Influence Of Varying Levels Of Energy With Constant Levels Of Protein On The Performance Of Japanese Quails
by Shahid Siddique | Dr.Nisar Ahmad | Dr.Javed Ahmad Qureshi | Dr.Muhammad.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1997Dissertation note: Present experiment was conducted to study the influence of varying level of energy with constant level of protein on the performance of Japanese quail. For this purpose 300 day old Japanese quail were reared upto 42 days. Quails were randomly divided into five groups, each group was further subdivided into three replicates of 20 quails each . Starter rations Al, Bi, Cl, Dl and El were given to each group for first 21 days and from 22 - 42 days finisher rations A2, B2, C2, D2 and E2 were given. Starter rations contained 24.5% protein and 2800, 2900, 3000, 3100 and 3200 Kcal/Kg Metabolizable Energy respectively. Finisher rations contained 19.5% protein and 2800, 2900, 3000, 3100 and 3200 Kcal/Kg Metabolizable Energy respectively. On starter rations quail chicks gained weight 66.77, 63.54, 69.28, 62.36 and 61.50 grams respectively. The highest weight gain of 69.28 grams was obtained with chicks fed on ration Cl containing Metabolizable Energy 3000 Kcal/Kg with calorie-protein ratio 122. Feed consumed by the quail chicks was 133.73, 128.38, 126.71, 122.60 and 119.50 grams respectively. Chicks fed on ration Al consumed maximum feed having 2800 Kcal/Kg Metabolizable Energy, while minimum feed consumption was on ration El having 3200 Kcal/Kg Metabolizable Energy. The average feed efficiency was 2.00, 2.02, 1.82, 1.96 and 1.94 respectively. The chicks fed on ration C1 containing Metabolizable Energy of 3000 Kcal/Kg with calorie-protein ratio 122 was more efficient in feed utilization.
On finisher rations A2, B2, C2, D2 and/ E2 weight gained was 67.62, 72.03, 74.25, 70.46 and 68.05 grams respectively. The highest weight gain 74.25 grams was obtained with chicks, fed on ration C2 containing Metabolizable Energy 3000 KcaI/Kg with calorie-protein ratio 153. Feed consumed by quail chicks on finisher rations was 311.33, 293.93, 299.9, 287.4 and 276.17 grams. Highest amount o feed i.e. 311.33 grams was consumed by chicks fed on ration A2 having Metabolizable Energy 2800 Kcal/Kg , while the lowest amount of feed consumed by quail chicks on ration E2 containing Metabolizable Energy 3200 Kcal/Kg. Similarly the feed conversion ratio was 4.60, 4.08, 4.04, 4.07 and 4.05 to the quail chicks fed on finisher rations. The chicks fed on ration C2 containing Metabolizable Energy 3000 Kcal/Kg with calorie-protein ratio 153 was more efficient in feed utilization.
The results indicated that ration containing Metabolizable Energy 3000 Kcal/Kg with calorie-protein ratio 122 in starter rations and ration containing Metabolizable Energy 3000 KcalIKg with calorie-protein ratio 153 in finisher ration were economical, showed better weight gain and comparatively more efficient in feed utilization in quail chicks. It was observed that the rate of weight gain was decreased when energy levels were increased or decreased from 3000 Kcal/Kg in starter and finisher rations respectively. It was noticed that as the level of energy with constant level of protein in ration increased, the feed consumption was decreased. Feed efficiency was poor at high and low energy rations with constant level of protein.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0672,T] (1).
Effect Of Different Levels Of Lysine In Vegetable Protein Based Rations On The Performance Of Japanese Qualils
by Khalid Siddique | Dr . Nisar Ahmad Mian | Dr . Muhammad | Dr . Talat Naseer Pasha.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1998Dissertation note: Besides the protein levels, amino acid profile is considered to be more important at the time of ration formulation. The plant protein sources have been proved to be better source of protein because there is no danger of adulteration and also they have appropriate prices but at the same time most of the cereal are deficient in essential amino acids including lysine, methionine, therionine and tryptophane. under practical conditions these limitations may be rectified by judicious use of suitable protein rich ingredients and pure amino acids supplementation. The present study was planed to check the effect of different levels of lysine in vegetable protein based diets on the performance of Japanese quails (courtnix courtnix Japonica).
