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1. Computer for Beginners

by Tariq Mahmood | Ahsan Raza Sattar | Imran Saeed | Majid Hussain.

Edition: 1st ed.Material type: book Book Publisher: Lahore: IT Series Publications; 2010Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 004 Tariq 23576 1/e 2012 Computer.Science] (1).

2. The Effect Of Different Levels Of Prostaglandin (Pgf 2 Alpha) In Extender On The Liveability Of Ram Spermatozoa

by Tariq Mahmood | rashid Ahmed Chaudry | Imtiaz Hussain khan | S.A.Jafri | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 1992Dissertation note: Pooled semen from six Lohi rams was extended in semen extender (Tris, Citric Acid, Fructose, Egg Yolk, Glycerol and Antibiotics). This extender was divided into four portions, four levels of prostaglanclin i.e. 0, 50, 100 and 150 ug/mI were added to the A, B, C and D Portions of extender respectively. These four levels ere compared on the basis of post thawing motility percentage, liveability (hours) of spermatozoa at 37°C and absolute index of liveability. immediately after collection, the semen samples were examined for physical characteristics. Semen from each batch was filled in the plastic straws of four different colours (0.5 ml capacity), sealed with Polyvinyl Powder. Freezing was carried out in the liquid nitrogen at. -196°C for Storage. Thawing of the frozen semen straws was performed at 35°C for 30 seconds. The average values of post thawing motility percentage were 36.25 ± 10.6, 45.62 ± 11.16, 55,62 ± 11.16 and 67.5 ± 7.55 for levels A,. B, C and D respectively. The values of liveablity for the four levels were 6.37 ± 1.68, 7.75 ± 2.02, 9 ± 1.85 and 11.25 2.18. hours respectively. The absolute index of liveablity averaged 12 .25 ± 67.28, 181.31 ± 85.62, 251.27 ± 104.56 and 382.5 ± 114.83 for levels A, B, C anti D respectively. The effect of' four levels on post thawing motility percentage, 1iveability (hours) and absolute index of liveability was significant. It was concluded that semen with 150 ug/mg prostaglandin produced encouraging results in terms of post thawing motility and liveablity as compared to 0, 50 and 100ug/ml Prostaglandin. There is ample documentation that artificial insemination in sheep permits reproductive performance comparable to that obtained by natural mating. Better fertility results can be obtained by improvmenents in processing of semen for freezing, thawing temperature, time for thawing insemination technique and by adding different preparations like prostaglandins in semen. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0323,T] (1).

3. A Comparative Evaluation Of Sodium Alginate, Potasium Aluminium For Enhancing The Immunogenic Response Of Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Vaccine

by Tariq Mahmood Khan, Major | Dr . Muhammad Akram Munir | Dr . Asif | Dr . Sameera Akhtar | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 1998Dissertation note: The present project was designed to study the comparative efficacy of three different adjuvants (Potassium aluminum sulphate, mineral oil and sodium alginate) for enhancing the immune potential of haemorrhagic septicemia vaccines. A special media was prepared for the production of alum precipitated vaccine, sodium alginate vaccine and oil adjuvant vaccine. It was concluded that addition of various ingredients, including yeast extracts, cane sugar, sodium chloride and casein hydrolysate in proper concentration, increased the number of bacterial population in culture media and HS organism developed its full antigenic characteristics due to availability of essential required nutrients. Mouse model was chosen to study the safety and potency test of all the three vaccines. The potency of all three vaccines was compared and calculated by a standard method of Ose and Muenstar (1968). In this experiment APV proved inferior to SAV and OAV with the log protection value of 3.2 and 3.6. Sodium alginate vaccine gave better results with log protection value of 3.9 and 4, but slightly inferior to that of oil adjuvant vaccine. However, a plus point of this vaccine is that it is easy to prepare and simple to administer. The alginate alone is non immunogenic, it forms a stable, colloidal transparent solution in water and is devoid of disadvantages in commonly used chemical oil adjuvant. Oil adjuvant vaccine provides much better results with log protection value of 5.2 and 5.8 as compared to APV and SAV. After storage at room temperature, only 1.2 % separation of oil phase occurred being for less than the tolerable limit of 5%. The final product formed was creamy and whitish in colour and evenly adhered to the surface of glass bottle. Undoubtedly advantages of alginate vaccine lie in the simplicity and easy administration but the immunity conferred by oil adjuvant vaccine is of longer duration. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0695,T] (1).

