Therapeutic Trials In Helminthic Diarrhoea Of Sheep And Goats
by Muhammad Ijaz | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr.Kamran | Dr.Muhammad Avais | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2007Dissertation note: Sheep and goats, although representing an important source of animal protein in third world countries such as Pakistan, seem to have benefited little from veterinary care and production improvement. Although adapted to local climatic and nutritional conditions, economic production of small ruminants is hampered by infectious and parasitic diseases coupled with inadequate management.
A study of gastrointestinal helminthes of sheep and goats in Lahore has been conducted, covering a period of 3 month (September to November, 2007). During this study the infection rate of GIT helminthes that causing diarrhoea in sheep and goat was studied a total of 300 animals (n=l 50 sheep, n1 50 goats). The animals presented at the Outdoor Hospital, LXepartment of Clinical Medicine and Surgery (CMS) and various private and government hospitals were examined for the presence of helminthes. The faecal samples were collected and examined by Direct Smear Method and Salt Flotation technique for the presence of helrninth eggs, where as McMaster technique was used for EPG count to determine the drug efficacy. The result of present study revealed an overall infection rate of GIT Helminthes (66.34%) in sheep and goats. When compared the infection rate of GIT Helminthes in animals species it was found that the infection rate of GIT Helminthes is higher in sheep (70.67%) as compared to goats (62%). When compared the class wise infection rate of GIT Helminthes in sheep, an increased infection rate of Nematodes (54.67%) was observed followed by Trematodes (14.67%) and Cestodes (1.34%). Similar patten was observed in case of goats for Nematodes (48%), Trematodes (10%) and Cestodes (4%). Following species of helminthes were recovered and identified.
Haemonch us con tortus Strongylus papillosus, Trichiuris globulosa, Trichostrongylus spp. Ostertagia circumcinta.
Two species of Trematode and oae species of Cestode was recorded during the present study that was Fasciola hepatica, Cotylophoron cotylophorum and Mon iezia expansa, respectively. Among the Nematodes Haemonchus contortus was recorded to be the highest in sheep and goats with an incidence of (40%) and (28%), respectively followed by other Nernatodes of sheep, Strongylus papillosus (4%), Trichiuris globulosa (2.67%), Ostertagia circurncinta (2.67%), Trichostrongylus spp (1.34%), respectively. Trematodes and Cestodes recorded in sheep were Fasciola hepatica (14.67%), Cotylophoron cotylophoruin (4%) and Moniezia expansa (1.34%), respectively. The Nematodes species of goats were found as Haemonchus contortus (28%), Strongylus papillosus (6%), Trichiuris globulosa (4.67%), Trichostrongylus spp (1.34%). Ostertagia circuincinta (2.67%). Trernatodes species in goats was Fasciola hepatica (10%), Cotylophoron cotylophoron (6.67%) and Cestodes were Moniezia expansa (4%).
The efficacy of Ricobendazole (albendazole sulphoxide) was reported to be (67%), (90%) and (98%) at day 3, 7 and 14, respectively. The efficacy of Ricobendazole was higher than Albcndazole (47%), (88%) and (96%) at day 3, 7 and 14, respectively. Lowest efficacy of Garlic powder against helminth parasites was reported as (8%), (16%) and (2 1%) at day 3, 7 and 14, respectively. When compared day wise as well group wise efficacy of Albendazole, Ricobendazole and Garlic powder shows the significant difference (p<O.O5) was reported among the groups. Ricobendazole reduced the EPG significantly followed by Albendazole and Garlic powder compared with control positive group.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0982,T] (1).
Disgnosis Of Theileriosis In Buffalo Through Blood Smear Examination And Pcr In District Lahore
by Mukhtar Ahmad | Dr.Jawaria Ali Khan | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Nature of contents: ; Literary form: Publisher: 2008Dissertation note: The present study was designed to determine diagnosis and infection percentage of
Theileriosis in buffalo in and around District Lahorë, and to design the primer for Theleria
parasite with Microscopic Examination. For this purpose blood samples were collected from
300 buffaloes randomly from 20 villages, during the month of May, June, July and August of
2007 in and around District Lahore. Screening was done by blood smears, stained by Giemsa’s
staining technique and later the blood sample from same animals was also processed by PCR.
