Comparative Evaluation Of Maize, Wheat And Brokern Rice As A Source Of Energy In Broiler Diets
by Shabbir Ahmad | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr. Jaweeed Ahmad Qureshi | Prof. Dr. Rashid.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 1995Dissertation note: Maize, broken rice and wheat are the major energy source being used in poultry diets. The energy contents in these grains are acertained according to the NRC (USA) or ARC (UK) recommendations. It was noticed by the nutritionists of poultry feed industry of the country that these assumptions does not coincide with our indigenous grains. The present study was designed to evaluate the energy contents of these main cereals through a biological trials.
For the study 240 day old chicks were perchased and randomely divided into six groups of 40 birds each and further subdivided into 4 replicate of 10 birds each. Six starter rations containing a conventional ration A (Maize+Rice+Wheat), Ration B (yellow maize), Ration C (broken rice), Ration D (wheat), Ration E (yellow maize+broken rice) and Ration F (wheat+broken rice) were formulated and fed from 0-28 days. All the diets were isonitrogenous (CP 220%) and isocaloric (ME 3000 kcal/kg). Similarly 6 finisher diets containing, a conventional finisher dietA1 (maize+rice+wheat) Ration B1 (maize), Ration C1 (broken rice), D1 (wheat), Ration E1 (rnaize+broken rice) and Ration F1 (wheat+broken rice) were formulated. Finisher diet was fed from 29- 40th days of age. Finisher diets were also isonitrogenous (CR 19.00) and isocaloric (ME 3100 kcallkg).
In the experiment it was assumed that ME value of wheat and broker rice is equal to that of yellow maize, i.e. 3400 kcal/kg.
At the end of experiment (40 days) for rations AA1 (conventional), RB1 (maize), CC, (rice), DD, (wheat), EE1 (maize+rice) and FF, (wheat+rice) average liveweight gain were 1651, 1708, 1900, 1723, 1844 and 1757 gms and feed efficiency ratio was 1.828, 1.845, 1723, 2.028, 1.67 and 1.862, respectively. The results indicated signilicant difference (P<0.01) among the groups in feed consumption weight gain (P<0.05) and feed efficiency (P<0.01). Rice containing ration (CC) was 6.6% more efficient than maize (BB1) whereas, wheat containing (DD1) was 9.9% less efficient that of maize (BB1) based ration. These variation may be due to difference in availability of metabolizable energy (ME) contents of these cereals. The results revealed that if the ME value of maize is 3400 kcal/kg in comparison of it ME value of rice and wheat may be 3624 kcal/kg and 3064 kcal/kg, respectively.
Economic analysis revealed that ration CC, (Rice) was the most efficient than other rations. The production of one kg liveweight for ration CC1(rice) is Rs.2.02 less, as compared to ration BB1 (maize based) and Rs.2.73 less as compared to ration DD1 (wheat) However the dressing percentage of the chicks was not different (P>0.50) among different groups.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0414,T] (1).
Comparative Meat Production Potentials And Carcass Evaluation Of Buffalo And Different Breeds Of Cattle Calves
by Syed Ahmed | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr. Asif | Dr. Nisar Ahmed.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 1995Dissertation note: The most urgent need at present is to derive the maximum beef production from our existing livestock and agricultural byproducts. The present study will help us to select the most suitable livestock breed for beef production. This will further provide information to the persons interested for developing a feed lot industry in the country.
In the present study the meat production potential and carcass composition of buffalo and cattle (Sahiwal, crossbred, nondescript, cholistani and dajal) was evaluted. The breeds were assigned six group I, II, III, IV, V and YI for Sahiwal, crossbred, non-descript, buffalo, Cholistani and Dajal respectively. Ten calves from each group was fattened with a control ration containing CP with a range of 10.91 to 11.23 percent and TND ranging from 66.61 to 68.70 percent, for a period of 91 days. The feed efficiency of group I-VT were 5.73, 5.98, 8.38, 7.47, 6.09 and 7.47 with an average daily weight gain of 0.796, 0.856, 0.746, 0.822, 0.840 and 0.753 kg respectively. The dressing percentage were 49.37, 49.19, 52.06, 48.54, 51.83 and 52.27 for group I to VI respectively and the difference were non significant. The percentage of blood, heart and lungs were 2.54, 2.61, 2.61, 3.06, 2.71, 2.46 percent and 0.34, 0.99, 0.39, 0.55, 0.33, 0.43 percent and 1.10, 1.12, 1.03, 1.05, 1.01 and 0.97 for group I to VI, respectively. Statistically non significant difference were found in these parameters. The percentage of liver spleen and kidneys were 1.55, 1.41, 1.52, 1.32, 1.40, 1.33 percent and 0.32, 0.38, 0.39, 0.26, 0.29, 0.30 percent and 0.28, 0.30, 0.29, 0.32,0.25 and 0.20 percent for group I to VI respectively. The only significant difference (P<0.05) between the value of kidneys. The value for other components like mesenteric fat, feet, head and skin were 0.43, 0.56, 0.54, 0.78, 0.58, 0.57 percent for mesenteric fat and 2.26, 2.29, 2.09, 2.53, 2.07 and 2.04 percent for feet 4.27, 4.10, 4.06, 4.80, 4.38 and 4.24 percent for head 10.27, 9.06, 19.10, 9.33, 10.67 and 8.70 for skin of group I to VI, respectively. The difference among all these values were non significant. The percentage ratio of meat, bone, fat and other tissue were 48.38, 52.33,54.13, 49.36, 51.39 and 53.91 percent, 33.14, 32.87, 32.61, 31.79, 36.11, 31.83 percent, 7.04, 6.05, 8.43, 12.96, 7.22, 9.19, percent and 4.83, 5.13, 4.38, 4.01, 4.61 and 3.73 for group I to VI, respectively. Only highly significant difference (P<0.01) was observed in fat component. The chemical composition of the meat revealed 77.78, 76.86, 75.75, 73.34, 76.53 and 75.90 percent moisture, 20.55, 20.12, 20.91, 21.00, 20.56 and 20.64 percent crude protein, 9.90, 7.76, 8.71, 9.71, 8.16 and 8.54 percent ether extract, 5.18, 5.47, 6.03, 6.18, 6.39 and 6.71 percent ash in group I to VI, respectively. Non significant difference were observed in chemical composition. The cost of one kg meat production (feed cost + cost of animal) from group I to VI, 13.92, 14.13, 17.57, 14.59, 17.50 and 20.25 rupees respectively. This revealed that minimum cost of meat production was in Sahiwal calves, whereas Dajal calves proved most expensive meat producer among the different groups.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0416,T] (1).
Effect Of Enzyme Supplementation And Strain Of Broiler On The Meat Production Efficiency Of Broiler Chicks
by Shakeel Aslam | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr. Anjum Khalique | Dr. Muhammad.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1995Dissertation note: The project was designed to study the effect of enzyme (Kernzyme) supplementation on the performance of two broiler strains (Hubbard and Arbor Acres). One hundred and twenty day old chicks of each strains were purchased from respective hatcheries, The starter rations were fed upto 28 days and finisher rations were fed upto 35 days. Non-significant difference was observed between control and enzyme supplemented rations in weight gain, feed consumption and feed efficiency. Whereas significant. difference was observed in weight gain and feed consumption between the broiler strains. While non-significant difference was observed in feed efficiency between the strains. A significant difference was observed between broiler strains, control arid enzyme supplemented rations in dressing percentage. A non-significant difference was observed in chemical composition (moisture, protein and ether extract.), of lean breast meat. between broiler strains, control and enzyme supplemented diets.
The study revealed that Kemzyme supplementation did not. improve the performance of broilers. Whereas Hubbard strain has significantly (P<O.O1) higher weight. gain, feed consumption and dressing percentage than Arbor Acres. While Kemzyine supplementation has significant difference (P<O.05) in dressing percentage.
The economic evaluation of the study revealed that Hubbard was the most economical than Arbor Acres strain. The cost of one kg live weight was lowest for Hubbard i.e. Rs.22.05.
The control ration was the economic ration in this experiment. By supplementing the enzyme, the cost of ration was increased and cost of producing the live weight by enzyme supplemented ration was increased as well. The results of the present study proved that the use of Kemzyme is uneconomical and Hubbard strain is the better strain which behave perfectly well Pakistani environmental condition.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0452,T] (1).
Comparative Efficiency Of Urea Molasses Mineral Blocks And Urea Treated Wheat Straw In Fattening
by Farrokh Saeed | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr. Jaweed Ahmed Qureshi | Prof. Dr.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1994Dissertation note: There has been a gradual decline in the per capita availability of proteinous food particularly of animals origin for human consumption in our country. The feasible solution of the problem of meat shortage is to increase the production of meat by fattening the male buffalo calves. These calves could be fattened by using the cheaper sources of agriculture by-products available in our country. Wheat straw is being fed to ruminants with supplemental green fodder. It is also fed as a sole roughage during the lean periodof the year. It is however deficient in fermentable nitrogen and has poor digestibility due to more lignification. Urea impregnation of straws has been shown to improve the intake as well as digestibility. It has been concluded that urea treatment with 4% urea solution at 40 to 50 percent moisture level could be advantageous to improve crude protein content of straw and its digestibility. Molasses, a by-product of sugar industry, is an excellent and a cheap source of digestible energy as compared to all other similar energy feeds. Urea provides nitrogen needed for adequate development of animal flora and thus enhances the utilization of fibrous feed.Preparation of urea molasses blocks appears to be an appropriate technology to fulfill the requirements of animals. A fattening trial was conducted on two groups of buffalo calves with 8 calves per group, to study the comparative efficiency of urea molasses mineral block and urea treated wheat straw. The experiment was conducted for 90 days. Feed consumption, weight gain, feed efficiency, concentration of urea in serum, concentration of total protein in serum and digestibility of different nutrients in the animals were recorded. Economics of fattening rations was also determined. The results of the study revealed non significant differences in weight gain, feed intake, feed efficiency, concentration of urea in serum and concentration of total protein in serum of buffalo calves. Digestibility trial revealed that there was non significant difference in digestibility of dry matter, ether extract but significant difference in digestibility of crude fibre and crude protein. The findings of this study revealed the benefits of utilizing urea ammonia treated wheat straw in the fattening ration upto 38% level. It was also ascertained that urea molasses blocks are equally effective in enhancing the growth rate of buffalo calves. Moreover, urea molasses blocks are a useful tool of supplementation of forage diet because of ease of transportation and balance nutrient profile.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0453,T] (1).
Effect Of Different Dietary Energy Levels On Growth And Onset Of Sexual Maturity In Sahiwal Heifers
by Hussain, M | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr. Muhammad Aleem Bhatti | Mr. Anjum.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1996Dissertation note: The study was conducted to determine the influence of different dietary energy levels on growth rate, feed efliciency, feed intake, nutrient digestibility and sexual maturity in Sahiwal heifers. Eighteen Sahiwal heifers of 15-20 months age were andomly divided into three groups. Three experimental rations providing dietary energy levels 100, 80 and 120 percent of NRC (1989) were used and designated as A, B and C.
During a period of 90 days, the heifers gained 54.1, 52.5 and 55.5 Kg. weight under plan A, B and C, respectively. The differences in gain in weight of heifers plans A, B and C were non significant. Average daily dry matter intake were 4.84, 4.90 and 4.93 Kg. under groups A, B and C, respectively. The statistical analysis showed non significant differences among dry matter intakes under different plans of nutrition Daily intakes of crude protein under plans A, B and C were almost similar. Feed efficiency was 8.86, 8,91 and 8.83 for group A, B and C, respectively. The difference in feed efficiency was non significant among different groups.
The digestibility coefficient of dry matter, crude protein, ether extract and crude fibre ranged from 54.76 to 59.8, 59.5 to 61.0, 66.1 to 72.5 and 64.1 to 67.1 for all groups, respectively. The statistical analysis of data did not indicate any significant differences with respect to digestibility of various nutrients of the rations among different plans of nutrition.
Physiologica1 studies were also performed on experimental heifers to ascertain the effect of different dietary energy levels on serum protein, serum glucose and serum progesterone. Average serum concentration of protein, glucose and progesterone were 7.06 to 7.79 gm/dl 103.09 to 134.4lmg/di and 1.08 to 1.20/dl, respectively in all groups. Concentration of serum protein and serum progesterone were statistically non significant among all groups. The concentration of serum glucose was statistically significant among three groups. Effect of different dietary energy levels on age of puberty of heifers was also studied but none of heifers of all groups showed sign of oestrus.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0457,T] (1).
Comparative Study Of Growth Rate And Feed Efficiency Of Buffalo And Sahiwal Cattle On Concentrate Ratios
by Ehsan Mohsin | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr. Nisar Ahmad Mian | Mr. Shahid.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1996Dissertation note: There has been a gradual decline fn per capita availability of proteinous food particularly of animals origin for human consumption in our country. The feasible solution of the problem of meat shortage is to increase the production of meat by fattening the male buffalo calves which are available in the country. These are sold at lower rate when they are weaned. These calves can be fattened by using the rations containing wheat-straw and concentrate mixture available in the country. There is an increased competition between animal and human being for consumption of cereal grains and at the same time there is scarcity of green fodder in different areas of the country. Moreover, there are high prices of conventional energy sources in the country which limits there use in animal feeding. The present experiment was planned to determine the growth rate and feed efficiency of Sahiwal and buffalo male calves fed on different fiber (wheat straw) and concentrate ratios.
A fattening trial was conducted on four groups of 20 Sahiwal and 20 Nih Ravi buffalo male calves, having 10 calves in each group of buffalo and Sahiwal calves, fed on two different rations (A and B). The experiment was continued for 90 days. Feed consumption, weight gain, feed efficiency and economic evaluation of the rations and effect of ambient temperature and relative humidity on the performance of the calves were the parameters under study.
The results of the study revealed significant difference in weight gain and non-significant differences in feed consumption and feed efficiency. The non-significant difference for factor A and interaction but significant difference for factor B was observed during economic evaluation of the rations. The ration (with 40% wheat-straw and 60% concentrate mixture) was most economical as compare to ration A (with 20% wheat-straw and 80% concentrate mixture) in fattening, of Sahiwal and buffalo male calves.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0481,T] (1).
Performance Of Broilers On Diets Having Different Levels Of Protein While Possessing Adequate Amount Of Critical Amino Acids
by Mirza Yousaf Baig | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr. Nisar Ahmed Mian | Dr.Muhammed.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1996Dissertation note: This experiment was designed to study the effects of different protein levels while maintaining the level of critical amino acids adequate as per requirement. Six broiler starter diets SA, SB, SC, SD. SE & SP containing crude protein 22, 21.5, 21, 20.5, 20 or 19.5%, respectively and metabolizable energy 3100 kcal/kg and six broiler finisher diets PA, Fl3, FC. FD, Fl & FF containing crude protein 19. 18.5, 18, 17.5, 17 or 16.5%, respectively and metabolizable energy 3200 kcal/kg were prepared. The critical amino acids (lysine, methiomne + cystine, tryptophan, arginine & threonine) in all rations were kept at least at recommended level. 240 clay old Hubbard broiler chicks of approximately similar weight were randomly (livided into six equal groups A, B, C, D, E & F. Each group was subdivided into four replicates, each comprising of 10 chicks. These groups were fed ad libitum on above mentioned starter diets from 0 to 4th week and on finisher diets during 5th and 6th week.
