of injectable drugs with reused syringes (P=0.003), sharing of syringes in groups (P=0.004), place of shaving (P=0.000), use of disinfected ustra (razor) (P=0.003) and razor sharing (P=0.000) were significantly associated with anti-HCV status for IDUs. Among HIV/Aids patients a statistically significant (P<0.05) difference was present among the ages of reactive and non reactive patients. Comb sharing has also a positive effect of HCV but all other factors were not contributing in this group. In Police personals odds ratio for married persons was higher (9.57) but statistically insignificant. The mean age for reactive persons was 39.75±8.24 years. A non-sexual contact with HCV patient and spoon sharing were significantly associated. In prison inmates skin infection and sexual involvement were significantly associated (P<0.000) with HCV infection. In the group of 43 barbers/beauticians age, working shift, tattoo on body (OR=19.5), injecting drugs (OR=19.5) and pre-testing for HCV (OR=19.5) were significantly associated with HCV infection. In house hold and direct contact group previous history of accidents and family history of HCV (OR=18.36) were significantly associated with HCV infection. Project-III A molecular epidemiological study was conducted in which the HCV reactive patients as tested by ELISA test were subjected to viral load and genotyping through RT-PCR. The positive cases of Project-I were included in this project. In the present study 558 patients were reactive for Anti-HCV. Out of these, 34 (6.09%) patients had Type-1 genotype, 67 (12%) patients were accounted for Type-2 and 410 (73.47%) patients were positive for Type-3. Multiple genotypes were seen in 19 (3.4%) patients, 9 (1.61%) patients had un-type able genotype whereas in 19 (3.4%) patients genotype could not be detected. According to the distribution of genotype-1, 1a was present in 30 (88.23%) while 1b was seen in 4 (11.76%) patients. In patients of Type-2 genotype, 2a and 2b were present in 54 (80.59%) and 13 (19.40%) patients, respectively. In patients having Type-3, 3a and 3b were identified in 353 (86.09%) and 57 (13.90%) patients, respectively. Furthermore, Bilirubin, ALT, AST, ALPT, viral load, Hb, TLC, DLC, Platelet and ESR were statistically same in all genotype. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1529,T] (1).

26. Seroepidemiology, Zoonotic Potential And Chemoprophylaxis Of Leishmaniasis In Dogs & Human In Pakistan

by Haroon Duraani | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool | Prof. Dr. Zafar Iqbal Chaudhary.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2010Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1547,T] (1).