The blood smear showed Theileria, piroplasms, including cocci, rod, and signet-ring, with diameter of 0.5-1.5 micrometer. The blood parameter i-e PCV, Hb concentration and TEC showed presence of microlytic hypochromic anemia in diseased animal. On the basis of microscopic examination overall 44.66% (134/300) prevalence was recorded. On the basis of PCR test prevalence of Theleria parasite 5 9.66% (179/300) was recorded show the presence of carrier animal in buffalo population in district Lahore. The result had shown high efficacy of PCR as compare to microscopic examination.
It is anticipated that present study was proved helpful in diagnosis of Theileria in infected as well as in carrier animals in District Lahore and will be beneficial for further study.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0983,T] (1).
A Study On Mastitis In Pregnant And Non Pregnant Cattle And Comparative Clinical Trials At Bahadur Nagar
by Sajid Mehmood | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr.Muhammad Avais | Prof.Dr.Muham | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2008Dissertation note: Mastitis is a mutifactorial disease-complex resulting from pathogenic- host-environment interaction. The local information on the epidemiological dimensions of mastitis in Pakistan is extremely inadequate. This information is imperative for planning an intervention strategy for this costly dairy disease. All immunization procedures developed against the disease have been remained unsuccessful due to multiple etiological agents. The aim of present project was to study the incidence of sub-clinical and clinical mastitis in pregnant and non pregnant cattle at Livestock Experimental Station, Bahadur Nagar and to conduct the comparative clinical effectiveness of parentral and intramammary treatment routes. The incidence of clinical mastitis at Bahadur Nagar, Okara was 18.6 % (56/300) and incidence of sub-clinical mastitis was 3 1 .6% (89/300). Research was conducted to determine the association of some host, management and housing determinants with clinical mastitis in cattle. Analysis of data showed that the relative risk for clinical mastitis increased with the increment of age. Similarly the chances of occurance of mastitis increased with increase in lactation number and stage of lactation. The length of dry period during the preceding gestation was inversely proportion to the risk for clinical mastitis.
The managemental data showed that risk factor for mastitis was maximum with calf stimulus. Teat dipping found to be an important measure to prevent from mastitis..
When housing data was analysed it was found that risk was maximum for the animals kept on brick floor and minimum for those kept on katcha floor. Risk for clinical mastitis was higher in animals kept with uneven surfaces. The relative risk gradually decreased when the frequency of dung removal increased.
The misuse of antibiotics at low level over longer period may cause the therapeutic failure and the development of drug resistant (uni-or multi-resistant) strains of staphylococci and other bacteria. Therefore, regular studies on the antibiotic sensitivity of the bacterial isolates are needed for the effective and economical treatment of the disease. For this purpose milk sample was examined by Whiteside test. Clinically positive naturally infected animals was divided into four groups A, B, C and D. Group A, B, C was treated with Enrofloxacin (Encure-l0, Nawan Laboratories, Karachi) l/M, Enrofloxacin (Encure-l0, Nawan Laboratories, Karachi) 1/Mm, Enrofloxacin (Encure-l0, Nawan Laboratories, Karachi) I/M and I/Mm respectively and group D acted as positive control. Another group E, comprised of healthy non infected animals acted as negative control. The efficacy of drugs was evaluated on the basis of clinical recovery of the animals and Whiteside test pretreatment and post treatment results. It was found that best route of treatment was intramammary route. It was also found that clinical as well as sub-clinical mastitis was more prevalent in non pregnant but lactating animals than that of pregnant animals.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1009,T] (1).