Three hundred quail chicks were randomly divided into five groups of 60 quails each and each group was further subdivided into 20 quails each. five experimental rations A, B, C, D, and E having lysine levels 1.10%, 1.20%, 1.30%, 1.40% and 1.50% were prepared.
The average total weight gain of chicks fed on rations A, B, C, D and E was 154.53, 148.13, 148.37, 145.73 and 139.86 gms respectively. The chicks fed on ration A having lysine level 1.10% gained more weight than all the other groups. The total feed consumption per chick on experimental rations A, B, C, D and E was 486.23, 503.66, 519.33, 521.00 and 502.60 gms respectively. The total feed consumed by chicks fed on ration D with lysine leveLi.40%was highest. When the data was subjected to statistical analysis, a non-significant difference was observed among the chicks fed on various experimental rations. The average commutative FCR of groups A, B, C, D and E was 3.26, 3.38, 3.40, 3.44 and 3.48 respectively. Best FCR was observed in chicks fed on ration A with lysine level 1.10%. The difference in FCR of ration A was also found to be more significant than all the other groups. The average values of dressing percentage of birds fed on rations A, B, C, D and E was 69.03, 69.65, 69.71, 68.29 and 68.61 gms respectively. The dressing percentage of chicks fed on ration C with lysine level 1.30% was best to all the other rations. Non- significant difference was observed in dressing percentage on five levels of lysine.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0692,T] (1).
Standardization Of Indirect Enzyme Linked Immunosorbant Assay For Detection Of Antibodies Against Foot and Mouth Disease Virus Sdrotype "O"
by Yasmeen Siddique | Prof. Dr. Khushi Muhammad | Dr. Mansur-ud-Din Ahmad | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2005Dissertation note: An indirect ELISA was standardized for titration of anti-FMD-serotype-specific antibodies. In this test polystyrene plates were coated with known FMD serotype "O" virus using carbonate/bicarbonate buffer. The blank spaces were blocked with horse serum. The immunoplate was coated with anti-FMD "O" virus specific serum from vaccinated calves. After washing, the plate was coated with rabbit anti-bovine-Ig-specific-antibodies-horse radish peroxidase conjugate. After washing, the plate was coated with HRP specific substrate. Development of color was recorded in form of OD value using ELISA reader. During the standardization of ELISA, flat bottom ELISA plates among all types of plates, 1:10 diluted virus among different dilutions of FMD "O" type virus, 1:10 diluted serum from buffalo calves vaccinated with FMD "O" type specific vaccine, 1:4000 dilution of conjugate and incubation of 4º C for coating the virus showed good results. In each experiment, plateau region, test back ground and plate back ground was recorded. Results of the study will help in establishment of an economical, sensitive, reliable indirect ELISA that subsequently be helpful to understand the percent prevalence of FMD serotypes in Pakistan and efficacy of FMD vaccines.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0879,T] (1).