27. Serofpidemiology, Zoonotic Potential And Chemotherapy Of Neosporosis In Dogs And Cattle

by Muhammad Mudasser Nazir | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool | Dr. Muhammad Lateef | Prof. Dr.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: drama Publisher: 2010Dissertation note: The aim of current study was to demonstrate the most important features of Neospora caninum infection in Pakistan. In the present study, I examined the prevalence of N. caninum in 7 districts of the country and to accessed the efficacy of various drugs against the parasite in cell culture. For the achievement of this purpose, the core objectives were, To have an overview on the overall seroprevalence of neosporosis throughout the country by means of cELISA in aborting, at risk and clinically healthy cows. To check the correlation of Iscom ELISA and cELISA, and determination of prevalence of N. caninum by means of Iscom ELISA on milk samples. To identify the transmission of disease towards human. To determine the efficacy of various drugs against N. caninum. In phase 1, overall seroprevalence of N. caninum in dairy cattle (detected by means of cELISA, VMRD, Inc., Pullman, WA, USA) was found to be 43.4% with a significant difference (P < 0.05) of seropositivity among all 18 herds (n = 5 aborting herds, n = 13 non-aborting/clinically healthy herds) selected from 7 districts of Pakistan. The seropositivity of cattle to N. caninum antibodies was significantly higher in aborting animals (52.7%) as compared to non-aborting cows ( 41.5%), indicating a significant difference between aborting and non-aborting cattle. In case of pregnant and non-pregnant animals, similar findings were recorded in our study. A significantly higher rate of seroprevalence was observed in pregnant dams (59.8%) than non-pregnant cattle (35.2%). Overall, higher serological prevalence was evaluated during the summer season (61.1%) in all areas followed by autumn (46.9%), spring (34.9%) and least seropositivity was observed in winter season (26.6%). The difference in seropositivity was significantly different among all age groups, greater in animals older than 2 years of age. Furthermore, the prevalence was statistically significant (P < 0.05) among cattle of different breeds. Seroprevalence in cases of crossbred animals were higher followed by exotic and indigenous breeds. Phase 2, describes the seroprevalence of N. caninum in clinically healthy dairy cows. A selection of 760 animals from 13 dairy herds located in Punjab and Sindh Province, Pakistan to demonstrate the presence or absence of the Neospora caninum infection in commercial dairy cattle. The serostatus of the cows towards N. caninum was detected by cELISA (VMRD, Pullman, WA). Out of 760 animals, (43.2%) were seropositive to N. caninum. A significant difference of positivity was recorded among all 13 dairy herds. Age wise prevalence though not statistically significant among all age groups, was greater in animals over 2 years of age and least in heifers. Variation was also observed in samples from cattle of different breeds. A significantly higher prevalence was observed in crossbred animals than in purebred and nondescript cattle. Seasonal prevalence was higher during summer season than rest of the seasons. The seroprevalence of N. caninum in pregnant cows was significantly greater than in non-pregnant animals. Second experiment of this phase describes the seroprevalence of 240 animals from 5 herds with a high rate of abortion, the percentage of seropositivity observed in these herds was 43.8%, slightly higher than the clinically healthy and non-aborting cattle. No significant difference was observed among all sample locations in this experiment. However, significant difference of positivity was recorded among different breeds of cattle. Age wise prevalence, though not statistically significant (P > 0.05), was greater in animals older than 2 years of age. The assessment of milk samples from lactating cows were also determined for Neospora caninum antibodies by means of Iscom ELISA (SANOVIR® Sanova Biotech AB, Uppasala, Sweden) and showed a good level of agreement (r² = 0.9959) between the two tests (cELISA and Iscom ELISA). Although, the cELISA (VMRD, Inc., Pullman, USA) expressed a higher seropositivity and sensitivity than Iscom ELISA (Sanova Biotech AB, Uppasala, Sweden). Therefore, both of the ELISA tests (cELISA and Iscom ELISA) for the detection of N. caninum antibodies in dairy cattle can perform better in lactating animals. The Iscom ELISA has some advantages over cELISA as it's easy to collect milk samples than serum samples, moreover Iscom ELISA is cheaper and easy to use but has low sensitivity than cELISA and cannot be used in dry animals. The percentage of positivity detected through Iscom ELISA on individual milk samples were 61.4% and 76.6% by cELISA. In phase 3, an epidemiological study was conducted to determine seroprevalence of N. caninum in dogs of different breeds and age groups. The serum samples of dogs were analyzed by cELISA (VMRD, Pullman, USA) showed a seropositivity of 23.5%. There was no significant difference of seropositivity among various sample locations, highest prevalence was observed in Muzaffar Garh (31.9%), followed by Gujranwala (27.9%), Lahore (25.1%), Hafizabad (20.2%) and least prevalence was recorded in district Okara (14.6%). A significant difference in prevalence of N. caninum antibodies between male (26.1%) and female (18.8%) dogs were recorded. The difference in seroprevalence was not significant among all age groups. The samples with no age record showed a highest prevalence (29.5%) and least seropositivity was observed in adult dogs of 3-6 years of age (18.7%). During Summer season, highest positivity to N. caninum was (31.0%) recorded while the lowest prevalence (16.0%) was observed in Winter season. Phase 4, describes the seroprevalence and transmission of N. caninum in humans. A selection of 52 serum samples from humans was analyzed for the presence of N. caninum antibodies. The serostatus of the humans towards N. caninum antibodies (IgG) was determined by using commercially available antigen coated IFAT slides (VMRD, Inc., Pullman, Washington USA) and human conjugate. Overall very low prevalence (1.9%) of N. caninum antibodies was reported in this study. Only one case was found to be positive, these findings indicate that no strong evidence of N. caninum infection in humans. In phase 5, in vitro drug trials was conducted to access the best efficacy of three commercially available drugs. We found that among three anticoccidial drugs i.e Clindamycin, Diclazuril and Sulfadiazine, Diclazuril has best inhibitory effect against N. caninum tachyzoites in cell culture followed by Clindamycin and sulfadiazine. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1575,T] (1).

28. Epidemiology, Zoonotic Potential, Serodiagnosis And Chemotherapy Of Sheep Fasciolosis In Different Ecological zones of balochistan