Epidemiology Seriodiagnosis And Chemoprophylaxis Of Theileriosis In Cattle
by Aneela Zameer Durrani | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Prof.Dr.Abdul Rauf Shakoori | Prof.Dr.Kahlid | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2008Dissertation note: The field study was carried out in indigenous and cross bred cattle in three districts of Punjab namely, Lahore, Multan and Rawalpindi during the year from September 2006 to August 2007. A total of 1200 cattle were selected as reference population comprising of 600 Sahiwal and 600 Cross bred animals. 300 blood samples were collected during each season by taking 100 samples from each district. The results of field study on the basis of PCR showed that prevalence of Tannulata during summer was highest 46.7% in both breeds of cattle while lowest prevalence was recorded in winter, 4.6 % and autumn season 4.3% . The breed wise prevalence of Tannulata was lower, 11.5 % in sahiwal cattle compared with 20.2 % in cross bred cattle. The mortality rate of 2.8% was noticed only in cross bred cattle with highest mortality recorded in district Rawalpindi ,64.7% and lowest in district Multan,29.4% .The positive percentage of Tannulata was higher,61.5%(234/380) in females as compared to males ,38.4% (146/3 80) of both breeds. The positive percentage in much animals was highest, 32.4 %( 123/380) in both breeds while lowest was recorded in heifers, 11.1 %( 42/3 80). In males of both breeds 26.3% (100/3 80) positive percentage was seen in adults above 1 year of age while lower, 12.1% (46/3 80) was recorded in young animals up to 1 year of age. The prevalence of Tannulata was highest,l2.2% in district Lahore in both breeds while lowest prevalence, 9.33% was seen in district Rawalpindi.
The efficacy of PCR test was highest ,31.6% followed by microscopic lymph node smear examination,8.25% and microscopic blood smear examination,6% in diagnosis of field challenges of Theileria.
During the present study mixed infection with Babesia bigemina, 158%, was recorded in reference population. TLc breed wise prevalence of Babesia bigen'iina was higher in cross bred animals 33.33 % compared to 17 % in sahiwal cattle respectively along with 6% prevalence of the ileria specie on blood smear examination.
The overall economic losses of 3.39 million were calculated during the present study in three districts under study. The stocking pattern was highest (47%) for herd size of 1-2 animals while lowest herd size (12%) of 5-6 and above 6 was recorded.
The survey of ectoparasites showed the highest prevalence of ticks,66.7% recorded in district Lahore while prevalence of lice was highest,36.3% in district Rawalpindi and prevalence of mange mites was highest ,4% in district Multan. The highest prevalence of Hyalomma 12.0%, followed by Boophilus 8.1% Haemaphysalis 5%.and Rhipicephalus 3.1% were recorded. During the present study the species of Hyalomma identified were Hyalomma a. anatolicurn (65.2%) and Hyalomma n-zarginatum marginaturn (34.8%).The examination of salivary glands revealed that Hyalomma a. anatolicum (87%) and Hyalomma marginatum inarginatum (20.8%) were infected with T. annulata sporozoites. It was observed that the population of ticks was heaviest in the month of June, mid September to mid October with lowest infestation during the month of November. No ticks were noticed on animals from December to February.
The taxonomical study of Hylomma species showed the difference between both sexes and in different developmental stages. The two species of Hyalomnia in the present study were differentiated on the basis of structural features in adults. The pre-oviposition & oviposition periods recorded during spring were longest i.e 9 days and 12 days respectively. The incubation period of the ova of Hyalomma in summer and autumn was longest i.e 20 days. Mean survival period of unfed larva of Hyalomma was recorded as 56 days while for nymph it was 65 days. Larval and nymph engorgement period was longest in spring i.e. 9 days and 7days respectively while for adult the mena engorgement period in spring was longest i.e 9 days .The larval and nymph moulting period was longest in spring i.e 16 days and 17 days respectively . Amount of blood sucked in mg by first instar of Hyalomma ranged from 0.132 -0.126mg while for second instar it ranged from 140-79mg and for third instar it was 237-180 mg. The eggs were oblong in shape and measured 0.470 X 0.420 mm in size with weight of 0.041 rng on an average. It was observed that the maximum number of eggs laid by a single female tick in spring varied from 3720 to 3918, in summer from 2611 to 2961 and in autumn from 2423 to 2606.