The results showed that feed consumption was increased (P<0.05) during finisher phase, 4th and 5th week at lower protein levels in feed. There was no difference (P>0.1) of feed consumption among various groups during the rest of experimental period. Weight gain of all groups from 0 to 6th week was similar (P>0.23). However, during first week the chicks fed on 22% protein level gained more weight (P<0.05). During second week results were inconsistent while (luring fourth week the chicks fed on Iower protein level gained similar weight as compared to the higher protein groups.
The FCR of groups A, 13, C & F during starter phase and A, 13, ( I) & E during finisher phase was not different (P>O.05) which Shows that crude protein level in starter and finisher diet could he reduced to 19.5 & 17%, respectively while maintaining the critical amino acid level as per requirement. However, during first week the FCR of chicks fed on 22% protein was lower (P<O.05) than that of others, which indicate (hat during first week protein level should not be lower than 22%. The protein intake and protein efficiency ratio were not different (P>O.O5) among different groups during starter and finisher phases.
Dressing percentage of different groups was not different (P>O.29). Percentages of gizzard, liver and heart weight were also similar (P>O.22) among different groups. Mortality rate during total experimental period was less than 3% and no significant difference of mortality was observed among the different groups.
The economic appraisal proved that during starter phase net cash flow increased at lower protein diets while during finisher phase the net cash flow decreased greatly in the last two group E & F'. It revealed that in finisher ration reduction of crude protein level below 17.5% on which group E & F were maintained was not economical. Theses results were confirmed by realistic feed cost values.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0488,T] (1).
Detoxification Effects Of Aflatoxin Contamination In The Poultry Feed By Using Different Chemical Techniques
by Awan, Naeem Nazir | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Mr. Anjum Khalique | Prof. Dr.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 1997Dissertation note: Aflatoxins, the toxic fungi metabolites produced by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus are potent natural contaminants of feed stuffs. Aflatoxin effects all species of animals and poultry resulting, depressed growth, production and immunity against diseases.
The importance of aflatoxin in the poultry industry lies in economics loss due to the effect of reduced adsorption, utilization and metabolism of fat and protein, by decreasing bone strength, lameness, lethargy and weakness of wings ataxia, refulled or curled feather, reduced amino acid and vitamin (riboflavin) absorption, impaired immunity resulting in increased susceptibility towards infectious diseases, poor feed conversion ratio, less weight gain and feed consumption and moderate to high mortality. In addition to these effects there may be reduced ability to produce antibodies in response to vaccination. Such immune related problems are extremely difficult to diagnose. An investigation was undertaken to study the comparative value of various adsorbents to minimize the effect of aflatoxin on the performance of broiler chicks.
Six experimental rations viz, A, B, C, D, E and F were prepared for the said purpose. Ration A served as negative control, Ration B, served as positive control having 100 ppb level of AFB 1. Ration C, AFB 1 @ 100 ppb and Sodium Bentonite @ 2% of the ration. Ration D, AFB 1 100 ppb and Myco-fix plus 1.0 kg/ton of feed. Ration E, AFB 1 @ 100 ppb and Myco-fix plus 2.50 kg/ton of feed. Ration F, AFB 1 @ 100 ppb and Myco-ad @ 2.0 kg/ton of feed (Commercial Adsorbents).
Two hundred and forty, day old broiler chicks were randomly divided into six groups having forty birds in each and which were further sub-divided into four replicates comprising of ten birds in each.
The body weight gain, feed consumption, and feed conversion ratio were recorded at the end of each week. The drooping feather percentage, leg deformities percentage, mortality percentage, postmortem lesions, bursal body weight ratio and dressing percentage were recorded at the end of experiment. However, the antibody titre for Newcastle disease vaccine was analyzed at 2lth, 28th, 35th, and 42nd day of the experiment. The experiment lasts for six weeks.
The results indicated highly significant differences (P < 0.05) of weight gain, feed consumption, and feed conversion ratio among all the groups, there was also significant differences (P<0.05) was observed among the values of dropping feather and dressing percentage, however there was no difference in leg deformities of different control and experimental groups. There was highest percentages of mortality and postmortem lesion in the experimental group F (Myco-ad) and positive control group B, (AFB 1, @100 ppb), than the groups, A, C, D and E. There was significant difference in the geometric mean titres among the groups while there was no difference in bursal body weight ration among the groups (P <0.05).
From the data of present study it can be concluded that group A (Negative control) showed the best performance among the experimental groups in all above mentioned parameters: In experimental group C (Sodium bentonite) gave a better affect on the performance of birds, rather than other groups placed on the commercial adsorbents (Myco-fix plus and Myco-ad).
The commercial adsorbent Myco-ad @ 2.0 kg/ton of feed had highly drastic effect on the health status and growing abilities of the birds. However, the use of Myco-fix plus (Commercial adsorbent) had some beneficial effect on experimental birds.
It is recommended that more research work should be conducted to investigate more suitable measures to minimize the effect of aflatoxin Bi, before final conclusion are drawn.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0523,T] (1).
Biological Availability Of Betafin For Methionine Sparing In Broiler Chickens
by Majid Rafique | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr. Athar | Dr. Nisar Ahmad Mian.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 1997Dissertation note: Methionine is one of the dietary essential amino acid. In formulating poultry rations methionine is generally deficient and thus supplemented to fulfill the requirement. The level of melhioiiine, recommended by NRC for maximum growth and feed effIciency, estimated as 0.5% in starter and 0.42% finisher rations, respectively. in the body niethionine can also be synthesized from homocysteine through transmcthylation reaction. For methionine to be synthesized, methyl groups are required. Cholinels known as a methyl group donor in the body. But it has to be activated and converted to betaine before methyl groups are liberated. Betafin (Betain Anhydron), a commercial product is available, used to spare choline and methionine in poultry rations.
The experiment was designed to evaluate biological availability of Belafin for methioiiine sparing in broiler chickens. For this purpose 250 day 01(1 chicks were taken, divided into five groups, i.e. (A, B, C, I) and E), then these were further subdivided into five replicates each. Five starter and finisher rations (A) Adequate methionine (B) low methionine LM (C) LM + choline (D) LM + Betafin 1:1 and (E) LM -I- I3etafin 1:2; formulated and fed to their respective groups. The experiment lasted for 42 days in two phases i.e. (Starter and Finisher).
The parameter studied were (1) Feed intake (2) Weight gain (3) Feed conversion ration FCR (4) Mortality (5) Dressing percentage (6) Economics.
Average feed intake per bird was 3942±63.08, 3609±44.75, 3439.21±28.28, 3763.36±58.04 and 3775.46±48.35 (P <0.05), weight gain 2127.59±23.59, 1732.78±4 1.32, 1720.00±34.96, 1911.02±47.16 and 1890.76±39.75 grams (P <0.05), FCR 1.84 ±0.0322, 2.08±0.032, 1.99±0.026, 1.99±0.024 and 1.99±0.025, (1'<0.05), Dressing percentages were observed non-significant (P>0.05), for groups i.e. (A, B, C, D and E) respectively. The adequate methionine (A) feed had higher price per unit, but had significantly higher weight gains and better feed efficiency.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0555,T] (1).
Effect Of Different Levels Of Formaldehyde And Heat Treatment On In Situ Degradation Of Different Vegetable
by Faran Hameed | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | dr. Nisar Ahmad Mian | Mr. Shahid.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Nature of contents: ; Literary form: Publisher: 1998Dissertation note: Protein is one of the most expensive constituents of the ruminant's diet. Under many feeding regimes most of the dietary protein fed to ruminants undergoes extensive modification due to microbial activity in the rumen and the nitrogen used in the synthesis of microbial protein. Consequently, nitrogenous compound with low biological values are upgraded. Conversely a protein having a high availability and biological value in the non-ruminant may be altered in the rumen to lower availability and biological value, or both. (Peter et al. 1971).
The rumen micro-organisms cannot synthesize enough protein to support high level of milk production in lactating cow. Good quality dietary proteins, therefore, should be protected from rumen degradation to improve its bypass value. Different methods have been used to overcome the degradation of protein in the rumen. Of which the two methods i.e. treatment of protein with "Heat" and "Aldehydes" are widely used.
The present study was conducted to determine the bypass values of different vegetable protein meals for ruminants using nylon bag technique on fistulated male buffalo calf. The protein sources were subjected to heating through autoclaving and treated with formaldehyde at various levels. To evaluate their effects, the in situ protein degradation was determined.
It was found that 24 hours incubation in the rumen was the optimum time for digestion of all vegetable protein meals. The data was subjected to statistical analysis only at 24 hours incubation time. Both autoclaving and formaldehyde had significant effect in protecting proteins from rumen degradation of all vegetable protein meals.
Maximum bypass protein value i.e. 97.09 percent of maize gluten meal (60%) was achieved at 1 percent fonnaldehyde treatment as compared with control i.e. 66.82 percent. It was concluded that formaldehyde treatment at 0.5 percent level was better and economical for maximum protein protection of maize gluten meal (60%).The autoclaving treatment of maize gluten meal (60%) for 30 minutes may be considered to be optimum for protein protection. By comparing two treatments it was also concluded that formaldehyde treatment is more effective and economical as compared to autoclaving in case of maize gluten meal (60%).
The bypass protein value of rapeseed meal was observed to be 19.62 percent. The maximum protein protection was observed i.e. 78.0 percent unit increase in bypass protein value at 1.5 percent formalin treatment and this level was found to be the best. Sixty minutes autoclaving of rapeseed meal could be considered the best. While comparing both treatments, formaldehyde treatment was found better than autoclaving.
Maximum rumen undegradable protein (RUP) value of sunflower meal i.e. 79.25 percent was observed at 1.5 percent formalin treatment as compared to control i.e. 7.15 percent. It was recommended that formaldehyde treatment at 0.5 percent level was better and economical for achieving higher RUP value. It could be concluded that autoclaving treatment of sunflower meal for 45 minutes was effective and economical for protein protection. While formalin treatment was noted to be better than autoclaving.
Maximum protected protein value of cottonseed meal was noted to be 50.59 percent at 1 percent formalin treatment as compared to untreated i.e. 20.60 percent. It may be advised that formalin treatment at 0.5 percent of cottonseed meal was optimum and economical to achieve maximum protected protein value. Autoclaving treatment for 60 minutes of cottonseed meal was the best in protecting protein from rumen degradation. It was evident that autoclaving treatment was better than formalin treatment in case of cottonseed meal.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0562,T] (1).
Upgrdation Of Nutritional Value Of Deoiled Rice Polishing By Different Chemical Treatments For Its Use In Poultry
by Saeed Ahmed | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr. Nisar Ahmad Mian | Dr. Shakil.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1998Dissertation note: Two hundred and forty (240) day old male broiler chicks were randomly divided into 6 groups i.e. A, B, C, D, E and F. Each group comprised of 45 chicks except group A which was control and fed commercial ration comprised of 15 chicks with 3 replicates of 5 chicks each. Groups B, C, D, E and F were fed on raw, HC1, NaOH, 11202 and Kemzyme treated deoiled rice polishing, respectively. Each group was sub-divided into 3 sub-groups with 10%, 20% and 30% deoiled rice polishing. Each sub-group was comprised of 15 chicks 3 replicates of 5 chicks each.
The present study was conducted to improve the nutritional value of the deoiled rice polishing by treating it with various chemicals such as HC1, NaOH, H202 and Kemzyme. One group was control i.e. without any treatment of deoiled rice polishing.
Overall results showed that feed efficiency at 10% level was better with HC1 and H202 treatments of deoiled rice polishing. At level feed efficiency was better with HC1, NaOH, 11202 and Kemzyme treatments of deoiled rice polishing. At 30% level feed efficiency was better with 11202 and Kemzyme treatments.
The findings of present study suggest that deoiled rice polishing can effectively be used in broiler diet at 20% level by treating it with 0.4N HC1. Whereas at 30% level the rations become uneconomical due to use of oil to compensate energy value.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0566,T] (1).
Improvng Phosphorus Availability In Broiler Feed By The Supplementation Of Phytase Enzyme
by Hammad Raza | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr.Muhammad | Prof.Dr.Nisar Ahmad Mian.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 1998Dissertation note: The phosphorus availability in broiler ration was improved by the supplementation of phytase enzyme. A unit of phytase is defined as the quantity of enzyme that liberates LU. mol of inorganic P/mm. from 5.1 mm sodium phytate at pH 5.5 and 37°C. Six weeks old forty (40) broiler birds were housed in individual cages in a room maintained with standard conditions. Birds were randomly divided into four groups having 10 birds each including control group. The following level of phytase were used 0, 300 U, 600 U, and 900 U. A preliminary period of 7 days was observed to remove the effect of previous diet and then feed intake and production of excreta was measured quantitatively per pen over three consecutive days.
By the supplementation of the different levels of phytase enzyme the P availability was significantly (P<0.01) increased in different groups. Maximum phosphorus availability was achieved in D groups similarly minimum P availability was achieved in A group (control). rphe data was statistically analyzed by using the complete randomized block design highly significant (P<0.01) difference was observed in various rations. For the comparison of means DMR test was applied which showed significantly (P<O.O1) higher P availability in ration D as compared to the remaining rations (A, B and C). The control ration was economical ration in this experiment. By supplementing phytase the cost of the ration was increased. rrhe results of present study proved that use of phytase is uneconomical but maximum phosphorus availability could be achieved by using the phytase enzyme in poultry rations.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0568,T] (1).
Effect Of Different Levels Of Milk And Early Weaning Diet On The Performance Of Buffalo Calves From Birth To 13 Weeks
by Sardar Alam, Maj | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr. M. Aleem | Dr. Nisar Ahmad Mian.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 1999Dissertation note: An experiment was conducted to see the effect of different levels of whole milk and early weaning diet (calf starter) on the performance of buffalo calves from birth to 13 weeks of age. Twentyone healthy newly born female buffalo calves were randomly allotted to three different feeding regimes (A, B and C). In feeding regime 'A' whole milk was fed at the rate of 10% of live body weight up to sixth week of age. In 7th week the same quantity of milk was fed and then the quantity of whole milk was reduced every week at the rate of 1/6th of the 6th week allowance. The calves in this group were weaned at the age of 12 weeks. In feeding regime 'B' and 'C' whole milk was fed at the rate of 10% of live body weight up to 30 days then the quantity of milk was restricted to 3 litres per day in group B and 2 litres per day in group C upto the consumption of 800 gram of calf starter and to 1.5 litres per day in group B and 1 litres per day in group C till the consumption of 1.2 kg of calf starter. On the average calves of group A consumed a total of 259.44 litres of whole milk and weaned at 12 weeks of age. On the average the calves in group B and C consumed 214.15 and 167.77 litres of whole milk and were weaned at 72 and 74 days respectively. Calf starter, green fodder and wheat straw was provide ad libitum to compensate the reduced allowance of milk. Calves of group 'C' consumed the minimum quantity of whole milk and the maximum quantity of calf starter, gave satisfactory results. Thus the feeding of milk upto 90 days is not necessary if sufficient quantity of nutritionally balanced diet is provided in addition to limited quantity of whole milk.
The average weight gains in the calves of group A, B and C were 48.78, 46.36, 43.71 Kg respectively. There was non-significant difference in the weight gain and general body condition.
The cost of feeding for a unit ( Kg ) gain in group A, B and C was Rs.5 1.60, 48. and 42.54 respectively. The cost of feeding for a unit gain in group C was significantly (P<0.05) less than in group A and B.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0592,T] (1).