by Masood Ul Haq Kakar | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool | Dr. Muhammad | Prof. Dr. Yasmeen Nawaz.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Nature of contents: biography; Literary form: Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: Various epidemiological aspects of human and sheep fasciolosis were investigated in four districts of Balochistan (Pakistan) having different ecology i.e. district Bolan from (Plain zone), Lasbela (Coastal zone), Qilla Saifullah (sub humid and semi arid sub zone of Upland zone) and district Pishin from (Arid sub zone of Upland zone). Sheep samples were examined through Coprological examination showed overall prevalence of 10.26% in one year study period from June 2010 t0 May 2011. The uppermost prevalence was recorded in district Bolan (14.79%) followed by Lasbela (10.63%), Qilla Saifullah (8.75%), and the lowest in district Pishin (6.88%). Overall the highest prevalence by season was recorded in autumn (25.31%) followed by winter (9.22%), summer (6.41%) and lowest in spring (5%). Amongst the month the overall highest prevalence was recorded in the month of September (30.63%) and lowest in the month of May (1.88%). Sex wise prevalence was found highest in female more susceptible to infection (11.22%) than male (8.48), but sex wise difference was non-significant statistically. Amongst the age group significantly higher prevalence was recorded in adults young than adult of age group (5.91%). During one year study period prevalence (%) of human fasciolosis in some districts of Balochistan was recorded (0.42%), with overall district wise prevalence in Qilla Saifullah and Bolan (0.83%) and (0%) in Lasbela and Pishin. Overall season wise prevalence was noted the highest in autumn (1.25%) followed by summer (0.63%) and 0% prevalence in winter and spring. Month wise results showed 2.5% prevalence only in the month of August and October while 0% in the other months. Gender wise prevalence 0.42% was found only in male, no female samples were collected due to some religious, traditional and community problems. Prevalence by age was recorded the highest in above 20 years of age group (0.74%) while this value decreased to zero in below 20 years of age group. Antibodies against fasciolosis in serum samples through indirect (ELISA) were recorded 13.13% (63/480) in sheep and 0.42% (2/480) in human indicates the higher prevalence (%) as compared to fecal examination. Likewise district, age and sex wise seroprevalence (%) of fasciolosis was reported higher than coprological examination in case of humans as well as in sheep. In sheep positive correlation was noted between fasciolosis and relative humidity while negative correlation with temperature (ºC) and rainfall (mm). While in humans prevalence positive correlation was observed with temperature (ºC), relative humidity (%) and rainfall (mm). Overall 1123 snails belonging to different 5 genera were collected from different district from different agr-ecological zones of Balochistan from June 2010 to May 2011. Amongst the snails the highest prevalence (37.04%) was found for Indoplanorbis, followed by Bulinus (32.15%), then Lymnea (20.66%), Melanoides (5.52%) and the lowest Physa (4.63%). Comparative study for coprological and serological tests (ELISA) was conducted for four districts from different agro-ecological zones of Balochistan i.e. District Bolan from (Plain zone), Lasbela (Coastal zone), Qilla Saifullah (sub humid and semi arid sub zone of Upland zone) and district Pishin from (Arid sub zone of Upland zone) for one year i.e. from June 2010 t0 May 2011. Overall prevalence of sheep and humans was 0% and 8.13% by coprological examination and 13.13% and 0.42% by indirect ELISA tests. Prevalence by ELISA was found higher than fecal examination when analyzed statistically. Similar seroprevalence for month, districts, age and sex was noted higher than coprological examination for sheep and humans. ELISA Sensitivity (%) and specificity (%) was recorded >97.0% and 95% and 100%, 100%, respectively for sheep and humans. Indigenous plants i.e., Saussurea lappa (roots), Fumaria parviflora (aerial) and Caesalpinia crista (seeds) were used at dose level of 60, 70 and 80 mg/kg body weight against naturally infected sheep with fasciolosis and their effectiveness was compared with triclabendazole (10mg/kg body weight). Triclabendazole was found 100 % effective after second dose whereas all herbal medicine it reached up to this mark after administration of second dose of 80 mg/kg body weight. From this study we can conclude that these herbal medicines can safely replace the triclabendazole, which is not, only cost effective but have no side effects. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1587,T] (1).

29. Prevalence And Chemotherapy Of Various Endoparasites In Pheasants

by Bushra Nazeer | Dr. Nisar Ahmad | Prof. Dr. Anjum | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2013Dissertation note: The study was designed to check the prevalence of nematodes in pheasants. A total of 200 faecal samples (100 from Lahore Zoo & 100 from Jallo Park Lahore) were collected from pheasants. Faeces were examined by using direct smear and centrifuge floatation technique. Forty six out of 200 Pheasants were found to be infected with nematodes. The overall prevalence of nematodes was 23%, while 20% & 26% prevalence was reported for Lahore Zoo & Jallo Park Lahore respectively. The overall species wise prevalence of nematodes reported as, Capillaria, Ascaridia, Coccidia, Trichostrongylus and Heterakis 23.9%, 30.4% 19.6%, 2.2% and 23.95 respectively. Then forty five birds were selected for chemotherapeutic trial by using fenbendazole and tetramisole and checked the efficacy of these drugs against the nematodes. The decrease in mean of EPG in faecal samples was calculated before and after treatment. All the Pheasants in group A were treated with tetramisole and mean EPG was 1000 at day 0 (before treatment). The reduction in mean EPG after treatment was observed 293, 220 and 367 on days 3, 7 and 18 respectively and tetramisole efficacy was 71%, 78% and 63%. The lowest (63%) tetramisole efficacy was calculated after 7 day, likewise highest (78%) on day 7 after treatment. The overall percentage efficacy of tetramisole was calculated 71% during this drug trial. On the other hand in group B the mean EPG was 961 before treatment (on day 0). The mean EPG was calculated 226, 193 and 327 on days 3, 7 and 21 respectively after fenbendazole treatment, indicating the egg load reduction 76%, 80% and 65% respectively. In group B, the highest reduction load (80%) of eggs was calculated on day 7 after medication, on contrary 65% on day 18 (post-treatment). The significant difference (p<0.05) was seen in EPG before and after treatment with anthelmintic in group A and B. The efficacy of fenbendazole was found highly significant (p<0.02) than tetramisole. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1600,T] (1).