The bionomical study showed effect of varying temperature and humidity on the development of different stages of Hyalomma tick. The effect of constant temperature (30°C) and varying humidity showed mean pre-oviposition period of mid October with lowest infestation during the month of November. No ticks were noticed on animals from December to February.
The taxonomical study of Hylomma species showed the difference between both sexes and in different developmental stages. The two species of Hyalomnia in the present study were differentiated on the basis of structural features in adults. The pre-oviposition & oviposition periods recorded during spring were longest i.e 9 days and 12 days respectively. The incubation period of the ova of Hyalomma in summer and autumn was longest i.e 20 days. Mean survival period of unfed larva of Hyalomma was recorded as 56 days while for nymph it was 65 days. Larval and nymph engorgement period was longest in spring i.e. 9 days and 7days respectively while for adult the mena engorgement period in spring was longest i.e 9 days .The larval and nymph moulting period was longest in spring i.e 16 days and 17 days respectively . Amount of blood sucked in mg by first instar of Hyalomma ranged from 0.132 -0.126mg while for second instar it ranged from 140-79mg and for third instar it was 237-180 mg. The eggs were oblong in shape and measured 0.470 X 0.420 mm in size with weight of 0.041 rng on an average. It was observed that the maximum number of eggs laid by a single female tick in spring varied from 3720 to 3918, in summer from 2611 to 2961 and in autumn from 2423 to 2606.
The bionomical study showed effect of varying temperature and humidity on the development of different stages of Hyalomma tick. The effect of constant temperature (30°C) and varying humidity showed mean pre-oviposition period of
that the values of TEC, TLC, and PCV and hemoglobin decreased considerably. Comparison of normal average with affected average values increased in Cross bred cattle while for Sahiwal cattle the values increased for lymphocytes and decreased for neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes and basophils. The experimental study showed highest preyalence of disease in adult animals as compared to young animals by all diagnostic tests. The prevalence of disease in young animals at 12 months of age was highest (85.7% by MLE,71 .4% by MBE,85.7% by IFA & PCR in Sahiwal while 71.4% by MLE & MBE, 89% by IFA, 100% by PCR in cross bred animals. ) while lowest percentage of disease was seen at 3 months of age by all tests.The highest specificity and sensitivity ,96% and 75% respectively for PCR test was recorded while for MBE lowest specificity and sensitivity ,76% and 44% respectively were calculated. PCR analysis of the samples with 6u1 of MgCl2 gave successful results . It was found out that primers set A anneal at Tm 55 °C while Primer set B anneal at 60°C. The expected 721-bp fragment was generated from T. annulata DNA with primer set N5 1 6/N5 17721 -bp liagment with 0.00040% parasitemia, corresponding to 19 parasites per ml while primers 989 and 990 amplified the expected 1098 bp fragment of DNA. All animals that were positive by microscopic examination were also positive by IFA as well as PCR. The therapeutic trials showed efficacy of buparvaquone @ J/M 2.5 mg /kg body weight and Calotropisprocera @ 0.3mg! Kg dose orally.8 doses on alternate days was 60% and 100% respectively. After completion of treatment with Cal otropis procera no tick infestation was seen while ticks were present on the body of that the values of TEC, TLC, and PCV and hemoglobin decreased considerably. Comparison of normal average with affected average values increased in Cross bred cattle while for Sahiwal cattle the values increased for lymphocytes and decreased for neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes and basophils. The experimental study showed highest preyalence of disease in adult animals as compared to young animals by all diagnostic tests. The prevalence of disease in young animals at 12 months of age was highest (85.7% by MLE,71 .4% by MBE,85.7% by IFA & PCR in Sahiwal while 71.4% by MLE & MBE, 89% by IFA, 100% by PCR in cross bred animals. ) while lowest percentage of disease was seen at 3 months of age by all tests.The highest specificity and sensitivity ,96% and 75% respectively for PCR test was recorded while for MBE lowest specificity and sensitivity ,76% and 44% respectively were calculated. PCR analysis of the samples with 6u1 of MgCl2 gave successful results . It was found out that primers set A anneal at Tm 55 °C while Primer set B anneal at 60°C. The expected 721-bp fragment was generated from T. annulata DNA with primer set N5 1 6/N5 17721 -bp liagment with 0.00040% parasitemia, corresponding to 19 parasites per ml while primers 989 and 990 amplified the expected 1098 bp fragment of DNA. All animals that were positive by microscopic examination were also positive by IFA as well as PCR. The therapeutic trials showed efficacy of buparvaquone @ J/M 2.5 mg /kg body weight and Calotropisprocera @ 0.3mg! Kg dose orally.8 doses on alternate days was 60% and 100% respectively. After completion of treatment with Cal otropis procera no tick infestation was seen while ticks were present on the body of animals treated with buparvaquone. With herbal treatment the animals showed diarrhoea for first 10-12 hours after administration of every dose on alternate days but animals recovered spontaneously without any antidiarrhoeal treatment. The results of CBC showed the characteristic macrocytic hypochrornic anemia in theileriosis was recovered by Calotropis procera treatment. The of result of LFT's and kidney function tests post treatment with Calotropis procera showed no toxicity of drug. In group C the characteristic signs of disease were noticed.
The results of prophylactive trials with both drugs showed delay of 23 days in the onset of clinical disease with buparvaquone while clinical disease was not seen in second group that was prophylactively treated with Calitropis procera. The in vitro trials with both drugs to check the acaricidal activity supported trials with Calitropis procera as having acaricidal within 3 hours while no such effect was noticed with bupasrvaquone in vitro trials.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1033,T] (1).
Status Of Calcium And Phosphorus In Soil,Fodder, And Blood Serum Of Buffalo Calves In District Kasur
by Waqas Ali | Mr.Asim Khalid Mahmood | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2009Dissertation note: To determine the levels of calcium and phosphorus in buffalo calves of district Kasur 100 blood samples were collected. In addition to blood samples, fodder and soil samples were also collected from same areas. For blood samples buffalo calves were divided in to group A from 0-6 months of age and B from 6-12 months of age. Fifty samples were collected from each group. The mean plasma calcium values in group A of buffalo calves were higher than the group B of buffalo claves in district Kasur. On the other hand phosphorus levels observed were higher in group B. Soil calcium levels showed variation in different areas and were found highest in Khudian Khass and lowest in Khara areas of district Kasur. Whereas soil phosphorus values were observed highest in Khara and Shams Pura. Feedstuffs, dry roughages and concentrates showed great variation in both the minerals. Calcium was found higher in rapeseed and barseem fodders in Khara and Chak 45 areas and in dry roughages was higher in Amer Kot region and was found highest in rice straw. Calcium was higher in cotton seed cake concentrates in Khudian Khas. On the other hand phosphorus levels were found higher in rapeseed fodder. In dry roughages the phosphorus levels were higher in Khara whereas phosphorus values were highest in sugarcane tops.
In concentrates the phosphorus values were higher in Shams Pura of district Kasur and maximum phosphorus values were in wheat bran. Soil samples were collected from each location sampled for fodder and processed according to method described by Singh. The calcium levels in soil of different areas of Kasur were highest in Khudian Khas and other areas have little variation in soil calcium. The phosphorus values of soil were found highest in Khara and Shams Pura but over all there is mineral variation among the areas for phosphorus levels. It is concluded that the levels of calcium and phosphorus in blood serum are entirely dependant on feed source and the levels in ration are dependant on the mineral levels of soil from where obtained.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1056,T] (1).