Comparative Efficacy Of Different Commercially Available Feed Additive Anticoccidials And Other Prophylactic
by Mohsin Ali Ashraf | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr.Haji Ahmad | Dr.Nisar Ahmad Mian.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 1999Dissertation note: The study was designed to compare the efficacy of different feed additive anticoccidials and coccidiosis vaccines A total of 240 day-old-broiler chicks were purchased and raised for 42 days in good husbandry and hygienic conditions. The birds were randomly divided into eight groups i.e. A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H Comprising of 30 birds each. Groups A was uninfected unmedicated control while group B was infected unmedicated control. Groups C, D, E and F were given commercial feed having anticoccidials Coxistac, Sacox, Elancoban and Avatec respectively. Groups G and H were given unmedicated feed and were vaccinated at day 3 and 10. All the groups except that of group A were given primary and challenge doses of infection on day 22nd and 35th . The oocysts count was done on 5th 6th and 7th day after each infection. The feed consumption and weight gain were recorded weekly. Record of mortality was kept and postmortem of dead birds was also performed. The data collected was subjected to statistical analysis using Two Way Analysis of Variance and Least Significant Difference (LSD) test, to detect the differences between treatments and means.
It was concluded that Sacox (salinomycin sodium) as anti-coccidial in feed revealed significant (P< 0.05) difference among all the treatments in terms of weight gain, feed efficiency (FCR), oocyst count and reduction in mortality. The results of other anti-coccidials were not satisfactory, while both the vaccinated groups i.e. group G and H performed well in terms of oocyst count and decrease in mortality but their weight gain and feed efficiency were not good.
The results of this study will help to the feed millers in choosing the best feed additive anti-coccidial, while the farmers will get choice amongst anti-coccidial drugs or vaccines.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0609,T] (1).
Effect Of Different Levels Of Soybean Meal As A Vegetable Protein Supplement In Broiler Ration
by Riaz, M | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr.Masood | Mr.Anjum Khalique.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 1999Dissertation note: 1 lie present study was under taken to investigate the effects of different levels of soybean meal as an only protein source on the performance of the growth rate, feed intake, feed efficiency , dressing percentage, mortality and economics of the broiler chicks. One hundred and sixty day old Hubbard chicks were purchased from the local market and were reared on four isocaloric and isonitrogenous rations 1, 2, 3 and 4 up to 28 days of age containing 32.2, 27, 23 and 1 7% Soybean meal.
Weekly feed intake, body weight gain and mortality was recorded. At the end of experiment three birds from each replicate were slaughtered to determine the dressing percentage. The data collected was applied by applying analysis of variance technique using least significant difference (L.S.D.) test to detect the difference among the treatment and means, were compared.
Results revealed a highly significant difference among weight gain and rat ion I having the maximum level of soybean meal showed best weight gain, and then in a declining order, with the decrease in soybean meal level in the diets, the weight gain of oilier groups decreased.
Non significant difference was noticed in the fed consumption of different experimental rations led to the chicks.
Apparently better feed conversion ratio was noticed by the chicks fed on ration (32.2% Soybean meal), hen COfl1CS ration 2 (27% soybean meal). then ration 3 and 4 (23% and 17% soybean meal) respectively.
The present results revealed that chicks fed on ration 1 (32.2% soybean meal) apparently showed increased growth of broiler chicks, required less amount of feed per unit weight gain and were economical as compared to birds fed on other experimental rations.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0610,T] (1).
Evaluation Of Canola Meal & Its Feeding Effects On The Performance Of 0-25 Weeks Old Layer Chickens
by Rafiq, M | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Prof.Dr.Muham | Prof.Dr.Nisar Ahmad Mian.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 1999Dissertation note: Canola meal is the by-product of the oil industry, available after extraction of oil from the seeds by solvent extraction. After the animal protein sources, canola meal is among the best protein supplement which could be incorporated in different poultry feeds.
The present experiment was conducted to study the effect of different levels of canola meal on the perfromance of layer chicks (216) from 0-25 weeks. The chicks were devided into six main groups, having 36 chicks each and were sub-devided into 3 replicates of 12 chicks each. Each replicat was reared as an experimental unit. All the managemental conditions like lighting, feeding, watering, beek trimming, ventilation, vaccination and temperature were provided according to the recommend requirements for Babcoock B300 layer chicks strain.
Six experimental rations containing 0,9, 12, 15, 18 and 21% canola meal in starter and grower rations while in layer mash 0, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 and 15%. These rations formulated and provided according to the Babcoock B300 strain requirements. In the study, effect of feeding different levels of canola meal was checked in lieu of soybean meal on the feed intake, weight gain, feed efficiency, sexual maturity, uniformity, percent egg production, kilograms of feed per dozen eggs, kilograms of feed per kilogram egg mass, weight of 12 eggs, mortality and economics. In starting and growing phase weight gain and feed efficiency was non significant while feed consumption was significant (P < 0.01) in growing and laying phases. Egg mass, Percent egg production, egg weight, weight per 12 egg, feed efficiency (kilograms of feed per dozen eggs, kilograms of feed per kilogram egg mass) showed nonsignificant difference. Mortality was also non-significant among the vnrious experimental groups. Economics of the experimental rations indicated that rations contain canola meal were cheeper as compared to soybean meal containing rations. The overall picture of the whole experiment revealed that canola meal can replace soybean meal in starting, growing and laying phases up to 100% but it has little problem of poor feed intake which was due to picking problem of the birds because the partical size of canola meal is small.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0613,T] (1).
Effect Of Different Solvent Extraction Systems On Free Gossypol And Available Lysine Of Cottonseed Meal
by Ghulam Mustafa | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr. Nisar Ahmad Mian | Mr. Shahid.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 1999Dissertation note: Cottonseed not only provides fiber for domestic textile industry and export (Anonymous, 1996) but also accounts for about 60% vegetable oil (Anonymous,1990). It is also a source of protein- rich meal for poultry which is abundantly available in Pakistan. About 140 Kgs. of cottonseed meats of cotton variety "NIAB-78". were purchased from a solvent extraction plant "TransTech"(Pvt.) Ltd. Multan Road Pattoki. The meats were kept in sunlight for one day and were again cleaned. Then the cottonseed kernels were passed through hammer mill for grinding through 12 mesh size. The ground kernels were divided into five equal parts weighing 28 kgs each for individual treatment. Its inclusion level in poultry diet can be Increased by detoxifying the limiting factor with different solvents. Keeping in view the effect of mixed solvents in the extraction of oil rendering the free gossypol to its non-toxic level, five different solvents were used as a mixture. Maximum free gossypol was removed/detoxified thus enabling the lysine to be available to the birds. Each part was individually treated with respective solvents for the extraction of maximum oil so as to remove a lot of free gossypol. The rations formulated from these solvent extracted meals were biologically evaluated by feeding to the different groups of birds. At the same time free gossypol content and available lysine percentage of different meals were also determined.
180 day old broiler chicks were divided into 6 groups i.e. A, B, C, D, E, and F. They were fed rations R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, and R6 respectively. Group "A" fed ration "Ri" was kept as control. The present study was designed to know the effects of solvent extraction systems on cottonseed meal and to know the effects of treated cottonseed meal (CSM) on feed consumption, weight gain, FCR, mortality and economics. The experiment was conducted upto 4 weeks of age. The data so obtained were helpful in determining gossy-pol content (free gossypol) and available lysine of solvent extracted meals.
The residual free gossypol content of meal (0.01135%) was minimum in case of fourth treatment including hexane, ethanol, petrol and ferrous sulphate. Similarly maximum lysine (1.279%) was made available in last treatment including hexane, ethanol, petrol, iron sulphate and calcium hydroxide.
It was easy and obvious to conclude from the present study that as the number of solvents increased in the treatment, efficient results of weight gain, feed consumption, FOR and economics were observed. Especially by using more solvents in the treatment, cost of feed was reduced as commercial hexane is more costly as compared to all of the other solvents used in the study.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0624,T] (1).
Comparative Nutritional Evaluation Of Poultry By Product Meals Prepared By Two Separate Processes In Broilers
by Aftab Ahmad | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr.Muhammad | Mr.Anjum Khalique.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2000Dissertation note: Protein as a second major factor in formulatiQn of poultry rations after energy. It is supplied by animal and vegetable sources. Animal protein supplement are superior in quality due to its more balanced amino acid profile but are costly. While vegetable proteins are cheaper but lacking in some amino acid and have some antiS nutritional factor. The animal protein supplements available in Pakistan are blood, fish, meat and PBPM. PBPM is abundantly available in Pakistan and it is prepared by using chicken feet, heads, viscera, feather skin and blood. And processing varies from organization to organization. PBPM is prepared by different organization such as M. Artal, BeBeJan and Kakasian.
PBPM has low cost and its CP and ME are comparable to fish meal, but it is low in lysine and methionine. Our present study was to compare the effect of processing of PBPM manufactured by BeBeJan and Kakasian feed industry. Both have different composition and different processing method of PBPM as blood was included in BeBeJan PBPM but it was absent in Kakasian.
The objective of study was to evaluate nutritional profile and quality of commercially available PBPM, the effect of processing on performance of broiler chicks. 240 day old Hubbard chicks were purchased from the local marked and were divided into 8 groups from A to H which were again subdivided into 3 replicates of 10 birds each. Eight experimental starter and 8 experimental finisher rations of A, B, C, 13 and E, F, G, H were prepared. A and E were the control group while B, C and D having 3, 6, 9% PBPM of BeBeJan and F, G, H having 3, 6, 9% PBPM of Kakasian were formulated and starter rations were fed to chicks upto 28 days of age while finisher was provided from 29 to 42 day of age. The feed was supplied to the chicks reared in cages at College of Veterinary Sciences, Lahore. The proximate analysis of the rations was done. And the parameters studied were weekly weight gain, feed consumption, FCR. At the end of the experiment three birds from each group were slaughtered to observe the dressing percentage and weight of internal organs. The economics of the experiment was also calculated. The pepsin digestability of both the organizations PBPM was also recorded. The data thus collected was subjected to statistical analysis. The results indicated that in BeBeJan group there was a significant weight gain in control group A (O%PBPM) while in Kakasian it was significant in F group having 3% PBPM. While comparing both organization PBPM it was observed that F&H rations having Kakasian PBPM 3% and 9% were better than B and D ration having BeBeJan PBPM 3 and 9% regarding weight gain while FOR of BeBeJan it was better in control group A (0% PBPM) while in Kakasian it was better in F group having 3% PBPM. While comparing both organations it was observed that Kakasian PBPM showed better FCR than that of BeBeJan. And it might be due to processing and no adultration of blood in PBPM by Kakasian, while BeBeJan PBPM contained blood. The dressing percentage of control group was better than treated group while comapring both organizations PBPM was non-significant difference among the groups.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0632,T] (1).
Effects Of Different Commercially Available Antifungal Compounds On Feed Quality & Broiler Performance
by Abdul Hamid | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr . Masood | Dr . Nisar Ahmad Mian.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2000Dissertation note: The study was conducted to determine the effects of different commercially available antifungal compounds on feed quality and broiler performance. Six experimental rations i.e. A, B, C, D, E and F were prepared for this trial. Ration A was positive control (containing no antifungal compounds), ration B (containing 0.5 kg Mycostat / ton), ration C (containing 0.5 kg Mycocurb\ ton), ration D (containing 15% moisture without any antifungal compounds), ration E (containing 1 .0 kg Mycostat / ton with 1 5% moisture) and ration F (containing 1 .0 kg Mycocurh/ ton with 15% moisture).
These experimental rations were stored for one month. During storage period the representative feed samples were collected from all the rations and were analysed for mould growth and aflatoxins level.
A total of 240 day-old-broiler chicks were randomly divided into 6 groups having 40 birds in each group and which were further subdivided into 4 replicates comprising of 10 birds in each. The body weight, feed consumption and feed conversion ratio were recorded at the end of each two weeks. Mortality percentage and comparative economic study of antifungal compounds were determined at the end of experiment. The experiment was completed in six weeks.
The results of feed consumption indicated that birds led on different cxperimen(af rations A, B, C, D, E and F from 0-6 weeks of age were 3173, 3230, 3215, 2310, 1972 and 2243 gnis respectively. However, apparently the birds fed on ration B containing Mycostat consumed more Iced as compared to other groups.
The weight gain of the birds fed on various experimental rations A, B, C, D, E and F from 0-6 weeks of age were 1710, 1770, 1 760, 965, 845 and 980 gms respectively. However, apparently more weight gain was observed in the birds fed on ration B containing Mycostat.
The data on feed efficiency indicated that birds fed on different experimental rations A, B, C, D, E and F from 0-6 weeks of age were 1.855, 1.82, 1.83, 2.392, 2.34 and 2.283, respectively. However, better feed utilization was observed in birds fed on ration B containing Mycostat as compared to chicks fed on other rations.
The feed mould count values for groups D, E and F were 4.0 10E4, 1.1 10E4 and 1.0 10E4 respectively, and the Aflatoxins levels for groups D, E and F were (G1<0.1, G2<0.1, B1-33.5 B2-2.4), (GI<0.l, G2<O.1, B1-26.5, B2-1.9) and (G1<0.1, G2<0.l, B1-35.5, B2-2.5) respectively.
It is concluded that Mycostat is comparatively better antifungal compound commercially available as compared to Mycocurb in terms of improving the performance of the broiler birds.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0676,T] (1).
Comparative Nutritional Evaluation On Canola Meal With Soybean Meal For Use In Broiler Diets
by Zulfikar Ali | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr . Jaweed Ahmed Qureshi | Dr . Shahid.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 1998Dissertation note: To study the effect of different levels of Canola meal on the performance of broiler chicks, an experiment containing 240, day-old broiler chicks was conducted. The chicks were divided into 6 main groups, having 40 chicks each and were further divided in four subgroups of 10 birds each. Each sub-group was reared separately in cages, 6 experimental rations with varying levels of Canola meal having CP 21% and 19% and ME 3000 and 3100 Kcal/kg for starter and finisher respectively were provided to the birds -libitum upto six weeks. Canola meal was added in the rations at 25., 22.5, 20, 15, 10 and 0 percent levels with soybean meal. These rations were designated as A, B, C, D, E and F. Starter rations were fed to the birds for 4 weeks and finisher rations for last 2 weeks of the study. Average live weight gain per chick fed rations A, B, C, D, E and F were 1568, 1685, 1633, 1572 and 1677 grams, respectively. There was a significant (P <0.05) difference among the different levels of canola meal. Maximum weight gain was observed in group "B" fed canola meal 22.5% level. Average feed consumption on rations A, B, C, D, E and F were 3248, 3175, 3153, 3157, 3103 and 2935 grams, respectively. A significant (P<0.05) difference was observed among different groups regarding feeding consumption. In case of feed efficiency a non significant difference was observed. The average dressing percentage were 64.41, 64.00, 63.00, 61.75, 62.5, 63.52 percent for rations A, B, C, D, E and F, respectively. A non significant difference was observed regarding dressing percentage. The average heart weight of chicks fed rations A, B, C, D, E and F showed a non significant difference. Flowever, a significant difference was observed in case of gizzard weight. A decrease in gizzard weight with increasing levels of canola meal was observed. Likewise spleen and pancreas weight also showed a non significant (P<0.05) difference among the treatments. However, the liver and thyroid weights of chicks fed rations A, B, C, D, E and F showed a significant (P <0.05) different among the treatments. There was a proportionate increase in the liver weight with increasing levels of canola meal. Increased liver weight in high canola meal based rations may be due to hydrolytic products of glucosinolates which are hepatoxic in nature and cause hyperplasia of liver. Increased thyroid weight is attributed to goitrogenic effect of ailyl-isothiocynates causing thyroid hypertrophy.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0689,T] (1).