30. Identification Of Ticks And Tick-Borne Hemo-Parasitic Diseases Along With Therapeutic Trial Of Tick Infestation

by Sadaqat Ali | Dr. Muhammad Ijaz | Dr. Aneela Zameer Durrani | Prof. Dr. Azhar.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2013Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1601,T] (1).

31. Prevalence And Chemotherapy Of Anaplasmosis In Clinically Affected Small Ruminants Of Distric Lahore.

by Akhtar Ali | Dr. Muhammad Ijaz | Dr. Aneela Zameer Durrani | Prof. Dr. Azhar.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2013Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1610,T] (1).

32. Epidemological, Serological, Heamatological And Therapeutic Studies On Ovine Nematodiasis In Three Ecological Zones of Balochistan

by Abdul Razzaq | Prof. Dr. Kamran Ahraf | Prof. Dr | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: The main area of research in this study was to assess the prevalence, hematological and serological aspects of ovine nematodiasis. Four main experiments were conducted to highlight the objectives of the present research study. First experiment was conducted to find out the prevalence of sheep major nematodes for one year (January-December 2011). For this purpose three sheep breeds i.e., Balochi, Babrik and Harnai (either sex and between 1-5 years age groups)were selected randomly from three sites i.e., Quetta, Ziarat and Loralai. Faecal analyses of these sheep showed overall higher (40.25%) nematodes prevalence at Loralai followed by Ziarat (29%) and Quetta (23.92%). Five nematodes infection were recorded at three experimental sites. Among these, H. contortus (5.58 to 10.42%)and was the higher prevalent followed by N. battus (6.92 to 9.33%), S. papillosus (4.42 to 9%), T. colubriformis (2.33 to 7.33%) and T. ovis (1.83 to 6.83%).The nematodes prevalence was higher in one and five years old sheep. The female-sheep were infected with higher nematode prevalence higher the than male once and sometimes non-significant difference. These five nematodes were prevalent almost throughout the year; however, a peak infection was recorded during August/September. The high temperature, rainfall and humidity during these months may be predisposing factor of higher prevalence. Second experiment was on diagnosis of sheep nematodiasis through Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). For this purpose H. contortus and T. ovis positive samples (200) based on coprological examination were also indicated 100% positive sensitivity by the ELISA based on crude somatic antigen, while on excretory antigen based showed lower (92%) sensitivity. The sera (n=200) of non-infected sheep (based on coprological examination) showed marked difference results. Such as 168 (84%) and 166 (83%) samples were found positive with H. contortus and T. ovis, respectively. While, based on crude somatic antigen 158 (79%) and 144 (72%) samples were found positive with H. contortus and T. ovis, respectively. Third experiment was conducted to determine the hematological values and total serum protein indices in healthy and nematodes infected sheep. The statistically significant (P<0.05) difference in PCV, Hb, RBC, WBC, Eosinophil, ESR and Total serum protein values was observed among healthy and nematode infected sheep groups. While, there was no statistically significant (P<0.05) difference in TLC, Lymphocytes, Neutrophil, Monocytes and Basophils counts in healthy and nematodes infected sheep groups. Fourth experiment was conducted on assessing the comparative efficacy of synthetic (Oxfendazole and Ivermectin) and locally manufactured herbal medicine (Deedani, Kirmar and Atreefal Deedan) anthelmintics against sheep nematodes at AZRC/PARC Range-livestock Research Station Sanjavi district Ziarat. The present study results regarding the comparative efficacy showed that, Atreefal deedan among herbal products (Deedani and Kirmar) and Ivermectin than Oxfendazole was found effective against sheep nematodes. The sheep treated with Ivermectin showed highest (96%) FEC reduction, followed by Oxfendazole/Atreefal deedan (86%), Kirmar (60%) and Deedani (32%). Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1613,T] (1).

33. Identification Of Ticks And Tick Bornehemoparasitic Diseases In Equines Of District Lahore.

by Khadija Javed | Dr. Muhammad Ijaz | Dr. Aneela Zameer Durrani | Prof. Dr. Azhar.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2013Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1651,T] (1).

