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Sequence Analysis Of Violent Behavior Gene Among Criminals

By: Jawairia Akram (2010-VA-492) | Dr. Asif Nadeem.
Contributor(s): Dr. Muhammad Imran | Dr. Saadat Ali.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: 2016Description: 69p.Subject(s): Department of Forensic ScienceDDC classification: 2566-T Dissertation note: Violence is defined as uncontrolled emotions problem and is a reason of violent behavior among criminals. Violence is mostly physical towards other people. MAOA and MAOB are isozymes of monoamine oxidase. MAOA is associated with aggression and violence in criminals as it affects brain structure and function which ultimately causes violence and aggression MAOA gene present on mitochondrial outer membrane encodes monoamine oxidase that degrade neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, epinephrine and nor epinephrine. An SNP (MAOA-LPR) in long promoter region of MAOA alters transcriptional activity of monoamine oxidase A and have two allelic forms MAOA-L and MAOA-H. MAOA-L is low activity allele and MAOA-H is high activity allele. Different research study suggested that MAOA-L is strongly associated with criminal activity in males. Aim of the study was to analyze the sequence of extreme violent behavior gene (MAOA) among criminals. Samples (n= 20) were collected from convicted offenders. Control samples (n=20) were collected from UVAS students. Organic method of DNA extraction was used. BPAQ (Buss and perry aggression questionnaire) was also filled by all the subjects included in the study. Primers for PCR amplification were designed using Primer3 software. PCR products were sequenced bi-directionally on ABI 3130XL Genetic analyzer. Results of sequencing were analyzed using CHROMAS software. Sequence alignment tool like BLAST (Basic local alignment search tool) was used for SNPs identification. 3 intronic and 1 exonic SNPs were observed and confirmed by BLAST. Exonic SNP gave significant p values computed by Chi square calculator. However, intronic SNPs were not significant according to chi square test. SNPs identified were not found to be associated with self-reported aggression. SNP observed in exon 14 is reported to be involved in psychiatric and depressive disorders.
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Thesis Thesis UVAS Library
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Violence is defined as uncontrolled emotions problem and is a reason of violent behavior among criminals. Violence is mostly physical towards other people. MAOA and MAOB are isozymes of monoamine oxidase. MAOA is associated with aggression and violence in criminals as it affects brain structure and function which ultimately causes violence and aggression MAOA gene present on mitochondrial outer membrane encodes monoamine oxidase that degrade neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, epinephrine and nor epinephrine. An SNP (MAOA-LPR) in long promoter region of MAOA alters transcriptional activity of monoamine oxidase A and have two allelic forms MAOA-L and MAOA-H. MAOA-L is low activity allele and MAOA-H is high activity allele. Different research study suggested that MAOA-L is strongly associated with criminal activity in males. Aim of the study was to analyze the sequence of extreme violent behavior gene (MAOA) among criminals. Samples (n= 20) were collected from convicted offenders. Control samples (n=20) were collected from UVAS students. Organic method of DNA extraction was used. BPAQ (Buss and perry aggression questionnaire) was also filled by all the subjects included in the study. Primers for PCR amplification were designed using Primer3 software. PCR products were sequenced bi-directionally on ABI 3130XL Genetic analyzer. Results of sequencing were analyzed using CHROMAS software. Sequence alignment tool like BLAST (Basic local alignment search tool) was used for SNPs identification. 3 intronic and 1 exonic SNPs were observed and confirmed by BLAST. Exonic SNP gave significant p values computed by Chi square calculator. However, intronic SNPs were not significant according to chi square test. SNPs identified were not found to be associated with self-reported aggression. SNP observed in exon 14 is reported to be involved in psychiatric and depressive disorders.

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