Comparative Evaluation Of Maize Bran, Wheat Bran And Rice Bran In The Fattening Ration Of Male Buffalo Calves
by Zahid Mahmood | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr . Muhammad | Dr . Nisar Ahmed Mian.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2000Dissertation note: In Pakistan the per capita availability of the proteinous feed especially of animal origin for human consumption is much less than the required levels. So we the animal production professionals have huge task before us in solving this problem of meat shortage. In our country the buffalo is the main dairy animal. The farmers usually prefer to keep the female calves as they can give them good return in the form of milk. The male calves are often considered as a burden and they are weaned at a very early age. As a result most of them die in their early life. Studies conducted in Pakistan and in some other countries have shown that these calves could be fattened by using cheaper sources of agriculture by-products. One way of solving the problem of meat shortage is the fattening of these calves using well- balanced least cost rations.
In Pakistan the farmers normally use wheat bran to feed their animals. As a result of ever increasing demand of wheat bran its price is quite high and also there are complains about adulteration in it. So there is a need to find some alternate products which could replace wheat bran without effecting the performance of the animals. Maize bran is a by-product of starch industry. It is available in Pakistan by the brand name of Buffalo bran. Similarly the rice bran is a by-product of rice industry and is available after the extraction of remaining oil from the rice polishing. Both maize bran and rice bran are cheaper as compared to wheat bran and easily available. The present study was conducted to ascertain the nutritional value of wheat bran, maize bran and rice bran in the fattening ration of buffalo male calves.
A fattening trial was conducted on three groups of buffalo calves with 10 calves each. Three rations namely A, B and C were prepared in which all the ingredients were same except maize bran, wheat bran and rice bran, which were used at the level of 30%. The duration of the experiment was 90 days. The animals were fed in groups and during the experiment the weight gain, feed consumption, feed efficiency and digestibility of different nutrients in the ration were recorded. Economics of the fattening rations was also determined.
It was found that the weight gain on the rations A, B and C was 555 ± 29.21 kg, 755 ± 34.48 kg, 728 ± 31.85 kg, feed consumption was 4339 ± 75.17 kg, 5386 ± 184.82 kg, 5648.5 ± 221.34 kg and mean values for feed ciliciency were 7.82 ± 2.59, 7.13 ± 1.17 7.76 ± 1.67, respectively. The difference (P<0.05) among the groups regarding weight gain, feed consumption and feed efficiency was not significant. For the three rations A, B and C the digestibility of dry matter was 66.88 ± 6.52, 67.85 ± 5.31 and 59.53 ± 12.64 %, digestibility of crude protein was 72.07 ± 5.34,76 ± 4.52 and 69.12 ± 7.54%, digestibility of crude fiber was 55.89 ± 7.35, 49.25 ± 8.36 and 42.16 ± 14.13% and digestibility of ether extract was 85.94 ± 3.47, 87.94 ± 8.36 and 82.24 ± 4.84 %, respectively. Digestion trial also revealed that there was a non-significant difference (P<O.05) anong groups in the digestibility of various nutrients.
The results of the study revealed that although wheat bran had shown good results, yet it could be replaced by rice bran. The maize bran had not expressed good results, however more research is required to determine it's suitable level in the diet of the buffalo calves. The results of the groups fed rice bran were almost similar to that of wheat bran. Moreover economics of the ration revealed that the cost of production was much less in the case of rice bran. So the rice bran can be used in the rations of buffalo calves without any effect on their performance.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0705,T] (1).
Comparative Efficacy Of Different Commercially Available Growth Promoter Antibiotics On The Performance Of Broiler
by Fazal ur Rehman | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr.Anjum Khalique | Dr.Athar.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2000Dissertation note: The present experiment was conducted to study the efficacy of different growth promoter antibiotics on the performance of broiler chicks.
Two hundred and forty day old broiler (Hubbard) chicks were purchased, kept in cages and were reared on six experimental rations designated as T1 (Control), T2 (Albac, Zinc Bacitracin, 50ppm), T3 (Flavornycin, Flavophosphlipol, 3ppm), T4 (Flavomycin, Flavophosphilipol, 6ppm), T5 (Flavomycin, Flavophosphilipol, 9ppm) and T6 (Lincornix, Lincomycin 4.4ppm) upto the age of 42 days. The starter rations were fed upto 28 days of age and the finisher from to 42nd days of age.
The results of the present study indicated significant difference in weight gain, feed intake, feed efficiency, total bacterial count of feed, total bacterial count of intestinal contents of chicks fed on antibiotic incorporated feed than control (un-medicated). The results of dressing percentage were non-significant.
Rations designated as T2 (Zinc bacitracin, 50ppm) and T3 (Flavophospholipol, 3ppm) showed non-significant difference for weight gain, feed consumption and feed efficiency, whereas the ration T4 (Flavophospholipol, 6ppm), T5 (Flavophospholipol, 9ppm) and T6 (Lincomycin, 4.4 ppm) showed non-significant difference for weight gain, feed consumption and feed efficiency. But ration T4, T5 and T6 showed significant difference with T2 and T3 for weight gain.
With respect to objective of the study, the economic picture of rations T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6 for cost per Kg. of live weight gain (excluding cost of day old chick) were Rs. 17.86, 17.45, 17.39, 17.22, 17.38 and 17.37. Ration T6 was economical by Rs. 0.64, 0.23, 0.17, 0.16 and 0.15 with T1, T2, T3, T4 and T6 respectively. So the Flavomycin 80 at the rate 6ppm (Flavophospholipol) can be used in broiler starter and broiler finisher rations.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0713,T] (1).
Effect Of Yuca Saponin On Urease Activity And Development Of Ascites In Broiler Chickens
by Muhammad Sajid Nazir | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | mr. Anjum Khalique | Mr. Shahid.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2001Dissertation note: The study was conducted to determine the effect of commercially available "Norponin 200 Liquid" on urcase activity and development of ascites in broilers. The active ingredient in the product is saponins. Norponin 200 Liquid was mixed in water and offered to broiler chickens. Two commercial broiler rations were prepared. One was broiler starter ration containing 28 10 K cal/kg metabolizable energy and 20 % crude protein. Second was broiler finisher ration with 2900 K cal/kg metabolizable energy and 18.50 % crude protein. Chicks were divided into four groups i.e. A, B, C and D, respectively. Bach group offered different concentrations of Norponin 200 Liquid. Group A acted as control group. There was no mixing of Norponin 200 Liquid in it. Group B was offered 2.5 ml Norponin 200 Liquid/100 liter of drinking water. Group C was offered 5.0 ml of Norponin 200 Liquid/100 liter of drinking water. Group D was offered 7.5 ml of Norponin 200 Liquid) 100 ml of drinking water. Feed and water was offered ad libitum to the chicks. A total of 240 day-old-broiler hubbred chicks were purchased from a local commercial hatchery and were randomly divided into 4 groups having 60 birds in each group. Each group was further subdivided into 6 replicates comprising 10 birds each. Initial body weight was recorded on day first just after the arrival of chicks in brooding room. The body weight, feed consumption and feed conversion ratio were recorded at the end of each week. Urease activity, mortality percentage and economic study of medicine used were determined at the end of experiment. The experiment was completed in 6 weeks. The results of feed consumption indicated that birds fed on same starter and Finisher rations but with different concentrations of Norponin 200 Liquid to different groups i.e. A, B, C and D in drinking water from 0-6 Weeks of age were 3847, 3813, 3831 and 3827 grams, respectively. Rcs.ults showed that birds of group A consumed more feed as compared to other groups.
The weight gain of birds in different groups i.e. A, B, C and D from 0-6 weeks were 1741, 1809, 1857 and 1895 grams, respectively. Results showed that birds in group D gained maximum weight i.e. 1895 grams per bird. The feed conversion ratio from 0-6 weeks of age were 2.20, 2.10, 2.05 and 2.01, respectively. Results showed that better feed conversion ratio was observed in group D, which as offered maximum concentration of Norponin 200 Liquid in drinking water i.e. 7.50 ml/l00 liter of drinking water. Mortality due to ascites was observed only in groups A and B, respectively. In group A, it was 8 % and in group B it was 5 %, respectively.
Urease activity was also observed in all four groups and it was recorded that maximum urease activity was observed in group A (acted as control) and minimum urcase activity was observed in group D (offered maximum concentration of Yucca sapoin)
CONCLUSION:- It was concluded that Norponin 200 Liquid offered at 7.50 ml/100
liter of drinking water gives comparatively bctter results than 2.5 ml! 100 liter, 5.0 ml! 100 liter of drinking water and control groups.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0746,T] (1).
Effect Of Replacement Of Fed Aditive Antibiotic With Different Levels Of Lactic Acid On Broiler Performance
by Nadira Khalid | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr. Shakil | Mr. Anjum Khalique.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2001Dissertation note: The research study was conducted to find out the effect of replacement of feed additive antibiotic Le. flavomycin with different levels of lactic acid, on broiler performance.
The parameters were growth rate, feed intake, feed efficiency mortality and economics. For this Two hundred day-old broiler chicks were randomly divided into five groups of forty chicks each.
Two experimental rations (starter and finisher) were prepared and fed to the experimental chicks upto 42 days of age. Lactic acid 1%, 2% and 3% was supplemented in the rations for group B, C and D respectively. Flavomycin was supplemented in feed for group E and group A was a control group. The data thus collected was analyzed statistically.
The results revealed that the ration with 1% lactic acid supplementation resulted in more feed consumption, good FCR and did not prove economical. 2% lactic acid supplementation did not prove beneficial in any aspect, whereas the addition of 3% concentration of lactic acid in feed resulted in more feed consumption, good weight gain but again it was not economical. The feed supplemented with flavomycin also consumed more feed, provided good weight gain and proved to be the only economical supplementation. In terms of feed intake, the control groups served to be the best with minimum feed intake by the birds.
Based on this research, we can conclude that adding organic acids to broiler chicken feed, improves production results, although the positive effect of organic acids is less than that achieved by growth promoting antibiotics. 1-lowever, the use of lactic acid is not economical as compared to feed additive antibiotic, being a natural product of bacterial/fungal fermentation. So the use of lactic acid in broiler ration could be of economical importance, if lactic acid is produced at a low cost.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0748,T] (1).
Effect Of Hydrogen Peroxide Treatment Of Defatted Rice Polishing And Its Use In Broiler Diets
by Muhammad Yahya khan | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Mr. Anjum Khalique.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2002Dissertation note: Pakistan is occupying the eminent status in the countries; inhabiting the huge bulk of population with considerable growth rate. This situation is causing an extreme strain on food resources. With ever increasing cost offeed ingredients and use of cereal grains in poultry feeds which are also used for human consumption makes it imperative to look for alternative sources for feeding poultry to save grains for human consumption.
Agro industrial by-products or wastes which are cheaper, not utilized for human consumption and are readily available merit consideration for poultry feeding. Defatted rice polishing is one. of the ingredients may serve the desired purpose.
Defatted rice polishing/bran is an important by-product of rice milling industry. It is derived from the outer layer of rice caryopsis during milling and has comparable nutritional profIle as compared to other cereal grains. Its potential as feed ingredient cannot be absolutely exploited due to the presence of certain antinutritional factors. Such as trypsin inhibitor, crude fiber and hemeaglutinin etc. However, various treatments implementation could be resulted in the elimination of antinutritional factors and yielding it into a useful feed ingredient for poultry.
Present study was conducted to observe the impact of defatted rice polishing on the performance of broiler chicks after subjecting it to H202 treatment.
Six starter and six finisher rations were prepared arid designated as A, B, C, D, E and F. All rations were is caloric and is nitrogenous. Starter and finisher ration A contained 15% H202 treated defatted rice polishing. Rations B and C contained 20 and 25% H202 treated defatted rice polishing while rations D, E and F contained 15, 20 and 25% defatted rice polishing respectively. Two hundred and forty day old broiler chicks were randomly divided into twenty four experimental units of 10 chicks each under six groups A, B, C, D, E and F. Starter rations were fed up to 28th day of age while the finisher rations from 29th to 42nd day of age.
Results of the present study indicates that there was no significant difference in weight gain, feed consumption, feed efficiency and dressing percentage birds feed fed different experimental rations.
It was concluded from the present study that defatted rice polishing can safely be used up to 25% level without subjecting it to treatment. Inclusion of defatted rice polishing up to 25% level had no adverse effect on the performance of broiler chicks.
However, by using defatted rice polishing up to 25% level ration becomes expensive due to addition of oil.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0758,T] (1).
Comparative Efficacy Of Salinomycin Sodium And Neem Fruit (Adadirachta Indica) As Feed Additive Anticoccidials
by Murtaza Ali tipu | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr. Haji Ahmad | Mr. Anjum Khalique.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2002Dissertation note: The study was designed to compare the anticoccidial efficacy of ionophorus anticoccidial, salinomycin and a herb, neem fruit (Azadirachta indica). A total of 240 day old broiler chicks were purchased and raised for 42 days in good husbandry and hygienic conditions. The birds were randomly divided into six groups i.e. A, B, C, D, E and F comprising of 40 birds each. Group A was given feed additive anticoccidial Kokcisan (salinomycin 12 %). In group B, C and D, ground neem fruit (Azadirachta indica) was used in the feed. But the dose of neem was different. Group B had 1 kg/ton neem fruit; group C had 2 kg/ton while group D had 3 kg/ton of feedneem fruit. Group E was infected unmedicated control while group F was uninfected unmedicated control. All the groups except that of group F were given challenge dose of infection on day 22m1. The oocyst count was done on 5th, 6th and 7th day infection. The feed consumption and weight gain were recorded weekly. Record of mortality was maintained and postmortem of dead birds were also performed. The data collected was subjected to statistical analysis using one way Analysis of Variance and least significant Difference (LSD) test, to detect the differences between treatments and means.
It was concluded that Azadirachta indica (neem fruit) 3 kg/ton of feed had excellent activity in terms of oocyst count and reduction in mortality as compared to other groups and especially to Kokcisan (salinomycin sodium 12 %). While Kokcisan (salinomycin Na 12 %) was better in terms of weight gain and feed efficiency over Azadirachta indica 3 kg/ton of feed but this difference was statistically non significant others dosages of neem were also effective.
The results of this study will help to the feed millers in choosing best and economical feed additive anticoccidial.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0760,T] (1).
Effect Of Commercial Enzyme (Natugrain) Supplementation On The Nutritive Value And Inclusion Rate Of Guar Meal In Broiler
by Kamran, M | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Mr.Athar | Prof.Dr.Nisar Ahmad Khan.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2002Dissertation note: Protein plays an important role in the formation of a balanced diet. The human population is still confronting with the shortage of protein intake due to high production cost of poultry and other meat sources. Higher price of poultry meat is mainly due to higher costs of feed. The guar meal is the by product, which is obtained after the mechanical separation of endosperm from both hu1ls and germs of guar seed. It has a natural toxic substance trypsin inhibitor and residual guar gum. Despite, these deleterious effects, the guar meal is cheaper and is a good source of essential amino acids.