34. Epidemiology, Zoonotic Potential, Molecular Diagnosis And Chemotherapy Of Cryptosporidiosisin Bovine

by Sabiqaa Masood | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool | Dr. Aftab | Prof. Dr. Zafar Iqbal Choudhry.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2011Dissertation note: Cryptosporidiosis is an important parasitic infection of cattle, buffaloes, goats, sheep, horses, cats, human beings and other vertebrates. Prevalence of Cryptosporidiosis in selected animals and human beings carried out on the basis of microscopic examination and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Percent prevalence of Cryptosporidiosis determined on the basis of conventional identification method was highest in calves (23.1) followed by cattle (10.5) and buffaloes (8.47). Percent prevalence of Cryptosporidiosis in calves, cattle and buffaloes was higher at Government dairy farm (38.33, 20.55 and 16.66) followed by Gawala colonies (26.1, 12.77 and 9.44), Military dairy farm (18.3, 6.11 and 4.44) and then House hold dairies (10, 3.88 and 3.34). Percent prevalence recorded in calves having age less than six months was higher (26.45) than those with 7-12 months of age (16.6). Percent prevalence of Cryptosporidiosis in cattle having age of 2-3 years was higher than those cattle having 3-7 years of age. Similarly, infection rate was higher in buffaloes with 2-3 years age (11.8) than 3-7 years (9.8). Cryptosporidiosis percent prevalence recorded in female calves was higher (24.04) than male calves (18.2). Percent prevalence of Cryptosporidium oocysts observed in feces of male cattle was little higher (11.25) than female cattle (10.4). Cryptosporidiosis percent prevalence recorded in female buffaloes was higher (13.3) than male buffaloes (8.3). The data was analyzed monthly for the purpose to trace out the specific period of the year having the highest prevalence rate of Cryptosporidium infection. The highest percent prevalence of Cryptosporidiosis recorded in fecal samples of calves was during summer (27.5) followed by autumn (25.8), spring (20.3) and the lowest in winter season (14.5). Overall the highest percent prevalence of Cryptosporidiosis in cattle recorded was during summer (15), followed by spring/autumn (10.88) and the lowest in winter (6.6%). The highest percent prevalence of Cryptosporidiosis recorded in buffaloes was during summer (12) followed by autumn (20), spring (7.5) and the lowest in winter season (4.5). In human beings patients suffering from diarrhea were examined by microscopy and percent prevalence calculated was 40 in present study. Molecular percent prevalence rate determined was 12.22 in cattle. Percent prevalence recorded using PCR was the highest at Government dairy farm (22.7), followed by Gawala colonies (14.41), Military dairy farm (7.7) and the lowest at House hold dairies (5). The highest season wise percent molecular prevalence was observed during summer (16.6) followed by autumn/spring (13.3), the lowest in winter (7.7). The higher molecular percent prevalence in young cattle (2-3 years) was higher (23.7) than those having age between 3-7 years (10.7). Molecular percent prevalence of Cryptosporidiosis in selected cattle was lower in females (13.6) than males (15). The efficacy of albendazole observed was 43.05, 58.7 and 64.6 percents on 13th, 20th and 27th day post treatment. The efficacy of albendazole determined on this dose was 34.8, 57.1 and 62.9 percents on days 13, 20 and 27 post therapy. Efficacy of drug calculated on days 13, 20 and 27 was 32.8, 53.3 and 56.6 percent, respectively. Percent efficacy of used drug was 55.04, 68.5 and 79.4 on days 13, 20 and 27 post treatment, respectively. At 50mg/kg body weight dose rate of paromomycin significant decrease in OPG count was recorded from 6th day post treatment and onward (P<0.05). On days 13, 20 and 27 percent efficacy of used drug determined was 48.1, 65 and 69, respectively. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1678,T] (1).

35. Prevalence Of Defferent Developmental Stages Of Aedes Mosquitoes And Their Role In Transmission Of Dengue

by Sabila Afzal | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool | Dr. Aftab A | Dr. Muhammad Latif.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: drama Publisher: 2013Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1735,T] (1).

36. Immunobiological And Molecular Characterization Of Pasteurella Multocida From Buffaloes

by Muhammad Kamran | Prof. Dr. Mansur-ud-Din Ahmad | Dr. Aftab Ahmad Anjum | Prof. Dr. Azhar.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: drama Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: Hemorrhagic septicemia is an acute bacterial disease of buffaloes and cattle caused by Pasteurella multocida. In the present study, 400 samples (200 from carriers and 200 from sick animals) from Sargodha division were collected. Among four districts of the division, 15 samples were positive by API Kit, 13 by conventional biochemical tests and eleven were found positive for P. multocida through serological and molecular characterization. Biochemical profile index obtained with API kits had lesser accuracy than conventional and serological profiles for the identification of P. multocida. Passive mouse protection test and AGPT were used for serological confirmation. Different molecular techniques like SDS-PAGE, PCR and RFLP were used to investigate variation at the molecular level in field and vaccinal strains. There were no significant variation between field isolates and vaccinal strain in sick animals and carriers, or in isolates of different districts. Five major and three minor polypeptide bands were observed by SDS-PAGE. Genetic relatedness among the isolates was assessed by cluster analysis using Fingerprint Analysis of Missing Data (FAMD) of 12 isolates. The12 isolates clustered into 5 groups namely I, II, III, IV and V. Group I and II consisted of only one isolate in each (8.33%) of the total designated BKC-01 (S5) and KBO-01 (S1), respectively. Group III composed of 2 isolates (16.67%) namely KBC-02 (S4) and MNO-01 (S2). Group IV had the highest numbers of isolates (50%) designated as KBC-02 (S3), MNO-01 (S6), BKO-02 (S7), MNC-02 (S8), SGO-02 (S9) and V. Only two isolates were typed in group V (16.67%) named as SGO-01 (S10) and BKO-01 (S11). The size of amplified gene was 460 bp. HindIII I endonuclease cleaved bacterial genome at four sites as compared to other four enzymes (DNase1, PstlI, EcorI and BamHI) change the writing of these enzymes which cleaved at two sites. The isolates were also subjected to ten routinely used antibiotics for sensitivity testing and found enrofloxacin as drug of choice with 90.91% sensitivity, followed by gentamycine, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacine and norfloxacine (72.73%), ampicillin and amoxycillin (45.45%), amikacin (36.36%) and lowest to sulfadiazine and erythromycine (18.18%). Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1767,T] (1).

