Business Statistics
by Levine, David M | Krehbiel, Timothy C | Berenson, Mark L | Viswanathan, P.K.
Edition: 5th edMaterial type: Book Publisher: India: Pearson; 2011Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 310 Levine 5thed 2011 29996 Statistics] (1).
Biostatistics: An Introduction
by Mariappan, P.
Edition: 1stMaterial type: Book Publisher: India: Pearson 2013Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 570.15191 Mariappan 1st 2013 29995 Statistics] (1).
Animal Nutrition / 6th ed
by McDonald.
Edition: 6th ed.Material type: Book Publisher: India: PEARSON EDUCATION, 2012Availability: Items available for loan: Pattoki Library [Call number: 636.084 McDonald 6th 2012 31226 A.Nutrition] (5).
Research Methods for Business Students / 5th ed
by Saunders.
Material type: Book Publisher: New Delhi: PEARSON EDUCATION; 2014Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 310 Saunders 5th 2014 29475 Statistics] (1).
Modern Experimental Biochemistry
by Boyer, Rodney.
Edition: 3rd ed.Material type: Book Publisher: New Delhi : PEARSON EDUCATION, 2013Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 574.92 Boyer 3rd 2013 29131 Biochemistry] (3).
Microsoft SQL Server 2012: Management and Administration
by Mistry, Ross.
Material type: Book Publisher: New Delhi: Pearson; 2013Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 005.1 Mistry 1st 2013 29215 Computer.Science] (1).
Statistical Analysis : Microsoft Excel 2010
by Carlberg, Conrad.
Material type: Book Publisher: India: Pearson; 2012Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 311 Carlberg 1st 2012 29218 Statistics] (1).
E-Business & E-Commerce for Managers
by Deitel, H. M.
Edition: 1st edMaterial type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: India : PEARSON EDUCATION, 2011Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 651.7 Deitel 29469 1st 2011 Computer.Science] (3).
Fundamentals of Database Systems
by Elmasri, Ramez | Shamkant B. Navathe.
Edition: 5th ed.Material type: Book Publisher: India : Pearson Education India; 2008Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 005.74 Elmasri 24728 5/e 2008 Computer.Science] (1).
Opitical Network Design and Implemention
by Alwayn,Vivek.
Edition: 1st edMaterial type: Book Publisher: India: Pearson Education; 2004Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 004.6 Alwayn 16740 1/e 2004 Computer.Science] (1).
Introduction to Statistics and Research Methods : Becoming a Psychological Detective
by Davis, Stephen F | Smith, Randolph A.
Edition: 1st ed.Material type: Book Publisher: USA : Pearson, 2005Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 310 Davis 18870 1/e 2005 Statistics] (1).
Elementary Statistics in Social Research
by Levin, James Alan Fox Jack.
Material type: Book Publisher: New Delhi: Pearson; 2006Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 310 Levin 18904 10th 2006 Statistics] (2).
Multimedia : An Introduction
by Villamil, John | Molina, Lois.
Edition: Pap/Cdr ed.Material type: Book Publisher: New Delhi : Pearson Education Ltd., 1997Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 005 Villamil 15594 1/e 1997 Computer.Science] (1).
SPSS for Windows Step by Step : A Simple Guide and Reference 17.0
by George.
Edition: 10th ed.Material type: Book Publisher: India : PEARSON EDUCATION, 2013Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 330.005 Geaorge 27688 10/e 2013 Computer.Science] (2).
XML : How to Program
by Deitel, M .H | Deitel P J | Nieto TR | LIN TM | SADHU P.
Edition: 1sted.Material type: Book Publisher: India: Pearson Education Asia 2001Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 005.712 Deitel 18957 1/e 2001 Computer.Science] (1).
Computer System Architecture
by Mano, Morris M.
Edition: 3rd ed.Material type: Computer file; Format:
Publisher: New Delhi: Pearson; 2011Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 004.2 Mano 28991 3/e 2011 Computer.Science] (1).