The experiment was designed to study the effect of commercial enzyme (Natugrain) supplementation on the nutritive value and inclusion rate of guar meal in broiler rations. The experiment was conducted at Department of Animal Nutrition, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore. 240, day old chicks were randomly divided into 2 main groups. Each main group was further divided into 4-sub groups of 30-chicks (3 replicates of 10-chicks) in each sub group. One main group was fed rations with enzyme supplementation and other without enzyme supplementation. The chicks were reared under standard environmental conditions. Eight isonitrogenous and isocaloric experimental starter rations were formulated and fed to chicks for a period of 4 weeks. Rations A, B, C and D containing 0, 5, 10 and 15% guar meal, respectively supplemented with same level of enzyme (100 gram/ton). Rations F, F, G and H containing 0, 5, 10 and 15% guar meal, respectively without enzyme. Eight isonitrogenous and isocaloric experimental finisher rations A, B, C, D, E, F, G & H were formulated in the same manner as starter rations and fed to chicks from 5-6 weeks. All the birds were weighed at the start of experiment (day old) and at weekly intervals, thereafter. Weekly feed consumption of each replicate was recorded and FCR was calculated.
The average feed consumed by the broiler chicks fed on rations A, B, C, D, F, F, G and H were 3631.2, 3797.16, 3601.0, 3086.56, 3664.33, 3736.2, 3604.93 and 3254.83 grams, respectively. The average weight gain of broiler chicks fed on rations A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H were 1817.77, 1813.6, 1648.77, 1169.0, 1796.1, 1723.9, 1538.44 and 1265.9 grams, respectively. The average feed conversion ratio values for broiler chicks fed on rations A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H were 1.97, 2.0, 2.17, 2.64, 1.99, 2.14, 2.33 and 2.56 per bird, respectively.
The values for dressing percentage in groups A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H were 67.50%, 64.13%, 64.07%, 61.73%, 66.20%, 63.33%, 63.70% and 61.33%, respectively. Mortality in groups A, D, E, G and H were 1, 4, 1, 1 and 2 birds, respectively. There was no mortality in groups B, C and F.
Data regarding feed consumption, weight gain, feed conversion ratio and dressing percentage, when subjected to analysis of variance showed that there was non significant difference (P>0.05) among different experimental groups as far as enzyme supplementation was concerned. However, significant (P<0.05) differences were observed among the experimental groups on the basis of different levels of guar meal.
It was observed as the level of guar meal increased in the ration, cost per kg of feed decreased but as the level of guar meal increased, the cost per kg of live weight increased. Profit per Kg of live weight was higher from those groups fed on rations with enzyme supplementation as compared to those groups fed on rations without enzyme supplementation.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0769,T] (1).
Effect Of Formaldehyde Treated Sunflower Meal As A Soruce Of Rumen Undegradable Protein On The Milk
by Tariq Hameed | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Mr. Jalees | Prof. Nisar Ahmed Mian.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2000Dissertation note: The rumen has unique ability to degrade dietary protein on the one hand and synthesize microbial protein on the other. However rumen microorganism cannot synthesize enough protein to support high levels of growth and milk production by lactating animals. When protein requirements for milk production and maintenances exceeds the amount of protein synthesized by rumen microbes, there is need to protect some of dietary protein from ruminal degradation and be digested by enzymes in small intestine. Some protein sources are naturally protected from rumen degradation and other requires artificial protection. Among different methods to protect the protein, treatment with formaldehyde is an efficient and inexpensive method to protect the proteins from rumen degradation.
Vegetable protein source such as oil seed cakes and meals are major component of livestock feed. Sunflower meal is a good and relatively cheaper source of vegetable protein and is commonly available. Present study was planned to study the effect of HCHO treated sunflower meal on milk production performance of lactating buffaloes.
Twelve lactating buffaloes were divided into 2 groups A and B based on the milk production (9.1) lactation no (II) and days after calving (38). Individual feeding practice was adopted to fulfill the requirement of each animal. Group A was fed control ration with untreated sunflower meal and Group B was fed experimental ration containing the HCHO treated sunflower meal. About 45 kg of chopped green fodder (according to availability) was offered daily to each animal in both groups. Concentrate mixture was given to satisfy production requirement4 Animals were kept under proper managemental conditions. Hand milking of the animals was done twice a day. An insitu trial was conducted to see the effectiveness of HCHO treatment against the rurninal degradation of sunflower meal used in the experimental rations. Present study was conducted to ascertain milk production of Nih Ravi buffaloes by undegradable intake protein of sunflower meal.
Insitu study showed that formaldehyde treatment significantly reduced the degradation of pro tein in the rurnen. Average values for undegradable protein from O.5% HCHO treated sunflower meal was 75.52 percent as compared to 14.22 percent value of control after 24 hours of incubation. Average daily milk production for group A and B was 8.66 ± 0.70 and 8.94 ± 0.55 kg respectively. The difference was statistically non-significant. Similarly a non-significant response of formaldehyde treated sunflower meal to milk fat percentage and fat corrected milk was observed. The average values for fat contents and FCM were 5.52% ± 0.12 for group A and 5.72% + 0.23 for group B and 10.6+0.76 kg for group A and 11.2+0.50 kg for B group respectively. It was concluded, that formaldehyde treatment of SFM effectively reduced the protein degratdation in the rumen but treated sunflower meal could not improve the milk yield and fat content significantly when fed to lactating buffaloes
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0779,T] (1).
Comparative Efficacy Of Salinomycin, Meduramycin, Urisool And Coxigon As Feed Additive Coccidiostat In Broiler
by Rashid Ghafoor | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr.Anjum Khalique | Dr.Athar.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2004Dissertation note: The present study was designed to compare the efficacy of different anticoccidials available in market. Coccidiosis is a disease of universal importance in poultry production. A total of one hundred and eighty, day old broiler chicks were purchased and raised for 42 days in a healthy and good hygienic environment. The birds were then divided into 6 groups viz A, B, C, D, E and F having 30 birds each. Group C and D was given feed additive anticoccidial Kokcisan (salinomycin 12%) and Decocci (meduramycin 1%), while in group E and F was given a herbal drugs i.e. Urisool and Coxigon respectively. All the groups except group E were given challenge of infection on day 22. The oocyst count was done on 5th, 6th and 7th day after infection.
During the experimental period feed intake, weight gain, FCR, mortality rate, oocyst count, clinical findings and postmortem findings were recorded on weekly basis. Results showed that average feed intake was higher in group E i.e. infected and treated with Urisool (herbal coccidiostate). The result showed there is no statistical difference between herbal coccidiostates and other chemotherapeutic drugs. Average weight gain was higher in group E i.e. infected medicated with Urisol a herbal product gave better result.
The results of present study showed that salinomycin treated group is better among all groups regarding FCR. The herbal groups showed less percentage of mortality. The results are also in agreement with many scientists who reported that herbal anticoccidials are safe and has no side effects and tissue destruction. No toxicity and poisoning is observed even at higher doses as in ionophores and no resistance is developed towards any species of Eimeria. Oocyst count was also lower in both herbal treated groups. Almost all the birds receiving infection showed the clinical symptoms of coccidiosis, symptoms were more pronounced in birds of group (uninfected and unmedicated), salinomycin and meduramycin treated group. However, in groups treated with Urisol and Coxigon the signs were not much pronounced, which shows effectiveness of herbal preparations. On account of all these results, it is summarized that herbal anticoccidials are equal in efficacy as compare to other anticoccidials.
The results of this study will help to the feed millers in choosing best and economical feed additive anticoccidial.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0844,T] (1).
Comparative Efficacy Of Diclazuril Syntheric And Coxigon Herbal As Feed Additive Anticoccidials In Broilers
by Inam-ul-Haq | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr. Anjum Khalique | Mr. Kamran.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2004Dissertation note: The anticoccidial efficacy of a herb Coxigon compared with a chemical synthetic diclazurial against coccidiosis in broilers. Two hundred and forty one-day-old broilers chicks were raised for forty two days these birds were divided in to six groups i.e. A. B. C. D. E. F, comprising of forty birds each these were sis treatments, non infected non medicated (A), infected non medicated (B), infected and medicated with Coxigon as 150 gm / 50 kg of feed (C) infected and medicated with Diclazuril as 10gm / 50 kg of feed (D), non infected but treated with Coxigon as 150 gm /50kg of feed (E), and non infected but treated with Diclazuril as 10 gm /50 kg of feed. Groups B,C, & D, were given a challenge dose of coccidial oocysts at the age of 22 days. Weight gain, feed consumption, oocysts in the faeces, clinical findings and mortality were recorded. The results revealed that the birds of non infected and medicated with coxigon group had better (P< 0.05) weight gain as compare to other groups. Moreover Coxigon at 150 gm / 50 kg of feed had excellent performance in terms of oocyst count and lower mortality as compare to Diclazuril.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0846,T] (1).
Production Of Aflatoxin On Rice And Its Detoxification By Yeast Sludge (Sacchromyces Cerevisiae) In Dairy
by Muhammad Amjad | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Prof.Dr. Makhdoom Abdul Jabbar.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2004Dissertation note: The study was conducted to produce aflatoxin on rice and see its detoxification effects by yeast sludge in dairy cattle feed. For this purpose twelve animals of sahiwal breed were selected. They were divided into three groups; A (control) B (500ppb aflatoxin) and C (500 ppb aflatoxin and 1% yeast sludge). The animals were fed for fourteen days and the milk samples were collected after alternate days for aflatoxin M1 estimation and milk components. Feed intake was recorded on alternate days. The milk production was recorded daily. The means of aflatoxin M1 residues showed significant results which were 2.870 0.76, 15.515 2.634 and 12.747 1.0214 respectively (P<0.05). The means of feed intake of groups A, B and C also showed significant differences which were 170.14 1.98, 163.37 2.27 and 177.00 1.99 respectively (P<0.05). The means of milk production however showed non-significant results which were 7.583 1.321, 7.104 0.797 and 8.375 0.478 respectively (P>0.05).for groups A, B and C. The means of milk components for groups A, B and C showed non-significant differences which were 4.0964 .0.431, 4.0607 0.4302 and 4.2964 0.3473 respectively for fat; 8.8964 .0492, 8.5821 0.1527 and 8.7429 .0.2119 respectively for solids not fat and 12.943 0.479, 12.646 0.461 and 13.036 0.553 respectively for total solids. The results of the above study show that yeast sludge is capable to detoxify aflatoxin and it also improve the feed intake of animals but doesn't have any effect on the milk production and milk composition of the animals.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0852,T] (1).
Determination Of Metabolizable Energy And Dry Matter Digestibility Of Indigenous Feed Staffs Used In Poultry Rations
by Rana Mudassar Riaz | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr. Farina M | Mr. Muhammad Kamran.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2005Dissertation note: The project was conducted to determine the AME, TME and dry matter digestibility. Five feedstuffs were used for this purpose. Thirty 16- week-old cockerels were used in such a way that five birds were force fed 30g of each feedstuff. Five birds were kept fasted to serve as negative control for determination of metabolic feacal and urinary endogenous excretions. The prefeeding fasting period was 21 hr and excreta were collected over a period of 24 hr. Proximate analysis for moisture, crude protein, ash, crude fibre and nitrogen free extract was carried out. The gross energy of the ingredients and the excreta was measured by using adiabatic bomb calorimeter and AME and TME were worked out.
The observed AME values for maize, rice tips, wheat, sorghum and millet were 3612.74, 3661.62, 3296.85, 3514.92 and 3278.46 Kcal/kg respectively. Rice tips have the highest value and on the other hand millet has the lowest value.
The observed TME values for maize, rice tips, wheat, sorghum and millet were 4059.6, 4095.36, 3738.58, 3965.71 and 3730.62 Kcal/kg
respectively. Rice tips have the highest value followed by maize, sorghum, wheat and millet has the lowest value.
Endogenous energy ranged from 11.53 14 to 12.7099 Kcal with the average of 12.02 KcaI.
Dry matter digestibility was highest for rice tips (77.4 1%) followed by maize (75.64%), sorghum (72.13%), millet (71.88%) and lowest value for wheat (67.26%) due to relatively high content of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin etc. Rice tips have better digestibility so it should be included at higher percentage in poultry feed.
It was also found that crude fiber has indirect relationship with both AME and TME. While ether extract has direct relationship with gross energy.
While for the comparison with the NRC values it was found that for both AME and TME except wheat, other ingredients have lesser values than reported in NRC and statistically it was found that there was non-significant relationship between the observed and standard mean values.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0854,T] (1).
Comparative Efficacy Of Conventional (Muduramycin) & Non. Conventional Herbal Feed Additive Anticoccidials In Broilers Feed
by Naeem Tahir | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr. Anjum Khalique | Mr. Athar.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2004Dissertation note: The study was designed to compare the efficacy of different feed additive anticoccidials. A total of 150 day-old-broiler chicks were purchased and raised for 42 days under good husbandry and hygienic conditions. The birds were randomly divided into five groups i.e. A, B, C, D and E comparising of 30 birds each. Group A was non-infected non-medicated control while group B was infected non medicated control. Group C was given commercial feed having anticoccidial Maduramycin, while the groups D and E were given commercial feed having herbal anticoccidial Coxigon. All the groups except A and E were given challenge of cocci infection on day 22. The oocyst count was done on 5th, 6th and 7th day after infection. The feed consumption and weight gain were recorded weekly. Record of mortality kept and postmortem of dead birds was also performed. The results revealed that (Coxigon) as anticiccidial in feed was better than the other treatment in terms of weight gain, feed efficiency (FCR), oocyst count and reduction in mortality.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0856,T] (1).
To Study The Adsorption Potential Of Yeast Sludge Against Aflatoxins In Broiler Chicks
by Irfan Hashmi | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr. Makhdoom Abdul Jabbar | Dr. Muhammad.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2005Dissertation note: Aflatoxins, the flungal toxic metabolites produced by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus are potent toxin as natural contaminants ol' lce(l stulis. Aflatoxin effects all species of animal and poultry resulting. depressed growth. production and immunity against diseases. The research study was conducted 0 study the adsorption potential of Yeast sludge against atlatoxins in broiler chicks. For this two hundred and forty day-old broiler chicks were randomly divided into twenty four units each containing 1 0 chicks and these twenty lour units erc divided into six treatments.
Six experimental rations (starter and finisher) A (100 ppb allatoxins). AI (100 ppb aflatoxins + 1% yeast sludge). B (200 ppb aflatoxins). B 1 (201) pph aflatoxins + 1% yeast sludge). C (300 ppb afiatoxins). Cl (300 pph aflatoxins 1% yeast sludge) were prepared and 1d to the experimental chicks Iron) six to forty-two days of age. The aflatoxins produced by Aspergillus parsilicus Ii 0111 own laboratory. The data thus collected in terms of weight gain. feed consumption. FCR, serum total protein, serum albumin, alanine transaminase (ALT). aflatoxin concentration in liver and mortality were analyzed statistically. The results of this study showed that weight gain, feed consumption and FCR were not significantly different as compared to groups which were supplemented with yeast sludge, but total serum protein, serum albumin, antibody titer of' ND and aflatoxin concentration in liver were high in groups supplemented with yeast sludge as compared to groups which were fed diets containing only aflatoxins and were not supplemented with yeast sludge.
The results revealed that the ration with 1% yeast sludge supplementation and having 100 ppb aflatoxins showed less mortality, ALT activity and aflatoxins concentration in liver and high serum total protein, serum albumin and antibody titer of ND as compared to groups which were not supplemented with yeast sludge. In case of 200 ppb aflatoxins and 1% yeast sludge results showed less mortality. ALT activity and aflatoxins concentration in liver and high serum total protein. Serum albumin and antibody titer of ND as compared to groups which were not supplemented with yeast sludge.
In case of 300 ppb aflatoxins and 1% yeast sludge results showed less mortality, ALT activity and aflatoxins concentration in liver and high serum total protein, serum albumin and antibody titer of ND as compared to groups which were not supplemented with yeast sludge.