Application Of Different Control Measures Against Argas Persicus
by Qaiser Siddique | Dr. Kamran Ashraf | Dr. Asim Aslam | Prof. Dr. H.A. Hashmi | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2006Dissertation note: To final out the comparative efficacy of different control measures against Argas persicus, In-Vitro and In-Vivo studies were carried out for the in-Vitro studies three thousand soft ticks Argas Persicus at different stages of their development were used in the experiment. The ticks were divided in to 5 groups A, B, C, D and E having 600 ticks in each group. The ticks of each group (600) were further divided in to three replicates having 200 ticks in each. The ticks were maintained in small plastic boxes containing tick rearing medium at a controlled temperature of 25 Co and 60% relative humidity. The 5 treatments are applied with a small (1 liter) hand held sprayer at the rate of 20ml per box 345 cm2 surface area. The first application was made after 24 hours and repeated twice at 48 hours intervals. On day 0,3,5,7 and 10, the ticks were separated from the manure by immersing the manure in water and retrieved the ticks with the help of sieve. The ticks relating to each group were counted and the counts of each group were compared. The reduction in the counts in test groups as compared to control group A indicated the efficacy of the treatment. It was noticed by the comparative mortality of the ticks in the replicates of different groups that in mortality of ticks in Group A occurred as 6.17% in B as 67.67% in C as 70.67% , in D as 100% and in E as 71.83%. The findings of the In Vitro experiment showed that the efficacy of Tiekide was 100% and in ranking order was placed at No. 1 amongst the test groups and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05) as compared to B, C and E groups. However the findings of Groups B, C and E were not significant amongst each other (P>0.05). For the In-Vivo studies, the experiment was conducted on a layer farm infested with Argus persicus. A total of 100 layers infested with Argas persicus were reared under experimental conditions on particular farm. One hundred infested birds were divided into 5 groups i.e A,B,C,D and E, each group consisting of 20 birds. The ticks of all members of the groups were counted on day 0,3,5,7 and 10. Group A acted as infested and non treated, B was treated by application of EM1 under the infested wings, C was applied EM5, D was applied Tiekide (Homoeopathic formula) under the wings the medicine was also orally administered @ 2 drops in 1 ml water and members of Group E were applied 1% solution of Ivomec (Ivermectin). The results indicated that the reduction in the mean tick counts was 95.74% in Group D which was placed at No. I, in descending order the mean tick counts reduced by 70.97% in Group E, 68.59% in Group C, 67.63% in Group B and only 1.93% in control Group A. The Tiekide was claimed to be a drug of choice.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0932,T] (1).
In Vitroantibacterial Effect Of Psidium Gajava (Amrood) & Gymnema Sylvestre (Gurmar Booti )
by Hafiz Abu Bakar Siddique Akbar | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Ashraf | Muhammed | Muhammed Avais Umer.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2008Dissertation note: The present study was designed to evaluate the antibacterial activity of water, methanol, chloroform and petroleum ether extracts of Psidium guajava and Gymnema sylvestre on Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhi by using agar well diffusion method. Both plant extracts showed considerable activity against gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Water extract of Psidium guajava showed good activity against gram positive bacteria and the methanolic extract against gram negative bacteria while chloroform and petroleum ether extracts have only activity against gram positive bacteria but less than water and methanolic extracts which indicated that its polar component have stronger activity against both gram positive and gram negative bacteria than non polar.
Gymnema sylvestre extracts also showed activity against both gram positive and gram negative bacteria except water extract which showed no activity against the studied bacteria. The methanolic extract had stronger activity against gram-negative bacteria than chloroform and petroleum ether extracts and had no activity against Salmonella typhi at this concentration but had activity against Escherichia coli but weaker than chloroform and petroleum ether extracts. This indicated that its polar component (methanolic extract) had good activity against gram positive than gram negative bacteria. While chloroform and petroleum ether extracts have stronger activity against gram negative than gram positive bacteria. This indicated that its non-polar components have stronger activity against gram negative bacteria.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1029,T] (1).
Disposition Kinetics Of Oxytetracycline In Sheep
by Rana Fatima | Dr. Muhammad Nawaz | Mr. Riaz ul Haq Siddique.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1985Dissertation note: The pharmacokinetic s of ooxytetracycline was investigated in eight normal adult female sheep after intravenous administration. The blood samples collected at various time intervals were assayed for unchanged oxytetracycline. The plasma concerntrations of oxytetracycline at different time intervals from 5 minutes to 24 hours ater injection were plotted on semilograthmic graph paper versus time. The results are expressed after performing two compartment model kinetic analysis. After single intravenous administration of ox tetracycline in sheep, the distribution half life and biological half life shoed average +- values of 21.52 + 5.72 and 413.75+ 25.08 minutes and ranged between 16 to 29 manures and 365 to 442 minutes, respectively. The apparent volumes of distribution of oxytetracycline in sheep calculated by area method was 1.049+ 0.0009 1/kg and ranged between 0.99 to 1.25 1/kg-1. The average + values of volume of central compartment was 0.659+ 0.005 1/kg. The rate constant for oxyteyracyline transfer across compartment 1 to 2 (k12)and 2 to 1 (k21) were an average + SEM 0.723+0.02, 1.281 + 0.03 respectively. Total body clearance of oxytetracyline through intravenous route calculated on per kg basis ranged between 91.56 to 122.88 ml. min h-1 oxytetracylcine was bound to plasma protein on an average 49.3+ .002 percent and ranged between 46 to 51 percent. The renal clearance of total and free oxytetracycline as 5.42 + 2.09 and 10.57 + 3.81 ml/min 10 kg, respectively. The results showed that the renal clearance of oxyytetracylcine involved molecular filtration and back diffusion which is independent of pH, diuresis and presence of total and free oxtetracylcine. The average + SD urinary excretion of oxytetracycline as about 18.01 + 4.03 percent of the does at 24 hourse.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1144,T] (1).