Object Oriented Software Engineering : A Use Case Driven Approach
by Jacobson.
Edition: 1st ed.Material type: Book Publisher: New Delhi : PEARSON EDUCATION; 2006Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 005.1 Jacobson 27748 1/e 2006 Computer.Science] (1).
Biostatistical Analysis / 4th Edition
by Zar, Jerrold H.
Material type: Book Publisher: New Delhi: Pearson, 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Pattoki Library [Call number: 574.01595 Zar 18883 4/e 2007 Statistics] (10), UVAS Library [Call number: 574.01595 Zar 18874 4/e 2007 Statistics] (10).
Computer Graphics 'C' Version
by Hearn,Donald.
Edition: 2nded.Material type: Book Publisher: India: Pearson Education Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 006.6 Hearn 24837 2/e 2009 Computer.Science] (1).
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
by Hogg, Robert V | Allen T. Craig.
Edition: 5th ed.Material type: Book Publisher: New Delhi: Pearson Education (Indian Branch); 2005Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 570.15195 Hogg 18960 5/e 2005 Statistics] (1).
Marketing management; a south asian perspective /
by Kotler, Kevin Lane et al. Philip.
Edition: Twelfth ed.Material type: Book Publisher: India : Pearson Education, 2007Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 658.81 Kotler 20590 12/e 2007 Business.Management] (1).
SPSS for Windows Step by Step a Simple Guide and Reference
by George,Darren | Poul Mallery.
Edition: 6th ed.Material type: Book Publisher: India: P[earson Education; 2006Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 005.3 George 19732 6/e 2006 Computer.Science] (1).
The Intel Microprocessors : Architecture, Programming and Interfacing
by BREY, Barray B.
Edition: 8th ed.Material type: Book Publisher: India : PEARSON EDUCATION, 2011Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 005.6 Brey 28994 8/e 2012 Computer.Science] (1).
Thermodynamics, statistical thermodynamics, and kinetics /
by Engel.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: India : PEARSON EDUCATION, Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 536.7 Engel 23150 1/e 2006 Physics] (1).
The pearson guide to MBA entrance examinations
by Thorpe,Edgar.
Edition: 1sted.Material type: Book Publisher: India: Pearson education 2006Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 658 Thorpe 23146 1/e 2006 Business.Management] (1).
Operations Research
by Tamilarasi, Natrajan/ Balasubramani.
Material type: Book Publisher: India : PEARSON EDUCATION, Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 658.4032 Natarajan 24540 4/e 2009 Statistics] (1).
Biostatistics : How to Work
by Selvin, Steve.
Edition: 1st ed.Material type: Book Publisher: India: Pearson Education 2004Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 574.15195 Selvin 18895 1st 2004 Statistics] (1). Checked out (1).
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis / 5th ed
by Johnson, Richard A.
Edition: 5th ed.Material type: Book Publisher: [India] : Pearson Education, 2002Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 614.0727 Johnson 15372 5th 2002 Statistics] (1).
Biostatistics For the Health Sciences
Edition: 1stMaterial type: Book Publisher: [India] : Pearson, 2009Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 613.57015195 Blair 24688 1st 2009 Statistics] (1).
Operation research an introduction
by Taha,Hamdy A.
Edition: 7thed.Material type: Book Publisher: India: Pearson education, 2002Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 658.4032 Taha 15383 7/e 2002 Management] (1).
Quantitative Techniques
by Tulsian, P. C | Pandey, Vishal.
Edition: 1st ed. Fourth ImpressionMaterial type: Computer file; Format:
Publisher: New Delhi: Pearson, 2009Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 657.076 Tulsian 24542 3rd 2009 Statistics] (1).
Artificial Intelligence
by Russell.
Material type: Book Publisher: India : Pearson, 2011Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 006.3 Russell 24835 2/e 2011 Computer.Science] (1).
Introductory Statistics
by Weiss,Neil A.
Edition: 9thed.Material type: Book Publisher: USA: Pearson 2012Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 310 Weiss 27747 9/e 2012 Statistics] (1).