37. Immuno Pathological Effects Of Neem (Azadirachta Indica) In Commercial Broiler Chickens

by Zahid Jawad | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Younus | Dr. Muti-ur-Rehman | Prof. Dr. Azhar.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2012Dissertation note: These experiments were conducted to study the effects of Azadirachta indica admixed in poultry feed on weight gain performance, haemtological values,immune modulations, and toxic effects in broiler chickens. A total number of 144 commercial broiler 1-day old chicks were reared in the experimental sheds of the Department of Pathology, University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore, The birds were fed with balanced commercial feed and water ad libitum. The birds were divided into 3 groups; A, B and C having fourty eight chicks each. Birds of all groups were sub divided into four groups of each i.e. A1, A2, A3 and A4; B1, B2, B3 & B4 and C1, C2, C3 and C4, respectively. Each of the sub groups containd 12 birds. Sub groups A4, B4 and C4 were control group with no medication. The birds of groups A, B and C were fed with poultry feed containing dry powder of neem leaves @ 2 gm, 4 gm and 6gm per kg of feed respectively. The birds of groups A1, B1 and C1 were treated with the herb from day 0 to 42 of their life. The birds of groups A2, B2 and C2 were given the neem from day 14 to 42 of their life, whereas the birds of groups A3, B3 and C3 were treated with the herb from day 28 to 42 of their life. Difference between weekly weight gain in the birds of groups A1, B1 and C1 was non significant (P>0.05) however the difference between weight gain in the treated and control groups was significant (P<0.05). The birds treated with the herb from day 0 of their life showed more weight gain. There was no difference in the haematological indices between all of the treated groups and the control groups. The neem treated birds showed increased antibody titers against ND and IBD viruses as compared to control groups. The values of ALP and ASTshowed decreasing trend when the level of neem leaf meal was increased in the ration. Serum creatinine and serum uric acid values posed a slight declining trend in the neem fed birds. There was a decrease in serum cholesterol level in the neem treated bird groups, the higher the concentreation of the herb, the lower the cholesterol value. The organ body weight indices showed that there was no significant difference in liver, spleen and thymus weights among treated groups as well between treated and control groups. There was absence of prominent gross pathological lesions in liver, spleen, kidneys and thymus, however some treated groups showed mild hypertrophied liver and kidneys as did the organs of the birds in control groups. No histopathological changes except a few mild changes were observed in liver, spleen, kidneys and thymus in the birds of experimental groups. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1774,T] (1).

