Church, David C.

Basic Animal Nutrition and Feeding / 3rd ed - 3rd ed. - USA : John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1988. - 480 p. ;

This is an up-to-date revision of the most comprehensive text on animal nutrition and feeding, with new and expanded coverage of virtually all metabolic processes. Material new to the third edition includes coverage of proteins, effects of calcium deficiency, growth regulation, additives, indicator methods, and cost formulation in animal production. Chapters address common methods of analysis for nutrients and feedstuffs, measurement of feed and nutrient utilization and requirements by animals, energy metabolism, feeding standards and production functions, factors affecting feed consumption, diet formulation, and much more.

0471852465 (paperback) 9780471852469 (paperback)

Animal Nutrition
Livestock Production

636.084 Church 13255 1st 1988 L.Production

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