Identidiation Of Genetic Susceptiblity Of Myopic Loci In Families From Punjab
by Maria Fareed Siddique | Prof.Dr.Masroor Elahi Babar | Dr. Sehrish Firyal | Prof. Dr. Abu.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2010Dissertation note: Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a condition in which the eye cannot focus on distant objects and sometimes closer ones too. In past different authors reported different loci responsible for myopia. They used specifically synthesized markers for different loci and after conducting linkage analysis through genotyping the myopic families were found to be linked for those loci, whereas, in some studies the cause of myopia was environmental. Till now, linkage studies have identified at least 18 possible loci in 15 different chromosomes associated with myopia, although some of these remain to be confirmed. In past, no study was done in Pakistan on myopic families for finding responsible myopic locus in this regard. So, more conclusive and well-designed studies on family pedigrees of individuals with high myopia were needed to be conducted in Pakistan by using genetic markers associated with myopia.
In this study, a panel of microsatellite markers was developed. Blood samples were taken from six myopic families. DNA was extracted. PCR was performed for amplification of these I microsatellite markers on 34 samples belonging to 6 families. Genotyping analysis was performed for the PCR products of microsatellite markers. These results were studied by constructing and analyzing haplotypes on the basis of PAGE gel bands. Heterozygosity, homozygosity, polymorphism with all microsatellites markers, specific for two loci were checked.
One family MYO-4 was found to be potentially linked with markers for the locus MYP-18. Another family MYO-5 showed potential linkage for the locus 2q37.2. Remaining four families (MYO-l, MYO-2, MYO-3 and MYO-6) were totally unlinked with all the markers (D14S984, D14S63, D14S999, D2S2202, D2S2968 and D2S338 for both loci demonstrating genetic insusceptibility of myopic loci in developing myopia and thus suggesting the complex genetic variability of myopia.
This study will serve as the pioneering database for further research on identifying the genetic heterogenic complexity of myopia. Results of this study lead to development of a panel of microsatellite markers which can be used for linkage studies of more myopic families in Pakistan. This study opens the door for new geneticists as the results can also be helpful in carrying out genetic counseling for the myopic persons who are going to be married and specifically for those who have dominant inheritance. This was a preliminary study on myopic patients in Pakistan and data produced during this study will be helpful for drawing and determining genetic inheritance of expected babies with affected parents and siblings. Moreover this study can become the basis for further research investigations on myopics in Pakistan.
This was a pioneering study to develop panel of microsatellite markers for conducting linkage analysis and genetic characterization of myopic patients in Pakistan. As a result of this successful study a reliable, efficient and very informative panel of microsatellite markers was successfully developed which was capable to interpret individual diseased allelic identity, to be used for conducting linkage analysis through genotyping of myopics in Pakistan. This study will serve as the database for further research on identifying the genetic heterogenic complexity of myopia and also these successful results can be further analyzed in future on more myopics from different areas of Pakistan. This work provokes the need for further research purposes in identifying the genes influencing myopia that could help develop targeted treatments for children who are genetically predisposed to developing myopia.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1177,T] (1).