The present research indicates that use of yeast sludge against aflatoxins showed best results, however 1% yeast sludge contains a very limited amount (0.26)% of Mannan oligosaccharide as aflatoxin adsorbent. So, there is a need to use higher levels of yeast sludge or improve its adsorbing ability such as centrifugation and ultrasonication. This research is the first step in this field and it is recommended to launch a full fluged project to reveal the other beneficial characteristics of yeast sludge such as immune boaster, probiotic activity, provision of highly digestible inorganic material, blocking colonization of pathogens, provision of nutrients that cannot be used by pathogens and stabilizes pH in the rumen etc.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0857,T] (1).
Biocoversion Of Rice Bran With Arachnoitusspp And Candidu Utilis To Protein Biomass And Its Evaluation
by Hussain Ahmad | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Prof.Dr. Makhdoom Abdul Jabbar.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2005Dissertation note: Rice bran was subjected to proximate analysis to know its nutritive potential. Arachniotus spp and Candida utilis were used as fermentating agents to carry out solid state fermentation of 5 g rice bran after determining the optimum conditions such as incubation period (3 days), water: substrate (1:2 w/v), ionic concentrations. (MgSO4.7H20, 0.05 %; CaCl2, 0.075 % KlIPO4, 0.250 %) carbon to nitrogen ratio(12:1), molasses (1 nil), yeast sludge (0.6 ml) and corn steep liquor (2.0 ml) for i1racli,,iuiu spp while for Candida utilis molasses (2 ml ) and urea (0.25 g) for maximum production of biomass protein. The biomass (fungal and yeast) protein produced under these conditions on large scale in Koji fermenter. It contains crude protein. 30. 13 %: true protein, 23.74 %; ash, 14.71 % and RNA content 3.383 %.1t was observed that on large scale biornass production, there was more need of optimization of conditions like agitation, pH and supply of oxygen.
The fermented biomass protein vas also analyzed for amino acid profile. To evaluate biologically the quality of protein of the biomass a feeding trial was conducted using day old broiler chicks. These chicks were fed rations in which 5 % (B). 10 0/) (C). 15 % (D), and 20 % (E) Soya bean were replaced with biomass protein from a basal diet (A) for 42 days.
The quality of biomass protein was evaluated in terms of feed conversion ratio. weight gain, feed consumption and protein efficiency ratio. It was observed that the difference between the values of feed conversion ratio, and Protein efficiency ratio total weight gain and total feed consumption were statistically significant. It was that group A had better FCR of 2.24, group C had more teed consumption 4131 g / chick, group C had more weight gain which was 1764.5 g / chick while group A had better PER which was 2.30.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0858,T] (1).
Comparative Efficacy Of Different Feed Additive, Anticoccidials (Chemical, Ionophore And (Herbal) In Broiler
by Asad Abbas Malik | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr. Anjum Khalique | Dr. Kamran.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2004Dissertation note: The study was designed to compare the efficacy of different ionophore, chemical and herbal anticoccidials in broiler ration. A total of 320 day-old broiler chicks were purchased and raised for 42 days in good hygienic and husbandry conditions. The birds were randomly divided into eight groups i.e. A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H having 40 birds in each group. These groups were further subdivided into four replicate of each group comprising of 10 birds per replicate.
Group A was uninfected unmedicated control, while the group B was infected unmedicated control. Group C was given feed additive anticoccidial Kokcisan (salinomycin Na 12%). Group D was given Diclacox (Diclazuril 0.5%) as feed additive. Group E was given Decocci (Meduramycin 1%) in feed. There was Clopidol (10%) mixed in the feed of group F. Group G was given a herbal anticoccidial Coxigon. Group H was given anticoccidial feed additive Avatec (Lasalosid Na 15%) in the ration.
All the groups except group A were given challenge dose of infection on 22nd day of age. The faecal samples were collectd on 5th, 6th arid 7th day post-infection and oocyst count was done. Feed consumption and weight gain were recorded on weekly basis. Clinical signs were noticed, record of mortality was maintained and postmortem of dead birds were also performed. The data collected was statistically analyzed by ANOVA and LSD test, to detect the difference between treatments and mean.
It was concluded that Coxigon 3 kg/ton of feed had excellent activity in term of oocyst count, reduction of lesions, and FCR as compared to all other groups, Kokcisan (salinomycin Na 12%) showed better results than any other ionophore or chemical anticoccidials used and stood second behind coxigon. These results will help the feed manufacturers regarding use of best feed additive anticoccidial in broiler rations.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0859,T] (1).
Effect Of Storage On Rancidity And Metabolizable Energy Of Rice Polishing In Cockerels
by Daulat rehman khan | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Prof.Dr. Makhdoom Abdul Jabbar.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2006Dissertation note: Effect of storage on the Rancidity and Metabolizable Energy of Rice Polishing was determined for the period from zero through sixteenth week of storage of rice polishing with and without the addition of antioxidant under normal conditions. A total of fifteen single comb white leg horn cockerels of uniform age and weight were procured and raised in metabolic cages which were used to conduct five trials at 0 and after 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks of storage of rice polishing. Five force feeding trial were conducted, first trial was conducted by using fresh rice polishing considering 0 week of storage followed by four more force feeding trial after storage of 4, 8, 12, and 16 weeks of rice polishing using the same birds. The birds were fasted first for the period of 21h followed by force feeding of 20g of rice polishing with antioxidant to one an without antioxidant to an other group, a control/ fasting group was also kept to measure endogenous losses. After the period of 48h feces collection was performed for the determination of Apparent and True Metabolizable energy values. Along with the biological trials, laboratory assay of the rice polishing stored with and without antioxidant was conducted to measure the extent of rancidity in terms of Thiobarbituric Acid Value (Thiobarbituric Acid No.) with the help of spectrophotometer at 531 nm. The data obtained was analyzed by using complete randomized design which revealed that, increasing storage periods increased the TBA no. (P<0.05) in both the groups, while the AME and TME showed non significant (P>0.05) change before and after a specified storage periods. It was concluded that there is no effect of rancidity and storage on the nutritive value, AME and TME of Rice Polishing in poultry but TBA No. increases with the passage of storage time.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0931,T] (1).
Determination Of Apparent Metabolizable Energy Of Indigenous Vegetable Protein Sources In Poultry
by Hammad Ali | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr. Muhammad | Mr. Muhammad Kamran.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2006Dissertation note: An experiment was conducted to determine the apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and true metabolizable energy (TME) of indigenous vegetable protein sources in cockerels by force feeding method. Six indigenous vegetable protein sources viz. soybean meal, canola meal, rapeseed meal, guar meal, sunflower meal and linseed meal were used. Thirty five 18 weeks old broiler breeder cockerels were used in such a way that five birds were force fed 25 gm of each feedstuff for estimation of AME and TME. Five birds were kept fasted to serve as negative control for determination of metabolic faecal and urinary endogenous energy excretions. The pre-feeding fasting period was 24 hours and excreta was collected over a period of 24 hours. The gross energy of test ingredients and the excreta was measured by using adiabatic oxygen bomb calorimeter. Proximate analysis for moisture, crude protein, ether extract, crude fiber, ash and nitrogen free extract were carried out. All had almost similar dry matter and ether extract values. Sunflower meal and canola meal had less CP% because of presence of sulphur containing amino acids. The observed AME values for soybean meal, canola meal, rapeseed meal, guar meal, sunflower meal and linseed meal were 2556, 1920, 1887, 1847, 1629 and 2061 Kcal/Kg, respectively. Soybean meal had the highest value 2556 Kcal/Kg and sunflower meal had the lowest value 1629 Kcal/Kg. The observed TME values for soybean meal, canola meal, rapeseed meal, guar meal, sunflower meal and linseed meal were 2694, 2053, 2022, 1992, 1764 and 2198 Kcal/Kg, respectively. Soybean meal had the highest value 2694 Kcal/Kg and sunflower meal had the lowest value 1764 Kcal/Kg. Endogenous energy ranged from 2.93 Kcal/gm to 2.95 Kcal/gm with the average of 2.94 Kcal/gm. It was also found that crude fiber has indirect relationship with both AME and TME. While, it has also come to notice that ether extract has direct relationship with gross energy of the feedstuff.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0936,T] (1).
Comparative Nutritional Evaluation Of Conola And Rapessed Meal And The Effect Of Their Inclusion Levels On Broiler Performance
by Muhammad Ahmad | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr. Makhdoom Abdul Jabbar | Prof.Dr.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2006Dissertation note: High feed cost was a big limitation for development of poultry industry. Feed millers were using low cost feed ingredients to combat this problem. Canola is the seed of Brassica napas or Brassica compestris species. The oil component of canola contain 2% eruic acid and have a low level of glucosinolates content 30 mole/g in meal portion. Rapeseed meal is one of the key products of the oil industry. The protein content and metabolizable energy of rapeseed meal and canola meal was 35.5%, 36.5 and 1800 K cal/kg, 2000 Kcal/kg respectively. The amino acid profile of canola and rapeseed meal is comparable with other vegetable protein sources. The project was designed to study the nutritional value of canola and rapeseed meal and effect of their inclusion level on broiler performance. Seven rations were formulated contains 0, 10, 20, 30% of canola and rapeseed meal and designated as A, B, C, D, E, F and G. Two experimental trials were started at the same time but these were conducted separately. In experiment no. 1 which was a general performance trial. A total of 210 broiler chicks were randomly divided into 21 experimental units having 10 chicks of each. The experimental ration were offered to birds with respect to relevant experimental unit for the duration of 6 weeks. During experimental period feed intake, weight gain and feed conversion ratio of chicks were recorded. There was a significant difference (P<0.05) among different levels of canola meal and rapeseed meal with respect to study parameters. In experiment no. 2 which was a metabolic trial. A total of 21 broiler chicks were randomly divided into 7 experimental units having 3 chicks of each. The experimental rations were offered to birds for first 18 days. After 18 days each bird of every replicate from each treatment was shifted to metabolic cages. These birds were offered feed in cages for three days. From day 21 to 22 the feaces to these birds were collected for the estimation of dry matter and gross energy. At the 23rd day the birds were shifted back to their shed. After wards all the experimental units were treated accordingly till the duration of 6 weeks. There was a non-significant difference (P>0.05) among the AME calculated of the canola meal and rapeseed meal based diet.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0948,T] (1).
Studies On Imbalances Of Macrominerals In Live Stock Of Okara And Hafizabad Districts
by Muhammad Zafar Ullah Khan | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr. Makhdoom Abdul Jabbar | Shahid Abbas.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2007Dissertation note: To determine the levels ol macro m inciiils (N a, K, Ca, IVIg, and P) in livestock of (I istrict Okara and Hafizabad, about 1000 blood samples were collected. In addition to blood, samples of feed, fodder, soil and water were also collected from same sites. Other samples included feed and fodder, soil and water. Species under study were bulThlocs, cattle, sheep and goats. Sampling was done in two seasons i.e., summer and winter. For blood collection, animal were subdivided in two groups i.e., small ruminants (sheep and goats) and large ruminants (cattle and buffaloes). In small ruminant 50% samples were taken from adult animals and 50% from lambs and kids. In large ruminants samples were taken in equal numbers from calves, lactating and dry animals. Heparin was used as anticoagulant in blood samples. By using centrifuge machine blood plasma was separated and preserved in freezer. Feedstuff and soil samples were dried in oven and ground to 1mm particle size by using Willy mill. Water samples were given no treatment except filtration.
Plasma samples were digested by using 10% TCA, whereas soil and feedstuff samples were subjected to wet digestion. After dilution all samples were run in atomic absorption spectrophotometer for estimation of Ca and Mg. Potassium and sodium were observed by flame photometer whereas phosphorus estimation was done by using spectrophotometer. The mean plasma phosphorus values foi di1feint groups o± ammals in distiict Okaia as observed were 4.141±0.202 and 4.651±0.321mg / I OOml for small ruminants (sheep and goats) and large ruminants (Buffaloes and cattle), respectively. Whereas in district Hafizabad the mean plasma phosphorus values as observed were 3.601±0.222 and 3.043±0.122 mg / lOOmi in small ruminants (sheep and goats) and for large ruminants (Buffaloes and cattle), respectively. It is evident form the data that animals of the Okara district have adequate levels of phosphorus whereas animals of the district Hafizabad are had lower phosphorus values.
The mean plasma potassium values for different groups of animals in district Okara as observed were 4.454±0.22 1 and 4.458±0.155 mEq/L for small ruminants (sheep and goats) and large ruminants (Buffaloes and cattle), respectively. Whereas in district Hafizabad the mean plasma potassium values as observed were 5.974±0.365 and 5.626±0.236 mEq/L in small ruminants (sheep and goats) and large ruminants (Buffaloes and cattle), respectively. The values were similar for both the districts.
The mean plasma sodium values for different groups of animals in district Okara as observed were 116.7.9±5.19 and 107.04±3.89 mEq/L in small ruminants (sheep and goats) and large ruminants (Buffaloes and cattle), respectively. Whereas in district Hafizabad the mean plasma sodium values as observed were 9 1.93±3.48 and 88.95±2.96 mEq/L small ruminants (sheep and goats) and large ruminants (Buffaloes and cattle), respectively. Both the districts showed sodium deficiency in small and large ruminants. Livestock of Hafizabad district had lower sodium values than district Okara.
The results of the present study indicate that there are higher values of plasma calcium in livestock of Okara and Hafizabad district. The mean plasma calcium values for different groups of animals in district Okara as observed were 14.17±1.60 and 14.05±1.26 mg / lOOml small ruminants (sheep and goats) and large ruminants (buffaloes and cattle), respectively. Whereas in district Hafizabad the mean plasma calcium values as observed were 32.01±0.30 and 28.14±1.42 mg I lOOmI small ruminants (sheep and goats) and large ruminants (buffaloes and cattle), respectively.
Plasma magnesium values were found slightly higher in livestock of Okara district. Whereas livestock of district Hafizabad have many folds higher level of plasma magnesium than normal ones. The mean plasma magnesium values for different groups of animals in district Okara as observed were 3.92 1±.449, 3.845±0.346 mg /lOOml for small ruminants (sheep and goats) and large ruminants (buffaloes and cattle), respectively. Whereas in district Hafizabad, the mean plasma magnesium values as determined were 13.075±0.970, 17.16±1.29 mg I I OOml for small ruminants (sheep and goats) and large ruminants (buffaloes and cattle), respectively.
Feedstuff, soil and water analysis has shown nearly similar pattern in macro mineral levels. With few exceptions, the district with higher plasma mineral values showed higher mineral profile in feedstuff, soil and water as compared to other district.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0965,T] (1).
Comparative Growth Performance Of Different Broilers Strains
by Syed Ansar Hussain Shah Naqvi | Dr.Farina Malik | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Akram | Prof.Dr.Talat.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2007Dissertation note: This present study was performed to investigate the comparative growth performance of different broiler strains. The experimental birds from four different strains viz Arbor acre (AA), Hubbard (RB), Hybro (FlY), and Starbro (ST) were randomly divided into 4 treatment groups each having 14 birds to evaluate the best performing strain under the local environmental condition. All the chicks in each replicate were weighed and placed in individual litter floor pens with the provision of separate feeding and drinking equipment. Ad. Libitum feed and water was offered to the birds in each replicate with the provision of 24hours light. Commercial broiler starter feed was provided from 0-4 weeks and finisher from 5-6 weeks of age.
Room temperature and humidity percentage was recorded daily. Body weight, feed intake were recorded weekly. FCR was also calculated on weekly basis. And mortality was recorded as and when occurred.