4. Genetic And Phenotypic Parameters Of Some Productive And Reproductive Traits In Friesian-Sahiwal Crossbred Cattle

by Tariq mahmood | Prof. Dr.Khalid javed | Dr.Afzal ali | Mr. Nisar ahamad.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: drama Publisher: 2013Dissertation note: Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1850,T] (1).

5. Comprehensive Retrospective Study Of Dog Bites In Lahore Dr. Shakera Sadiq Gill

by Toraiz Ahmed (2012-VA-902) | Dr. Nusrat Nauman | Dr. Muhammad Hassan Mushtaq | Mr. Tariq Mahmood | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.

Material type: book Book; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2014Dissertation note: Dog may be the best friend of humans but still they are animals and can bite. Despite of domestication dogs show the behavior of their ancestors as their ancestors (wolves) are voracious, strong, cunning, agile, swift and sharp teeth’s (Keuster et al. 2006). In fact dog bites millions of people every year and half of them are children of age from 5 to 9 (Sacks et al. 1996). One out of every five bite case needs medical interventions and treatment (Shuler et al. 2008). Dog bites are the results of attacks of pet or stray dogs on humans. Humans have close association with dogs in their daily life. This association may be as pet dogs or it may be as stray dogs in developing countries (Shuler et al. 2008). Dog bite injuries vary from common injury to severe condition such as rabies. Most of the studies show the association of dog bites with different breeds and considerable debates are also there that which breed is associated more with dog bites (Patrick and O'Rourke 1998). Regardless the breed, some other things are also important, like dog behavior, human behavior, no supervision of dog or carelessness in control and the scenario or conditions under which the dog is living (Cornelissen and Hopster 2010). Breed is rather not an important point to discuss in developing countries like Pakistan. As in developing countries most of the Dog bites occur due to stray dogs. Mostly the injuries are minor but still dog bites are one of the most important problems for society and health administration authorities as dog bites comprises about 90% of total animal bites. About 4.5 million Americans are bitten by dogs every year and about 30,000 of them require procedures of reconstructive surgery (Wilde 1997). Fortunately the fatalities from dog bites are much less. Dog bite cases turn into fatal condition when patient is bitten by potential rabies virus carrier and infection may occur that can be life threatening. Rabies, a viral disease caused by the bite of an infected animal that can cause acute inflammation of brain in warm blooded animals and humans. It is present in more than150 countries of the world (WHO 2005). An estimate shows that 10 thousand deaths occur worldwide due to rabies. Potentially 3 billion people are at threat of rabies in Africa and Asia and out of the total 84% of rabies deaths occur in rural areas. Millions of cases of dog bites cases go unreported throughout the world. This underreporting hides the actual burden of the problem in the community (Turner 1976). In humans dog bite is one of the complex phenomena that may occur by interaction of three elements, animal, scenario and the victim. Figures on dog bites mostly pool out from studies in public health institutions and hospitals (Jacob John 1997). Most of the studies show the scientific analyzed information only on victim while the circumstances and conditions surrounding the incidence of dog bites remain unknown. Important thing is fatalities from dog bites occur only in very small proportion of dog bites (Cleaveland et al. 2002). However treatment expenses and consequences of injuries have turned the issue of dog bite into significant public health importance (Coleman et al. 2004). The other side of coin is that the aggressive behavior development in dogs leads to relinquishment of shelter and euthanasia, which indicate a problem in term of animal safety (Guy et al. 2001). Public health specialists and Epidemiologists focus that fatal and non-fatal dog attacks can be controlled or prevented through effective preventive measures. For effective and suitable preventive measures it is pertinent to start examining the epidemiological data of the respective community. Epidemiological data is require to define the geographically high risk areas, seasonal patterns associated with the dog bites with respect to the victim, and other triggering factors (Sacks et al. 2000). For the sound preventive and control measures epidemiological data is one of the best tools for better decision making in public health issues (CDC 2003). In developing countries like Pakistan epidemiological studies of dog bites are important and are needed on the multi-dimensional aspects as dog bite incidence and other associated risks are much higher and vary according to area of study. These types of multi-dimensional studies may change the preventive strategy plans with their extra efficiency. Normally control and preventive measures are designed to lessen the risk of dog bites and followed by all communities. Possible control and preventive measures are control of free roaming and unrestrained animals, vaccination, breed or type bans, licensing of dogs, extensive media campaigns specially in rural areas, well defined post bite program, investigation of dog bite incidents (Wilson et al. 2003). Pakistan is among the world highest cases of rabies with about 50 thousand cases per year. Recent estimates show that 570 peoples die annually in Pakistan because of rabies (WHO 1996). In Pakistan people mostly neglect the minor dog bite cases and due to high illiteracy rate large numbers of cases go unreported (Wasay et al. 2008). This is because people suffering from dog bite normally rely on local remedies, such as rubbing red chilies on the wound from the house the dog belongs (in case of pet dog). Rabies virus can be killed upto 65% by washing with soap only (Burki 2008). Vaccination is the ultimate solution for rabies, but very less amount of people knows about the vaccination of dogs. Post exposure treatment is costly in dog bite cases. Cost analysis of post exposure treatment for dog bites shows the actual picture and importance of dog bites in public health sector. Billions of rupees are spent on the vaccines and treatment of dog bites cases (Chulasugandha et al. 2006). A large number of cases report to quacks and go unreported on official database. For the better decision regarding the public health problem the cases must be reported to official database. Weak reporting system is also an important factor in developing countries like Pakistan. As in Pakistan rabies and dog bites are not notifiable disease. No proper surveillance system is there for rabies is at present. Studies and surveys shows that 55% people didn’t even consider dog bites as a predisposing factor for rabies and they even didn’t know that the dog bite can be fatal (Knobel et al. 2005). To prevent and control dog bite it is necessary to have comprehensive epidemiological data that allows the identification of associated risk patterns. Rabies is endemic in Pakistan so this study is aimed to investigate the problem posed by dog bites in Lahore, Pakistan. Lahore is the second most populated city of Pakistan with population of 5.143 million (according to 1998 census). This study will help the officials of public health in making better decision regarding dog bites. This study is aimed at investigating the problems posed by dog bites in Lahore. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2202,T] (1).