38. Serodiagnosis, Epidemiology And Economic Improtance Of Hypodermosis In Goats In Balochistan

by Saadullah Jan | Dr. Mohammad Lateef | Prof. Dr | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2013Dissertation note: Hypodermosis is an endemic infestation of cattle and goats in Pakistan. It is caused by H. lineatum and H. bovis in cattle and P. silenus in goats and is commonly existed species in Pakistan which belong to order Diptera, family Oestridae. The larvae of these flies are obligatory parasites of their hosts and are economically very important causing severe damage to the skins/hides effecting leather industry. Goat warble fly infestation has severe economic impact on tanning industries and it also causes growth retardation, carcass depreciation and production losses of milk and meat. Keeping in view the importance of this infestation, studies were designed on serodiagnosis, epidemiology and economic importance of hypodermosis in goats in northern uplands of Balochistan, Pakistan, with the objectives to diagnose warble fly infestation at early stages through serology for better control and eradication strategies, to study different epidemiological factors (age, sex, breed, temperature, humidity and rain fall) contributing goat warble fly infestation in the study areas, to compare seroprevalance over the prevalence based on clinical examination and to study the economic importance of hypodermosis in Loralai, Ziarat and Pishin districts of Balochistan, Pakistan. The duration of the study was one year commenced from April 2011 to March 2012. The most prevalent breed of goat i.e. khurasani breed in uplands of Balochistan was involved in the study which was compared with the Non-descriptive breed of goats. It is expected that the result of this study will be helpful to plan better control and eradication measures of warble fly by providing the base line data for further improvement in livestock sector in Balochistan. Serological studies for an early diagnosis and seroprevalence of hypodermosis were carried out by commercial ELISA kit (IDEXX hypodermosis serum antibody test) method. A total of 1440 blood samples were collected during the study. Sera were separated and stored at - 20 °C until further use. The infestation was detected in May and June (summer) where as the infestation is usually detected clinically in the months of October until February (winter) when warbles appear on the back and flank regions of the animals. ELISA based seroprevalence showed the highest mean percentage (48.45 %) of goat warble fly infestation in all the three districts, while the mean percentage by clinical palpation method was 15.94 % in all the three districts. In the slaughter house and skin market studies the mean percentages of goat hypodermosis were 9.07 % and 7.16 %, respectively. In the study of epidemiology, a total of 8640 number (2880 number per district) of goats of different age, sex and breed were examined on monthly bases by hand palpation clinico-parasitological method for the presence and prevalence of hypoderma infestation in the field animals. The mean prevalence percentage was 15.94 % i.e. 10%, 21.25% and 16.59% in Loralai, Ziarat and Pishin districts, respectively. In the study conducted in slaughter houses of all the three districts, a total of 4320 number (1440 number per district, 120 animals per month per district) of goats of different age, sex and breed were examined and the prevalence was recorded. Three age groups were selected for both the studies i.e. < 1year, 1-2 year and > 2 year old. The larvae were collected from naturally infested animals for identification. The mean prevalence percentage of hypodermosis in the slaughtered animals was 9.07 % i.e. 4.86%, 12.56% and 9.79% in Loralai, Ziarat and Pishin districts, respectively. Analysis of data by Pearson Chi-square test (?2) revealed highly significant difference (P<0.05) in the overall prevalence of hypodermosis district-wise in the fields and slaughter houses. Results were processed using Microsoft Excel 2007. In comparison of the fields and slaughter houses, the prevalence was significantly higher in the field animals as compared with the slaughterhouse animals in all the districts. In the study based on examination of the infested skin in the skin markets, a total of 3600 numbers of skins of goats (1200 numbers per district, 100 skins per month regardless of age, sex and breed) were examined by making monthly visits to the skin markets of each district. The intensity of the infection was also recorded by counting the number of holes in each infected skin. The overall district-wise mean prevalence percentage was 7.16 % and the mean intensity was 16.19 holes per skin. Analysis of data of the skin market by Pearson Chi-square test, using SPSS version 16, revealed highly significant differences (P< 0.05) in the prevalence of hypodermosis district-wise. Month-wise prevalence in the field animals showed that the highest prevalence was during January and lowest during October in Loralai, Ziarat and Pishin districts. In the slaughter house study, highest prevalence was observed during October and the lowest during July in Loralai district, highest during January and the lowest during July in Ziarat district whereas the highest prevalence was during the month of November and the lowest during July in district Pishin. Month-wise analysis of data by Pearson Chi-square test, using SPSS version 16, revealed highly significant differences (P< 0.05) in the prevalence of hypodermosis both in the field as well as in the slaughter house studies. Age-wise prevalence in the field as well as in the slaughter house animals showed the highest prevalence in the age group of 1-2 years as compared to the age groups of < 1 year and > 2 years. Analysis of data by Pearson Chi-square test, using SPSS version 16, revealed highly significant differences (P< 0.05) in the prevalence of hypodermosis amongst age groups both in the field as well as in the slaughter house studies. No significant difference was observed sex-wise and breed-wise in both the studies of fields and slaughter houses of the study areas. The life cycle pattern in naturally infested goats with warble fly was studied in the fields and slaughter houses of the study areas from April 2011 to March 2012. All the observations regarding the life cycle stages were recorded. First instars larvae (L1) were observed in subcutaneous tissues from mid of May to mid of July in slaughter houses of the study areas. Second instars larvae (L2) were observed in the slaughter houses from mid of July to November. Third instars larvae (L3), as well developed warbles on the back and flank regions of the goats, were palpated in the field animals and observed in the slaughter houses from December until the end of February. The pupal period was observed in early spring in the months from March to mid of April. No larvae were observed in the slaughter houses and fields of the study areas during this period while the adult fly activity season (Oviposition period) was observed in early summer from mid of April to mid of May. The estimation of economic losses due to skin damages were determined by multiplying the estimated infested numbers of skins with the value of loss per skin. The overall losses due to warble fly infestation in the study areas were calculated as Pak. Rupees 7578625.49 (Pak. Rs 7.57 million = US$ 77530.69, US$ 1= Rs. 97.75) annually. Based on the early detection studies, it is concluded and recommended that the best time for the treatment of goat warble fly infestation in uplands of Balochistan is in the months of June and July when first larval instars are still in migratory stage and not yet have reached their final sites on the back and flank regions of goats to cause damage to the skin, where as the farmers usually treat their animals against warble fly in the winter season when they observe the warbles on the backs of the animals but at that stage the larvae have damaged the skins of the animals. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1771,T] (1).