At the end of the experiment two birds' one male and one female from each replicate were randomly selected to study slaughter parameters such as live weight, dressed weight and different organs weight (shank length, head weight, liver weight, gizzard weight, heart weight, intestine weight, intestine length, ceacal weight).
The daily temperature range was 24 C to 40 C and the humidity percentage was from 20 to 90 % throughout the experimental period. The overall data showed no significant difference (P<0.05) in weight gain, feed consumption and FCR values of four different broiler strains. However, consistently higher weight gain and feed consumption was observed in birds of strains AA. Where as comparable FCR values were
observed in birds of strains AA, RB and HY. However birds in strains SB showed lowest (P>0.05) weight gain and highest FCR.
Significant differences (P<0.05) were observed in live weight of male and female birds. Highest (P<0.05) live weight and dressed weight was observed in birds of SB strain. The highest dressing percentage was observed in birds of AA and HY strains.
The significant differences (P<0.05) were observed in head weight of female birds from different broiler strains, the head weight of the birds from HB was significantly (P< 0.05) higher compared to lower weight of AA. The significant difference (P<0.05) was observed in shank length of female of the group AA birds. There was no significance difference (P> 0.05) in the liver weight, gizzard weight, intestinal weight, intestinal length, and ceacal weight of birds from different broiler strains.
The trial indicated that all the broiler strains such as Arbor acre (AA), Hubbard (RB), Hybro (HY), and Starbro (SB) can be reared profitably and uniformly under our local environmental temperature. It is also evident from the data that each strain has its own peculiar characteristics. AA, I-lB. and MY showed better growth performance, whereas maximum mortality was observed in the birds of SB thus indicating poor resistance to the diseases.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1000,T] (1).
Comparative Hatching Traits Of Different Broiler Strains
by Muhammad Usman Khan | Dr.Farinea Malik Khattak | Prof.Dr.Muhammad Akram | Prof.Dr.Talat.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2007Dissertation note: Poultry industry of Pakistan contributes a large segment to the national economy with an investment of more than 70 billions of rupees and has become the second largest industry after textile in Pakistan. The present project is designed to study the comparative hatching traits of different broiler strains. There are many commercial poultry companies that rear parent stocks consisting of different broiler parent strains of Hubbard, Hybro, Starbro, Arbor Acres. This sector is presently showing an annual growth rate of about 10-15 percent per annum and playing a vital role in narrowing down the gap between supply and requirement of animal protein foods. The present project is designed to study the comparative hatching traits of different broiler strains Hubbard, Hybro, Starbro, Arbor Acres.
A total of 600 eggs comprising 150 each of the 4 broiler breeder strains viz. Hubbard, Hybro, Starbro and Arbor acres were purchased from local companies maintaining parent breeder flocks. These eggs were divided into three replicates having 50 eggs of each. All the eggs were examined on the basis of their size, shape and shell texture for the selection of settable eggs in each replicate. All eggs were weighed and coded and 3 eggs from each replicate were taken for measuring the egg quality characteristics before setting in the setter part of the incubator for the first 18 days. On day 19 all eggs were transferred to the hatcher room. Prior to shift eggs to the hatcher, all eggs were candled to check the fertility. Chicks were collected after 21 days from hatcher. The parameter such as, egg Weight, shell weight, shell thickness, albumen Weight, albumen height, yolk colour, yolk height, yolk diameter, yolk weight, yolk index, meat spot, blood spot, hatchability percentage, chick weight, infertility percentage, dead in germ percentage, dead in shell percentage were studied.
The result of present study showed that, the mean egg weight indicated significant differences among different broiler strains. The maximum mean egg weight was recorded in Hubbard strain (68.5 gm ± 4.7).The mean shell weight showed significant difference among different broiler strains. The mean shell thickness showed non-significant difference among different broiler strains. The mean yolk colour, yolk diameter, yolk weight showed significant difference (p<O.O5) among four different broiler strains. The mean yolk height and yolk index showed non-significant difference (P>0.05) among different strains. The mean albumen weight and albumin height indicated significant difference (P<0.05) among four different broiler strains. The meat spot percentage showed that the significantly increased (P<0.05) number of meat spots were observed in eggs obtained from Hubbard strain (1.33 ±4.6) compared to all of other strains. The blood spot percentage significantly (P<0.05) higher number were recorded in starbro strain (1.98 ± 0.56) as compared to all other strains. The hatchability percentage of Hubbard strain (71.63 ± 5.71) was significantly (P<0.05) higher compared to Arbor Acre strain (39.71± 4.91) and Hybro strain (33.57+ 6.22) and the hatchability percentage of Hubbard strain (71.63 ± 5.71) and Starbro strain (68.30± 7.21) were with in same ranges. The mean chick weight indicated significant difference (P<0.05) among different broiler strains. The significantly highest (P<0.05) chick weight was recorded in Hubbard strain (45.17±4.6) as compared to all other strains. The infertility percentage of Hybro strain (1.77±0.20) and Arbor Acre strain (3 9.33±5.42) were significantly (P<0.05) higher compared to infertility percentage of Hubbard strain (14.66±6.67) and Starbro strain (24.50 ±4.26).The dead in shell and dead in germ percentage showed significant difference (P<0.05) among four different broiler strains
Based on the finding of this study it may be concluded that the egg quality characteristics like egg weight, shell weight, yolk colour, yolk weight, yolk diameter, albumin weight, albumin height, meat and blood spot percentage have significant differences among different broiler strains. The shell thickness, yolk index, yolk height non-significant difference among four different broiler strains. The Hubbard strain had maximum egg weight, yolk weight, yolk height, albumen height, in comparison to all other three strains. The results with regard to Hatchability traits like chick weight, hatchability percentage, infertility percentage, dead in germ percentage, dead in shell percentage have significant difference among different broiler strains. The Hubbard strain had maximum hatchability percentage and chick weight in comparison to all other three strains. On the basis of this study it may concluded that Hubbard strain have better results as compared to Arbor Acre, Hybro, Starbro strains.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1001,T] (1).
Assesment Of Buffalo Semen By Reduction Assay
by Muhammad Iqbal | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aleem Bhatti | Prof.Dr.Ijaz Ahmad | Prof.Dr.Talat | Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2008Dissertation note: In this study twenty Nili Ravi buffalo bulls were used. Semen was collected once weekly and each collection comprised two ejaculates .. Total volume of the semen was observed using graduated tube and the concentration by Spectrophotometer. Both the ejaculates were pooled and a representative sample of each collection was evaluated for viability using MTT Reduction Assay, Eosin and Nigrosin Staining, Hypo Osmotic Swelling Test and Motility.
The results of the study shows high correlation (r = 1.00) between the MTT reduction rate and the sperm viability. When the %age of MTT viable sperm cells were compared with the E&N, HOST and Motility a negative correlation was found suggesting the physiological difference between the tests. On the basis of this study it can be concluded that the MTT reduction Assay is an objective test and more reliable than the other tests which are more subjective and can be influenced by the experience of the indivi~
MTT Reduction Assay is more reliable test for the assessment of viability as it is simple and inexpensive. The results of our study suggest additional advantages of this test in evaluation ofNili Ravi Baffalo semen. Many samples and its replicates can be measured in the same time. It can be used successfully in routine analysis, where time, costs and practicability are important
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1014,T] (1).
Relative Biological Availability Of Feed Grade Dicalcium Phosphate & Monocalcium Phosphate And Their Effects on Productive Performance of Broilers
by Muhammad Asim Shahzad | Dr.Farine Malik Khattak | Dr.Abdul Waheed Sahota | Prof.Dr.Talat.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2008Dissertation note: The live weights of different groups (A, B, C, D and E) gave non significant (p<O.05) results but numerically group D and E gave higher values, like wise, dressed weight were higher in group D and E. The dressing % of different groups (A, B, C, D and E) were also non significant (P>O.05). The liver weights of different groups (A, B, C, D and E) at 35 days of age were non significant (P<O.05). However within these groups, birds fed on control diet & DCP imported (group A & D) showed higher liver weights. Similarly there was n0 significant difference (p>O.05) in the heart and gizzard weights of different experimental groups. The result obtained in the course of this study highlighted an invaluable lesson. Regardless of the potential availability of the phosphorus in a feed phosphate, dietary factors and bird condition may result in a dramatically lower effective utilization of the phosphorus. It became evident that the availability of phosphorus was not an inherent property, characteristic of the material being assayed alone, but an experimentally determined value which reflects the absorption and utilization of the phosphorus ingested under the condition of the test. (Steven George Payne, 2005).
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1018,T] (1).
Bioavailability Of Macro Minerals In Animal Origin Feed Ingredients Used In Broilers Ration
by Muddassir Attique | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr.Farina Malik | Mr.Muhammad Kamran.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2009Dissertation note: Minerals are required for growth, bone development, feathering, enzyme structure and function. The present study has been designed to ascertain mineral profile of the poultry feedstuffs (fish meal.z, meat meal, bone meal and poultry by product meal) locally available to the industry. Evaluation of the minerals (Ca, Na, K, P) bioavailability of these ingredients and commercial broiler starter feed in broiler were also determined. For this purpose poultry feed ingredients and commercial broiler starter feed was procured from a commercial feed mill. For bioavailability of minerals a total of 240 day old Hubbard broiler chicks were used and allocated to six (6) dietary treatments(A, B, G, D, E and F) in such a way that each treatment was replicated 4 times with 10 chicks in each replicate. Diet A was of commercial feed mill B was from a corn soybean meal based and diet. Diet C, D, E and F contained meat meal, fish meal, bone meal and poultry byproduct meal respectively. The data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis using Analysis of Variance Technique. The difference among the treatment means were tested through Duncans's Multiple Range (DMR) Test.
The maximum Ca bioavailability was observed in group B (61.5665±5.513%) which was control feed, followed by group E (5 8.54±8.694) containing meat meal, D (57.29±2.70) containing bone meal, C (49.94±10.43) containing fish meal, A(37.60± 5.034) which was commercial diet and F (24.23±3.16) containing PBM. Ca bioavailability was found in group F (24.23± 3.16%) which was fed with poultry by product meal, respectively. There was a significant (P<0.05) difference in bioavailability of potassium in group A among the group C, B and F, respectively, while group F was also (94.17±0.859%) and the minimum K bioavailability was found in group B (91.45± 2.4 13%) bioavailability was observed in group A which was fed commercial feed and group F which was fed with meat meal , respectively However, bioavailability of sodium group F was significantly (P<0.05) different across the group (A, B, C, D and F). The maximum Na bioavailability was observed in group B (77.50±5.86%) and the minimum Na bioavailability was found in group E (24.69± 23 .95%) bioavailability was observed in group B which was control feed and group F which was fed with meat meal, respectively. The bioavailability of phosphorus in group E differ (P<0.05) significantly to the other groups (A, B, C, D and F) whereas group A also differ (P<0.05) from Group B, D and E significantly. However significance (P<0.05) difference was found in group B with group A and E as well. The maximum P bioavailability was observed in group C (53.40±4.453%) and the minimum P bioavailability was found in group E (41.15± 6.19%) bioavailability was observed in group C which was fed with fish meal feed and group £ which was fed with meat meal respectively. The maximum P bioavailability was observed in group A (58.48± 3.59 ) which was commercial feed, followed by group C ( 53.40±4.453 ) containing fish meal, F ( 52.81±2.18 %) which was fed with poultry by product meal D (4 8.92±6.64 ) containing bone meal B ( 49.06±5.81 ) which was control diet B (41.15±6.19 ) containing meat meal. The maximum FCR was observed in group C (1.40±0.022) and the minimum body weight was found in group A (1.281± 0.028) Body weight was observed in group C which was fed with fish meal feed and group A which was fed commercial diet respectively
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1069,T] (1).
Development Of Ration For Increasing Milk Fat Percentage In Nili-Ravi Buffaloees
by Shiraz Nasim | Prof. Dr. Makhdoom Abdul Jabbar | Prof.Dr.Muham | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2008Dissertation note: The present study was designed to see the effect of different rations on the milk production as well as milk fat percentage. For this purpose 20 Nili-Ravi early lactating buffaloes were selected from the existing herd and randomly divided in to five groups A, B, C, D and E. The animals were selected on the basis of their age and stage of lactation. The group A was treated with conventional ration (control group) while group B and C were supplemented with oil @ 3 % and oil + niacin @ 15 g / day / animal respectively. While group D and E were supplemented with megalac @ 3 % and megalac + niacin (1 5g/day/animal). Green fodder was given for the maintenance requirement of the animals, while the production requirements were met through experimental rations. The research trial was continued for three months at BRI, Patokki.
Milk production was recorded daily. Milk composition was analyzed on weekly basis. The milk production among the different groups was 7.13 ± 0.59, 7.70 ± 1.30, 7.31 ± 1.02, 7.31 ± 0.81 and 7.46 ± 0.61 liters. Statistical analysis showed that the milk production in groups was similar and not significant between the groups but significant among the weeks.
Milk composition in terms of fat and its fractions (Solid Non Fat, Total Solids) protein and lactose percentage will be determined on weekly basis. The economics of milk production on various rations was estimated. The milk fat contents of groups were 5.29 ± 0.35%, 6.23 ± 0.37%, 6.31 ± 0.21%, 6.67 ± 0.33% and 7.41 ± 0.3 1%, for control (A), vegetable oil (B), vegetable oil + niacin (C), megalac (D) (rumen bypass fat), and megalac + niacin (E) groups respectively. The SNF contents of milk were 9.31±0.23, 9.27±0.10, 9.20±0.14, 9.50±0.30 and 9.24±0.16 for groups A, B, C, D and E respectively, while the TS contents were 13.81 ± 0.49, 14.78 ± 0.34, 14.88 ± 0.15, 15.49 ± 0.59 and 15.84 ± 0.40for groups A, B, C, D and E respectively. The milk protein contents of different groups were 3.24 ± 0.07, 3.27 ± 0.07, 3.32 ± 0.08, 3.27 ± 0.10 and 3.32 ± 0.19 respectively for control, vegetable oil, vegetable oil + niacin, megalac (rumen bypass fat), and megalac + niacin groups respectively. The lactose contents of milk were 4.20 ± 0.05, 4.30 ± 0.08, 4.39 ± 0.12, 4.32 ± 0.08 and 4.46 ± 0.14 for groups A, B, C, D and E respectively
Blood samples were collected on fortnightly basis. The blood samples were analyzed for the total proteins, urea, cholesterol and glucose level. Blood samples were collected from all animals of the groups. The serum total protein for different groups were 3.41±26.4, 3.14±42.47, 3.71±39.05, 3.36±35.02 and 3.17±38.07 g/l in buffaloes in groups A, B, C, D and E. The blood urea contents were 15.47±1.62, 22.03±2.26, 18.71±2.19, 19.65±1.34 and 16.60±4.59 mg/dl in buffaloes in groups A, B, C, D and E. The blood cholesterol contents were 139.79±41.47, 180.21±8.52, 164.77±7.79, 168.45±4.89 and 137.90±9.88 mg/dl in buffaloes in groups A, B, C, D and E, while the blood glucose contents were 44.96±2.66, 35.18±9.65, 43.57±3.24, 37.66±18.94 and 35.73±1.12 mg/dl in buffaloes in groups A, B, C, D and E.
Body weight gain of the animals was recorded on fortnightly basis. The weight of the animals was recorded early in the morning.