Effetct Of Two-Stroke Auyo Rikshaw Smoke Solution On Angiogenesis And Embryonic Movements Using Chicken
by Khaleeq Anwar | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Ashraf | Dr.Sheryar Afzal | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Sarwar.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2008Dissertation note: Auto rickshaw is a two-stroke vehicle widely used in South Asia for transportation. They emit 20-50% of their fuel unburned in the exhaust comprising a wide range of pollutants from simple to carcinogenic These pollutants of exhaust may have adverse effects on embryogenesis and angiogenesis. The current study was undertaken to assess the level of risk offered to pregnant women traveling and breathing in the environment condensed with emissions from auto rickshaws and to predict the possible teratological deformities and antiangiogenic effects followed by exposure to polluted air.
Smoke of auto rickshaw was taken in polythene bags containing distilled water and filtered. Filtered solution was used for experimental analysis. Fresh fertilized eggs were taken and incubated in incubator at 37C° and at 70-80% humidity. At day 4 of incubation 4-5 ml albumin was removed and a window was prepared. At day 6 of incubation, 200tl of samples was applied to the developing CAM, which was histological evaluated for any interim change in the process of angiogenesis. Similarly, for embryonic movements, eggs were incubated at 37C° and at 70-80% humidity. At day 5, 3-4m1 albumin was removed to visualize embryo. Egg was placed in incubator fitted with digital camera a video of embryonic movements was recorded for 1 hr. At 15 mm of recording, 200 ul of sample solution was applied on developing embryo and deviation in embryonic movements was recorded.
All above observation did undermine different toxicological activities of autorickshaw smoke solution on embryogenesis and angiogenesis.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1068,T] (1).
Comparative Efficacy Of Intramedullary Pinning And Plating For The Repair Of Mid-Rami Mandibular Fracture In Dogs
by Saman Bhatti | Prof.Dr Muhammad Arif Khan | Dr.Asim Khalid | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Sarwar | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2010Dissertation note: All the experimental dogs were kept over a period of 4 months postoperatively at surgery section, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore. Different parameters were studied to select the best technique for the repair of mandibular fractures in dogs. These parameters were as under:
1- Physical examination
2- Radiographic evaluation
3-. Postmortem examination
The analysis of the results clearly indicated that the use of bone plating was a better option over intramedullary pinning for the repair of mandibular fractures.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1110,T] (1).
Prevalence Of Salmonella And E.Coli In Diarrheic Calves
by Muhammad Anwar ullah | Dr.javeria Ali Khan | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Sarwar Khan.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2011Dissertation note: Calf diarrhea causes mortality and heavy economic losses. In this study, calf diarrhea caused by Salmonella and E. coli was particularly focused. The samples were collected from different private livestock farms, small livestock holders belonging to different villages and civil veterinary hospitals of district Jhelum during period of 3 months. A total 150 calves up to 6 months of age with signs of diarrhea were examined. Fresh faecal and blood samples were collected. Faecal samples were cultured on McConkey and on S-S agar for isolation of bacteria. These colonies were identified by using API 20 E Kit.
Total number of 50 calves found positive out of 150 calves. Prevalence of salmonella and E. coli was 18.6% and 14.6% respectively. Occurrences of diarrheal disease due to various risk factors like age, sex were recorded for determining these risk factors. Total positive samples of male were 18 and total female positive samples were 32 with prevalence rate of 12% and 21% respectively. Cattle positive sample found in the study were 31 and buffalo positive sample were 19 with 21% and 12% prevalence for cattle and buffalo. Calves were divided into three different age groups of 1-30 days, 31-90 days, 91-180 days of age. The number of positive samples for male and female in these three different age groups were also noted. The prevalence of bacteria in these three groups of cattle and buffalo were also considered in this study. Blood parameters values of total leukocyte, hemoglobin erythrocyte sedimentation rate, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes and monocytes were also compared between cattle and buffalo and also in total calves of different age groups. The effect of environmental influences; rainfall, temperature on infectious calf diarrhea was also observed.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1233,T] (1).