39. Comparative Efficacy Of Different Diagnostic Techniques For Ovine Haemonchosis Through Faecal

by Sadaf Anwar | Dr. Muhammad Lateef | Dr. Aftab | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2013Dissertation note: Livestock plays pivotal role in the economy of country and small ruminants are the major source of food products for human. Haemonchus contortus is the most significant parasite of small ruminants and cause heavy production losses by causing reduction in meat and wool production. The parasite directly affects the health of an animal and causes anemia, hemorrhages, anorexia, weight loss and death of affected animal. This study was designed to diagnose the Haemonchosis in sheep in and around Lahore. The accurate diagnoses of the parasite are important for its control and treatment. Direct smear, floatation technique and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) were applied to check the sensitivity and specificity in diagnosing Haemonchosis in sheep. For this purpose 100 faecal samples were collected randomly from different areas of Lahore. Each faecal sample was examined by direct smear method and floatation technique. Out of 100 faecal samples 44 were microscopically positive. 30 by direct smear method and 44 by floatation technique. Specific primers were designed to diagnose Haemonchosis in sheep by using ITS-2 Region. 44 microscopically positive samples were confirmed by PCR. 29 (66%) samples were found to be PCR-positive and 15 (34%) were found to be PCR-negative. Several other species of parasites were also found during microscopic examination of faecal samples. Two samples wetre found positive for coccidial oocyst and seven samples were also positive for other nematodes along with Haemonchus spp. Flotation technique was found to be superior in diagnosis of Haemonchosis as compared to direct smear. Conclusion: From current study it is concluded that Haemonchosis is widely prevalent in ovines. Its accurate diagnosis is essential for the treatment of infectious diseases and control of this parasite. Molecular technique has the advantage over conventional diagnostic techniques because PCR is more specific than conventional methods of diagnosis. According to the present study by conventional method there is 34% error chances to diagnose other Trichstrongylid eggs as Haemochus spp. The main advantage of using PCR as diagnostic test, are an increased speed of diagnosting the disease and its capability to notice low worm burden in small volume of faeces from individual animals. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1809,T] (1).

40. Phylogenetic Analysis Of Local Isolate Of Canine Babesiosis

by Burhan-ud-Din | Dr Harron Akbar | Prof Dr | Prof Dr Azhar Maqbal | Faculty of Veterinary Science.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2014Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1859,T] (1).

41. Prevalence And Chemotherapy Of Prevalence and Chemotherapy of Balantidium Coli in Sheep And Goats in And Around Lahore

by Mustafa jamil | Dr. Muhammad Ijaz | Prof. Dr. Aneela Zameer Durrani | Prof. Dr. Azhar.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: drama Publisher: 2014Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1885,T] (1).

42. Comparative Efficacy Of Selenium Vitamin E And Ocium Sanctum (Tulsi) Leaves On Sub Clinical Mastitis In Cattle

by Syed waqas hameed | Dr. Syed saleem ahmad | Dr. Muhammad avais | Prof. Dr. Azhar.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: drama Publisher: 2014Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1888,T] (1).

43. Prevlence Zoonotic Potential Water Borne Transmission And Chemotherapy Of Cryptosporidiosis In Small Ruminants

by Muhammad Abubakar shafiq | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool | Dr. Muhammad | Dr. Muhammad Lateef.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2014Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1910,T] (1).

44. Epidemiological Studies And Evaluation Of Anthelmintic Resistance Against Gastrointestinal Nematodes Of Sheep In Balochistan

by Hamdullah | Dr.Muhammad Lateef | Prof | Prof. Dr. Azhar maqbool.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2013Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1960,T] (1).

45. Comparative Efficiency Of Coprological Identificatiocn With Sensitive Detection Of Cryptosporidium By PCR In Domestic and Commercial Chickens

by Hafiz fahad nazir | Dr. Nisar ahmad | Prof DR. Azhar maqbool | Prof. DR. Aftab.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2014Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2010,T] (1).

46. Effect Of Gallic Acid On Oxidative Stress In Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats

by Sadia yaseen | Dr. Muhammad quaid zaman | Dr. Muhammad Shahbaz yousaf | Prof. Dr. Azhar.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2014Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2061,T] (1).

47. Prevalence And Chemotherapy Of Canine Babesiosis

by Faisal Shrif | Dr. Nisar Ahmad | Dr. MUhammad | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2014Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2117,T] (1).

48. Epidemiology Zoonotic Potential Haematology And Control Of Amoebiasis In Dogs And Humans

by Muhammad Azhar Alam | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool | Dr. Muhammad Lateef | Prof. Dr.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2013Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2130,T] (1).

49. Prevalence And Chemotherapy Of Trichostrongyloids In Camels In Charsada

by Muhammad Qasim | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool | Dr. Muhammad | Prof. Dr. Kamran Ashraf.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2014Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2131,T] (1).

50. Development Of Molecular Tools For The Diagnosis Of Plasmodium Vivax Using Cytochrome C Oxidase Gene

by Ayaz Shaukat | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool | Dr. Muhammad | Dr. Muhammad Imran Rashid.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: 2014Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2153,T] (1).

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