6. Study Of Genetic Polymorphism In Exon 7 And 9 Of Glucosidase Beta Acid (Gba) Gene In Gaucher Diseased Patients From Punjab, Pakistan

by Ayesha Khalid (2013-VA-07) | Dr. M. Yasir Zahoor | Dr. Sehrish Firyal | Mr. Tariq Mahmood.

Material type: book Book; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2015Dissertation note: Gaucher disease (GD) is an inborn metabolic disease transmitted through recessive pattern of inheritance and it is a pan-ethnic disease. It is the most common lysosomal storage disease caused by the deficiency of glucocerebrosidase (GCase), a lysosomal enzyme use in the degradation of macromolecules into simpler molecules. Glucosidase beta acid (GBA) gene encode glucocerebrosidase enzyme and mutations in this gene is responsible for glucocerebrosidase deficiency which results in an accumulation of unbroken glycolipids in those organs rich in monocyte-phagocyte immune system elements i.e. spleen, liver, bone marrow and leads to histological changes. GBA is located on chromosome 1q21 consisting of 11 exons and 10 introns having 7.8kb length. It is divided into three types (I, II and III) on the basis of neurological involvement. More than 300 mutations have been reported in GBA and cause the GD. The present study was performed in order to characterize GBA gene in GD patients from Punjab. Blood samples of 10 patients,enrolled in Children Hospital, Lahore, were taken from DNA repository of Molecular and Genomic Lab at IBBT, UVAS Lahore. The DNA was extracted using organic method. Next step was the amplification of extracted DNA using PCR. After it, the PCR product is purified and this purified PCR product was sent for sequencing. Sequencing of exon 4, 7 and 9 was done using dideoxy sequencing method. After applying different bioinformatics tool, it was found that there was no muttaion in these exons but a heterozygotic variation G>A was found in intron 8. This finging will help in demonstration of molecular pathogenesis of Gaucher disease. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2338-T] (1).