Alayisis Of Sodium Channel Subunit Beta-1 ( Scnib ) Mutations Involved In Generalized Epilepsy With Febrile Seizures
by Salma siddique | Dr.Muhammad Wasim | Dr. Abu saeed hashmi | Dr. Atif Hanif.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2011Dissertation note: Epilepsy is, one of the most common disorders of the brain, a common neurological
condition defined by recurrent and unprovoked seizures. Epilepsy affects 50 million
people worldwide, including one in every 200 children. Febrile Seizures (FS) are not
thought of as a true epileptic disease but rather as a special syndrome characterized by its provoking factor (high grade fever) and a typical range of 6 months to 6 years. The
patients with generalized epilepsy with febrile seizure plus (GEFS+) show febrile
seizures initially, lasting beyond 6 years of age, and afebrile seizures occur with multiple
types, mainly with generalized seizures but sometimes with focal seizures. Studies have
shown that genetic factors play an important role in the pathogenesis of GEFS+ and other types of epilepsy. Mutations in a number of genes have been identified that leads to the various types of epilepsy. Sodium channel subunit beta-l (SCN1B) was the first gene identified to be associated with febrile seizures. However, very little work has been done on SCNl B gene in epilepsy patients, especially in Pakistan. The present study was
conducted to understand the comprehensive role of SCN1B gene in GEFS+ patients.
Blood samples of unrelated true representative of generalized epilepsy with febrile
seizures plus were collected from psychiatry and preventive pediatrics departments of
various hospitals of Lahore. DNA was extracted and amplified with specially designed
primers and sequencing of the peR products was also done. Analysis of the sequences
and SNPs/mutations was done with the help of appropriate bioinformatics softwares. In
the present study, polymorphism analysis of human SCNIB gene isolated from healthy
and diseased Pakistani individuals (suffering from neurological disorder, GEFs+) have
been investigated for genetic association. Novel mutation IVS2-1 G> T in splice acceptor
site of exon 3 have also been identified from Pakistani GEFS+ patients. This mutation
was absent in the healthy (control) sample. This is first report of gene characterization
and polymorphism of Human SCNI B gene from Pakistan. Likewise, in the last 15 years,
several mutations in the genes have been identified which were associated with GEFs+.
In addition to detecting new mutations and identifying new genes, further studies are
required to elucidate the particular role of furtive mutations, genetic milieu, environment,
or random events on the individual's phenotype. This study has opened a new avenue in
medical sciences in Pakistan, which will help the scientists to work on genetic disease
following the methodologies used in this study. The outcome of this study can further be
used to confirm the hypotheses through animal modeling and proteomics. The mutation
found in this study may add the information in gene databanks, which ultimately help the
scientist to develop the gene therapies for genetic diseases.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1388,T] (1).
Vitro Cytotoxicity And Genotoxicity Testing Of Artemisinin, Digoxin And Silymarin
by Saran Siddique | Dr. Aqeel Javeed | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2013Dissertation note: The cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of three drugs artemisinin, digoxin and silymarin were evaluated against vero cell lines in this study. Thesolution of drugs was prepared in phosphate buffer saline(PBS) after dissolving in DMSO. For cytoticity dilutions of these drugs were applied in triplicate manner on Vero cells that were confluent in 96 well cell culture plates. MTT (3-[4.5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2.5 diphenyltetrazolium bromide)assay was used for the cytotoxicity testing of these drugs and the cytotoxic doses of these drugs was 100µM for artemisinin, 100nM for digoxin and 380 µM for silymarin. After the cytotoxicity testing we also evaluated the genotoxic potential of these drugs against the same cell lines. For the genotoxicity testing we have used alkaline comet assay.For that base slides was prepared with normal melting agar and then a layer of pretreated cell suspension in low melting agar is used and after that another layer of low melting agar is coated on the last layer on the slides.Then lysis was carried out of the cells in lysing solution after that electrophoresis was done after that the slides was washed with neutralizing buffer and after that ethedium bromide stain is used and then slides were viewed under fluorescent microscope and we have observed that artemisinin showed genotoxic potential at 250µM, digoxin had shown genotoxic potential at 1000nM and silymarin have showngenotoxic potential at 500µM.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1568,T] (1).
Sallute : Askari Zindagi k Mah-o-Saal
by Siddique Salik.
Edition: 1stMaterial type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: Lahore: Al-Faisal; 2006Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 891.432 Siddique 21414 1st 2006 Urdu.Literature] (1).
Kashaf ul Mahjoob
by Abul Hassan Syed Ali Bin Usman Hajvairi | Dr. Muhammad Siddique Khan Shibli.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: Lahore: Dang e Meel Publications; 2007Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 297.4 Hajvairi 21030 1st 2007 Islam] (1).
Pressure Cooker : Urdu Novel
by Siddique Salik.