Dairy animals of high genetic merit require nutrients in addition to those produced from ruminal fermentation to achieve their potential and maintain milk quality. Fat and proteinaceous feed supplements should be designed to achieve optimal microbial efficiency in the rumen and to maximize digestibility and absorption fats and proteins from the small intestine. The degree of protection of fat supplements from ruminal metabolism should be as high as possible in order to minimize their deleterious impact on microbial metabolic activities. Fat supplements should also contain a fatty acid profile that allows the composition of milk fat to satisfy the nutritional demands of consumers and to provide the special physicochemical properties that are required for manufacturing
Buffaloes would be expected to exceed cattie in fat test by 1 to 3%, depending on breed and environmental conditions, but fat percentage of buffaloes appears to be influenced by environmental factors such as age and season of calving in about the same proportions as for cattle. The buffalo is less efficient as a milk producer, slower in reaching maturity, and subject to longer calving intervals than Sahiwal cattle in Pakistan. The high fat content of buffalo milk, coupled with larger fat globules, results in buffalo milk having higher utility on small farms than cattle milk because of ease in removal of the fat.
It is concluded that as the animals were fed concentrate ration, there is milk fat depression in the milk of dairy animals. So to maintain the milk fat for most dairy producers, the most effective method of maintaining an adequate milk fat percentage in the milk is:
o ensure that adequate fiber is in the ration, and
o include buffers in the concentrate mix or total mixed ration of the dairy animal.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1076,T] (1).
Bioavailability Of Minerals In Different Vegetable Protein Sources Commonly Used In Broiler Ration
by Zaib Mahel | Dr.Farina Malik | Prof.Dr.Muhammad AKram | Prof.Dr.Talat.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2010Dissertation note: The study was designed to investigate the relative bioavailability of minerals in different vegetable protein sources commonly used in broiler ration. The study was conducted in the Poultry Experimental Shed, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore. For this purpose 200 day old broiler chicks were purchased and were randomly distributed into five equal treatment groups A, B, C, D & E containing soyabean based control diet, rapeseed meal, sunflower meal, canola meal and guar meal respectively. Each treatment had 4 replicates having 10 chicks each. Birds were placed on floor for first 10 days then were shifted to cages on day with in same treatment and replicate groups and were fed on experimental feed. Feed and water were provided ad libitum. Body weight and feed consumption were recorded weekly and FCR and weight gain was also calculated accordingly.
The experiment was terminated at day 21, all birds were weighed and feed consumption was recorded to calculate weight gain and FCR. Two birds per replicate were randomly selected and 5m1 blood was taken from wing vein prior to slaughtering. After slaughter, organ weights, left tibia bone were taken. Blood samples, left tibia bone ash, and excreta samples were collected for analysis of macro (Ca, P, K, Mg, and Na) and microminerals (Mn, Cu, and Fe) analysis.
Data when statistically analyzed showed that there was a significant differences (P<0.05) between body weights, Birds fed canola and guar meal showed the highest (P<0.05) body weight compared to control birds. Feed consumption & FCR values
showed a non significant difference (P<O.05). Organ weight revealed non significant difference in liver & heart weights (P<O.05), however significantly (P<O.05) highest weights were observed for birds fed diet containing guar meal.
Amount of available Ca in plasma was significantly higher (P<O.05) when guar meal was fed as compared to P arid Mg which showed non significant (P<O.05) differences between treatments and the amount of available minerals Ca, P, Mg, K, and Fe in bone ash were also non significant (P<O.05) among birds fed control, rapeseed, sunflower, canola, and guar meal. The amount of available macrominerals (Ca, P, and Mg) in feed showed a significant difference (P<O.05) when birds were fed sunflower meal, control and guar meal. However, Na, and K levels of feed were non significant (P<O.05). The amount of available macrominerals (Ca, K and Na) in excreta significantly showed (P<O.05) difference when sunflower and guar meal were fed while P and Mg showed non significant (P>O.05) difference among all treatment groups, whereas microminerals like Cu, Mn and Fe showed a significant difference (P<O.05) when birds were fed a soya based control diet.
The overall bioavailability of macro minerals (Ca, P, Mg, K and Na) and microminerals (Cu and Fe) showed significant (P<O.05) among treatments groups. However Mn showed non significant (P<O.05) difference with highest bioavailability of guar meal. The results showed that among protein source supplements, soybean, sunflower, canola and guar meal showed higher digestibility and minerals content as compared to rapeseed meal.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1102,T] (1).
Bioavailability Of Macro Minerals (Ca,P,Na,K)In Different Feed Stuffs Commonly Used In Broilers Ration
by Arslan Farooq | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr.Farina Malik | Dr.Saima.
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Publisher: 2009Dissertation note: Many reports have illustrated the limitations of feed stuffs in meeting the mineral needs of poultry and other monogastric species. Many feed millers base their estimates of requirements on the NRC. However, the commercial feed industry has adjusted these levels based on their own 'gut feel' rather than on any scientific basis. So, when poultry feed is formulated on this basis, it may not fulfill the bird's nutritional requirement due to their tabulated values instead of actual, resulting in some nutritional disorder and many other related problems.
Therefore it becomes more imperative that we must have nutrient profile of our local feed stuff. The present study has been designed to ascertain mineral profile of the poultry feedstuffs (cotton seed meal, wheat bran, corn gluten meal 60% and corn gluten meal 30%) locally available to the industry and prepare a document on the basis of data analyzed which will be used as a ready reference through out the country. Evaluation of the minerals (Ca, Na, K, P) bioavailability of these ingredients and commercial broiler starter feed in broiler was also be determined. For this purpose poultry feed ingredients and commercial broiler starter feed were procured from a commercial feed mill. For bioavailability of minerals a total of 200 day old Hubbard broiler chicks were used and allocated to five (5) dietary treatments (A, B, C, D and E) in such a way that each treatment was replicated 4 times with 10 chicks in each replicate. Diet A was of corn- soybean meal. Diet B, C, D and E was contain cotton seed meal, wheat bran, corn gluten meal 60% and corn gluten meal 30 %, respectively. The data obtained was subjected to statistical analysis using Analysis of Variance Technique. The difference among the treatment means was tested through Duncans's Multiple Range (DMR) Test.
The maximum Ca bioavailability was observed in group B (61.56±5.51%) which was commercial feed, followed by group C (46.30 ±4.29) containing cotton seed meal, E (41.61±8.05) containing corn gluten meal 60%, A (37.60±5.0) containing control(corn- soybean meal), D (35.12±9.20) which was wheat bran and F (22.3 1±8.04) containing corn gluten meal30%. There was a significant (P<0.05) difference in bioavailability of Ca in group A between the groups B and F, respectively.
The maximum P bioavailability was observed in group A (58.48± 3.59) which was control feed, followed by group D (52.32±3.09) containing wheat bran, B (49.06±5.81) containing control feed, E (45.94±7.12) containing corn gluten meal 60%, C (40.45±4.55) which was cotton seed meal and F (38.68±8.3 1) containing corn gluten meal 30%. There was a significant (P<0.05) difference in bioavailability of phosphorus in group A among the group B C, E and F, respectively.
The maximum Na bioavailability was observed in group B (77.50± 5.86) which was commercial feed, followed by group C (75.03±3.28) containing cotton seed meal, F (73.62±4.75) containing corn gluten meal 30% feed, D (73.10±4.5 1) containing wheat bran, A (65.05±7.16) which was control diet and E (58.40±7.34) containing corn gluten meal 60% respectively. There was a significant (P<0.05) difference in bioavailability of Na in group A among the groups B, C, D, E and F respectively.
The maximum K bioavailability was observed in group A (94.17± 0.85) which was control feed, followed by group B (93.98±0.51) containing commercial feed, E (93.05±1.05) containing corn gluten meal 60% feed, D (91.62±0.84) containing wheat bran, F (90.69±0.69) which was corn gluten meal 60% feed and C (90.26±1.07) containing cotton seed meal respectively. There was a significant (P<0.05) difference in bioavailability of K in group A among the groups C, D, E and F, respectively.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1106,T] (1).
Bioavailability Of Macrominerals (Ca,P,K,Na)In Broiler Diets Based On Cereals And Cereal Byproduct
by Muhammad Farooq | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha | Dr. Makhdoom Abdul Jabbar | Dr.Farina Malik.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2010Dissertation note: The study was conducted to determine the relative bioavailability of minerals in different cereals grain commonly used in broiler ration. For this purpose experiment was conducted in the Poultry Experimental Shed, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, 200 day old broiler chicks and were randomly distributed into five equal treatment groups A, B, C, D & E containing commercial control diet, maize, wheat, rice tips, rice polish respectively. Each treatment had 4 replicates having 10 chicks each. Birds were placed on floor for first 10 days then were shifted to cages on ii day with replicate groups were fed on experimental feed. Feed and water were provided ad libitum. Body weight and feed consumption were recorded weekly and FCR and weight gain was also calculated accordingly.
The experiment was ended at day 21, all birds were weighed and feed consumption was recorded to calculate weight gain and FCR. Two birds per replicate were randomly selected and 5m1 blood was taken from wing vein prior to slaughtering. After slaughter, organ weights, left tibia bone were taken. Blood samples, left tibia bone ash, and excreta samples were collected for analysis of macro minerals (Ca, P, K and Na).
Data when statistically analyzed showed that there was a significant differences (P<0.05) among body weights, Birds fed wheat showed the highest (P<0.05) body weight compared to control diet. Feed consumption & FCR values showed significant difference (P>0.05). Organ weight revealed that liver & heart weights were non-significant (P<0.05) among different treatment groups however significantly (P>0.05) highest weights were observed for birds fed diet containing control diet.
Amount of available Ca in plasma was significantly higher (P>O.05) when rice tips was fed as compared to phosphorus which showed significant (P>O.05) differences among treatments and the amount of available minerals Ca, P, Na and K in bone ash were also significant (P<O.05) among birds fed control, maize, wheat ,rice tips, rice polish. The amount of available macro minerals (Ca, P, Na and K) in feed showed a significant difference (P<O.05) when birds were fed wheat, rice tips and rice polish. The amount of macrominerals (Ca, P, K and Na) in excreta significantly showed (P<O.05) difference among all treatments. The bioavailability of macrominerals (Ca, P, K and Na) showed significant (P<O.05) among treatments groups. However bioavailability of phosphorus showed non-significant (P>O.05) difference of group fed control diet and rice polish. The results showed that among energy sources wheat, rice tips and maize minerals contents are compare with rice polish.
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 1111,T] (1).
Profile Of Calcium And Phosphorus In Sheep And Goats In Different Ecological Zones Of Punjab Pakistan
by Yasir Allah Ditta | PRof.Dr.Anjum Khalique | Prof.Dr.Muham | Prof.Dr.Talat Naseer Pasha.
Material type: Book; Format:
Publisher: 2010Dissertation note: livestock accounts for 52.2 % of agricultural value added, contributes 11 % to GDP and affects the lives of 30-35 million people in rLlral areas directly or indirectly. The sheep and goats population during 2007-2008 was 27.1 and 56.7 million heads, respectively. In spite of a large population of sheep and goats in Pakistan, a lot of hurdles are ahead regarding the production especially with nutrition. The minerals become more important because the small ruminants are mainly fed on grazing without any proper feed and mineral supplementation except the common salt, so the only source of minerals are the grasses and lorages. Availability and concentration of minerals in crops and forages are influenced by environmental fectors such as climate and seasonal conditions during the growth, the amount of rainfall, the type and the fertility of soil on which the forages grow. the stage of maturity. the genus and the species (variety) of the fbrages. It is important to determine the mineral profile based on animal fluid/tissue concentrations in order to estimate the mineral needs of grazing ruminants, as well as the time of the year when they are most needed. Ca and P represent about 46% and 29% of total body minerals. Both Ca and P are very closely related; a deficiency or an excess of one will interfere with proper utilization of the others. [he main goal of this study was to identify profile of Ca and P in sheep and goats of five canal irrigated districts of Punjab. The samples of blood from sheep and goats, water, soil, crops and feed stuffs were taken in both summer and winter seasons and their concentrations were studied For the purpose of sampling, each district was divided into five sub-locations and these were considered as representative areas of the district. Samples were taken from each sub-location, brought to laboratory tbr analysis and analyzed in Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer and spectrophotorneter. This study was helpful in providing the information about the status of Ca and P in soil, forages, water and in small ruminants and their seasonal dynamics and variation which will be helpfti I to formulate ratiois and premixes in the future. Mineral concentration data were statistically analyzed by t-Test and One-Way Anova.
Significant difference (p<O.05) was observed in Gujaranala, Ilali, Ahad and Khushab districts and non-significant (p>O.05) difference was observed br Ca. Significant (p<O05) difference was seen for Sheikhupura and non-signilicant (p>O.05) difference for other districts between summer and winter seasons. Significant (p<O.05) difference was observed for among Rice zone. Ihal canal irrigatd zone and D. G. Khan Irrigated zone of Punjab br goat. Significant (pO.O5) difference was found among Gujranala, I-labiz Abaci and Khushah districts in both summer and winter seasons. Non-significant (p>O.05) difference was observed for Sheikhupura and Muzzafargarh districts in both summer and winter seasons. Significant (p<O.O05) difference was seen for Gujranwala. Ilafiz Abad arid MuziaIirgarh districts and non-significant (P>O.05) difference was observed for Sheikhupura and Khushab districts between summer and winter seasons. Significant (p<O.05) difference was found in the Ca level of blood plasma in the ThaI irrigated canal zone for the sheep. The highest value for Ca level in the soil was foLind in Sheikhupura (257.5 ±19.2 ppm) and Gujranwala (2 I 6.5]. 1 7.8 ppm) districts during the winter season and in I-Iafiz Abad (404.3] 14.4 ppm) and Gujranwala (304.2±21 .3 ppm) districts during the summer season. l'he overall value of Ca for summer and winter seasons was highest for Haflz Abad (285.2±16.8 ppm) and Gujranwala (260.36±10.2 ppm) districts. [he highest value for P in the soil was found in the Sheikhupiira (40.3±6.12 ppm) district followed by Haliz Abad (30.0±3.89 ppm) district during the winter season. For summer season, the highest value of P in the soil was found in the Khushab (31.516.54 ppm) district followed by Sheikhupura (30.9±6.19 ppm) district. The average value of P for summer and winter seasons was found highest for Sheikhupura (35.616.49 ppm) district and least For Muzzalhrgarh (20.44.44 ppm). 'Ihe highest For (2a concentration in tube well water was found for Muzzatärgarh (2.006fO.987 ppm) district and the lowest being in Hafiz Abad (1.018± 0.693 ppm) district and for motor pump the highest value was for Muzzafargarh (1 .593-I 0.215 ppm) and the lowest being was For HaFiz Abad (0.7231 0.3 I I ppm) during the winter season (Tab Ic 4. I 3). For summer season, the highest value of Ca was For Muzzafargarh (2.4901 0.772 ppm) district and the lowest valLie was for lIaIiz Abad (1 .0251 0.3 16 ppm) district in tube well water and for motor pump, the highest value was for Khushab (2.160± 0.20 ppm) and the lowest being was for I lafli Ahad (I . 123.1 0. 105 ppm) district (Table 4. I 3). In canal water, the highest value of Ca was found (3.238i 0.765 ppm) arid the lowest being was for Ilafiz Abad (l.768L0.Q23ppm) district (Table 4. 1 5). In hand pump, the highest value being Found was ol Khushab (I .64f0.0 I ppm) district and the lowest was of Sheikhupura (0.94210.0! ppm) district (Table. 4.16).
Availability: Items available for loan: UVAS Library [Call number: 0992,T] (1).