7. Biological Studies on Various Avian Influenza Virus Types In Poultry

by Tariq Mahmood Shaukat (2003-VA-189) | Prof. Dr. Akram Muneer | Prof. Dr. Mansur-ud-Din Ahmad | Prof. Dr. Azhar Maqbool.

Material type: book Book; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2011Dissertation note: Theses submitted with blank cd. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2390-T] (1).

8. Molecular Characterization Of Local Donkey Based On Mitochodrial D-Loop Analysis

by Shakeel Earnest (2012-VA-597) | Dr. Muhammad YasirZahoor | Prof. Dr. TahirYaqub | Mr. Tariq Mahmood .

Material type: book Book; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: 2014Dissertation note: Research on control region or mitochondrial d-loop is of special interest in all mammalian species because they the displacement loop hyper-variable region of mtDNA (D-loop), which is of 1200 bp, is very important for genetic variations. It is also important for amtDNA in Nuclear Mitochondrial sequences (NUMTs) in vertebrates species so that it rarely occurring NUMTs. The control region in equine consist of two highly variable regions (HVR1 and HVR2), 4 conserved blocks (CSB), and variable repeats of 8 bp motifs (Cothran, et al. 2013). The displacement loop hyper-variable region of mtDNA (D-loop) of Pak- local donkeys are very similar to genome of other species; however there are considerable differences in the mtDNAevolutionary rate for different taxonomic groups. The phylogenetic tree based on consensus sequences of 12 Asian Donkeys breeds available on NCBI and sequences of local Pakistani donkey breeds showed their genetic relationship among each other. The clade was consisting of Pakistani local donkey breeds i.e. 3-SF, 7-SF,10-SF,11-SF,12-SF,13-SF, K-3,K-6,K-11,K-13,K-16,K18,K-19 and K-20 showing their high relatedness.K-8 and 8-SF have more mutation rate in the sequence and have more diversity from other individuals. The second major branch was furher divided in two sub branches i.e. Donkey family representing Equusburchellichapmani (JX312729), Equusburchelliquagga (JX312733), Equusgreyvi(NC020432) and Equus zebra (JX312718) clustered together. The second sub branch was consisting of other donkey breeds i.e. Equushemionusonager (JX312730), Equushemionus(NC016061) and Equushemionuskulan (NC018782) grouped together while two Pakistani local donkey breeds i.e. SF-8 and K-8 were clusterd with Equusasinussomalicus (AP012271) and Equusasinus (X97337). The d-loop sequence of Human (Homo sapiens) was taken as out group and it clearly differed and separated from rest of phylogenetic tree i.e. camel, bovine, ovine, caprine and other mammals. The phylogenetic tree constructed under this study not only confirmed the status of Pak- local donkey breeds but also confirmed the genetic relationship among other mammalian species, thus reconfirming the already established biological classification. Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 2362-T] (1).

9. Jailon main betay Lamhat

by Tariq Mahmood Chughtai, Hakeem.

Edition: 1stMaterial type: book Book; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: Lahore: Nigarshat; 2002Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 891.439 Tariq 17473 1st 2002] (1).

10. Pur Sakoon zingi ki Talash

by Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mahmood.

Edition: 1stMaterial type: book Book Publisher: Lahore: Ilam o Irfan; 2003Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 297.1 Tariq 22170 1st 2003 Islam] (1).

11. Moaljat-e-Nabvi (PBUH) aur Jadeed Science

by Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mahmood Chughtai.

Edition: 1st ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: not fiction Publisher: Lahore: Ilm-o-Irfan Publishers; 2001Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 297.163 Tariq 15920 1st 2001 Islam] (1).

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