Model Business Letters, E-mails, & other Business Documents
by Taylor,Shirley.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: India: Pearson Education; 2004Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 338.54 Model 19612 6/e 2004 Economics] (1).
Strategic human resource management, 2/e /
by Greer, Charles R.
Edition: 2nd ed.Material type: Book Publisher: New Delhi: Pearson, 2007Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 658 Greer 23236 2nd 2007 Management] (1).
Total Quality Manangement
by Besterfield,Dale H.
Edition: 1sted.Material type: Book Publisher: India: pearson Printice Hall 2007Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 658 Besterfield 23241 1/e 2007 Business.Management] (1).
Computer Organization and Architecture Designing for Performance
by Stallings,William.
Edition: 8th ed.Material type: Book Publisher: INdia: Pearson education; 2012Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 004.22 Stallings 24579 8th 2012 Computer.Science] (2).
Biostatistics: How it Works
by Selvin,Steve.
Edition: 1st ed.Material type: Book Publisher: India: Pearson education 2004Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 574.015195 Selvin 18894 1/e 2004 Statistics] (1).
Probability and Statistical Inference
by Hogg, Robert | Tanis, Elliot A | Rao, Jagan Mohan.
Edition: 7thMaterial type: Book Publisher: New Delhi: Pearson, 2006Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 519.02 Hogg 27749 7th 2006 Statistics] (1).
International Business
by Daniels,John D | Radebaugh,Lee H | Sullivan,Daniel P | Salwan,Prashant.
Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: India: Pearson; 2010Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 658.049 Daniels 24809 8th 2010 Economics ] (2).
Objective English
by Thorpe, Edgar.
Edition: 3rd ed.Material type: Book Publisher: India: Pearson Education; 2009Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 420 Thorpe 25036 3/e 2011 Eng.Literature] (1).
Remote sensing of the environment :
by John, Jensen.
Edition: 2nd Edition.Material type: Book Publisher: India : Pearson India, 2009Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 550.28 Jensen 27577 2/e 2012 Earth.Science] (1).
Remote sensing of the environment :An Earth Resource Perspective
by John, Jensen.
Edition: 2nd Edition.Material type: Book Publisher: India : Pearson India, 2012Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 550.28 Jensen 27576 2nd 2012 Env.Science] (1).
Multivariate Data Analysis
by Hair, Joseph | Black, William C | Anderson, Rolph E | Tatham, Ronald L.
Edition: 6th ed.Material type: Book Publisher: New Delhi: Pearson Prentice Hall; 2009Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 519.535 Hair 24733 6th 2009 Statistics] (1).
Managing conflict through communication
by Cahn,Dudley D.
Edition: 3rded.Material type: Book Publisher: USA. Pearson Education 2007Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 302.2 Cahn 19594 3rd 2007 Social.Science] (1).
Learn Correct English
by Nagarajan, V. Hemalatha | Kumar, Shiv.
Edition: 1st ed.Material type: Computer file; Format:
Publisher: New Delhi: Pearson, 2007Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 425 Kumar 29654 1st 2007 Eng.Language] (1).
Knowledge managment
by Awad,Elias M.
Edition: 3rded.Material type: Book Publisher: India: Pearson education; 2005Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 001 Awad 22521 3rd 2005 Social.Science] (1).
Composite Culture in a Multicultural Society
by Chandra, Bipan | Mahajan, Sucheta.
Edition: 1st ed.Material type: Book; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: India : Dorling Kindersley (Licence of Pearson) 2007Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 306 Chandra 22996 1st 2007 Social.Science] (1).
Cultural Anthropology
by Ember, Carol R | Ember, Melvin R.
Edition: 13th ed.Material type: Book Publisher: USA: Pearson, 2011Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 306 Ember 25057 13th 2011 Social.Science] (1).
Sociological theory classical statements,6e /
by Ashley,David.
Edition: 6thed.Material type: Book Publisher: India : Pearson, Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 301 Ashley 23702 6th 2005 Social.Science] (1).