Epidemiology Of Diarrheal Diseases Of Bovine Calves In Punjab
by Jawaria Ali Khan | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Prof.Dr.Azhar | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Arif Khan.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2010Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1254,T] (1).
Common Nosocomial Bacterial Isolation And Identification From Veterinary Hospitals
by Muhammad Umar Zafar Khan (2008-VA-255) | Prof. Dr. Aneela Zameer Durrani | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr. Hassan Bin Aslam.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2015Dissertation note: CD not available. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2217-T] (1).
Effect of Curcuma Longa on Embryonated Eggs Experimentally Infected With Avian Influenza Virus
by Syed Iftikhar Ali Shah (2013-VA-436) | Dr. Muhammad Yasin Tipu | Prof. Dr. Asim Aslam | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Sarwar Khan.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2015Dissertation note: CD Error Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2264-T] (1).
Therapeutic Study Of Trichomoniasis In Pigeons
by Muhammad Umar Farooq (2002-VA-78) | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Sarwar Khan | Dr.Syed Saleem Ahmad | Prof. Dr.Kamran Ashraf.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2016Dissertation note: Trichomoniasis in birds is caused by the flagellated protozoan Trichomonas spp. In pigeons, it causes a condition known as ''canker''. The causative agent is Trichomonas gallinae.
The trichomoniasis is a one of the major protozoal diseases of pigeons and other members of the columbiformes family like doves etc. Common signs include diarrhea, anorexia, ruffled feathers and listlessness. A severe weight loss is one of the characteristic sign accompanied by appearance of cheesy mass in the buccal cavity.
On microscopic examination flagellated protozoan confirm the diagnosis. The transmission is either from parents to the offsprings while feeding or from the drinkers and feeders in colony keeping systems. Sometimes raptors and other birds of prey feeding on pigeons may get infection, after eating the infected prey. Trichomoniasis can occur at any time of the year, in the young squabs so a serious problem to the squab industry.
The prevalence of trichomoniasis can range upto 80% however in the present study it was found to be 19% in total.
In the present study included analysis of Trichomonas gallinae prevalence in pigeons. To evaluate this 125 pigeons were collected from various lofts and pet shops in district Lahore and were examined macroscopically for gross signs and microscopically for parasite prevalence. Prevalence was found to be highest in summer season , and in female pigeons. However certain breeds were found to be relatively more susceptible, than others.
The metronidazole was 100% effective in naturally infected pigeons with Trichomonas gallinae when it is given orally in a dose of 100 mg / pigeon for seven days (Abd El-Motelib and Galal, 1993 and Aydin et al, 2000), and 1gm / liter for five successive days (Shihata, 1978)
For comparing various therapeutic agents 4 groups of 10 birds each were used, first three groups A,B & C included naturally infected birds were treated with medicine while 4th group D included 10 birds remained untreated. In the end the efficacy of the two therapeutic drugs Metronidazole, Secindazole and one herbal agent Garlic was evaluated.
The data of the therapeutic part of the study was analyzed by ANOVA, the treatment groups were divided into 4 groups in which the pigeon were randomly placed.
Pretreatment (0 day) the buccal mucosa were analyzed and Post-treatment twice analysis were performed at 4 days and at 7 days data was analyzed using ANOVA.
Group A was Given Metronidazole at the dose rate of 100mg / day for seven days and showed the 100% recovery among the pigeons at day 4.
Group B was given Secindazole at a dose rate of 50mg single dose at day 01 only and showed 60% of the recovery at 4th day and 100% of bird recovery at 7th day.
Group C was given garlic extract approximately 200 mg / day for seven days and showed 50% of the recovery at 4th day and 70% of bird recovery at 7th day.
Group D was control thought out the study period.
Among all therapeutic groups the group A was the most significant p> 0.05(0.00a) than group B, C & D. group B is significant p< 0.05(0.16b) than group C & D, Group c is significant P<0.05(0.15b) than group D.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2663-T] (1).