Edition: 1stMaterial type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: Lahore: Al-Faisal; 2003Availability: No items available
Pressure Cooker : Urdu Novel
by Siddique Salik.
Edition: 1stMaterial type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: Lahore: Al-Faisal; 2003Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 891.4393 Salik 21494 1st 2003 Novel] (1).
Kashaf ul Mahjoob
by Abul Hassan Syed Ali Bin Usman Hajvairi | Dr. Muhammad Siddique Khan Shibli.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: Lahore: Al-Faisal 1999Availability: No items available Checked out (1).
A Clinico-Biochemical Study On Different Pre-Anesthetic Drugs With Propofol For Neutering In Dogs
by Saba Siddique | Dr. Sadaf Aslam | Prof. Dr.M.Arif Khan | Dr. Raheela Akhtar.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2016Dissertation note: The present research project was designed to study the effect of three routinely used
pre anaesthetic (alpha-2 adrenergic agonists) drugs xylazine (xylaz; 20 mg/ml, farvet, Holland)
and medetomidine (doiter, 1 mg/ml ; Orion pharma, finland), diazepam(Valium 0.25 mg/kg) and
propofol (pofol, 10 mg/ml ;Dongkook pharma, korea) anaesthesia in male dogs and castration
surgery was performed using pre scrotal approach. The effect of these sedative and anaesthetic
agents was studied at physical (temperature, pulse, and respiration), sedative (palpebral effect),
analgesic (tail pinch, toe pinch reflex), liver function (ALT, AST, and ALP), renal functions
(serum creatinine, BUN) and haematological (RBC, WBC, Hb) parameters. A total number of
twelve (12) dogs (mix breed) clinical cases were selected. These dogs were subjected into three
groups (A, B , C) each comprising four (4) dogs. Different drugs combination was administered
in each group of dogs. Three different drug combinations are;
Group A .Xylazine-Propofol
Group B. Diazepam-Propofol
Group C. Medetomidine-Propofol
Blood samples were taken at four different intervals like 0 minutes, 30 minutes, 60
minutes and after 24 hours in EDTA coated vacutainer for studying haematological parameters
and in lithium heparin vacutainer for evaluating biochemical parameters.
Results revealed that both sedative and anaesthetic agents produce slight non-significant changes
in liver enzymes but in case of renal function test, medetomidine-propofol produce significant
changes in serum creatinine and xylazine-propofol, and diazepam-propofol produce significant
changes in the values of blood urea nitrogen. Coming towards haematology, white blood cells
increase significantly in diazepam-propofol receiving group. The results of the present research
study were mostly similar with the findings of other scientists. The results of present project
were analysed by ANOVA followed by Turkey honestly significant difference (HSD) test.
The result of present project will prove fruitful for veterinary practioners for selectin
anaesthesia protocol for patients suffering from hepatitis or other liver, renal and haematological
problems and would be productive to solve the problems of anaesthetists who are actively
engaged in canine practice all over the world. On the basis of findings of this study it is
concluded that medetomidine-propofol combination gives better results. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2689-T] (1).
Sultan Mehmood Ghaznvi
by Siddique, Sadiq Hussain.
Edition: 1stMaterial type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: Lahore: Taha Raheem; ndAvailability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 954.02 Siddique 32749 1st nd Urdu.Literature] (1).
Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry
by Siddique, anees Ahmad.
Edition: 1stMaterial type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: New Delhi: CBS Publishers; 2017Availability: Items available for loan: IPS Library [Call number: 615.19 Siddique 33095 1st 2017 Pharmacology] (1).
Tabdeel- e- Nazaam ka Tariqa
by Moulana Muhammad Siddique.
Edition: 1st ed.Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: Pakistan: Alshehbaz Publisher; 2017Availability: Items available for loan: Pattoki Library [Call number: 290 Siidique 33287 1st 2017 Islam] (1).
Mein Neh Dhakka Doobte Dekha
by Siddique.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 16682] (1).
Kashaf ul Mahjoob
by Abul Hassan Syed Ali Bin Usman Hajvairi | Dr. Muhammad Siddique Khan Shibli | Abdul Rauf Farooqi.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: Lahore: Islami Kutab Khana; Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 297.4 Hajvairi 34110 1st n.d Islam] (1).